Nova Pesquisa

Biblioteca Virtual Consultas

Número de registros encontrados para a pesquisa: 547

  • Identificacao e avaliacao de residuos industriais com materia-prima para materiais de construcao

    Por: Caroline Angulski da Luz
    Ano: 2010-
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Construcao Civil
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Diretorio dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil-CNPQ
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Valoizacao da areia de fundicao, fosfogesso e escoria de aciaria em materiais a base de cimentot.

  • Aplicacao de Residuos de Diferentes Origens em Concretos e/ou Processos Construtivos na Construcao Civil

    Por: Denise Maria Lenz
    Ano: 2010-
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos solidos industriais, Construcao Civil
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Diretorio dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil-CNPQ
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A industria da Construcao Civil e um dos grandes receptores de residuos solidos de outras fontes industriais, como a metalurgica na forma de escorias ou areia de fundicao, principalmente aqueles que sao considerados inertes. Ela propria e tambem uma grande geradora de residuos, no caso os residuos de construcao e demolicao (RCD), ainda que esta tendencia esteja em queda, sempre havera algum rejeito. Este projeto tem por base a avaliacao e posicionamento destes valores quanto residuos, uma avaliacao estatistica, e a execucao de alguns testes com certos materiais especificos em substituicao de agregados normais desta tecnica por outros como residuos de agata, seixo de rio ou areia artificial. Bem como a melhoria e gerenciamento de processos construtivos para minimizacao de rejeitos e novas aplicacoes. Paralelo a estas analises, e verificado o impacto ambiental e as implicacoes quanto as vantagens energeticas dele decorrentes..

  • Alternativas de Tratamento e Reaproveitamento de Efluentes Liquidos e Residuos Solidos

    Por: Denise Maria Lenz
    Ano: 2010-
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos solidos, Reaproveitamento, Geracao em grande escala, Gerenciamento ambiental, Reaproveitamento de rejeitos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Diretorio dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil-CNPQ
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Industrias do setor quimico, petroquimico, metal mec

  • Estudo da Recuperacao de Metais a Partir de Residuos Solidos Industriais e seu Emprego na Fabricacao de Concretos e Argamassas

    Por: Denise Maria Lenz
    Ano: 2010-
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos solidos industriais, Construcao Civil, Recuperacao de metais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Diretorio dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil-CNPQ
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo geral deste projeto e a caracterizacao quimica e mineralogica do residuo po de exaustao ou po de aciaria e o desenvolvimento de um processo adequado para recuperacao de metais a partir do residuo, principalmente o zinco e chumbo, alem da investigacao do uso potencial do po em concretos e argamassas. O po de exaustao sera proveniente da Siderurgica Rio-Grandense situada em Sapucaia do Sul, RS..

  • Otimizacao da reciclagem de residuos siderurgicos por reducao carbotermica

    Por: Walter Luiz da Costa Reis
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Siderurgia, Residuos industriais- reciclagem, Pelotas auto-redutoras, Alto forno, Lama auto-forno
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    O crescimento da producao mundial de aco bruto em taxas superiores a 7% ao ano nos ultimos cinco anos, fortemente impulsionado pela China, que saltou de 222,4 milhoes em 2003 para 489,0 milhoes de toneladas em 20071, gerou um forte aumento na demanda de minerio de ferro. Com isso, o preco do minerio fino de Carajas para a asia saiu de 28,14 em 2003 para 73,20 US$ cents por unidade de ferro em 2007. Um aumento de 160%. Estes fatos, associados a exaustao das jazidas e as crescentes pressoes ambientais sobre as Siderurgicas de todo o mundo, tem levado a uma serie de estudos para o aproveitamento dos residuos portadores de ferro gerados nestas Usinas. Ate entao, nao se consolidou nenhuma tecnologia viavel tecnica e economicamente para esta reciclagem. O presente trabalho trata da utilizacao da lama de alto-forno, da carepa de laminacao e do oxido de ferro gerado nas linhas de decapagem da Companhia Siderurgica Nacional

  • Caracterizacao e classificacao de residuos solidos das industrias de cer

    Por: Araceli Cristina Prezoto Gomes
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Quimica, Residuos Solidos, Caracterizacao, Solubilizacao de residuos, Porto Ferreira(SP), Lixiviacao de residuos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Esse trabalho visou a caracterizacao dos residuos solidos de um grupo de Industrias Cer

  • Estudo de um metodo de priorizacao de residuos industriais para subsidios a minimizacao de residuos quimicos de laboratorio de universidades.

    Por: Karina Elias de Souza
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos Solidos, domesticos e industriais, Tecnologia de residuos, Minimizacao de residuos quimicos, Residuos gerados em universidade
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A grande maioria das universidades brasileiras nao tem programas sistematicos de minimizacao de seus residuos, principalmente residuos de laboratorios quimicos. No entanto, as industrias, por responsabilidades legais, por fatores econ

  • Influencia da adicao de po de retifica em uma matriz de cimento de fosfato de magnesio

    Por: Daniel Veras Ribeiro
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos perigosos, Cimento de fosfato de magnesio, Solubilizacao, Lixiviacao, Reutilizacao, Argamassa
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a viabilidade da utilizacao do cimento de fosfato de magnesio no encapsulamento/inertizacao de residuos industriais perigosos org

  • Porcessos do composito LDPE/AL proveniente da reciclagem de embalagens cartoladas e desenvolvimento de suas modificacoes com fibras de madeira

    Por: Mario Henrique de Cerqueira
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Polimeros- tecnicas e procedimentos, Embalagem cartonada, Reciclagem de materiais polimericos, Composito polietileno/aluminio, Fibras naturais, Engenharia de Materiais e Metalurgica
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    A problematica dos residuos solidos urbanos tem sido uma das grandes questoes ambientais atualmente. Para solucao deste problema surge o gerenciamento integrado de residuos, que tem como objetivo a minimizacao dos volumes enviados para aterros sanitarios. A reciclagem e parte deste gerenciamento, onde se reprocessam materiais, para obtencao de materiais alternativos presentes da vida cotidiana. Um dos residuos solidos enviados para a reciclagem e a embalagem cartonada, composta por papel, polietileno e aluminio. Aliado a este fato, a busca por novos compostos plasticos reforcados com fibras celulosicas tem-se apresentado como uma demanda de mercado, devido ao alto numero de aplicacoes possiveis para estes materiais, como, por exemplo, na industria automotiva, construcao civil e outras mais. Assim, neste estudo procurou-se investigar a modificacao do composito polietileno de baixa densidade / aluminio proveniente de embalagens cartonadas atraves do reforcamento com fibras celulosicas, e adicao de copolimero graftzado com anidrido maleico, que age como compatibilizante, de forma a agregar-se valor comercial ao material produzido, tornando-o mais atrativo do ponto de vista mercadologico. Os compositos elaborados foram gerados atraves de duas diferentes extrusoes. Ao composito PE/Al adicionou-se o copolimero graftzado, e estes foram posteriormente extrudados. As fibras celulosicas, em diferentes teores e com diferentes tamanhos de particulas, foram misturadas ao material resultante da primeira extrusao, e assim posteriormente extrudadas, em segunda etapa, na forma de l

  • Utilizacao da cinza do bagaco de cana-de-acucar na producao de artefatos para a infraestrutura urbana: caracterizacao do residuo e avaliacao de argamassas em concretos

    Por: Almir Sales
    Ano: 2010-
    Palavras-Chave: Bagaco , Cana-de-acucar, Construcao Civil, Reaproveitamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O Brasil e o maior produtor mundial no complexo sucroalcooleiro, exercendo a lideranca em todos os segmentos (cana-de-acucar, acucar e alcool). No processo de producao gera-se como residuo o bagaco da cana, utilizado para a co-geracao de energia por meio da queima em caldeiras, restando ao final as cinzas residuais do bagaco, geralmente lancadas ao meio ambiente de forma inadequada. A industria da Construcao Civil apresenta-se com um grande potencial para a diminuicao de problemas dessa natureza, pela viabilidade que apresenta por meio da incorporacao de residuos nos materiais de construcao. O interesse na realizacao desta pesquisa justifica-se pela necessidade de se avaliar a possibilidade do emprego da cinza do bagaco da cana-de-acucar (CBC) em produtos para a construcao, notadamente pelo seu grande volume de geracao como tambem pelos resultados preliminares que atestam sua viabilidade tecnica. Utilizados como materia-prima em artefatos para infra-estrutura urbana tais residuos deixariam de ser causa primaria de problemas ligados a saude publica e ao meio ambiente. A avaliacao por meio de ensaios fisicos, quimicos, mec

  • Composito a base de lodo de estacao de tratamento de agua e serragem de madeira: Desenvolvimento, propriedades e aplicacoes na construcao civil

    Por: Almir Sales
    Ano: 2010-
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos de madeiras, Residuos do lodo de esgoto, Composicao, Construcao civil, Concreto, Reaproveitamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O presente projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo principal estudar e avaliar a composicao e as propriedades fisico-quimicas de um composito a base de serragem de madeira e de lodos de estacao de tratamento de agua. As premissas que geraram a ideia central da pesquisa estao baseadas no conhecimento adquirido em pesquisas anteriores com estes materiais. O coordenador (Prof. Almir Sales) e seu orientado Francis Rodrigues de Souza, inventaram um composito leve para concreto com base em residuos de madeira e lodo de estacao de tratamento de agua. O produto resultante do processo e um agregado artificial composto dos residuos de serragem de madeira e lodo de estacao de tratamento de agua que substitui a pedra britada na preparacao do concreto utilizado em lajes e em paineis de vedacao. O invento foi depositado no INPI em novembro de 2005, sendo que o mesmo esta em fase de desenvolvimento, o qual sera o escopo da presente solicitacao. Alem de contribuir para a sociedade nos diversos aspectos, o presente projeto permitira a formacao de recursos humanos em nivel de Iniciacao Cientifica, Mestrado e Doutorado, com qualidade tanto do ponto de vista cientifico, como tambem dentro do escopo do desenvolvimento tecnologico. Este projeto de pesquisa beneficia diretamente: Grupos de Pesquisas correlatos, por mais uma fonte de informacao e incremento no estoque de conhecimentos para perscrutar novas aplicacoes; Universidades, pela contribuicao na formacao de recursos humanos; a industria da construcao civil pelo estudo do desenvolvimento e da aplicabilidade de um novo material; as empresas de saneamento responsaveis pelo tratamento de agua, pela melhoria na gestao de seus residuos solidos; os consumidores de agua pela diminuicao dos custos inerentes a deposicao dos residuos solidos provenientes de estacoes de tratamento de agua; a natureza pela diminuicao da necessidade de disposicao final dos residuos solidos provenientes de estacoes de tratamento de agua e pela diminuicao da extraca.

  • Use of industrial grits in forest road pavements: Influence of curing times on the mechanical strength and swelling of compacted soil-grits mixtures

    Por: Pereira R.S., Machado C.C., De Lima D.C., De Carvalho C.A.B., Pires D.G.M.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Industrial grits, Soil stabilization
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Revista Arvore
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    This paper addresses the influence of stabilizer content, compaction effort and curing time on the mechanical strength and swelling of two soils from the Zona da Mata Norte region, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Two residual gneiss soils from the municipality of Vi?

  • Effects of replacing corn with dry cassava by-product on production of feedlot crossbred heifers

    Por: Dos Santos Abrahao J.J., Do Prado I.N., Marques J.D.A., Perotto D., Bernardo Lugao S.M.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Cassava by-product, Feeding
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    The objective of this trial was to evaluate the total replacement of corn with a dry residue extracted from cassava starch on production of crossbred heifers in feedlot. Thirty crossbred heifers averaging 21 months of age and 325 kg of body weight were distributed in two experimental groups and then housed in two stalls. Both groups were submitted to a pretrial period of 49 days, in which animals received ad libitum sorghum silage and 1.05% of body weight as concentrate (19.67% CP) composed of soybean meal, corn, and urea. In this period, daily weigh gain (DWG) averaged 1.08 kg for both groups. The experimental period lasted 57 days with animals averaging 378 kg of body weight. At the beginning of the experimental period, one group remained receiving the pre-trial diet while the other was fed ad libitum sorghum silage and 1.18% of body weight as concentrate (18.12% CP) containing dry cassava byproduct rather than corn. Daily weight gain was significantly higher for heifers fed corn-based concentrate (0.97 kg) compared to those receiving dry cassava byproduct-based concentrate (0.78 kg). In addition, dry matter intake and feed conversion were both lower on heifers fed the diet containing dry cassava byproduct.

  • Use of dehydrated pineapple by-product in diets for growing goats: Digestibility and performance

    Por: Correia M.X.D.C., Costa R.G., Da Silva J.H.V., De Carvalho F.F.R., De Medeiros A.N.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Feeding, Intake, Weight gain
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of replacing coastcross (Cynodon dactylon) hay with a dehydrated pineapple by-product (DPB) on performance, apparent digestibility, and intake of digestible nutrients in growing goats. Twenty-four crossbred Saanen x Criola female goats averaging 19.2 kg of body weight (BW) at the beginning of the trial were used in a completely randomized design. Animals were assigned to one of the following four treatments: 0, 33, 66, or 100% of DPB in the diet. Replacing coastcross hay with DPB did not significantly affect the apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). However, the apparent digestibility of both organic matter (OM) and cellulose (CEL) increased linearly while that of acid detergent fiber (ADF) showed a quadratic effect with the increasing levels of DPB in the diet. The average intake of digestible nutrients, expressed in g/kg BW0.75, for treatments with 0, 33, 66, or 100% of dietary DPB were in this order: 62.35, 63.58, 59.53 and 54.47 for DM

  • The influence of particle size on the kinetics of methane production from pig effluent

    Por: Rodriguez Andara A., Lomas Esteban J., Rodriguez Mora F., Ferrara de Giner G.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Biogas, Efficiency, Kinetics model, Particle size, Slurry
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Tecnologia del Agua
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    Transformation of particle size along anaerobic digestion of wastewater is considered in relation to the methane production kinetics model describing the process. Substratum utilized is the solid constituent of the slurry from a pig farm, after screening through a hydraulic filter with 1 mm mesh. Particle size characterization, following membrane separation of wastewater samples and quantification of Chemical Oxygen Demand was considered, in order to analyze particulate contaminants in wastewater related to size distribution and biological degradation process. The present study utilizes kinetics under Strayer and Tiedje model (1978). Thus, series of membrane separation technique was applied in order to classify particulate contaminants in settleable, supracolloidal, colloidal and dissolved particles. Two types of pilot-plant scale reactors were considered: stratified or no mixed, and completely-mixed digester, to determine their effects on the particle size modification. Experiments were carried out in mesophilic range, around 35 Celsius degrees, and organic load was treated along 56 days as hydraulic detention time. Results presented significant differences for both reactors, although proposed kinetic model seems to be fairly adequate for the completely mixed reactor, but it is not suitable for the no mixed one.

  • Adsorption of As, CU, Pb and Cr for the assessment of metal retention by two different residues from iron ore mines

    Por: Basilio M.S., Friese K., De Lena J.C., Nalini Jr. H.A., Roeser H.M.P.
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Iron rich sediments, Sequential extraction
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Quimica Nova
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    Two samples of residues from iron mining plants have been investigated for their retention capacity of As, Cu, Cr, and Pb. The sample with the higher content of iron oxides showed the highest capacity to retain metals. The adsorption affinity series changes from Pb>Cu>Cr

  • Evolution of mechanical properties of a residue from the secondary aluminum remelting industry stabilized with gypsum

    Por: Tayibi H., Perez C., Lopez F.A., Lopez-Delgado A.
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Hazardous waste, Mechanical properties, Reactivity, Stabilisation/Solidification
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid)
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Aluminium dust from aluminium remelting industry is a hazardous residue because of its high reactivity in the presence of water (production of ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulphide ...), potential aluminothermy and its content in leaching heavy metals. In order to apply the new European Directive about landfill of waste, a Stabilization/Solidification (S/S) process was developed in the CENIM with the aim of decreasing its reactivity and to assure an easy transport and storage of the residue. Gypsum was used as a binder material. This work summarizes the study of the mechanical properties of the stabilized residue en comparison with the gypsum ones. The reactivity of the dust, before and after the S/S process was investigated by analysing the ammonia and metallic aluminium.

  • Los residuo de la idustria del mueble de madera (y II)

    Por: Marquez P.J., Matamoros J.B., Mirasol J.R., Cordero T.
    Ano: 2004
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ingenieria Quimica
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    [No abstract available

  • The use of EVA waste in nitrile rubber compositions

    Por: Gomes A.C.O., Scares B.G., Oliveira M.G., Moreira V.X.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Recycling, Rubber compositions
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: 58th Congresso Anual da ABM (ASSociacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Normally used in rubber formulations, fillers can be classified as reinforcing or non-reinforcing fillers, according to their mechanical performance. The EVA waste (EVAR) is a crosslinked material, which can be used as filler in rubber compositions. In this work, mechanical and rheological properties of nitrile rubber (NBR) compositions with EVAR were investigated before, during and after vulcanization with the help of a rubber processing analyzer (RPA). The filler content varied from 0 to 70 phr. The set of results showed that EVAR acts as a median reinforcing filler and also makes the cure faster.

  • Incorporation of metallurgical waste in a clay masses used in red ceramic

    Por: De Oliveira G.E., De Holanda J.N.F., De Souza Jr. F.G.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Metallurgical waste, Red ceramic
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: 58th Congresso Anual da ABM (ASSociacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The discard of waste is a problem that worries the whole society. The metallurgical solid waste is obtained in the process of cooking of the mineral coal, together with other liquid and gaseous wastes reused for the own metallurgical industry. In the present work is done an evaluation on the metallurgical solid waste addition in masses used for red ceramics fabrication. The clay used in this work was given up by the Ceramic Industry of the Baixada Campista, Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ. Ceramic masses containing up to 3,0 wt% of waste were prepared. Ceramic bodies were produced by the extrusion and fired in electric furnace in the temperatures of 950 degrees C, 1000 degrees C and 1050 degrees C. The following properties were determined: flexure rupture tension (3 points), linear skinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity and apparent specific mass. The results obtained shown that the metallurgical waste addition influences a little in the properties of ceramic bodies. However, burning temperature has strong influence on the same ones.

  • Effect of the addition of granite dust residue in the technological properties of structural ceramics

    Por: De Souza Moreira J.M., De Holanda J.N.F.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Properties, Structural ceramics
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: 58th Congresso Anual da ABM (ASSociacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The main objective of this work is to evaluate the possibility of incorporation of granite dust residue, proceeding from the industry of ornamental rocks of the State of the Esp??rito Santo, for manufacture of structural ceramics products the clay base. Special emphasis is given to the effect of the addition of granite dust residue in the technological structural ceramics properties. The raw materials used in this work are red clay and granite dust (residue), proceeding from the region of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES. These materials had been characterized how much its chemical composition, so great of particle and analysis for difra?

  • Mutagenic activity of sweepings from a sock and lingerie factory assayed with Salmonella typhimurium

    Por: Varella S.D., Varanda E.A., Pozetti G.L., Vilegas W.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Industrial garbage, Mutagenicity, Occupational exposure
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Ciencias Farmaceuticas
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    Cancer is one of the most hazardous effects to human health caused by the exposition to chemical agents. The search for new technological solutions in the industrial field led to a rapid increase in the productive sector, causing the workers to be exposed to millions of potentially toxic agents, substances potentially harmful to health. This study presents the mutagenic activity of sweepings from a sock and lingerie factory in Araraquara-Brazil, assayed with Salmonella typhimurium. All the extracts from the factory had mutagenic on activity the YG1024 strain, which is extremely sensitive to detect the mutagenic activity of the arilhydroxilamines, nitroarenes and aromatic amines. The extracts were non-mutagenics for the strains TA100 and TA98. The analysis of the mutagenicity of industrial residues is highly important because employees that participate in the production are directly exposed to those agents, as well as to the environment where the garbage is deposited.

  • Clay-waste system, a fundamental analysis of ceramic matrix composites

    Por: De Souza E.T.A., Vieira C.M.F., Monteiro S.N.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Composite Model, Wastes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: 58th Congresso Anual da ABM (ASSociacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Clay ceramic materials incorporated with solid wastes can form complex multiphase structures, which need analytical procedures for a previous evaluation of their properties. In the present work a simplified model for waste added clay ceramics considered as a composite material, is proposed. The model takes into account the reactions and transformations that the incorporated body could suffer at high temperatures in order to consolidate the multiphase ceramic structure. It is suggested that the waste added clay ceramics properties be evaluated by means of the Rule of Mixtures characteristic equations, which apply for particle composites.

  • Feathers as agro industrial waste: Their biotechnological utilization to develop new added value products

    Por: Coello N., Bernal C., Bertsch A., Estrada O., Mocco Y., Hasegawa M.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Carotenoids, Feather meal, Fermentation, Kocuria rosea, Poultry feathers, Proteases
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RAG, RIN
    Fonte: Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Feathers are a poultry by-product rich in protein (mainly keratin), generated in very large amounts as a waste product from the poultry-processing industry. For many years, feathers have been subject to nutritional studies in order to incorporate them as protein supplement in animal feedstock. This allows the poultry industry to take advantage of their usefulness and eliminate the environmental problem of their accumulation, Industrially, a great part of the feather waste is cooked under high pressure and temperature, producing a feather meal. However, this product has two important nutritional limitations: an amino acid imbalance and poor digestibility. In spite of this, the meal is used in nutrition of chicken poultry (5%), rainbow trout (15%), shrimp (33%) and salmon (40%) but needs amino acids supplementation, especially feed-grade L-lysine. Their nutritional value might be improved by microbial action by modification of the structure of keratin and increasing the amino acid content. Thus, there is a growing interest in alternative methods for the treatment of feathers to improve the nutritional quality of the feather meal and to develop new added value products (enzymes, pigments, etc). This research has been conducted on LPB-3 bacterial strain of Kocuria rosea isolated from soil, to determine their potential use to produce fermented feather meal, enzymes and carotenoid pigments in feathers submerged fermentation. Under these conditions: 1) K. rosea excretes at least two proteolytic activities, able to degrade keratin, collagen and elastin. 2) The feather meal enriched with cells of K. rosea mainly contains protein (67%), with an in vitro digestibility (88%) similar to the value of the commercial non fermented feather meal. The bacterial cells incorporated into the final product improve the content of essential amino acids lysine, histidine and methionine. Additionally, by spectrometric data it was detected that this bacterium synthesizes an orange-pink carotenoid pigment astaxanthin, that may useful in alimentary industry for increase colour of some foods and salmonids feed in aquaculture operations.

  • Copper slag and granite saw- waste as mineral admixture for concrete production

    Por: Moura W.A., Goncalves J.P., Leite M.B.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Copper slag, Granite saw-waste, Mineral admixture
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Tecbahia Revista Baiana De Tecnologia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    In civil engineering, sustainable development comprises the use and production of materials, the characteristics of which are a longer, more useful life with the lowest environmental impact possible. The use of industrial solid waste in concrete production may aid in decreasing negative environmental impact by reducing the consumption of natural resources, the pollution generated by and the power consumed in concrete production. This text contains the results of a study on the use of copper slag and granite saw-waste as mineral admixture for concrete production. The findings state the technical viability of the proposed waste.

  • Bulls performance in feedlot with levels of substituting corn silage by pineapple by-products silage

    Por: Do Prado I.N., Lallo F.H., Zeoula L.M., Neto S.F.C., Do Nascimento W.G., Marques J.D.A.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Corn silage, Feedlot, Pineapple by-products silage
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The objective of this work was evaluate the effect of gradative substitution of corn silage (0, 20, 40 and 60%, of dry matter) by pineapple by-products silage on average daily gain, feed intake and feed conversion, carcass yield, fat thickness and loin eye area of bulls, finished in feedlot. Twenty eight bulls were used with approximately 20 months and initial body weight of 328 kg. The animals were divided in a completely randomized design, with four treatments (levels of pineapple by-products silage) and seven repetitions. Besides the corn silage and/or pineapple by-products silage, the animals received a concentrate formed by soybean meal, corn, mineral salt, urea and monensin. The animals were kept in a individually stable, fed ad libitum during 96 days. At the end of the period, the animals were slaughtered and the carcass characteristics were measured. There was no treatment effect on final body weight, average daily gain, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber ingestion, dry matter feed conversion, hot carcass weight and yield, loin eye area and fat thickness. Dry matter, organic matter, metabolizable energy ingestion for 100 kg body weight reduced linearly.

  • Caracterization and classification of solid waste po do balao, produced by merchant pig iron industry which use charcoal as energy source in Brasil: Case study of Sete Lagoas region, state of Minas Gerais

    Por: Cardoso De Oliveira M.R., Martins J.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Pig iron, Solid waste
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Quimica Nova
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: IN

    This research was developed by considering that the solid waste produced in the process of pig iron production represents the loss of raw materials and the increase in environmental problem. The charcoal based mini blast-furnace off gases dust named CHARCOK was collected from SIDERPA - Siderurgica Paulino Ltda, located in Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. The Charcok was characterized and classified according to ABNT (Associa?

  • Gold recovery by cyanidation of a sulfuric acid leaching tailing containing copper

    Por: Mendes F.D., Martins A.H., De Souza Costa R.
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Cyanidation, Gold
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Anais - 10th Semiario de Metals nao Ferrosos
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    New occurrences of complex gold copper ores have been found recently in which gold is associated with high grades of copper minerals. The conventional cyanidation process becomes unfeasible due to copper dissolution in sodium cyanide solutions, which increases the leach reagent consumption. This fact justifies efforts in researching on innovative technological routes for developing a feasible and economical process, able to maximize the metals and cyanide recovery. One of the alternatives involves a pre-treatment stage to extract copper minerals prior to the cyanidation stage. Sulfuric acid leaching was studied, throughout the application of a statistical approach, to determine the optimum experimental conditions to achieve the maximum copper dissolution for lgarape Bahia gold copper ore (Mendes, 1999). The sulfuric acid residue presented 1.76g/t of gold and 0.52% of copper. This experimental work aimed at studying the feasibility of alkaline cyanide leaching of this sulfuric acid residue for gold recovery. The copper remaining in the sulfuric acid leach tailings was extracted in a large extent (67%) in the cyanidation stage, and gold was 94% extracted under these conditions. Copper in the metallic form (0.30%) was completely dissolved and iron cyanide complexes, as well as cyanate and thiocyanate composites, were formed contributing to the high cyanide consumption.

  • Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process for converting the cellulosic fraction of olive oil extraction residue into ethanol

    Por: Ballesteros I., Oliva J.M., Negro M.J., Manzanares P., Ballesteros M.
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Olive off extraction residue, Pretreatment, Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RAG, RIN
    Fonte: Grasas y Aceites
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    In this work, the residue generated in the new two-step centrifugation process for olive oil extraction is assessed for the production of bioethanol. Both olive pulp and fragmented stones fractions comprised in such residue are analyzed and tested at laboratory scale for bioconversion to ethanol by a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process. Firstly, optima conditions for the enzymatic hydrolysis step of steam-exploded pretreated sustrates were determined. Then, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process was assayed using the thermotolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus in different assay conditions. For the selected conditions, 9 kg of unpretreated pulp or 6 kg of pretreated fragmented stones (both based on dry matter) would be necessary to obtain 1 liter of ethanol.

  • Use of residue of paper industry as vehicle of microorganisms in bioremediation

    Por: Ilyina A., Villarreal-Sanchez J.A., Rodriguez-Martinez J.
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Soil inoculation, Vehicle of microorganisms
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    This research demonstrated the possibility to use a secondary product of paper industry (BIODAC 12/20) as carrier of microorganisms. The BIODAC granules showed high porosity (65.19%) and buffer properties in acid and basic medium. The mentioned characteristics are important to incorporate the microorganisms and to keep them viable during storage and proliferation on soil. Six different genres of microorganisms (bacteria and fungus) were used as study models, isolated from petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils from Southern Mexico. CFU/ mL values 10 to 1000 times above those observed in control samples were obtained in culture tests in liquid with BIODAC. The inhibition of microbial growth was not observed in the assays on petri dishes with agars containing granules that occupied 10, 50 and 100% of the surface. It is possible to recover live microorganisms after 42 days of storage on desiccating state in BIODAC. The number of living microorganisms was maintained on a considerable level, above 109 (CFU/g). The experiments to define the effects of BIODAC 12/20 on plant growth were carried out using the granule quantity (equivalent to 1% of soil volume) that saturated the surface of the container It was demonstrated that the product did not inhibit the emergence time and biomass production. It was observe that after 40 days in the open air, previously inoculated model microporganisms on artifically soil (6% hydrocarbons), the CFU with BIODAC was up to 100% times greater than without BIODAC.

  • Obtention of anisotropic barium hexaferrite from siderurgical waste

    Por: Aragon B., Ares O., Montesino O., Dufour J., Hart C., Balmaseda J., Formoso A., Cores A.
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Barium hexaferrite, Rolling scale
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid)
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: TE, SE

    We report the production of anisotropic permanent magnets of barium hexaferrite using rolling scale (siderurgical waste) as starting material. A facility was designed and constructed and further tested for the industrial production of the anisotropic permanent magnets. The characteristics of both the ferrite powder and the compacts resulting of pressuring and sintering processes are described. In different stages parameters as grinding time and temperature were controlled. The samples were structurally and magnetically characterized. X-ray diffraction and M??ssbauer spectroscopy were used for phase identification, while scanning electron microscopy allowed the determination of the average grain size. The magnetic behavior was also measured. This work proves that the ferric oxide produced from rolling scale of the national siderurgical industry can be used to obtain anisotropic material. Initial technological parameters of the process are proposed.

  • Evaluation of the In vitro/Gas Digestibility of Several Mixtures of Roughages by Digestion Residue of Dry Matter and Gas Production

    Por: De Campos F.P., Sampaio A.A.M., De Vieira P.F., Bose M.L.V.
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Corn silage, Elephantgrass, NDF, Sugar cane
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    The in vitro/gas dry matter (DM) digestibility of four roughages, mixed or not, in proportion of 50% in the DM were evaluated. Samples of 100 mg by treatment, in triplicate, in 48 h of digestion were incubated. The DM digestibilities and gas production were: sugar cane = 60.6%, 17.3 mL

  • Effects of Corn Replacement by Bakery Waste on Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Holstein Steers

    Por: Passini R., Spers A., De Souza Lucci C.
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Carcass, Meat quality, Steers
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The effects of the addition of bakery waste (BW) replacing corn in the diet of Holstein steers was studied on carcass dressing and meat quality. Four treatments were applied, respectively, 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of bakery waste replacing corn in the concentrated mixture. The animals were fed with complete pelleted mixtures, with 30% of Coast-cross hay (Cynodon dactylon L.) as roughage. A randomized block design with four treatments and five repetitions, total of 20 animals, was used. The experiment began when the calves reached 90 kg of live weight and lasted for 120 days. At the end of experiment, the animals were slaughtered and carcass dressing, commercial cuts and meat composition and quality were evaluated. The meat quality was evaluated by color, tenderness and chemistry composition (moisture, fat, protein and minerals). The results showed no differences among treatments concerning parameters studied (P>0,05). Therefore, bakery waste can be considered an alternative source for feeding growing steers, when compared with corn.

  • Utilization of a pulp and paper mill solid waste as aggregate in construction materials

    Por: Alvarado L.A., Jimenez M.A., Martinez H.A., Vallejo C.N.
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Lime mud, Pulp and paper industry, Waste recycling
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Informacion Tecnologica
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    This work analyzes the feasibility of using

  • Effects of partial replacement of corn by bakery waste in the diet on performance of Holstein steers

    Por: Passini R., Spers A., De Sousa Lucci C.
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Feed intake, Production costs, Ruminants, Weight gain
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The effects of addition of bakery waste (BW) replacing corn in the diet of Holstein steers were studied. Four treatments, respectively to the addition of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of bakery waste were applied in the concentrated mixture for corn replacement. Animals were fed with complete mixtures pelleted ration, with 30% of Coast-cross hay (Cynodon dactylon L.) as roughage. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four treatments and five repetitions, totalizing 20 animals. The performance was evaluated by intake and feed conversion, weight gain, heart-girth and size. Diarrhea incidence was evaluated through daily observation of faeces. The experiment began when calves reached 90 kg of life weight, and lasted for 120 days. The results did not show statistically significant differences among treatments concerning weight gain, dry matter intake, feed conversion, heart-girth, height at whiter and diarrhea incidence. The addition of bakery waste caused feed costs reduction of 3.74%, 7.44% and 10.90% respectively for 10%, 20% and 30% of bakery waste, in comparison to the control diet (0%). So, bakery waste is an alternative source for feeding and for reduction of costs of growing steers, in comparison to corn.

  • Residuo calcico para la descontaminacion de un efluente de curticion - Aprovechamiento de un residuo de la produccion de acetileno

    Por: Pulgarin J.F., Sierra L., Palacio L.A., Saldarriaga C.
    Ano: 2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Ingenieria Quimica
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    [No abstract available

  • Thermoeletric central moved by Pinus sp. wood waste in a ?

    Por: De Lima C.R., Reinaux M. Jr., Souza R.C.R.
    Ano: 2000
    Palavras-Chave: Economic viability, Electric energy, Energetic planning, Pinus sp. waste
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Tecbahia Revista Baiana De Tecnologia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE, RE

    This work shows a preliminary study of the technical-economic viability of the Pinas sp. wood waste utilization, for the electric energy production. Approximately 30 sawmills in ?

  • Comparison of the in Vitro Digestion Computerized Monitoring System with in Vivo and in Situ Methods. 2. Use of the Dry Matter Residue of the Forages

    Por: De Campos F.P., Bose M.L.V., Boin C., Lanna D.P.D., De Morais J.P.G.
    Ano: 2000
    Palavras-Chave: Gas production, In situ digestion, In vitro digestion, In vivo digestion
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The objective of this work was to compare the computerized monitoring of the in vitro gas production system with the in vivo and in situ methods. On the comparisons, corn silage with high/low dry matter contents, with/without inoculation, were used. The digestibility of silage with high dry matter (DM) content, with/without inoculation, did not present differences among the analyzed methods. When evaluated apart from the inoculation effect, that silage differed in vitro/gas and in situ methods

  • Carbon residue from fuel oils : Remarks on the behaviour of some trace elements

    Por: Zerlia T., Pinelli G.
    Ano: 2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Rivista dei Combustibili
    Idioma: Italiano
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    The qualitative trend of some trace elements (Ni, V, Zn, Pb, Cr) in the carbon residue (CCR) formation process (according to ASTM D189), starting from commercial fuel oils, is discussed. The experimental findings show that the metals enrichment in CCR matches with metals concentration and with the compound type in the parent oil. Moreover, a deep dependence of the metals enrichment on the oil aromaticity has been evidenced. In particular, the metals enrichment scales with the aromaticity except for Ni which shows an opposite trend. In other words, when the heating conditions are particulary favorable to coke formation, the Ni enrichment in carbon residue decreases with the parent oil aromaticity. Thus, as the oil aromaticity increases, an enhanced tendency of nickel to volatilize (and to concentrate in fine particle fractions more difficult to remove) is absented. Thus, from an emission control point of view, it is possible to postulate that, owing to the general temperature reduction, in low-NOx burners the volatilization process of the volatile elements (i.e. nickel), will be depressed. In the light of the above considerations, the relative reduction of nickel emissions will be enhanced too, especially for highly aromatic oils.

  • Utilization of soymilk residue in preparing pa

    Por: Wang S.-H., Cabral L.C., Borges G.G.
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Peanut, Soybean
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The objective of the present study was to utilize the soymilk residue (SR), wheat flour and peanuts to formulate pa?

  • Fibra dietetica en el residuo industrial del tomate y su efecto sobre la respuesta glicemica y el colesterol serico en ratas

    Por: Alvarado M., Pacheco-Delahaye E., Schnell M., Hevia P.
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Dietary fibre, Glycemia, Tomato industrial byproduct
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: SE, RE

    Dietary fiber in industrial tomato residue and its effect on glycaemic response and seric cholesterol in rats. The left over after ketchup sauce is obtained is a tomato residue (RIT) that contains skin and seeds. Proximal analysis of the flour of this industrial product reveals that it has 50% dietary fiber, 18% protein and 10% fat. Due to the high dietary fiber content the effect on glucose absorption and seric cholesterol was studied. Sprague-Dawley rats were given an intragastric meal after a 12 hours fast containing 263 g tomato residue flour (RIT)/diet or a control meal (0% RIT) and glucose plasma levels were determined. Results show that the presence of RIT in the test meal flattened glucose response curves. Ad lib administration of four diets differing in RIT content to four groups of rats for 18 days showed that although animals on a high RIT diet ate increased amounts of cholesterol the plasma lipid levels remained constant which suggest that the presence of RIT fibre on the diet is responsible for this effect. The results reported in this paper suggest that the dietary fiber of RIT diminishes glucose absorption and reduces seric cholesterol levels, which in turn could be useful in the treatment of NIDD and hipercholesterolaemic patients.

  • Levels of cassava residue in diets for growing and finishing pigs

    Por: Bertol T.M., De Lima G.J.M.M.
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Pig performance
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Two experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the inclusion of cassava residue (RIFM) in diets for growing and finishing pigs. In the first experiment, four levels (0,6.67,13.33 and 20%) of RIFM in growing diets were studied. The inclusion of RIFM in the diets caused a cubic effect on average daily gain (GPMD, P<

  • Utilization of the waste of sisal industry in the control of mosquito larvae

    Por: Pizarro A.P.B., Oliveira Filho A.M., Parente J.P., Melo M.T.V., Dos Santos C.E., Lima P.R.
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Agave sisalana, Culex quinquefasciatus, Sisa, Vector control
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The aim of this research was to utilize the waste residues of sisal fiber separation from Agave sisalana leaves to develop a larvicide for the combat of mosquito transmitting tropical diseases. Larvae of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus were exposed to different concentrations of the Agave extract for 24 hours to determine lethal concentrations. The LC50 for A. aegypti was 322 ppm and the LC50 for C. quinquefasciatus was 183 ppm. To detect the active substances, saponins were investigated. It was found that the various components of the extract were effective in eliminating the larvae. Under field conditions, this formulation can probably be used at 100 ppm, which causes 100% mortality of C. quinquefasciatus larvae after 3-4 days. The product is not recommended for use against A. aegypti due to the necessity for high concentrations and to the fact that the larvae of this species live frequently on drinking water. To avoid fermentation, Agave extract should be used in a dehydrated form which also represent a good formulation for practical use.

  • Sulfur removal kinetics in the hydroconversion of Marlim oil vacuum residue

    Por: De Almeida R.M., Guirardello R., De Souza G.L.M.
    Ano: 1999
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Boletim Tecnico da PETROBRAS
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Several Marlim vacuum residue (VR) hydroconversion experiments were conducted in a batch reactor with changing temperature, time and catalyst mass (NiMo/

  • Utilization of residual liquid orange from juice processing as cultivation medium of Penicillium citrinum: Biological depuration of the residue and enzyme production

    Por: Tavares V.B., Sivieri K., Ceron C.R., Da Silva R., Trabuco E., Lombardi F.R., Gomes E.
    Ano: 1998
    Palavras-Chave: Fungal grown, Wastes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Quimica Nova
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Penicillium citrinum grown in orange juice processing wastes medium under continuous agitation was studied in order to establish optimal conditions (incubation period, incubation temperature, initial pH and nitrogen addition) for biomass and ribonuclease production, as well as, biological depuration of the wastes. Nitrogen addition to wastes medium increased the biomass and ribonuclease production and provides COD reduction. The soy meal shows to be the best nitrogen source. The conditions for a more favorable enzyme and biomass production and COD reduction were initial pH 6.0 and temperature of 27 degrees C. The maximum value obtained for these parameters on optimal conditions of cultivation was 11 U/mL of enzyme, 4 mg/mL of biomass (dry matter) and 55% of COD reduction, in 96 hours of incubation.

  • Antioxidant activity of isolated compounds in non-volatile residue from orange essential oil

    Por: Vargas-Arispuro I., Sanz B.I., Martinez-Tellez M.A., Primo-Yufera E.
    Ano: 1998
    Palavras-Chave: Essential orange oil, Flavonoid, Natural antioxidant
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Grasas y Aceites
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    There has been a growing interest in the food industry and in preventive medicine to search for

  • Controle ecotoxicologico e manejo de residuo solido (lodo) de uma industria de papel e celulose

    Por: Gallardo V.R.B., Lima N.R., Maltz R.
    Ano: 1998
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: O Papel (Brazil)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    [No abstract available

  • Preliminar evaluation of the applicability of a residue of manioc (Manihot esculenta Granz) as a direct excipient in tablets: Physical and compression characteristics

    Por: De Castro A.D., Hamilton Ferreira Bueno J., Rajsfeld Fiszman C.
    Ano: 1998
    Palavras-Chave: Disintegrant, Excipients for tablets, Manioc bran, Microcrystalline cellulose
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Farmacia e Bioquimica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The applicability of a residue of manioc (Manihot esculenta Granz) from industrial processing as a direct compression excipient was investigated in comparison with microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel

  • Structural characterization of high iron oxide content glasses obtained from zinc hydrometallurgy wastes

    Por: Romero M., Rincon J.Ma., Musik S., Kozhukharov W.
    Ano: 1997
    Palavras-Chave: Goethite, High iron content glasses, M??ssbauer spectroscopy, Radial distribution function
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid)
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    It has been carried out the structural characterization of high oxide content glasses obtained by melting of a goethite industrial waste from the zinc hydrometallurgy with other raw materials as dolomite and glass cullet. The structural characterization has been carried out by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Diffraction by Amorphous Dispersion (RDF) and M??ssbauer spectroscopy. It has been determined the interatomic distance, the oxidation state and the coordination of iron atoms in these glasses.

  • Tratamiento E/S de un residuo siderurgico con cenizas volantes

    Por: Vale J., Pereira C.F., Rodriguez-Pinero M., Ruiz De Elvira C., Troyano J.O.D., Salvador L.
    Ano: 1996
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ingenieria Quimica
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    No abstract available

  • Effects of the usage of diatomite and waste marble powder as partial replacement of cement on the mechanical properties of concrete,

    Por: Ergun A.
    Palavras-Chave: Compressive strength, Diatomite, Flexural strength, Marble powder
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Construction and Building Materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Diatomite is a pozzolanic material containing amorphous silica, cristabolite and minor amounts of residual minerals. Waste marble powder (WMP) is an inert material which is obtained as an industrial by product during sawing, shaping, and polishing of marble and causes a serious environmental problem. This paper describes the procedures and results of a laboratory investigation of mechanical properties carried out on the concrete specimens containing diatomite and WMP as partial replacement of cement in concrete. The laboratory work essentially consists of characterization of the raw and waste materials, preparation of concrete specimens with diatomite and WPM in different ratios by weight as replacement for cement and a superplasticizing admixture to reduce water demand and compression and flexural tests of the specimens. Test results indicated that the concrete specimens containing 10% diatomite, 5% WPM and 5% WPM +10% diatomite replacement by weight for cement had the best compressive and flexural strength and the replacement of cement with diatomite and WMP separately and together using a superplasticizing admixture could be utilized to improve the mechanical properties of the conventional concrete mixtures. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Effective utilization and management of coir industrial waste for the production of poly- ß- hydroxybutyrate (phb) using the bacterium azotobacter beijerinickii,

    Por: Sathesh Prabu C., Murugesan A.G.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Bioplastic, Biopolymer, Coir waste, PHB
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: International Journal of Environmental Research
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Coir pith, a byproduct of coconut fibers and waste material from the coir industry, is stable and not easily degradable due to its high lignin content. Coir pith takes a decade to decompose thereby posing environmental hazard and disposal problem. Pollution by plastics creates an alternative solution to reduce problems. Hence the potential use of coir industrial wastes for production of bioplastics (Poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate - PHB) as an alternative to plastics was studied. Commercial production of this polymer is limited, however, due to higher cost and longer fermentation process as compared to petrochemical plastics. These concerned make it necessary to use the cheapest and readily available raw materials. Azotobacter beijerinickii used coir industrial waste as a substrate and produced PHB. Production of PHB was maximized at pH 6.5 with 3% coir hydrolysate. The amount of PHB produced by A. beijerinickii was 2.4 ± 0.2 g/L. The yield was 48.19%. Production of PHB was confirmed by Sudan black B staining under a light microscope, acridine orange staining under a fluorescent microscope and by an infrared spectrometer. This investigation showed that coir industrial waste could be effectively used for the production of PHB.

  • Impact of industrial effluents in seed invigouration: A Estudo,

    Por: Kalaiselvi P., Mahimairaja S., Srimathi P., Senthil Kumar G.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Horticultural crops, Waste water
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Use of industrial effluents for irrigation purposes is a highly warranted utility of water pollutants proposition. The objective of using waste water for irrigating crop plants is of two fold. The first and foremost of this is the safe disposal of the effluents, which may otherwise have adverse effects on the environment and human health. The other objective is to recycle it as irrigation water, as compost for its possible fertilizer value. The literatures relating the influence of industrial waste water on seed and seedling quality characters irrespective of crops are Estudoed hereunder. © 2010 Asian Network for Scientific Information.

  • Phytotoxicity and naphthenic acid dissipation from oil sands fine tailings treatments planted with the emergent macrophyte Phragmites australis.,

    Por: Armstrong S.A., Headley J.V., Peru K.M., Mikula R.J., Germida J.J.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of environmental science and health. Part A
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    During reclamation the water associated with the runoff or groundwater flushing from dry stackable tailings technologies may become available to the reclaimed environment within an oil sands lease. Here we evaluate the performance of the emergent macrophyte, common reed (Phragmites australis), grown in chemically amended mature fine tailings (MFT) and simulated runoff/seepage water from different MFT drying treatments. The present study also investigated the phytotoxicity of the concentration of oil sands naphthenic acids (NAs) in different MFT drying chemical treatments, in both planted and unplanted systems. We demonstrate that although growth was reduced, the emergent macrophyte common reed was capable of growing in diluted unamended MFT runoff, as well as in diluted runoff from MFT amended with either 0.25% lime and gypsum or 0.5% gypsum. Common reed can thus assist in the dewatering process of oil sands MFT. However, simulated runoff or seepage waters from chemically amended and dried MFT were phytotoxic, due to combined levels of salts, naphthenic acids and pH. Phytoremediation of runoff water/ground water seepage from dry-land applied MFT will thus require pre-treatment in order to make conditions more favorable for plant growth.

  • Wastewater screening method for evaluating applicability of zero-valent iron to industrial wastewater.,

    Por: Lee J.W., Cha D.K., Oh Y.K., Ko K.B., Jin S.H.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of hazardous materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    This study presents a screening protocol to evaluate the applicability of the ZVI pretreatment to various industrial wastewaters of which major constituents are not identified. The screening protocol consisted of a sequential analysis of UV-vis spectrophotometry, high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC), and bioassay. The UV-vis and HPLC analyses represented the potential reductive transformation of unknown constituents in wastewater by the ZVI. The UV-vis and HPLC results were quantified using principal component analysis (PCA) and Euclidian distance (ED). The short-term bioassay was used to assess the increased biodegradability of wastewater constituents after ZVI treatment. The screening protocol was applied to seven different types of real industrial wastewaters. After identifying one wastewater as the best candidate for the ZVI treatment, the benefit of ZVI pretreatment was verified through continuous operation of an integrated iron-sequencing batch reactor (SBR) resulting in the increased organic removal efficiency compared to the control. The iron pretreatment was suggested as an economical option to modify some costly physico-chemical processes in the existing wastewater treatment facility. The screening protocol could be used as a robust strategy to estimate the applicability of ZVI pretreatment to a certain wastewater with unknown composition. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Electrolytic recovery of dilute copper from a mixed industrial effluent of high strength COD.,

    Por: Chellammal S., Raghu S., Kalaiselvi P., Subramanian G.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of hazardous materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    In this study, the electrochemical treatment has been investigated in the real acidic effluent of copper-phthalocyanine dye manufacturing plant. Galvanostatic batch electrolyses have been carried out in an undivided cell using stainless steel as cathode, dimensionally stable anode (DSA) and graphite as anodes at different current densities and temperatures. The influence of these variables on current efficiency, cell voltage, energy consumption and deposit quality was reported. Under optimized conditions, the maximum copper recovery of 98% and COD removal efficiency of 87.3% with the energy consumption of about 11.23 kWh/kg of Cu and 6.08 kWh/kg of COD, respectively at 30 degrees C were achieved in the acidic raw effluent using 2D parallel-plate cathode. While in 3D stainless steel turning cathode reactor, 99.5% of copper can efficiently be recovered from dilute solution with an acceptable current efficiency of about 56.8% with minimum energy consumption of 2.37 kWh/kg of Cu. The experimental results suggested that the efficiency of copper removal is hindered by the presence of organic species in the mixed industrial effluent. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Treatment of leather industry wastewater by aerobic biological and Fenton oxidation process.,

    Por: Mandal T., Dasgupta D., Mandal S., Datta S.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of hazardous materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Degradation of leather industry wastewater by sole aerobic treatment incorporating Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, Fenton's reagents, and combined treatment was investigated in this study. The sole treatment by Fenton's oxidation involving the introduction of 6g FeSO(4) and 266 g H(2)O(2) in a liter of wastewater at pH of 3.5 and 30 degrees C for 30 min at batch conditions reduced COD, BOD(5), sulfide, total chromium and color up to 69%, 72%, 88%, 5%, 100% and T. ferrooxidans alone showed maximum reduction to an extent of 77, 80, 85, 52, 89, respectively, in 21 d treatment at pH 2.5, FeSO(4) 16 g/L and temperature of 30 degrees C. The combined treatment at batch conditions involving 30 min chemical treatment by Fenton's oxidation followed by 72 h biochemical treatment by T. ferrooxidans at batch conditions gave rise up to 93%, 98%, 72%, 62% and 100% removal efficiencies of COD, BOD, sulfide, chromium and color at pH of 2.5 and 30 degrees C. Decrease in photo absorption of the Fenton's reagent treated samples, as compared to the banks, at 280, 350 and 470 nm wave lengths was observed. This may be the key factor for stimulating the biodegradation by T. ferrooxidans. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Contamination from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the soil of a botanic garden localized next to a former manufacturing gas plant in Palermo (Italy),

    Por: Orecchio S.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: GCMS, Monitoring, Organic contaminants
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Hazardous Materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The Botanical Garden lies within the city of Palermo, a few meters away from one of the largest unused Manufacturing Gas Plant in Sicily. The total concentrations of PAHs (23 compounds) in the soil of Botanical Garden ranged from 947 to 18,072 µg/kg. The wide range of PAH concentrations (RSD = 84%) found in the soil samples indicates heterogeneous levels of contamination in the area and this can be explained by considering the different tree distributions which prevents the homogeneous deposition of pollutants on the soil. Soils collected in the Botanical Garden generally showed the highest PAH concentrations, being almost 2-3 times higher than the concentration samples obtained in the urban reference sites and about 20 times higher than those in the rural stations. The total PAH concentrations, in the Botanical Garden soil, resulted higher than the maximum concentrations allowed by the Italian legislation for the green areas. Perylene, was found in all the stations. From a careful study of the isomeric ratios, we can hypothesize that the soils of the Botanical Garden are mainly affected by localized MGP particulate deposition, suggesting that the partitioning between organic matter and PAHs is not the dominant process in the soils with higher organic matter content. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Recycling of the product of thermal inertization of cement-asbestos for various industrial applications,

    Por: Gualtieri A.F., Giacobbe C., Sardisco L., Saraceno M., Lassinantti Gualtieri M., Lusvardi G., Cavenati C., Zanatto I.
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RCC, RIN
    Fonte: Waste Management
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, RE

    Recycling of secondary raw materials is a priority of waste handling in the countries of the European community. A potentially important secondary raw material is the product of the thermal transformation of cement-asbestos, produced by prolonged annealing at 1200-1300 °C. The product is chemically comparable to a Mg-rich clinker. Previous work has assured the reliability of the transformation process. The current challenge is to find potential applications as secondary raw material. Recycling of thermally treated asbestos-containing material (named KRY·AS) in traditional ceramics has already been studied with successful results. The results presented here are the outcome of a long termed project started in 2005 and devoted to the recycling of this secondary raw materials in various industrial applications. KRY·AS can be added in medium-high percentages (10-40 wt%) to commercial mixtures for the production of clay bricks, rock-wool glasses for insulation as well as Ca-based frits and glass-ceramics for the production of ceramic tiles. The secondary raw material was also used for the synthesis of two ceramic pigments

  • Utilisation of phosphorus nutrient content in industrial scale plasmid DNA production: A waste minimisation study,

    Por: Cliffe F.E., Walsh G., O'Dwyer T.F.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Phosphorus, Plasmid DNA, Waste minimisation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Cleaner Production
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    Human gene therapy is currently seeing an increase in the use of plasmid (pDNA)-based vectors as a preferred choice of vehicle for delivery of the therapeutic gene into the body. In this regard, the environmental impacts of the waste streams from the possible industrial scale manufacture of pDNA require more detailed assessment. In this study, an initial assessment was made of the nutrient phosphorus (P) inputs to four fermentation processes recommended for the industrial scale production of pDNA for the purposes of gene therapy. Phosphorus inputs to each of the four selected fermentation processes ranged from approximately 60 mg l-1 up to 3000 mg l-1 in the fresh media. However, the spent media waste from each of the processes exhibited only a minor reduction in the phosphorus concentrations indicating minimal uptake of P by the microorganisms. This unutilised excess level of phosphorus nutrient within the waste streams poses a strong potential for environmental impact. Waste minimisation studies were undertaken on one model fermentation process with the aim of reducing unnecessary phosphorus input. An optimised media containing a 98% reduction in added P to the media was developed. This phosphorus-minimised media had little quantitative effect upon cell biomass produced and no effect upon the quantity or quality of pDNA produced, relative to the control media. The reduction in P requirement results in an overall cost savings of 12% per fermentation batch, would simplify subsequent wastewater treatment and would contribute to slowing the depletion rate of a valuable, finite natural resource. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Sequestration of heavy metals in soils from two polluted industrial sites: Implications for remediation,

    Por: Reddy K.R., Danda S., Yukselen-Aksoy Y., Al-Hamdan A.Z.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Distribution, EDTA, Heavy metals, Remediation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Land Contamination and Reclamation
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    This study was conducted to determine the distribution of heavy metals in two different contaminated field soils, and to assess its influence on remedial performance. The two field soils were obtained from two different polluted industrial sites in the Metropolitan Chicago area and were characterized for physical and chemical properties. The soils were referred to as silty sand and silty clay, based on their pArtigo-size distribution. A five-step sequential liquid-solid extraction procedure was used to speciate the heavy metals into: (1) easily exchangeable

  • Alternatives for adding value for the fish processing wastes [Alternativas para a agregaa

    Por: Feltes M.M.C., Correia J.F.G., Beirao L.H., Block J.M., Ninow J.L., Spiller V.R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Fishery, Green technologies
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE, TE

    The fish farming industry, especially the marine extractive fishery, is an activity of great economic importance in many parts of Brazil. Industrial fish processing operations generate a significant amount of wastes, which are rich in proteins and longchain fatty acids, among which the unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are prominent. The aim of this study is to make a Estudo about the technological alternatives available for the utilization of fish wastes, such as a way for adding value to this material, focusing on green technologies. This material can be processed to obtain oil, meal or silage, that may be applied in livestock feeding. The obtained oil can further be stabilized by means of interesterification reactions, considering that the structured triglycerides thus obtained can be used in animal feeding, with nutritional advantages over original oils. The fish wastes can be applied as a substrate for the production of texturized proteins, protein concentrate, mechanically deboned meat, surimi, reestructured products or even oil, used for human feeding. The conversion of the extracted oil into biodiesel is another proposal of particular interest in the field of alternative fuels.

  • Industrial ecology network optimization with life cycle metrics,

    Por: Fiksel J., Bakshi B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Industrial ecology, Life cycle assessment, Network optimization, Sustainable materials management
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo de Congresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Industrial ecology suggests innovative pathways for re-use and recovery of waste streams, but efforts to establish ecoindustrial networks have encountered both technical and institutional barriers. To help overcome these challenges, an Industrial Ecosystem Toolkit has been developed to quantify how such collaborative networks can reduce costs, employ assets more efficiently, increase revenue, reduce risks, and conserve natural resources. The tools draw upon methods from network flow optimization modeling and environmental life cycle assessment, and enable real-time, interactive use by decision makers. Working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Business Council for Sustainable Development, and other regional organizations, the Center for Resilience has applied these innovative tools to promote a systems approach based on sound science and informed decision-making. Future work will develop network models that represent synergies among industrial and ecological processes.

  • Use of cement kiln dust in blended cement concretes,

    Por: Maslehuddin M., Al-Amoudi O.S.B., Rahman M.K., Shameem M., Ibrahim M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: environment, recycling & reuse of materials
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    This paper reports results of a study conducted to evaluate certain mechanical properties and durability characteristics of blended cement concretes, such as silica fume, fly ash and blastfurnace slag, incorporating up to 15% cement kiln dust. The results indicate that the compressive strength of silica fume and fly ash cement concretes with up to 10% kiln dust was marginally less than that of type I cement concrete. The compressive strength of slag cement concrete incorporating kiln dust was lower than that of other blended and type I cement concretes. A significant increase in the drying shrinkage was noted in the blended cement concretes. The electrical resistivity of blended cement concretes was, however, generally more than that of type I cement concrete. It is recommended to use 5% silica fume plus 10% kiln dust or 10% fly ash plus 10% kiln dust as a replacement of type I cement. Such usage would lead to technical, economic, and environmental benefits in terms of a reduction in the quantity of cement and utilisation of waste industrial by-products. As the electrical resistivity of blended cement concretes incorporating kiln dust is more than that of type I cement without kiln dust, it is expected that the useful service-life of the former would be more than that of the latter. As the compressive strength of slag cement concretes, incorporating up to 10% kiln dust, is low, it may be used in low- strength applications. It should, however, be noted that blended cement concretes require good curing to minimise drying shrinkage cracks.

  • Hydrometallurgical Processes Development for Zinc Oxide Production from Waelz Oxide,

    Por: Herrero D., Arias P.L., Cambra J.F., Antunano N.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Lixiviation, Waelz oxide, Zinc oxide
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Waste and Biomass Valorization
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    This study is focused on the development of a hydrometallurgical process which allows the zinc recovery from Waelz oxide (WO). This process is aimed to zinc oxide production. So, it must allow the production of a widely used compound, mainly in tyre and ceramics production processes, from industrial residues such as EAF dusts considered as Toxic and Hazardous Wastes (THWs), from which the WO is generated [1]. Although some studies have been previously published describing zinc oxide hydrometallurgical production processes, none of them used a raw material with similar characteristics to the WO ones. The developed process consists of a series of initial stages in which an appropriate liquor is prepared through lixiviation and purifying steps, and some final stages where the zinc ion present in the liquor is precipitated as zinc hydroxide and calcined to obtain zinc oxide. Two different acids were studied as lixiviation agents, hydrochloric and sulphuric acid liquors, obtaining in both cases zinc lixiviation yields higher than 85%. After the purifying stages, the metallic zinc impurities concentration in the liquor was lower than 85 ppm in the case of hydrochloric acid liquors and lower than 47 ppm in the case of sulphuric acid liquors. The zinc hydroxide precipitated from the purified liquor was calcined obtaining a zinc oxide whose purity was higher than 99.99% in the case of hydrochloric liquors and lower than 20% when sulphuric liquors were used. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

  • Closed circuit for a sustainable industry, cement sector contribution [Circuito cerrado para una industria sostenible, aportaciones del sector cementero],

    Por: Zaragoza A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Recycling, Sustainability, Valorisation, Waste
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Informes de la Construccion
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    The search of a sustainable development for the industry can only be understood from a global approach which takes account of both the industrial activity and the product. Industrial activity needs adding new systems to the production process that minimize its impact reducing the consumption of resources and atmospheric emissions. The product must incorporate sustainable features such as the capacity to be recycled and/or valorised throuhgout its life cycle and, so, being reintroduced again in the industrial activity. This way, product turns into the cornerstone of a closed circuit production system that involves all industrial sectors in recycling products and waste and minimizes the frootprint of the process. Cement sector must continue insisting on the development of recycling of cementicious maerials and also on the recycling of materials during its production, and, especially, we must continue studying in depth the relationship between Life Cycle and recycling, which will provide the sector with a methodology and with useful tools to reduce the environmental impact. Therefore, the sector is making efforts for achieving an industry in closed circuit, in which materials and energy are re-used, minimizing to the maximum its affection to the environment. At the same time, we are working on the conceptualizing of this production model that involves all the industrial sectors in material recycling. As a reuslt of this commitment, cement industry has signed aggrement of colaboration with FER and Sigrauto to use vehicles out of use and with UNESID to valorise steel waste and also the project Pressure for a global management of industrial waste.

  • Research regarding using the wastes with carbon content in siderurgical industry,

    Por: Socalici A., Heput T., Ardelean E., Ardelean M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Milling, Scalp, Steel plant, Wastes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    CARBON FER is a mechanical mixture obtained out of various powder or ground to powder ferrous or non-ferrous wastes. The ferrous powder wastes that can be used are steel dust, soot, agglomeration and blast furnace dust as well as non-ferrous coke dust

  • Use of Byproducts of Food Industry for Production of Antimicrobial Activity by Bacillus sp. P11,

    Por: Leaes F.L., Vanin N.G., Sant'Anna V., Brandelli A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Bacillus, Bacteriocin, Response surface methodology, Soybean meal
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Food and Bioprocess Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Production of antimicrobial activity by Bacillus sp. P11 was tested on different byproducts of food industry, like fish meal, grape waste, an industrial fibrous soybean residue, soybean meal, and cheese whey. Bacillus sp. P11 produced the higher amount of antimicrobial activity on soybean meal, followed by fish meal and fibrous soybean residue. Soybean meal was the selected medium to determine the effect of three variables (temperature, initial pH, and substrate concentration) on bacteriocin activity by response surface methodology, using a 23 factorial design. Statistical analysis showed good adequacy to the model (R2 of 0.8268). In the range studied, temperature and initial pH of the medium have a significant effect on bacteriocin production, and substrate concentration has no significant effect. Response surface data showed maximum bacteriocin production at initial pH between 7.0 and 8.5 and temperature between 39 and 42 °C. In the optimum conditions (initial pH 7.0 and 42 °C), production of bacteriocin activity by Bacillus sp. P11 was compared using a commercial medium (BHI broth) and soybean meal. Maximum activity achieved with the soybean meal-based medium was similar to that obtained with BHI, indicating that soybean meal may be a cost-effective substrate for production of antimicrobial activity by Bacillus sp. P11. © 2010 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.

  • Recycling of slag from the aluminium industry to steel refining,

    Por: Ardelean E., Ardelean M., Socalici A., Heput T.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Secondary treatment, Steel, Synthetic slag, Wastes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    One of the most important steps taken towards ecological recovery and the improvement of environment conditions was the harmonisation of environment laws to the EU legislation, as an important part of the adheration process. At present, priority is being given to the strict fulfillment of the commitments made by Romania during the negotiation process related to the environment chapter, both institutionally and financially, in order to lead to the creation of an environment infrastructure meeting European requirements and to ensure a clean and healthy environment. Under these conditions, the recovery of the numerous wastes resulted from various industrial processes and their re-introduction into the economical circuit ranges within the above-mentioned requirements. We particularly mean the wastes that can be components of some synthetic slags used in steel secondary treatment, inside the ladle (lime wastes, the aluminum industry slag, etc.). Thus, costs can be cut down by 70%, which means an average decrease of costs of 88 $/t of slag. At the same time, the use of wastes in slag formation has a positive ecological impact upon the environment, as pollution is reduced in the areas neighbouring the aluminum, construction material or steel-making plants.

  • Effect of some process parameters on the separation of the dispersed ferrous impurities using cycled electromagnetic filter,

    Por: Yildiz Z., Abbasov T., Sarimeseli A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Electromagnetisma, Filtration
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Electromagnetic filters (EMFs) can be effectively used for the cleaning of both industrial and domestic disposals such as waste water having low concentration and micron size of dispersed pArtigos that show magnetic characteristics. In this work, we investigated the effect of some parameters of the filtration process, external magnetic field density, size of the filter matrix elements, filter length, filtration velocity, viscosity of the suspension, and number of the cycle on the separation efficiency of micron-sized pArtigos that can be magnetized in an external magnetic field. It has been found that filtration efficiency decreased with increasing filtration velocity and suspension viscosity. Furthermore, the filter matrix elements geometry, pH value of the medium, and number of the cycling processes affected the cleaning efficiency. Recycling the suspension to the filter body allowed the cleaning process to be made in a smaller filter size with a high quality factor. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

  • Resistance of industrial mango peel waste to pectin degradation prior to by-product drying,

    Por: Sirisakulwat S., Sruamsiri P., Carle R., Neidhart S.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Enzymatic degradation, Fruit processing, Intermediate storage, Mango (Mangifera indica L.)
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Susceptibility of industrial mango peel waste to pectin degradation during storage at ambient conditions (25 °C, 63% relative humidity) for up to 5 h before by-product stabilisation by drying was explored. Depending on the interim storage period in the wet state, pectins were recovered from the dried peels by hot-acid extraction. Most important, pectin degradation during the temporary storage of the wet peels was insignificant, as revealed by yields, composition, average molecular properties, and techno-functional quality. Hardly acetylated (DAc 2.5-4.5%), rapid-set high-methoxyl pectins were obtained at starch-corrected net yields of 14.1-15.6 g hg-1. Irrelevant de-esterification during peel storage in the wet state was confirmed by overall uniform setting temperatures. Arabinogalactans, uniformly indicated by high molar galactose/rhamnose ratios of 13.8-16.9 mol/mol and an arabinose percentage of 9.5-14.4 mol hmol-1 of galactose residues, affected the galacturonide contents, intrinsic viscosities, and gel strengths throughout. The wet peels, derived from widespread manual peeling in mango canning, tolerated intermediate storage for 5 h, thus facilitating by-product stabilisation on smaller scales. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Institute of Food Science and Technology.

  • Agro-industrial residues as low-price feedstock for diesel-like fuel production by thermal cracking,

    Por: Santos A.L.F., Martins D.U., Iha O.K., Ribeiro R.A.M., Quirino R.L., Suarez P.A.Z.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Fatty waste feedstock, Pyrolysis
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Bioresource Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, RE

    Pyrolysis of industrial fatty wastes (soybean soapstock, beef tallow, and poultry industry waste) was carried out in the absence of catalysts. In all cases, organic mixtures of hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds were obtained. These mixtures were distilled and diesel-like fractions were isolated and characterized by GC-FID, GC-MS and FT-IR, showing the formation of olefins, paraffins, and some oxygenated compounds such as carboxylic acids and esters. The main physical-chemical properties of those isolated diesel-like fuels (density, viscosity, distillation curve, carbon residue, copper corrosion test, cetane index, cold finger plugging point, acid index and heating value) were determined using ASTM standard methods and matched the Brazilian specification for diesel fuel. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and spectrophotometric detection to the rapid determination of rhodamine 6G in industrial effluents,

    Por: Biparva P., Ranjbari E., Hadjmohammadi M.R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Rhodamine 6G, Spectrophotometry, Waste water samples
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Analytica Chimica Acta
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A rapid and effective preconcentration method for extraction of rhodamine 6G was developed by using a dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) prior to UV-vis spectrophotometry. In this extraction method, a suitable mixture of acetone (disperser solvent) and chloroform (extractant solvent) was injected rapidly into a conical test tube containing aqueous solution of rhodamine 6G. Therefore, a cloudy solution was formed. After centrifugation of the cloudy solution, sedimented phase was evaporated, reconstituted with methanol and measured by UV-vis spectrophotometry. Different operating variables such as type and volume of extractant solvent, type and volume of disperser solvent, pH of the sample solution, salt concentration and extraction time were investigated. The optimized conditions (extractant solvent: 300µL of chloroform, disperser solvent: 3mL of acetone, pH: 8 and without salt addition) resulted in a linear calibration graph in the range of 5-900ngmL-1 of rhodamine 6G in initial solution with R2=0.9988 (n=5). The Limits of detection and quantification were 2.39 and 7.97ngmL-1, respectively. The relative standard deviation for 50 and 250ngmL-1 of rhodamine 6G in water were 2.88% and 1.47% (n=5), respectively. Finally, the DLLME method was applied for determination of rhodamine 6G in different industrial waste waters. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Characteristics of organic matter in PM2.5 from an e-waste dismantling area in Taizhou, China,

    Por: Gu Z., Feng J., Han W., Wu M., Fu J., Sheng G.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: E-Waste, PAHs, PM2.5, SEOC
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Chemosphere
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Solvent extractable organic compounds in PM2.5 samples collected in Taizhou, a city famous for its electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) recycling industry in Zhejiang province of China, were analyzed to identify the main emission sources based on molecular markers. Two types of plastics which were most frequently contained in the e-wastes, wires/cables and plastic blocks, were burned in the lab and the pArtigos emitted analyzed. The concentrations of PAHs and phthalate esters at the e-waste dismantling area during our sampling periods were about two times of that at the reference urban site, indicating the high pollution level there. The high concentrations of quaterphenyl found at the dismantling area indicated that burning of plastics or polymers was an important emission source of the PAHs in the fine pArtigos. The diagnostic analysis based on the compositions of alkanes, hopanes and other molecular markers showed that engine exhaust, biomass burning and kitchen emissions were also important emission sources at the e-waste dismantling area. Our results suggested that more effort should be paid to control the correlative emission sources such as transportation and kitchen to achieve better air quality at the e-waste dismantling area besides regulating the recycling activities. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Implementing separate waste collection and mechanical biological waste treatment in South Africa: A comparison with Austria and England,

    Por: Trois C., Simelane O.T.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RGE, RIN
    Fonte: Waste Management
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, SE

    The degradation of organic compounds found in municipal solid waste (MSW) under the anaerobic landfill conditions produces gas and liquid emissions that can protract well into the landfill after-care period. The European Landfill Directives regulate the amount and nature of the organic compounds disposed into landfills. In South Africa and other developing countries, MSW is still landfilled without any kind of pre-treatment. This paper presents a pilot project of mechanical biological waste treatment (MBWT) in South Africa implemented at municipal level in the city of Durban using passively aerated open windrows. Based on case studies from Austria, England and South Africa, a waste minimisation model which can facilitate full-scale implementation of MBWT in developing countries is presented. MSW was treated in open windrows for 8weeks. Composting temperature reached a maximum of 65°C in less than 10days. The results of eluate tests on waste samples from the windrows at the end of composting show a reduction of BOD5 and BOD5/COD ratios equal to 35.7% and 16.7%, respectively. The percent waste composition of the treated MSW was 28.3% putrescibles, 17.4% garden refuse, 13.3% plastic, 12.4% fabrics, 12% paper and other elements. The waste composition shows that more than 40% of un-treated organic material and also more than 40% non-biodegradable and recyclable materials are still landfilled without any form of biological treatment or resource recovery. A simple wet and dry waste collection model can promote recycling, treatment of biological waste before landfilling, resource recovery, labour intensive jobs and hence sustainable landfilling in the South African scenario as well as in similar developing countries. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Brominated flame retardants in house dust from e-waste recycling and urban areas in South China: Implications on human exposure,

    Por: Wang J., Ma Y.-J., Chen S.-J., Tian M., Luo X.-J., Mai B.-X.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: E-Waste, House dust, Human exposure, South China
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Environment International
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, SE

    Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) were examined in house dust from the electronic waste (e-waste) recycling and urban areas of South China. The concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were in the range of 227-160,000. ng/g in the e-waste recycling area and 530-44,000. ng/g in the urban area. These values were much higher than other BFRs, except for novel decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) whose value of 100-47,000. ng/g was dominant in approximately 1/4 of the samples from the urban area. Urban dust PBDE levels were generally higher than those in many European and Asian countries and comparable to the values found in North America. Urban dust DBDPE levels were higher than those of other areas in the world. The distinct dust BFR profiles observed in the two studied areas were reflective of activities in these areas (electronics industry vs. e-waste recycling). The presence of BDE202, as well as the BDE197 to BDE201 and the nona-BDEs to deca-BDE ratios in the dust samples from the studied areas were probably indicative of environmental degradation of deca-BDE. The estimated daily intakes (EDIs) of average adult and toddler via house dust ranged from 37.0 to 304. ng/day for PBDEs and from 3.01 to 87.6. ng/day for all other BFRs in the studied areas. The EDIs via house dust were much higher than those via other indoor pathways (air, fish, human milk, and toys). Despite the potentially low deleterious risk of PBDE exposure via house dust as suggested by the hazard quotients, this exposure pathway should be of great concern because of the higher BFR exposures for children and the presence of other BFRs (such as DBDPE) which have not yet been fully investigated. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Small wooden objects using eucalypt sawmill wood waste,

    Por: da Silva Vieira R., Lima J.T., da Silva J.R.M., Gherardi Hein P.R., Bailleres H., Pereira Barauna E.E.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Eucalyptus, Handicraft, Sawmilling waste, Small wooden objects
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: BioResources
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Forest industries look for multiple utilizations for their timber production. In Brazil, the genus Eucalyptus has a great potential for solid wood products

  • Characterization of waste clay from the Sardes (Salihli) placer gold mine and its utilization in floor-tile manufacture,

    Por: Ozkan I., Colak M., Oyman R.E.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Sardes placer gold mine, Waste clay
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Applied Clay Science
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of Sardes waste clay (SC) from the Pomza Export placer gold mine at Sardes (Salihli), Turkey, as secondary raw materials in ceramic floor tiles. To obtain consistent quality, we monitored the physical and chemical properties of SC and fabrication conditions. Once SC was demonstrated to be acceptable as a secondary raw material, laboratory and industrial tests were conducted to understand the reaction mechanisms during firing and to determine the chemical, mineralogical, and technical properties of the reagents and products. The mineralogical composition of SC is dominated by quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, hematite, calcite, and clay minerals (muscovite-illite, chlorite, kaolinite, and smectite). Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) analyses of SC from Aksay (Aksay, E.K., 2005. Determination of the technological properties of the Izmir-Menderes Pumice Ores as an industrial mineral. Ph.D. Thesis, Dokuz Eyla

  • Methylene blue adsorption by the waste of Abu-Tartour phosphate rock,

    Por: Malash G.F., El-Khaiary M.I.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Isotherm, Kinetic, Methylene blue, Phosphate rock
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    Phosphate rock (PR) is an abundant ore and represents the basic raw material for the phosphatic fertilizer industry. Prior to industrial processing, PR is concentrated by grinding-and-screening to separate a fine fraction that is very poor in P2O5. This fine fraction is a solid waste and represents a disposal problem. The present study shows that the fine fraction of ground-and-screened Abu-Tartour PR can be used as an adsorbent for the removal of methylene blue dye from aqueous solutions. The amount of dye adsorbed was found to vary with initial methylene blue concentration and contact time. Raising the temperature enhances the rate of adsorption but has no effect on the adsorption capacity at equilibrium. The adsorption equilibrium data were found to fit the Langmuir isotherm, indicating monolayer adsorption on a homogeneous surface. The Elovich model can be used to predict the adsorption kinetics at ambient temperatures especially when the initial concentration of MB is relatively high, while Ho's model deviates from the data as the initial concentration increases. However, as the temperature increases and MB concentration decreases, Ho's model fits the data better than the Elovich model. On studying the mechanism of adsorption, the results showed that the overall rate of dye uptake is controlled by intrapArtigo diffusion. The multilinear plots of intrapArtigo diffusion were modeled by piecewise linear regression and related to pore-size distribution of the adsorbent. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.

  • A full-scale biological treatment system application in the treated wastewater of pharmaceutical industrial park,

    Por: Lei G., Ren H., Ding L., Wang F., Zhang X.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Hydrolysis/acidification, MBBR, Oxidation ditch, Pharmaceutical industrial park (PIP)
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Bioresource Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A full-scale combined biological system is used for the treatment of treated wastewater discharged from a pharmaceutical industrial park. This treated water is rich in NH4+ s(-) N (average in 86.4 mg/L), low in COD / NH4+ s(-) N (average in 3.4) and low in BOD5/COD ratio (average in 0.24) with pH varying from 7.16 to 7.78. The final effluent of the combined treatment process was stably below 100 mg/L COD and 20 mg/L NH4+ s(-) N, separately, with organic loading rate of 4954 kg COD/d and 92.5 kg NH4+ s(-) N / d. It is found that the BOD5/COD ratio could be raised from 0.24 to 0.35, and the production of total VFAs account for 9.57% of the total COD via the treatment of hydrolysis/acidification. MBBR and oxidation ditch represent 35.4% and 60.7% of NH4+ s(-) N removal, 30.2% and 61.5% of COD removal, separately, of the total treatment process. PCR-DGGE is used for microbial community analysis of MBBR and oxidation ditch. Crown Copyright © 2010.

  • Evaluation of genotoxicity from Nilufer Stream (Bursa/Turkey) water using piscine micronucleus test,

    Por: Summak S., Aydemir N.C., Vatan O., Yilmaz D., Zorlu T., Bilaloglu R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Genotoxicity, Nilufer Stream, Nuclear abnormalities, Oreochromis niloticus (nile tilapia)
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RDO, RIN
    Fonte: Food and Chemical Toxicology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    In the present study, the in vivo micronucleus (MN) test in fish erythrocytes was used to evaluate the genotoxic potentials of water samples collected from four different sites along the Nilufer Stream which empties into the Marmara Sea on the north-west of Turkey. Nilufer Stream receives discharges of industrial and domestic wastes resulting from industrialization and urbanization activities in Bursa city. Nile tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus) were exposed to collected water samples under laboratory conditions for 3 and 6. days. Micronuclei analyses were carried out in peripheral blood erythrocytes. In addition to micronuclei, other nuclear abnormalities (NAs) such as bi-nucleated cells and binuclei with nucleoplasmic bridge and cells with blebbed, notched and lobbed nuclei, were assessed in the erythrocytes. Chemical analyses were also carried out in the water samples to assess the presence of major pollutants. MN and NA frequencies were significantly elevated in fishes exposed to water from polluted areas compared to those exposed to clean water sample. The results of this study indicate that Nilufer Stream is contaminated with potential genotoxic chemicals and the genotoxicity is possibly related with the industrial, agricultural and domestic activities. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Effect of PA6 content on the mechanical and tribological properties of blending PA6 with PP,

    Por: Li J.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Friction and wear, Wear mechanisms.
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Blending polypropylene (PP) with recycled polyamide-6 (PA6) industrial wastes at different compositions was produced in a corotating twin-screw extruder, where PP acts as the polymer matrix and polyamide as the dispersed phase. The mechanical and tribological properties of these blends were investigated. Results show that with the increasing filler content, the flexural strength and compressive strength of composites increase to the maximum and then decreases. When the filler mass fraction reaches 15%, the flexural strength and compressive strength of samples reach the maximum. The wear rate and the friction coefficient of PP decreased with the addition of PA6. The friction coefficients of PA6/PP composites are lower than those of PP. The main wear mechanisms are the plastic deformation and mechanical microploughing. © The Author(s), 2010.

  • Why EPA's proposed rule on coal wastes could affect industrial painting work,

    Por: Kaelin A.B.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: IN, SE

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its 'Proposed Rule for Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals (CCRs) from Electric Utilities' in the June 21, 2010, Federal Register (FR). The proposed rule is driven by several failures of surface impoundments for fly ash, increasing petitions from citizen and environmental groups requesting that EPA develop rules related to CCR management, and new information on human and ecological risks and health effects related to CCRs. The EPA is proposing to specifically regulate CCRs under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) for the first time. EPA also determined that beneficial uses of these CCRs posed no significant risk. The proposed rule calls for public comment on two approaches available under RCRA for addressing the perceived risks of CCRs. Under this proposal, CCRs from electric utilities and destined for disposal would be managed as a special waste and would be subject to existing Subtitle C regulations under 40 CFR 260-268, 270-272.

  • Ecological assessment of various technologies for reduction of PFOS content in industrial effluents [a

    Por: Fath A.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Galvanotechnik
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Perfluorinated surfactants are highly effective additives to electroplating solutions to modify wetting properties. However, where these are discharged, they are ecologically undesirable and are thus subject to very strict monitoring by the Authorities. In a research project, it was shown that by filtration using activated charcoal and electrochemical treatment, these species could be totally destroyed. Using evaporation, the concentration of these harmful species can be significantly reduced. Using a combination of vacuum evaporation and active charcoal treatment, residues remain which can, in certain circumstances, be released during waste disposal treatment.

  • Supercritical extraction of grape seed oil at industrial-scale: Plant and process design, modeling, economic feasibility,

    Por: Fiori L.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Distillery-waste reuse, Extraction modeling, Feasibility analysis, Grape seed oil
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    The aim of this paper is to present the results of a study on the possible use of exhausted grape marc for obtaining grape seed oil by means of the supercritical technology. An industrial-scale supercritical extraction plant (three extractors in series working in the counter-current mode) has been designed based on the availability of grape seeds of a region in the north of Italy, namely 3000ton/year (3a

  • Facilitating substance phase-out through material information systems and improving environmental impacts in the recycling stage of a product,

    Por: Paska D.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: E-waste, Environment, Material declarations, Product content knowledge
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Natural Resources Forum
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    The amount of electrical and electronic products is increasing rapidly, and this inevitably leads to the generation of large quantities of waste from these goods. Some of the generated e-waste ends up in regions with sub-standard recycling systems and may be processed under poor conditions. During uncontrolled incineration, halogenated dioxins and furans can be generated from brominated and chlorinated compounds in the products. In order to reduce the health and environmental risks involved in the recycling stage of the life cycle of electronics, an effective design-for-environment process must be established during the product development phase. Knowledge of the chemical substances in the product is crucial to being able to make informed decisions. Through full knowledge of the material content of procured components, phase-outs of unwanted substances, such as halogenated substances, can be performed in an effective manner. Therefore, information is the key to success in phasing-out substances

  • Activated sludge model (ASM) based modelling of membrane bioreactor (MBR) processes: A critical Estudo with special regard to MBR specificities,

    Por: Fenu A., Guglielmi G., Jimenez J., Sperandio M., Saroj D., Lesjean B., Brepols C., Thoeye C.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Estudo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Water Research
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) have been increasingly employed for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment in the last decade. The efforts for modelling of such wastewater treatment systems have always targeted either the biological processes (treatment quality target) as well as the various aspects of engineering (cost effective design and operation). The development of Activated Sludge Models (ASM) was an important evolution in the modelling of Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) processes and their use is now very well established. However, although they were initially developed to describe CAS processes, they have simply been transferred and applied to MBR processes. Recent studies on MBR biological processes have reported several crucial specificities: medium to very high sludge retention times, high mixed liquor concentration, accumulation of soluble microbial products (SMP) rejected by the membrane filtration step, and high aeration rates for scouring purposes. These aspects raise the question as to what extent the ASM framework is applicable to MBR processes. Several studies highlighting some of the aforementioned issues are scattered through the literature. Hence, through a concise and structured overview of the past developments and current state-of-the-art in biological modelling of MBR, this Estudo explores ASM-based modelling applied to MBR processes. The work aims to synthesize previous studies and differentiates between unmodified and modified applications of ASM to MBR. Particular emphasis is placed on influent fractionation, biokinetics, and soluble microbial products (SMPs)/exo-polymeric substances (EPS) modelling, and suggestions are put forward as to good modelling practice with regard to MBR modelling both for end-users and academia. A last section highlights shortcomings and future needs for improved biological modelling of MBR processes. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Biodegradation of chlorimuron-ethyl by the bacterium Klebsiella jilinsis 2N3,

    Por: Zhang H., Zhang X., Mu W., Wang J., Pan H., Li Y.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Biodegradation, Chlorimuron-ethyl, Klebsiella, Phylogenetic analysis
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Enrichment culturing of sludge taken from an industrial wastewater treatment pond led to the identification of a bacterium (Klebsiella jilinsis H. Zhang) that degrades chlorimuron-ethyl with high efficiency. Klebsiella jilinsis strain 2N3 grows with chlorimuron-ethyl as the sole nitrogen source at the optimal temperature range of 30-35°C and pH values between 6.0-7.0. In liquid medium, the degradation activity was further induced by chlorimuron-ethyl. Degradation rates followed the pesticide degradation kinetic equation at concentrations between 20 and 200 mg L-1. Using initial concentrations of 20 and 100 mg L-1, the degradation rates of chlorimuron-ethyl were 83.5% and 92.5% in 12 hours, respectively. At an initial concentration higher than 200 mg L-1, the degradation rate decreased slightly as the concentration increased. The 2N3 strain also degraded the sulfonylurea herbicides ethametsulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl, nicosulfuron, rimsulfuron, and tribenuron-methyl. This study provides scientific evidence and support for the application of K. jilinsis in bioremediation to reduce environmental pollution. © Taylor &

  • Correlation of mechanical and tribological properties of organosilane modified cenosphere filled high density polyethylene,

    Por: Chand N., Sharma P., Fahim M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Flyash cenospehere, High density polyethylene, Lancaster-Ratner correlation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Materials Science and Engineering A
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    Flyash cenosphere obtained as industrial waste from thermal power plants is an effective cost and weight reducing filler for developing lightweight polymer composites. Cenospheres as fillers also help in improving the mechanical properties of base polymer matrices. However, the desired enhancement depends on homogeneous dispersion of cenospheres and excellent compatibility between cenospheres and polymer matrix. In the present work, this was achieved by modifying the surface of cenospheres using silane treatment and incorporating them in a versatile thermoplastic high density polyethylene. The silane treatment resulted in considerable improvement in the impact strength and density of the composites which ultimately translated into better wear performance of composites even in severe abrasive conditions. Lancaster-Ratner correlation between mechanical properties and wear resistance was found to be almost linear for the silane treated cenospheres filled composites unlike the untreated cenospheres filled composites. Scanning electron microscopy was used to understand the wear modes and mechanisms and supported using X-ray diffractograms. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Decolorization of water soluble azo dyes by bacterial cultures, isolated from dye house effluent.,

    Por: Modi H.A., Rajput G., Ambasana C.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Bioresource technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The aim of this work is to isolate and characterize bacterial isolates form dye house effluent, and to check their ability of decolorizing sulfonated azo dyes, and also to study influence of various environmental parameters on same process. Among seven Gram positive bacterial isolates obtained form dye house effluent, M1 (Bacillus cereus) and M6 were proved to be more potent for decolorizing sulfonated azo dyes under aerobic conditions. Maltose as carbon source and peptone as nitrogen source enhanced decolorization efficiency of M1 (B. cereus). HPTLC studies proved that more than 97% of the dye (Reactive Red 195) was degraded by bacteria after 72 h of incubation. These results along with spectrophotometric data prove the efficiency of bacteria suggesting their possible use in treating dye containing effluents. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Biological treatment of anaerobically digested palm oil mill effluent (POME) using a Lab-Scale Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR),

    Por: Chan Y.J., Chong M.F., Law C.L.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Anaerobic, Palm oil mill effluent (POME), Sequencing batch reactor (SBR), Wastewater
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Environmental Management
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The production of highly polluting palm oil mill effluent (POME) has resulted in serious environmental hazards. While anaerobic digestion is widely accepted as an effective method for the treatment of POME, anaerobic treatment of POME alone has difficulty meeting discharge limits due to the high organic strength of POME. Hence, subsequent post-treatment following aerobic treatment is vital to meet the discharge limits. The objective of the present study is to investigate the aerobic treatment of anaerobically digested POME by using a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The SBR performance was assessed by measuring Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal as well as Sludge Volume Index (SVI). The operating pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations were found to be 8.25-9.14 and 1.5-6.4mg/L, respectively, throughout the experiment. The experimental results demonstrate that MLVSS, OLR and sludge loading rate (SLR) play a significant role in the organic removal efficiency of SBR systems and therefore, further investigation on these parameters was conducted to attain optimum SBR performance. Maximum COD (95-96%), BOD (97-98%) and TSS (98-99%) removal efficiencies were achieved at optimum OLR, SLR and MLVSS concentration ranges of 1.8-4.2kgCOD/m3day, 2.5-4.6kgTSS/m3day and 22,000-25,000mg/L, respectively. The effluent quality remained stable and complied with the discharge limit. At the same time, the sludge showed good settling properties with average SVI of 65. It is envisaged that the SBR process could complement the anaerobic treatment to produce final treated effluent which meets the discharge limit. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Development of granular sludge for textile wastewater treatment,

    Por: Muda K., Aris A., Salim M.R., Ibrahim Z., Yahya A., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Ahmad A., Nawahwi M.Z.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Granulation, Granule characterization, Sequencing batch reactor, Textile wastewater
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Water Research
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    Microbial granular sludge that is capable to treat textile wastewater in a single reactor under intermittent anaerobic and aerobic conditions was developed in this study. The granules were cultivated using mixed sewage and textile mill sludge in combination with anaerobic granules collected from an anaerobic sludge blanket reactor as seed. The granules were developed in a single sequential batch reactor (SBR) system under alternating anaerobic and aerobic condition fed with synthetic textile wastewater. The characteristics of the microbial granular sludge were monitored throughout the study period. During this period, the average size of the granules increased from 0.02 ± 0.01 mm to 2.3 ± 1.0 mm and the average settling velocity increased from 9.9 ± 0.7 m h-1 to 80 ± 8 m h-1. This resulted in an increased biomass concentration (from 2.9 ± 0.8 g L-1 to 7.3 ± 0.9 g L-1) and mean cell residence time (from 1.4 days to 8.3 days). The strength of the granules, expressed as the integrity coefficient also improved. The sequential batch reactor system demonstrated good removal of COD and ammonia of 94% and 95%, respectively, at the end of the study. However, only 62% of color removal was observed. The findings of this study show that granular sludge could be developed in a single reactor with an intermittent anaerobic-aerobic reaction phase and is capable in treating the textile wastewater. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • The recycling of standard quality wrought aluminum alloys from low-grade contaminated scrap,

    Por: Kevorkjjan V.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Estudo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: JOM
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    In recent decades an increasingly large fraction of the world's wrought aluminum alloys supply has come from the aluminum scrap recovered from industrial waste and discarded post-consumer items. However, replacing even a minor part of primary aluminum in wrought alloys with recycled counterpart originated from lower grades of scrap (typically scrap contaminated with various non-metallic impurities) without influencing the quality of the allay is very demanding from a metallurgical point of view. This Artigo discusses the two approaches for achieving the requested chemical composition of wrought alloys made from recycled aluminum: (i) before melting, by combining the appropriate qualities and quantities of scrap, primary aluminum, and the alloying elements and (ii) during melting, by diluting impurity content with primary aluminum to the needed level and adding, at the same time, the necessary amount of alloying elements for achieving their standard concentration in diluted melts. © 2010 TMS.

  • Anaerobic acidogenic digestion of olive mill wastewaters in biofilm reactors packed with ceramic filters or granular activated carbon,

    Por: Bertin L., Lampis S., Todaro D., Scoma A., Vallini G., Marchetti L., Majone M., Fava F.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Microbial speciation, Olive mill wastewaters, Packed bed biofilm reactors, Polyhydroxyalkanoates
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Water Research
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    Four identically configured anaerobic packed bed biofilm reactors were developed and employed in the continuous acidogenic digestion of olive mill wastewaters to produce volatile fatty acids (VFAs), which can be exploited in the biotechnological production of polyhydroxyalkanoates. Ceramic porous cubes or granular activated carbon were used as biofilm supports. Aside packing material, the role of temperature and organic loading rate (OLR) on VFA production yield and mixture composition were also studied. The process was monitored through a chemical, microbiological and molecular biology integrated procedure. The highest wastewater acidification yield was achieved with the ceramic-based technology at 25 °C, with an inlet COD and an OLR of about 17 g/L and 13 g/L/day, respectively. Under these conditions, about the 66% of the influent COD (not including its VFA content) was converted into VFAs, whose final amount represented more than 82% of the influent COD. In particular, acetic, propionic and butyric acids were the main VFAs by composing the 55.7, 21.5 and 14.4%, respectively, of the whole VFA mixture. Importantly, the relative concentrations of acetate and propionate were affected by the OLR parameter. The nature of the packing material remarkable influenced the process performances, by greatly affecting the biofilm bacterial community structure. In particular, ceramic cubes favoured the immobilization of Firmicutes of the genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus and Clostridium, which were probably involved in the VFA producing process. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • The application and development of phase change materials,

    Por: Ma S.-D., Song G.-L., Fan P.-F., Li Y.-K., Tang G.-Y.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Development, Energy storage, Phase change materials
    Tipo de Trabalho: Estudo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Gaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    A short Estudo of phase change materials (PCMs) was given regarding the relevant applications and the latest development on various fiels including solar energy, industrial waste heat recovery, building materials, cold storage of air conditioning, electronic devices, heat dissipation of batteries, cosmetics, and temperature-adaptable fibers. The basic theory of PCMs' application is utilizing the heat (energy) being absorbed or released as the phase changing processes occur. It has been demonstrated that the research of PCMs is becoming one of the most popular topic in the world. It should be emphasized here that researchers of materials, technics and structure design et al. ought to cooperate intensively in order to promote the development of PCMs more efficently in the future.

  • Vermicomposting of olive oil mill wastewaters,

    Por: MacCi C., Masciandaro G., Ceccanti B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: extracellular enzymes, humic substances, Olive-oil mill wastewaters, vermicomposting
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Waste Management and Research
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The disposal of olive oil mill wastewaters (OMW) represents a substantial environmental problem in Italy. A vermicompost process could be an alternative and valid method for the management of OMW. In a laboratory experiment, the OMW were absorbed onto a ligno-cellulosic solid matrix and 30 adult earthworms of Eisenia fetida specie were added. The experiment was carried out for 13 weeks. The number of earthworms increased throughout the experimental period and after 2 weeks about 90% of the earthworms had become sexually mature. The decrease in total organic carbon (about 35%), C : N ratio (from 31.2 to 12.3) and biochemical parameters (hydrolytic enzymes averagely 40% and dehydrogenase 23%), and the increase in humification rate (pyrophosphate extractable carbon (PEC) from 17.6 to 33.3 mg g-1, and PEC : water-soluble carbon from 1.76 to 2.97) indicated the mineralization and the stabilization of organic matter at the end of the vermicomposting process. At the end of the experiment, the extracellular ß-glucosidase, phosphatase, urease and protease activities, measured in the pyrophosphate extract of the vermicompost, were found to be always higher or equal to that measured at the beginning of the vermicomposting process, suggesting that the enzymes bound to humic matter resisted biological attack and environmental stress. Moreover, the results obtained from the phyto-test showed that the OMW lose their toxicity and stimulate plant germination and growth. © The Author(s), 2010.

  • Separation of Curcuminoids Enriched Fraction from Spent Turmeric Oleoresin and Its Antioxidant Potential,

    Por: Nagarajan S., Kubra I.R., Rao L.J.M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Curcuma longa, Curcuminoids, Oleoresin, Reducing power
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Food Science
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    The rhizomes of turmeric are processed to obtain oleoresin and subsequently curcuminoids are isolated. The mother liquor, after partial isolation of curcuminoids, known as spent turmeric oleoresin (STO), is considered as industrial waste. Curcuminoids enriched spent turmeric oleoresin (CSTO) is prepared by removal of nonantioxidant constituents, and investigated for its antioxidant potential using in vitro methods, and also the total curcuminoids and phenolic contents were determined. CSTO has a total phenolic content of 267.27 ± 5.75 mg GAE/g that is almost double the amount present in STO (118.3 ± 3.0 mg GAE/g). The total amount of curcuminoids in CSTO is found to be 39 ± 1.2%, whereas STO had 15 ± 2.0%. CSTO possessed radical scavenging activity of 84% at 50 µg/mL, antioxidant activity of 74% at 25 µg/mL, high antioxidant capacity, and moderate total reducing power. These results provide scope for utilization of CSTO/STO as natural antioxidant/preservative as well as colorant in various foods. © 2010 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  • A techno-economic evaluation of the effects of centralized cellulosic ethanol and co-products refinery options with sugarcane mill clustering,

    Por: Seabra J.E.A., Tao L., Chum H.L., Macedo I.C.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Brazil, CHP, Gasification, Hydrolysis
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Biomass and Bioenergy
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    This work compares the calculated techno-economic performance for thermochemical and biochemical conversion of sugarcane residues, considering future conversion plants adjacent to sugarcane mills in Brazil. Process models developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory were adapted to reflect the Brazilian feedstock composition and used to estimate the cost and performance of these two conversion technologies. Models assumed that surplus bagasse from the mill would be used as the feedstock for conversion, while cane trash collected from the field would be used as supplementary fuel at the mill. The integration of the conversion technology to the mill enabled an additional ethanol production of 0.033m3 per tonne of cane for the biochemical process and 0.025m3t-1 of cane plus 0.004m3t-1 of cane of higher alcohols for the thermochemical process. For both cases, electricity is an important co-product for the biorefinery, but especially for biochemical conversion, with surpluses of about 50kWht-1 of cane. The economic performance of the two technologies is quite similar in terms of the minimum ethanol selling price (MESP), at 318$m-3 (United States 2007 dollars) for biochemical conversion and 329$m-3 for thermochemical conversion. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Rinsed and thermally treated red mud sorbents for aqueous Ni2+ ions,

    Por: Smiljanic S., Smiciklas I., Peric-Grujic A., Loncar B., Mitric M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Ni2+, Red mud, Sorption, Temperature treatment
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Chemical Engineering Journal
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    Red mud, an abundant industrial waste from alumina industry, represents a rich source of various metal oxides, mainly of Fe2O3, Al2O3 and SiO2. In this study, the rinsed Bosnian red mud (RBRM) was evaluated as an economical, composite sorbent for aqueous Ni2+ ions. The process was investigated as a function of pH, contact time and initial metal concentration. The investigated mineral mixture exhibited a high acid neutralising capacity, and its most important role in cation immobilization was observed in the initial pH range 2-8. The initial metal ion concentration strongly influenced the sorption kinetics and equilibrium times. Addition of 5g/L of RBRM caused 100% removal from the solutions of 10-4 to 5a

  • Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater by electrochemical methods,

    Por: Yavuz Y., Koparal A.S., Ogutveren U.B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Electrocoagulation, Electrofenton, Petroleum refinery wastewater, Phenol
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Desalination
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Direct and indirect electrochemical oxidation by using boron doped diamond anode (BDD), direct electrochemical oxidation by using ruthenium mixed metal oxide (Ru-MMO) electrode, and electrofenton and electrocoagulation by using iron electrode were investigated for the treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater (PRW). The results have been given at the best operational conditions which were obtained for each electrochemical method. The results obtained from electrochemical methods were compared to each other. Complete phenol and COD removal can be achieved in almost all electrochemical methods, except electrocoagulation, provided that electrolysis time is prolonged. The most efficient method was the electrofenton process followed by the electrochemical oxidation using BDD anode. Phenol removal of 98.74% was achieved in 6min of electrolysis and COD removal of 75.71% was reached after 9min of electrolysis in electrofenton. Additionally, 99.53% phenol and 96.04% COD removal were obtained in direct electrochemical oxidation at the current density of 5mA/cm2. Initial phenol concentration was reduced to final phenol concentration of 0.91mg/L after 40min of electrolysis, and initial COD decreased to 36.7mg/L and 23.3mg/L after 60min and 75min of electrolysis, respectively. Electrocoagulation was found to be ineffective for the treatment of PRW. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Synthesis of silver nanopArtigos by glycolipid biosurfactant produced from marine Brevibacterium casei MSA19,

    Por: Kiran G.S., Sabu A., Selvin J.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Biosurfactant, Glycolipid, NanopArtigos synthesis, Silver nanopArtigos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RAG, RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Biotechnology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, RE

    The surfactants are emerging as potential nanopArtigo stabilizing agents, however, the synthetic surfactants are not economically viable as well as they are not environmentally friendly. Therefore, the biosurfactants are emerging as a green alternate for the synthesis and stabilization of nanopArtigos. In this report, a glycolipid biosurfactant was produced from sponge-associated marine Brevibacterium casei MSA19 under solid state fermentation using the agro-industrial and industrial waste as substrate. The production was optimized with factors such as oil seed cake as substrate, glucose as carbon source, beef extract as nitrogen source, FeSO4·7H2O as metal, 2% NaCl, pH 7.0 and 30°C. Based on the biochemical composition, TLC chromatogram, FT-IR and GC-MS analysis, the surface active compound produced by the strain MSA19 was elucidated as a glycolipid derivative. The emulsification index of the biosurfactant produced by B. casei MSA19 was invariably high over the synthetic surfactants such as SDS, Tween20 and Tween80. The purified surfactant concentration in the extract was 18g/L. It was found that the nano-scale silver can be synthesized in reverse micelles using the glycolipid as stabilizer. The silver nanopArtigos synthesized in this study were uniform and stable for 2 months. Therefore, the biosurfactant-mediated nanopArtigos synthesis can be considered as green stabilizer of nanopArtigos. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Determination of heavy metals in fresh water fish species of the River Ravi, Pakistan compared to farmed fish varieties,

    Por: Nawaz S., Nagra S.A., Saleem Y., Priydarshi A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Heavy metals, Pakistani fish, River Ravi
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    The untreated industrial and sewage wastes arising from industries and metropolitan activities make their passage to the River Ravi, Pakistan, where Balloki Headworks is one of the major sites of effluent concentration. This study was designed to evaluate the concentration of various toxic elements in fishes of that area compared to a nearby fish farm. The concentrations of heavy metals, such as As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, and Zn, and electrolytes Ca, K, and Na were determined in different edible and non-edible fresh water fish varieties. Fish samples were collected from two selected sites and were analyzed for aforementioned elements. Higher levels of As (35.74-45.33 ppm), Cd (0.35-0.45 ppm), Pb (2.1-3.0 ppm), Hg (83.03-92.35 ppm) while normal levels of Zn (37.85-40.74 ppm) and Cu (1.39-2.93 ppm) were bserved. Mercury, higher levels of which trigger cough, impairment of pulmonary function, and psychotic reactions, was significantly higher in all studied categories. At the sites under study, there has been observed alarming levels of toxic metals which are needed to be monitored regularly. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010.

  • Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) contaminants in sediments from Karachi harbour, Pakistan,

    Por: Khan N., Muller J., Khan S.H., Amjad S., Nizamani S., Bhanger M.I.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Mangrove swamps, intertidal mudflats and creeks of backwaters represent main feature of Karachi harbour area. Karachi harbour sediment is under continuous influence of untreated industrial effluents and domestic waste discharged into the Harbour area vra Lyari River Sediment samples from sixteen locations were collected to evaluate the levels of contamination of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in Karachi harbour and adjoining areas. It has been observed that residual concentrations of various organochlorine pesticides were considerably higher in the semienclosed area of the upper Harbour in the vicinity of the discharge point of Lyari River. The residue of DDT mainly its metabolites (DDE and DDD) were widely distributed and have been detected in most of the sediment samples in relatively higher concentrations as compared to other OCPs. The higher levels of the DDTs would attribute to low tidal flushing of the area The high proportion of pp'-DDE in the most sediment sampled (41-95%) suggested old inputs of DDTs in the environment. Ratio of SDDT and DDT was in the range of 0,04 -0 24 at all locations which also reflects that the discharges of DDT were negligible in the Harbour area. This may be due to the restrictions being implemented on the use of DDTs and Pakistan has also switched over to natural pest control or using safer formulas. The data obtained during the study showed that concentration levels of other pesticides such as HCHs, HCB and Cyclodienes in the sediment were generally lower than the threshold levels known to harm wildlife by OCPs. The results clearly indicate that elevated concentration of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the marine sediment of Karachi harbour and adjoining area was localized and much lower than the concentrations reported from neighbouring and regional countries which suggests/confirms that the present use of pesticide in Pakistan is environmentally safe.

  • Surface water quality assessment by the use of combination of multivariate statistical classification and expert information,

    Por: Tobiszewski M., Tsakovski S., Simeonov V., Namiesnik J.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: PAHs, Pollution tracers, Self-organizing maps
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Chemosphere
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The present study deals with the assessment of surface water quality from an industrial-urban region located in northern Poland near to the city of Gdansk. Concentrations of thirteen chemicals including total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) and major ions in the samples collected at five sampling points during six campaigns were used as variables throughout the study. The originality in the monitoring data treatment and interpretation was the combination of a traditional classification approach (self-organizing maps of Kohonen) with PAH diagnostic ratios expertise to achieve a reliable pollution source identification. Thus, sampling points affected by pollution from traffic (petroleum combustion products), from crude oil processing (petroleum release related compounds), and from phosphogypsum disposal site were properly discriminated. Additionally, it is shown that this original assessment approach can be useful in finding specific pollution source tracers. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Trace analysis of isothiazolinones in water samples by large-volume direct injection liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry,

    Por: Speksnijder P., van Ravestijn J., de Voogt P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Isothiazolinones, Large-volume injection, LC-MS/MS, Water analysis
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Journal of Chromatography A
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Isothiazolinones are used as preservatives, biocides and disinfectants in a variety of industrial and domestic applications. Some of the isothiazolinones are difficult to isolate from water due their high polarity. A sensitive and selective analytical method was developed and optimized for the determination of sub-µg/L levels of three isothiazolinones in water samples. Three isothiazolinones are described in this paper: 2-methyl-3-isothiazolinone, 5-chloro-2-methyl-3-isothiazolinone and 4,5-dichloro-2-methyl-3-isothiazolinone. The analytical method involves a robust large-volume direct on-column loop injection of 2mL on an Aqua ODS HPLC column and tandem MS detection (HPLC-MS/MS). After filtration, samples are directly injected without further pretreatment. Detection limits of the individual target compounds were between 0.03 and 0.1µg/L employing Multi-Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mass spectrometry. Based on the constant ratio of two selected product-ions together with the retention time, the identification is very selective and quantification is reliable. The method was successfully applied to real samples of membrane flushings, drinking water, surface waters and waste water. Additional investigations showed the instability of the isothiazolinones in river- and waste water. Preservation of river water and waste water samples with sodium azide (NaN3) promotes the stability of the isothiazolines in solution. In membrane flushings, waste water, surface waters and drinking water, levels of the three isothiazolinones were all below the limit of detection. In effluents of households containing washings from normal shampoo use, isothiazolinones could be detected. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Inventory of aquatic contaminant flux arising from historical metal mining in England and Wales,

    Por: Mayes W.M., Potter H.A.B., Jarvis A.P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Inventory, Metal mine, Mine water, Pollution
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Science of the Total Environment
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The impact of discharges from abandoned metal and ironstone mines has been a much studied form of aquatic pollution in recent decades. Few attempts however, have been made to accurately determine the overall contaminant mass flux arising from abandoned mine sites at scales above catchment level. Such assessments are critical to determine the significance of former mining to national, regional and ultimately global trace metal flux. This paper presents the most comprehensive national survey to date across England and Wales of the total pollution burden discharged at source from abandoned non-coal mine sites. 338 discharges have been identified (from 4923 known abandoned metal mines) and while concurrent flow and contaminant concentration records are only available for around 30% of these, significant quantities of metals (and As) have been quantified to be discharged. A minimum of 193. tonnes of Zn, 18.5. tonnes of Pb, 0.64. tonnes Cd, 19.1. tonnes of Cu, 551. tonnes Fe, 72. tonnes Mn and 5.1. tonnes As are released in water discharges from abandoned non-coal mines to the surface water environment of England and Wales each year. Precautionary extrapolation of mass fluxes based on the frequency distribution of measured concentration and flow data, for discharges with absent data, suggests that the actual total mass flux for these contaminants could be up to 41% higher. The mass flux of Pb released from mines exceeds that of all currently permitted discharges (e.g. active industrial sites and wastewater treatment works) to surface waters across England and Wales, while those of As, Cd and Zn are of a similar magnitude. These data put into context the enduring legacy of historic mining on the water environment, highlighting its significance relative to more highly regulated polluting sites. Comparison of the figures with estimates of global trace metal flux suggests that the national total identified here is significant on a global scale. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Effect of C/N ratio and physicochemical conditions on the production of rhamnolipids by pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI,

    Por: Lovaglio R.B., Costa S.G.V.A.O., Lima C.J.B., Cortezi M., Jonas C.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: C/n ratio, Rhamnolipids, Soapstock
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Research Journal of Biotechnology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    Waste utilization for biosurfactant production is an important approach contributing to the reduction of waste treatment costs, while increasing the economic value of residues and reducing biosurfactant production costs. In an attempt to optimize rhamnolipid production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI, the effects of the oil refinery waste as carbon source, C/N ratio, agitation Speed, aeration rate, pH control and fed-batch culture conditions on the production of this biosurfactant were assessed in a bioreactor. Maximum production (16.9 g L ) was attained at a C/N ratio of 23, agitation at 800 rpm and aeration at 2.0 vvm. The rhamnolipid solution (0.1%, w/v) exhibited surface and interface tensions of 25 mN/m and 0.63 mN/m respectively. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) wds 73,9 mg L-1. The optimal parameters used in this study promoted the formation of a useful biosurfactant with potential for many industrial applications.

  • Emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from both of point and area sources of an electric-arc furnace-dust treatment plant and their impacts to the vicinity environments,

    Por: Yu K.-M., Lee W.-J., Tsai P.-J., Fang K., Lin M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Electric-arc furnace-dust treatment plant, Emission factor, Emission rate, PCDD/Fs
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Chemosphere
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    This study was set out to investigate emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from both the stack (i.e., point source) and plant fugitives (i.e., area source) of an electric-arc furnace-dust treatment plant (EAFDTP) and their impact to the vicinity environments. The emission rate of the point source (2360ng I-TEQh-1) was determined directly by measuring PCDD/F concentrations of the stack flue gas. The emission rate of the area source (1080ng I-TEQm-2h-1) was estimated by using the Industrial Sources Complex Short-Term (ISCST3) model based on concentrations measured at the downwind side of the plant. The mean emission factors of 785 and 893ngI-TEQton-1 ZnO were found for the point and area source, respectively. The above results suggest that the area source accounted for more than 50% of total PCDD/F emissions for the selected EAFDTP. The contribution of the point source to the atmospheric PCDD/F concentrations of the upwind site and downwind site of the EAFDTP were 0 and 0.27fgI-TEQNm-3, respectively. The contributions of the area source were 0.020 and 3.3fgI-TEQNm-3, respectively. The total contribution of the selected EAFDTP (including both the point and area sources) to the concentrations in both upwind and downwind side vicinities were all less than 10%. Finally, the impact of PCDD/F emissions from the selected EAFDTP to the vicinity atmospheric environments was discussed in the present study. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Reverse logistics information system of e-waste based on internet,

    Por: Tao J.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Internet, RLIS(Reverse logistics information system)
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo de Congresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, IN

    The current state of RLIS (Reverse Logistics Information System) for e-waste (Electronic Waste) reverse logistics is no integrated and effective reverse logistics information system for disposing e-waste information of management. When Social needs, the time is a system to produce. We draw up an information system model for e-waste reverse logistics based on internet to solve the lack of RLIS. Next, it introduces the main technique in detail and puts forward design scheme of e-waste reverse logistics RLIS based on internet. Especially it used the GIS technique. It is a multifactor model to analyze e-waste material flow. It has great significance for the visualization of e-waste logistics, management dynamically real time and assistance decision analysis. © 2010 IEEE.

  • Managing sustainability for the development of sustainable recycling technologies,

    Por: Yang Q.Z., Shen Z.Q.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Nickel recovery, Sustainability management, Sustainable development
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo de Congresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: 5th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Brought into focus by sustainable development along with related issues of resource efficiency and health hazard reduction, sustainability in industrial waste recycling is becoming an emerging area with potentials to contribute to environmental protection, economic development and social benefit. This paper examines a sustainability management approach to the development of sustainable recycling technologies. It focuses on characterizing, modeling and assessing the critical sustainability factors of a closed-loop recycling technology for recovery of nickel from waste catalysts. The sustainability factors are identified from the nickel recovery process and modeled in metrics to evaluate economic and environmental impacts. The results suggest that the economic profitability of nickel recovery from wastes strongly depends on nickel market values and it also increases over production batch size. Its environmental impact is highly sensitive to changes in energy consumption. However, energy intensity indicates that there exist improvement rooms in energy efficiency for the current process. © 2010 IEEE.

  • Performance study of a HUASB reactor for treating tapioca-based starch industrial waste stream,

    Por: Govindaradjane S., Sundararajan T., Sivasankaran M.A., Kumar V.N.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Cod removal (%), Performance evaluation, Tapioca-based starch industrial waste stream, Uasb and huasb reactor
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Pollution Research
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    In this paper, performance of a HUASB reactor for treating a tapioca-based starch industrial waste stream has been studied and compared with that of a UASB reactor under identical conditions of operation. Six influent COD concentrations ranging from about 1700-5800 mg/L and five HRTs (8 to 24 hrs) were considered and performance of the reactors evaluated based on pre-set criteria i.e., on COD removal (%) and bio-gas yield. From an overall assessment, the HUASB reactor has performed better than the UASB reactor for treating the above waste stream. Copyright © EM International.

  • Biodiversity of microbes in paper mill effluent,

    Por: Senthilkumar G., Panneerselvam A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Biodiversity, Fungi and pollution, Paper mill effluent
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pollution Research
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    An investigation was carried out to assess the impact of paper mill effluent on the microbial diversity viz., bacteria and fungi. Results of one year ecological study revealed that altogether 7 species of bacteria and 12 species of fungi were isolated from the paper mill effluent stream. Among bacteria, Streptococcus with two species and others with single species each were recorded. Aspergillus was dominant among fungi with 9 species followed by Penicillium, Rhizopus and Trichoderma. Higher amounts of phosphates and nitrates, with sufficient amount of oxidizable organic matter limited dissolved oxygen content and slightly alkaline pH were probably the factors favouring the growth of microbes especially fungi. The utilization of dominant species of fungi to monitor pollution in paper mill effluent has also been discussed. Copyright © EM International.

  • Impact of the alternative fuels use on the composition and on the structural characteristics of the clinkers [Impactul utilizarii combustibililor alternativi asupra caracteristicilor compozitionale si structurale ale clincherelor],

    Por: Georgescu M., Niculae G.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Rietveld method, SEM, Waste-derived alternative fuels
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RCC, RIN
    Fonte: Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Waste derived from different industries coprocessing represents a priority for cement industry in its efforts towards the sustainable development. In this ' respect, it becomes highly important identifying the impact of the alternative fuels use on the composition and structure of the clinker and on the cement properties. The paper presents some investigations on some industrial clinkers produced by using a complex alternative fuel mix and a relatively high substitution rate of the traditional fuel with alternative fuels - 34 % - 60 %, in comparison with a reference clinker burnt using coal. The investigations of the mineralogical composition by Rietveld method and of the structural and textural characteristics by electronic microscopy SEM, showed no significant difference in terms of main mineralogical compounds content and of the structure and textural appearance, between the clinker burnt with traditional fuels and the clinkers produced in the same installation, but using various types of alternative fuels and thermal substitution up to 60 %.

  • Model of complex energy and environmental analysis of processes from glass industry [Model de analiza complexa: energetica si ecologica, a proceselor tehnologice din industria sticlei],

    Por: Patrascu R., Darie G., Volceanov A., Sava B.A., Elisa M., Stanculea A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Environment, Equipment, Glass technology
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Revista Romana de Materiale/ Romanian Journal of Materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    The present Artigo is an integrated approach of energetic efficiency in the field of glass manufacturing industry as well as the reduction of its environment impact. In the same time, this Artigo is targeting an improvement of energetic and economic efficiency, a reduction of the environment impact (CO2, NOx, SO2 and dust emissions) and new equipment implementation in the field of glass manufacturing industry in Romania. This Artigo takes also in consideration the consequences of the glass waste recycling. As a result of the present model, complex appraisal methodologies of energetic efficiency, environmental impact and economic efficiency as well as new clean technologies will be available for the Romanian glass manufacturing domain. In this way, Romanian glass industry will be able to reach European efficiency and environment standards. Emissions reduction, especially CO2, will create appropriate conditions to implement the main Kyoto Agreement measures. New methodologies techniques and technologies (solutions, equipments, etc) and also the new developed evaluation models might have a replication potential for other industrial branches.

  • Stabilization of lime-cement flyash layer at subbase level of flexible pavement,

    Por: Kumar M.A., Prasad D.S.V., Raju G.V.R.P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Flyash, Lime-cement
    Tipo de Trabalho: Estudo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Asian Journal of Microbiology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    When geotechnical Engineers are faced with problematic soils (such as clayey or expansive soils), the engineering properties of those soils may need to be improved to make them suitable for construction. Waste materials such as flyash or pozzolanic materials have been used for soil improvement. Flyash is a waste material of burring coal at electric power plants and one of the most useful and versatile industrial by products. Many highway agencies, private organizations and researchers are doing extensive studies on waste materials and research projects concerning the viability and environmental suitability. Effective utilization of waste materials with technical development in each field is indeed necessary. Attempts are made to investigate the stabilization process with model test tracks over expansive/sand subgrades. Loading-unloading tests are carriedout on the tracks with chemicals like lime and cement introduced in flyash subbase laid on expansive/sand subgrades. Test results show that maximum load carrying capacity is obtained for stabilized flyash subbase compared to untreated flyash subbase. © Global Science Publications.

  • Drinking water quality assessment in Southern Sindh (Pakistan),

    Por: Memon M., Soomro M.S., Akhtar M.S., Memon K.S.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Chemical, Coliform, Dug wells, Pakistan
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    The southern Sindh province of Pakistan adjoins the Arabian Sea coast where drinking water quality is deteriorating due to dumping of industrial and urban waste and use of agrochemicals and yet has limited fresh water resources. The study assessed the drinking water quality of canal, shallow pumps, dug wells, and water supply schemes from the administrative districts of Thatta, Badin, and Thar by measuring physical, chemical, and biological (total coliform) quality parameters. All four water bodies (dug wells, shallow pumps canal water, and water supply schemes) exceeded WHO MPL for turbidity (24%, 28%, 96%, 69%), coliform (96%, 77%, 92%, 81%), and electrical conductivity (100%, 99%, 44%, 63%), respectively. However, the turbidity was lower in underground water, i.e., 24% and 28% in dug wells and shallow pumps as compared to open water, i.e., 96% and 69% in canal and water supply schemes, respectively. In dug wells and shallow pumps, limits for TDS, alkalinity, hardness, and sodium exceeded, respectively, by 63% and 33%

  • Soy flour adhesive modified with urea, citric acid and boric acid,

    Por: Li F., Li X.P., Wang W.H.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Bonding, Shear strength, Soya
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pigment and Resin Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate an adhesive prepared from soy flour (SF) modified with urea, citric acid and boric acid as an environmentally friendly product for the wood industry. Design/methodology/ approach - Urea solution was prepared at 30°C and then SF was added and stirred at 30°C for 2 hours. Citric acid solution was added and stirred for another 0.5 hours and then boric acid solution was added and heated at 30°C for a further 0.5 hours. The resulting adhesive was used to bond poplar veneers. Shear strength was measured to evaluate the bonding property of the adhesive. Viscometry and FT-IR spectrometry were used to test the viscosity and chemical changes, respectively. Findings - Soy protein has potential value in the preparation of adhesives because of its unique functional characteristics. The optimum formulation was 100 g of soy powder treated with 9 g of citric acid at 30°C for 0.5 hours in the presence of sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH 2PO4). After addition of 6 g of boric acid the resulting adhesive exhibited a shear strength of 0.82 MPa when bonded samples were treated with water, indicating that boric acid improved the water resistance via the formation of a chelating polymer. Research limitations/implications - Compared to synthetic resin such as urea formaldehyde, the SF adhesive exhibited lower water resistance. Further modification methods and optimum chemical reagents still need to be investigated. Originality/value - A new formulation for an environmentally friendly adhesive prepared from SF is identified for the panel industry. The bonding potential of soy protein was developed without any synthetic resin, which will promote industrial utilisation of an agricultural by-product. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

  • Evaluation of bacterial strains for biosurfactant production from agro-industrial wastes,

    Por: Panesar R., Panesar P.S., Kumar N., Bera M.B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Biosurfactants, Emulsification activity, Molasses, Whey
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Asian Journal of Microbiology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Biosurfactants are amphiphilic compounds, which have the advantages over synthetic counterparts such as lower toxicity, biodegradability, selectivity, specific activity at extreme temperatures, pH, salinity, and the possibility of their production through fermentation. These have wide range of potential applications in areas of environmental protection and management, crude oil recovery, as antimicrobial agents in health care and food processing industries. The advantages of biosurfactants over their synthetic derivatives and wide range of applications have attracted the strong interest of scientific community. In the present investigation, the food industry waste namely molasses and whey have been tested for their suitability for biosurfactant production. Five bacterial strains have been evaluated for their ability to use these raw materials and compared their performance on the conventional media. Among the bacterial strains tested, Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 2297 displayed the maximum emulsification activity (65%) on molasses medium after 120 hrs of incubation period. © Global Science Publications.

  • Catalytic wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation of a petrochemical wastewater,

    Por: Pariente M.I., Melero J.A., Martinez F., Botas J.A., Gallego A.I.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Petrochemical wastewater, Pilot plant scale, SBA-15, Wet peroxide oxidation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Water Science and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Continuous Catalytic Wet Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation (CWHPO) for the treatment of a petrochemical industry wastewater has been studied on a pilot plant scale process. The installation, based on a catalytic fixed bed reactor (FBR) coupled with a stirred tank reactor (STR), shows an interesting alternative for the intensification of a continuous CWHPO treatment. Agglomerated SBA-15 silica-supported iron oxide (Fe2O 3/SBA-15) was used as Fenton-like catalyst. Several variables such as the temperature and hydrogen peroxide concentration, as well as the capacity of the pilot plant for the treatment of inlet polluted streams with different dilution degrees were studied. Remarkable results in terms of TOC reduction and increased biodegradability were achieved using 160°C and moderate hydrogen peroxide initial concentration. Additionally, a good stability of the catalyst was evidenced for 8 hours of treatment with low iron leaching (less than 1 mg/L) under the best operating conditions. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Effect of the Recycling and Annealing on the Mechanical and Fracture Properties of Poly(Lactic Acid),

    Por: Nascimento L., Gamez-Perez J., Santana O.O., Velasco J.I., Maspoch M.Ll., Franco-Urquiza E.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Crystallinity, Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), Reprocessing
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Polymers and the Environment
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The aim of this work is to evaluate the use of Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) industrial waste as a source of raw material for certain applications, as well as to understand the effects of the annealing on the fracture behavior of PLA. PLA waste has been simulated by an initial step of extrusion in a single screw extruder and pelletizing. Specimens of virgin and reprocessed PLA were obtained by injection molding. An annealing treatment capable of increasing the percentage of crystallinity (determined by differential scanning calorimetry) was also analyzed in reprocessed and non reprocessed specimens. The fracture behavior was studied at slow and high testing speed, applying the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) on single edge notched bend (SENB) specimens. This study revealed that the fracture toughness of the reprocessed PLA was basically the same that the virgin PLA and also that the increase in the crystalline fraction produced an improvement on the fracture toughness, at slow loading rate. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

  • Cleaner production alternatives for saponin industry by recycling starch,

    Por: Li H., Ni J., Liu W., Zhu Y.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Material flow analysis, Saponin industry, Simulation experiments, Starch recycling
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Resources, Conservation and Recycling
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    Conventional process in saponin industry resulted in severe environmental problems in China. Millions of tons of high strength wastewater discharged to the ambient rivers and threatened the safety of local drinking water and the major function as drinking water source of the ambitious South-to-North Water Transfer Project. In this paper, cleaner production alternatives for saponin industry were investigated with material flow analysis (MFA) with particular attention to pollutants reduction through starch transformation. Simulation experiments were conducted to evaluate the two proposed schemes primarily in terms of recycling principle characterized by reduce, reuse and recycle. Quantitative evaluation was carried out from four aspects including resource conservation, pollution reduction, starch recycling efficiency and diosgenin yield. The experimental results showed that starch recycle was an effective measure for the cleaner production of saponin industry, and especially the starch recycle before acid hydrolysis (scheme I) would greatly alleviate the load to acid hydrolysis and reduce pollution at the source. By recycling starch, both schemes could reduce 45-50% of pollutants and 32-35% of wastewater comparingwith the conventional process, besides, about 64% (scheme I) and 75% (scheme II) of starch could be utilized and thus extra profit which was more than 20,000 RMB yuan/t diosgenin could be achieved. Starch recycle before acid hydrolysis (in scheme I) would result in a saving of 40% sulfuric acid and a lowering of 50% material intensity, while the starch recycle after acid hydrolysis (in scheme II) would have much less contribution to the reduction of both material intensity and pollutants. Therefore, starch recycling should be implemented with priority at the earlier stage of the whole processing system. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Hexavalent chromium removal by a paecilomyces sp. fungal strain isolated from environment,

    Por: Acosta-Rodriguez I., Cardenas-Gonzalez J.F.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    A resistant and capable fungal strain in removing hexavalent chromium was isolated from an environment near of Chemical Science Faculty, located in the city of San Luis Potosa

  • Utilization of coal combustion by-products in sustainable construction materials,

    Por: Siddique R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Bottom ash, Clean coal ash, Fly ash, Leachate methods
    Tipo de Trabalho: Estudo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RGE
    Fonte: Resources, Conservation and Recycling
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    Solid waste management is gaining significant importance with the ever-increasing quantities of industrial by-products and wastes. With the environmental awareness and scarcity of space for landfilling, wastes/by-product utilization has become an attractive alternative to disposal. Several industrial by-products are produced from manufacturing processes, service industries and municipal solid wastes. Some of these industrial by-products/waste materials could possibility be used in cement-based materials. Coal combustion by-products (CCBs) represent incombustible materials left after combustion of coal in conventional and/or advanced clean-coal technology combustors. These include fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) by-products from advanced clean-coal technology combustors. This paper briefly describes various coal combustion products produced, as well as current best recycling use options for these materials. Materials, productions, properties, potential applications in manufacture of emerging materials for sustainable construction, as well as environmental impact are also briefly discussed. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Identification of a-ß unsaturated aldehydes as sources of toxicity to activated sludge biomass in polyester manufacturing wastewater,

    Por: Caffaro-Filho R.A., Wagner R., Umbuzeiro G.A., Grossman M.J., Durrant L.R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: 2-butenal, 2-propenal, Acrolein congeners, Aldol condensation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Water Science and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Wastewater generated in industrial production processes are often contaminated by hazardous chemicals. Characterization by means of toxicity-directed analysis is useful for identifying which fractions of a waste stream possess the most toxicity. We applied this approach to evaluate toxic components of a polyester manufacturing wastewater. Using the reduction in oxygen uptake rate of activated sludge as an indicator of toxicity, it was determined that increasing the pH from 3 to 11 followed by air stripping significantly reduced the toxicity of the wastewater. Comparative headspace GC/MS analysis of wastewater at different pHs selected a group of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) associated with the observed effect of air stripping at pH 11. Ten of these compounds were identified as a,b unsaturated aldehydes (acrolein (2-propenal) congeners)

  • Using a constructed wetland for non-point source pollution control and river water quality purification: A case study in Taiwan,

    Por: Wu C.Y., Kao C.M., Lin C.E., Chen C.W., Lai Y.C.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Non-point source pollution, River pollution
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Water Science and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    The Kaoping River Rail Bridge Constructed Wetland, which was commissioned in 2004, is one of the largest constructed wetlands in Taiwan. This multi-function wetland has been designed for the purposes of non-point source (NPS) pollutant removal, wastewater treatment, wildlife habitat, recreation, and education. The major influents of this wetland came from the local drainage trench containing domestic, agricultural, and industrial wastewaters, and effluents from the wastewater treatment plant of a paper mill. Based on the quarterly investigation results from 2007 to 2009, more than 96% of total coliforms (TC), 48% of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and 40% of nutrients (e.g. total nitrogen, total phosphorus) were removed via the constructed wetland system. Thus, the wetland system has a significant effect on water quality improvement and is capable of removing most of the pollutants from the local drainage system before they are discharged into the downgradient water body. Other accomplishments of this constructed wetland system include the following: providing more green areas along the riversides, offering more water assessable eco-ponds and eco-gardens for the public, and rehabilitating the natural ecosystem. The Kaoping River Rail Bridge Constructed Wetland has become one of the most successful multi-function constructed wetlands in Taiwan. The experience obtained from this study will be helpful in designing similar natural treatment systems for river water quality improvement and wastewater treatment. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Organic matter and heavy metal removals from complexed metal plating effluent by the combined electrocoagulation/Fenton process,

    Por: Kabdasli I., Arslan T., Arslan-Alaton I., Olmez-Hanci T., Tunay O.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Complexing agent removal, Electrocoagulation/Fenton, Metal plating effluent, Organic matter removal
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Water Science and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    In the present study, the treatment of metal plating wastewater containing complexed metals originating from the nickel and zinc plating process by electrocoagulation (EC) using stainless steel electrodes was explored. In order to improve the organic matter removal efficiency, the effect of H 2O2 addition to the electrocoagulation (the combined EC/Fenton process) application was investigated. For this purpose, a wide range of H2O2 concentrations varying between 15 and 230 mM was tested. All EC and EC/Fenton processes were performed at an initial pH of 2.6 and at an optimized current density of 22 mA/cm2. Although up to 30 mM H2O2 addition improved the EC process performance in terms of organic matter abatement, the highest COD and TOC removal efficiencies were obtained for the combined EC/Fenton process in the presence of 20 mM H 2O2. Nickel and zinc were completely removed for all runs tested in the present study after pH adjustments. At the optimized operation conditions, the combined EC/Fenton process proved to be an alternative treatment method for the improvement of organic matter reduction as well as complexed metal removal from metal plating industry wastewater. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Preparation of solid composite polyferric sulfate and its flocculation behavior for wastewater containing high concentration organic compounds,

    Por: Wang R.M., Wang Y., He Y.F., Li F.Y., Zhou Y., He N.P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Na-Bentonite, Polyferric sulfate, Solid composite flocculant, Starch industry wastewater
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Water Science and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    A new kind of inorganic polymer flocculant, the solid composite polyferric sulfate (SPFS) was prepared using ferrous sulfate and Na-Bentonite. The obtained SPFS was characterized by FT-IR spectra, thermogravimetric analysis (TG), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). It showed that SPFS was a kind of composite inorganic polymer, which was the complex of PFS and Na-Bent, not only a simple mixture of raw materials. The synthetic mechanism and surface structure of SPFS were also discussed. Acting as a kind of environmentfriendly flocculating agent, the solid composite polyferric sulfate (SPFS) was applied in pretreatment of potato starch industry wastewater, a typical wastewater containing high concentration organic compounds, which COD was above 6,000 mg/L. The results showed that the COD removal value reached 4,070 mg/L with COD removal rates being 46.6%. Based on these results, it is suggested that the SPFS can be attractive pretreatment agent for the starch industry wastewater. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Real time control for reduced aeration and chemical consumption: A full scale study,

    Por: Thornton A., Sunner N., Haeck M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Aeration control, Methanol, Nutrient removal, Real time control
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Water Science and Technology
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    The use of the activated sludge process (ASP) for the nitrification/ denitrification of wastewaters is commonplace throughout the UK and many other parts of the industrial world. Associated with this process are significant costs arising from aeration requirements and for selected sites, the need to provide an external carbon source. These costs can constitute up to of 50% of the total running cost of the whole plant and as such, any effort to reduce them could realise significant benefits. This paper investigates the use of real time control (RTC) using online sensors and control algorithms to optimise the operation of the ASP, leading to greater efficiency and sustainability. Trials were undertaken at full scale to assess the benefit of such a system at a 250,000 population equivalent (PE) works on the south coast of the UK, using Activated sludge model No.1 (ASM 1) as a basis for the control system. Initial results indicate that it is possible to significantly reduce both aeration and chemical consumption costs whilst still delivering the required effluent quality. Over the trial period the aeration requirements were consistently reduced by 20% whereas, a reduction in methanol consumption of in excess of 50% was observed. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Purification and characterization of thermostable organic solvent-stable protease from Aeromonas veronii PG01,

    Por: Divakar K., Priya J.D.A., Gautam P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Purification, Solvent-stable, Thermostable, Zinc metalloprotease
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    A mesophilic bacterium, Aeromonas veronii PG01, isolated from industrial wastes produced an extracellular thermostable organic solvent tolerant protease. The optimum condition for cell growth and protease production waspH7.0and 30°C. The protease produced was purified 53-fold to homogeneity with overall yield of 32%, through ammonium sulphate precipitation, ion-exchange and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The molecular weight, as determined by GPC-HPLC, was found to be about 67kDa. SDS-PAGE revealed that the enzyme consisted of two subunits, with molecular weight of 33kDa. The protease was active in broad range of pH from 6.0 to 10.0 with optimum activity at pH 7.5. The optimum temperature for this protease was 607deg

  • A game-theoretic analysis of implementation of cleaner production policies in the Chinese electroplating industry,

    Por: Dong X., Li C., Li J., Wang J., Huang W.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Electroplating industry, Game theory, Policy
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Resources, Conservation and Recycling
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: IN, SE

    Cleaner production plays an important role in minimizing the consumption of water, raw materials, energy, and the generation of waste during industrial processes. Tax breaks, equipment subsidies and penalties are often considered the main policy tools for promoting enterprises to adopt cleaner production technologies, especially in Chinese electroplating industry. However, the results of these policies implementation are confronting with some uncertainty because of the conflicts of the interest between players involved. This paper presents a framework for analyzing the conflicts between a local government and a potentially polluting firm by using game theory. We enriched the model by adding policy variables, such as psychological costs (m), environmental benefit evaluation (E), and reward local government for its implementation (R), to change the payoffs, which can improve the current policies. Using theoretical and numerical analysis, the effects of subsidies, penalties and other policy variables on implementation of cleaner production were obtained. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Environment hazard mitigation of waste gypsum and chalk: Use in construction materials,

    Por: Garg M., Minocha A.K., Jain N.
    Palavras-Chave: Compressive strength, Masonry cement, Phosphogypsum, Tiles
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RGE, RIN
    Fonte: Construction and Building Materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    The rapid urbanization and industrialization have resulted in the production of various types of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes which pose serious problems to the environment. The disposal and use of solid industrial wastes like phosphogypsum, fluorogypsum, fly ash, slag, and lime sludge, is significant in view of their availability and potential applications. The paper deals with studies on select wastes like phosphogypsum and chalk for use in value-added building materials. The engineering properties and techno-economics of materials like gypsum plasters, cementitious binders, boards/blocks, masonry cement and flooring tiles produced from phosphogypsum and lime have been detailed. The production and use of building materials from such wastes will protect the environment from degradation. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Levels and isomer profiles of Dechlorane Plus in the surface soils from e-waste recycling areas and industrial areas in South China,

    Por: Yu Z., Lu S., Gao S., Wang J., Li H., Zeng X., Sheng G., Fu J.
    Palavras-Chave: Dechlorane Plus, Guiyu, Qingyuan, Spatial distribution
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Environmental Pollution
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    Dechlorane Plus (DP) is a highly chlorinated flame retardant. Levels of DP were measured in surface soils from e-waste recycling areas and industrial areas in South China. Higher DP levels were found in e-waste recycling areas (undetectable-47.4 ng/g) than those in industrial areas (0.0336-4.65 ng/g) in South China. The highest DP concentration (3327 ng/g) was found at the e-waste recycling site in Qingyuan, while DP levels fell dramatically with increasing distance away from the recycling site, suggesting that the e-waste recycling activities are an important source of DP emissions. The mean ratios of anti-DP to total DP (fanti ) for different sampling areas ranged from 0.58 to 0.76 and showed no significant difference from the ratio for the technical DP products (t-test, p >

  • Evaluation and selection of regeneration of waste lubricating oil technology,

    Por: Hsu Y.-L., Liu C.-C.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Re-refining, Recycling, Regeneration, Waste oil
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Lubricant is one of the important resources that cannot be disposed of randomly due to the presence of pollutants. In response to economic efficiency and environmental protection, there is a growing trend of regeneration and reuse of waste lubricant. However, the technologies shall be compared to provide a useful reference for the use of waste lubricant. The major aim of this paper is to use analytic hierarchy process to select, analyze, and compare the regenerative technologies, thus laying a basis for the governmental bodies in policy making of lubricant recovery as well as for industrial operators in deciding the recovery methods. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

  • Industrial hygiene and toxicity studies in unorganized bone-based industrial units,

    Por: Siddiqui H., Ashquin M., Prasad R., Arif J.M., Patil T.N., Ahmad I.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Hemolytic activity, Occupational hazards, PM10, PM2.5 cytotoxicity
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    A large variety of ornamental and decorative items are manufactured from bone waste by various unorganized sectors in India. An initial survey indicated that workers were exposed at various phases of final product. The subjects (12 industrial units) were tested for total suspended particulate matter (TSPM), particulate matter <

  • Mandatory reporting of greenhouse gases from magnesium production, underground coal mines, industrial wastewater treatment, and industrial waste landfills,

    Por: [No author name available]
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Note
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Federal Register
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    EPA is promulgating a regulation to require monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions from magnesium production, underground coal mines, industrial wastewater treatment, and industrial waste landfills. This action adds these four source categories to the list of source categories already required to report greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the affected entities by category include pulp mills, paper mills, ethanol manufacturing facilities, and petroleum refineries. This action requires monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gases for these source categories only for sources with CO2 equivalent emissions above certain threshold levels as described in this regulation. This action does not require control of greenhouse gases. The final rule is effective on 9/10/2010. The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of 9/10/2010.

  • Tracking the devil's metal: Historical global and contemporary U.S. tin cycles,

    Por: Izard C.F., Muller D.B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Recycling, Resource management, Substitution, Tin
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Resources
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    Tin is an essential industrial metal with many applications from plastics to electronics. In contrast to other metals, tin reserves are very small with a static lifetime of 22 years. Mining is heavily concentrated in a few countries. Together, these characteristics render primary tin supply potentially vulnerable to short and long-term disruptions. An increased use of secondary tin resources (e.g., scrap from retiring products) could replace primary tin and thereby mitigate both challenges. In order to identify the potential for secondary resource use, it is necessary to know both where tin is accumulating in the anthroposphere and where tin could be recovered most effectively.Wefirst analyzed the global, historical tin metabolism on a highly aggregated level to identify areas of stock accumulation. Subsequently, we studied the contemporary (2005) U.S. tin cycle in more detail to detect flows rich in tin for potential recycling. Most of the tin mined globally in the 20th century has been accumulating in landfills due to a relatively short lifetime and low recovery rates. The global tin reservoir in landfills has reached about double the size of current reserves, while products in use constitute about half the amount in reserves. In addition, substantial amounts of tin have accumulated in steel (where it forms a tramp element and is virtually lost for future recovery). Landfills might become important tin mines in the future, however, currently more attractive is a focus on in-use stocks, where tin is available in higher concentrations. Today, the U.S. has a post-consumer recycling rate of about 28%, exclusively in alloy form. The most important current source of post-consumer recycled material is lead acid batteries. Products that are good candidates for improved end of life recycling include containers and electronics, although this potential is not currently being harvested in the U.S. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Effect of copper slag as a fine aggregate on the properties of cement mortars and concrete,

    Por: Al-Jabri K.S., Al-Saidy A.H., Taha R.
    Palavras-Chave: Concrete, Copper slag, Durability, Industrial by-products
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo impresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Construction and Building Materials
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    An experimental investigation was conducted to study the effect of using copper slag as a fine aggregate on the properties of cement mortars and concrete. Various mortar and concrete mixtures were prepared with different proportions of copper slag ranging from 0% (for the control mixture) to 100% as fine aggregates replacement. Cement mortar mixtures were evaluated for compressive strength, whereas concrete mixtures were evaluated for workability, density, compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and durability. The results obtained for cement mortars revealed that all mixtures with different copper slag proportions yielded comparable or higher compressive strength than that of the control mixture. Also, there was more than 70% improvement in the compressive strength of mortars with 50% copper slag substitution in comparison with the control mixture. The results obtained for concrete indicated that there is a slight increase in density of nearly 5% as copper slag content increases, whereas the workability increased significantly as copper slag percentage increased compared with the control mixture. A substitution of up to 40-50% copper slag as a sand replacement yielded comparable strength to that of the control mixture. However, addition of more copper slag resulted in strength reduction due to the increase in the free water content in the mix. Also, the results demonstrated that surface water absorption decreased as copper slag content increases up to 50% replacement. Beyond that, the absorption rate increased rapidly and the percentage volume of the permeable voids was comparable to the control mixture. Therefore, it is recommended that up to 40-50% (by weight of sand) of copper slag can be used as a replacement for fine aggregates in order to obtain a concrete with good strength and durability requirements. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Using wasted basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag for decolorization of diazo dye acid black 24 wastewater,

    Por: Chang M.-C., Shu H.-Y., Chang C.-C., Chen W.-H.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Basic oxygen furnace slag, BOF, Color, Slag
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Effluents from the textile dyeing industry with high color and organic constituents frequently cannot comply with environmental standards. Without suitable treatment before discharging into natural water-bodies, these effluents may threaten the ecological environment and human health. The objective of this study was to utilize wasted basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag for decolorization of recalcitrant diazo dye C.I. Acid Black 24 wastewater, considering time, slag dose and initial dye concentration. From the results, BOF slag was efficiently capable of reducing dye color, obtaining the best color removal of 99.7 %, as well as a total organic carbon (TOC) of 57.4% with an initial dye concentration of 25.0 mg/L and slag dose of 10 g/L at 60 min. The color removal efficiency was dependent on slag dose and initial dye concentrations. Color and TOC removal efficiencies linearly increased with increased slag dose, reaching a maximum at 10 g/L. Moreover, the removal of the American Dye Manufactures Institute color unit (ADMI) followed a first-order equation with respect to slag dose. The leachate from the toxic test was identified to contain non-detectable toxic metals such as Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr, Cd and Pb. Therefore, the metal release with this BOF slag addition was proven to be non-harmful in the view of environmental aspects.

  • Energy utilization from the low-calorific technological gases [Wykorzystanie energetyczne niskokalorycznych gaza

    Por: Rusinowski H., Pluta L., Milejski A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Gas turbine, Low-calorific gas, Reciprocating engine, Waste-heat
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Rynek Energii
    Idioma: Polones
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Gases with a low-heating value of 1.2 a

  • Revaluation of mine rock waste as a substrate for carbon sequestration,

    Por: Hitch M., Ballantyne S.M., Hindle S.R.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo de Congresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit 2010
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    Many mining wastes, especially those from the metal mining industry, have traditionally been treated as a matter of little or no value and in practice a cost burden. Some wastes, due to their reactivity characteristics, have emergent values that go beyond purely economic and into the environmentally beneficial realm. This paper discusses the changing paradigm of mine waste management. Such fundamental parameters such as cut off grade, and strip ratio, are positively impacted by the revaluation of waste rock material. Mine rock waste can now be seen as a commodity of value, similar to the underlying ore being mined and influences the economic performance of suitable projects. This valuable material can be used for industrial purposes including acid neutralization as well as the capture and long-term disposal of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. The Turnagain Nickel project, located in northern British Columbia serves as an example of how waste rock material can become an important matrix for carbon capture and sequestration and can benefit economically from it. By producing material that has emergent economic value as well as carbon capture and sequestration capabilities, the sequestration matrix producer is a beneficiary of new carbon credits that have a market value and is looked upon favourably by regulatory authorities and affected stakeholders.

  • Study of thermal conductivity of materials made of sludges water depuration of the brewing industry,

    Por: Martinez-Garcia C., Palomino C.T., Iglesias F.A.C., Cartas L.M., Cruz N.P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Sludge, Thermal conductivity
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo de Congresso
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Advanced Materials Research
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    Industrial wastes contribute significantly to environmental pollution following the directives of European environmental policies, we must look for alternatives for minimization, treatment and / or recovery of wastes [1]. Several studies have found that basic materials such as polymers, cements and ceramics are better suited to inerting and neutralization of the waste by encapsulation in your matrix [2]. They are also increasingly used more insulating bricks. One way to increase this capacity is introduce additives organics into the matrix [3]. This is the case presented below, where they have used sludge from water purification of the brewing industry for the manufacture of ceramics. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

  • Identificacao multivariavel de um processo de incineracao de residuos liquidos utilizando modelos nebulosos Takagi-Sugeno

    Por: Almeida, Felipe de Mello
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Incineracao, Residuos industriais, halofita, Sistemas nebulosos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Este trabalho enfoca o problema de identificacao multivariavel de um processo de incineracao de residuos liquidos que faz parte do complexo da unidade de utilidades da empresa BASF S.A, localizada em Resende-RJ. Para trabalhos futuros, pretendemos utilizar esta identificacao em um projeto de controlador inteligente. A escolha desse processo foi motivada pelo potencial de melhoria no sistema de controle da combustao, sendo realizado um estudo com as possiveis melhorias econ

  • Reciclagem de fios e cabos eletricos.

    Por: Araujo, Mishene Christie Pinheiro Bezerra de
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: cabos eletricos, cobre, poluicao, reciclagem de residuos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A industria eletro-eletr

  • Avaliacao da tecnica de craqueamento termico de residuos pesados e ultra-pesados de petroleo utlizando radiacao laser

    Por: Ariza, Oscar Javier Celis
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Craquemento, Raios Laser, poluicao, Residuos-Petrobras, Calometria
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Esta dissertacao tem como foco estudar e propor um procedimento alternativo de craqueamento termico de residuos de petroleos pesados e ultra pesados por radiacao laser. As principais vantagens dessa tecnica estao relacionadas com a economia e a praticidade obtidas nas atividades de refino de petroleo, ao se tornar desnecessario, por exemplo, o uso de catalisadores e de grandes fornalhas nas etapas de craqueamento, reduzindo os altos custos operacionais tipicos desses processos. A tecnica proposta consistiu na utilizacao de um sistema laser de CO2 e scanner optico de varredura. Assim, gerou-se um laser o qual foi incidido diretamente no residuo de petroleo, fornecendo a amostra uma energia termica suficiente para ocorrer o rompimento das cadeias dos hidrocarbonetos. Inicialmente, para se definir as condicoes de processo, os residuos pesados e ultra pesados obtidos da destilacao molecular tiveram suas propriedades fisico-quimicas (condutividade termica (k), profundidade de absorcao (d), densidade (?), peso molecular (PM) ) e termicas (capacidade calorifica (Cp), entalpia (H) e temperatura de craqueamento (Tcrack)caracterizadas, sendo estas ultimas determinadas atraves da tecnica de calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC). A caracterizacao quimica dos hidrocarbonetos presentes antes e depois da irradiacao foi feita num sistema de cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectroscopia de massas (CG/EM), com uma previa separacao das fracoes parafinicas com o uso de coluna cromatografica aberta. Uma condicao experimental de irradiacao utilizada consistiu na operacao do laser de CO2 a uma potencia de 25 W e a uma velocidade de varredura de 1595 mm/s sob a superficie dos residuos ultra pesados produzindo um aumento em hidrocarbonetos caracteristicos em C8-C10, sendo a maioria identificada como fracoes aromaticas (etilbenzeno, s-xileno e ?-xileno). Alem disso, composto de hidrocarbonetos C25-C36 foram produzidos nos residuos com maior peso molecular. Com as propriedades opticas, termicas e fisico-quimicas das amostras determinadas, esenvolveu-se para este processo um modelo matematico deterministico, cujas equacoes foram resolvidas pela tecnica de elementos finitos, atraves do uso do software ANSYS. Os resultados de simulacao juntamente com os dados experimentais permitiram identificar para a condicao de irradiacao estudada o comportamento termico (transferencia de calor) e as reacoes de craqueamento, tornando possivel a estimativa da seletividade dos produtos obtidos apos a incidencia do laser.

  • As ferramentas da qualidade e seu uso no gerenciamento ambiental da industria no polo sidero-petroquimico de Cubatao

    Por: Barreto, Jose Carlos Nunes
    Ano: 2000
    Palavras-Chave: Ferramenta da Qualidade, ISO 14000, Plasticos (reciclagem)
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE, GE

    Objetivo: Na cidade de Cubatao esta implantado o maior polo sidero-petroquimico do pais. A degradacao ambiental decorrente da falta de politica ambiental gera a necessidade de se entender o atual estado da arte do Gerenciamento Ambiental destas empresas, bem como, propor um modelo de gerenciamento ambiental baseado em ferramentas da qualidade, objetivo deste estudo. Metodo: O universo deste estudo constitui-se de 8 (oito) empresas que representam 81,63% do total de geracao de residuos do polo. Foram analisadas a luz da ISO 14.000 e com auxilio de ferramentas da qualidade (Histograma, Ishikawa, Diagrama de arvore, Fluxogramas, Ciclo Deming), apos aplicacao de duas pesquisas e a partir do diagrama de arvore, montou-se a Matriz de Qualidade Ambiental, tendo por base o QFD (Desdobramento da Funcao Qualidade). Desta matriz, extraiu-se o modelo de Gerenciamento Ambiental proposto no trabalho. Resultados: Criou-se uma ONG (Organizacao nao Governamental), o NPABS - Nucleo de Pesquisas Ambientais da Baixada Santista, para facilitar a troca de informacoes cientificas entre pesquisadores e futura aplicacao do trabalho em um banco de dados. Aplicou-se a Tabela de Desdobramento da Qualidade Exigida, com base no diagrama de arvore, e suas interacoes com a empresa, seus funcionarios e a comunidade, dando origem a Matriz de Qualidade Ambiental. Seus itens situados na horizontal sao a base do modelo de gerenciamento ambiental proposto para evitar os impactos ambientais de producao e proporcionar qualidade de vida a populacao da Baixada Santista, ja que pelos dados de Medrado Faria, a incidencia de c

  • Comportamento de ions de metais pesados (Pb e Ni) e de compostos nitrogenados em area industrial impactada no Municipio de Cubatao-SP

    Por: Berrocal, Robercal Asevedo
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: Compostos nitrogenados, Contaminacao de aquifero, Disposicao final
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A area de estudo deste trabalho, localizada no Municipio de Cubatao, abrange um terreno industrial desativado onde no passado foram descartados residuos, bem como, manipulados e estocados materiais com elevados teores de subst

  • Analise dos conflitos : uso e ocupacao da terra e fragilidade de aquiferos em Paulinia, SP, Brasil

    Por: Bocarde, Flavio
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Solos, Agua, Disposicao final, Residuos industriais, Solo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Por intermedio da Cartografia Geotecnica, associada a tecnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e a organizacao de dados atraves de um Sistema de Informacoes Geografica (SIG), obteve-se o mapeamento do Risco Potencial a Contaminacao do Solo e das aguas Subterr

  • Avaliacao fisico-quimica, nutricional e biologica das silagens acida, biologica e enzimatica elaboradas com descarte e residuo do beneficiamento da Tilapia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus).

    Por: Borghesi, Ricardo
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: aminoacidos, avaliacao nutricional para animal, Disposicao final, tilapia-do-Nilo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RGE, RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    No Brasil e no mundo, a industria relacionada a pesca gera grande quantidade de residuo de alto valor biologico. Este material residual, devido a falta de um destino adequado, e considerado um problema sob o ponto de vista ambiental, de sanidade e de eficiencia de producao. Com os objetivos de minimizar os problemas ambientais e melhorar a eficiencia de producao da industria do pescado, procedeu-se a elaboracao e a caracterizacao fisico-quimica e nutricional da silagem acida (SA), silagem biologica (SB) e silagem enzimatica (SE), utilizando como materia-prima os descartes da piscicultura e o residuo do beneficiamento da tilapia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) (Experimento 1). As silagens SA, SB e SE apresentaram os valores (base na materia seca) de: 25,21; 34,58 e 25,01 g/100g para a materia seca, 54,25; 33,00 e 54,50 g/100g para a proteina bruta, 12,45; 12,25 e 12,17 g/100g para lipidios, 8,03; 7,33 e 8,58 g/100g para o calcio e 4,71; 2,86 e 4,85 g/100g para o fosforo, respectivamente. Entre os aminoacidos essenciais (AAE), a leucina (3,50; 2,41 e 3,31 g/100g para SA, SB e SE, respectivamente) e a lisina (3,33; 2,41 e 3,22 g/100g para SA, SB e SE, respectivamente) apresentaram-se em maior concentracao. Com base no escore quimico, todas as silagens apresentaram deficiencia em triptofano, quando comparadas as exigencias em AAE para a tilapia do Nilo, de acordo com o NRC (1993). Contudo, considerando-se como aminoacidos limitantes apenas os que estiverem 30% abaixo das exigencias minimas para peixes, em geral, esses produtos nao sao deficientes em nenhum AAE. Em um segundo experimento, avaliou-se biologicamente as silagens elaboradas no experimento 1, atraves da determinacao do coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da energia, nutrientes e aminoacidos. Foram encontrados valores de CDA de: 92,01; 89,09 e 93,66% para proteina bruta, 86,39; 84,53 e 89,09% para energia bruta, 82,52; 78,98 e 82,96% para materia seca, 81,72; 73,99 e 80,27% para calcio e 77,86; 79,21 e 81,46% para o fosforo na SA, SB e SE, respectivamente. O CDA medio dos aminoacidos foi de: 91,83; 90,76 e 94,61% para SA, SB e SE, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos para SA e SE foram, de maneira geral proximos e melhores que os obtidos para SB. Recomenda-se, com base nos resultados desta pesquisa, o uso da SA pela facilidade na sua elaboracao.

  • Estudo da remocao de compostos org

    Por: Cardoso, Lucelena Patricio
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Adsorcao, Hipnotismo, HDL, Hidroxidos Duplos Lamelares, metil-Benzoato
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Hidroxidos Duplos Lamelares (HDLs) ou compostos lamelares do tipo da hidrotalcita podem ser representados genericamente atraves da formula: , na qual: M2+ representa um cation divalente; M3+ representa um cation trivalente; Am- representa o

  • Recuperacao de efluentes industriais em colunas pulsadas

    Por: Carlos Ernando da Silva
    Ano: 1998
    Palavras-Chave: Meio ambiente, Residuo industrial, Pavimento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A producao brasileira de aco inoxidavel e estimada em 290 mil toneladas anuais. Nas etapas finais da producao e realizado o tratamento da superficie do aco para remocao da camada de oxidos presentes, atraves da etapa denominada decapagem acida. A solucao da decapagem e composta pelos acidos nitrico e fluoridrico e e utilizada ate que a concentracao de ions ferricos atinja um valor entre 40 - 80 g/l, sendo entao descartada. O efluente contem cerca de 50 % dos acidos nao utilizados, alem dos metais dissolvidos (ferro, niquel e cromo). No Brasil, o tratamento de efluente da decapagem acida e realizado atraves do metodo de neutralizacao/precipitacao gerando um grande volume de solidos a serem depositados em areas apropriadas, alem do efluente liquido resultante possuir niveis de constituintes em desacordo com a legislacao ambiental vigente. O estudo aqui desenvolvido tem como objetivo a avaliacao tecnica do processo para recuperacao dos constituintes do efluente da decapagem acida, com enfoque na recuperacao dos acidos nitrico e fluoridrico para retomo ao processo. Numa primeira etapa, o ferro foi recuperado atraves da tecnica de extracao por solventes em uma cascata de misturadores-decantadores, apresentando um indice de recuperacao acima de 99%. Os estudos realizados permitiram a recuperacao de 99 % do acido nitrico e 80 % do acido fluoridrico atraves da tecnica de extracao por solventes em colunas pulsadas, utilizando o Tributilfosfato-TBP diluido em isoparafina como solucao org

  • Prevencao da poluicao aplicada as embalagens de uso industrial: estudo de caso

    Por: Castro, Marco Aurelio Soares de
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Embalagem, Gerenciamento de residuos solidos, Reciclagem de residuos urbanos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    O conceito de prevencao da poluicao, ja abordado em estudos sobre efluentes e outros tipos de residuos, deve se estender tambem a questao das embalagens utilizadas em industrias. Isto porque, com o aumento na complexidade dos processos produtivos, as embalagens passaram a ser empregadas tambem para abrigar componentes durante a fabricacao e o transporte, e nao mais apenas para conter o produto final; assim, sua utilizacao pode acarretar a geracao de grandes quantidades de residuos, caso o principio da prevencao nao seja adotado. e neste quadro que o presente trabalho se insere: inicialmente, apresenta consideracoes relativas as embalagens e a evolucao dos conceitos do gerenciamento de residuos, destacando a presenca da prevencao da poluicao em norma ISO 14001 e em dispositivos legais do Brasil e de paises da Comunidade Econ

  • Estudo da secagem de residuos agroindustriais enriquecidos para racao animal

    Por: Cavalcante, Josilene de Assis
    Ano: 2007-2009
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos agroindustriais, Secagem, residuos de servicos de saude
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Diretorio dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Varias alternativas sao propostas para reduzir o impacto das condicoes climaticas adversas na alimentacao de ruminantes, dentre as quais se destaca o uso de residuos e subprodutos da agricultura e da industria alimenticia, uma alternativa de grande potencial, pois consiste no aproveitamento de materiais hoje desperdicados, que podem ser transformados em racao animal. Um aproveitamento racional e eficiente desses residuos como substrato para a producao de proteinas microbianas podera dar resultados satisfatorios na producao de racoes, contribuindo tambem para minimizar os problemas de perdas na industrializacao das frutas tropicais. A producao de proteinas microbianas sobre os residuos agroindustriais pode ser realizada por meio de fermentacao semi-solida que, alem de requerer baixo investimento de capital e energia, praticamente nao produz rejeitos; e pode ser aplicada em diversos substratos. Os materiais in natura e enriquecidos sao muito delicados e por isso requerem cuidado durante a secagem, principalmente se a temperatura for a variavel que mais influencia as propriedades do material e a qualidade do produto final. Alem da secagem, outra etapa importante e a armazenagem; o material deve ser mantido em condicoes adequadas de forma a inibir ou evitar o crescimento de microorganismos, que podem gerar perdas de qualidade no material, inviabilizando sua utilizacao na alimentacao de ruminantes, sendo fundamental o conhecimento do comportamento higroscopico do mesmo e a qualidade do produto ao longo do tempo de armazenamento. Neste contexto, as metas deste projeto de pesquisa sao obter os produtos com maior valor agregado e de tempo de armazenamento alto; tendo como fonte produtora os residuos da agroindustria do abacaxi (casca e coroa).

  • Preparacao de silica organofuncionalizada a partir de casca de arroz, com capacidade adsorvente de ions metalicos.

    Por: Chaves, Marcia Rodrigues de Morais
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Cadmio, Metais, Lixo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RAG, RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Esta tese apresenta a obtencao de silica xerogel a partir de carvao de cascas de arroz e a modificacao da sua superficie com um ligante org

  • Eficiencia da triplice lavagem em unidades de recebimento de embalagens de agrotoxicos

    Por: Chiquetti, Samanta Cristina
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos, Embalagens, Matrizes cimenticias, Pesticida
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Os agrotoxicos tem sido usados na agricultura, mundialmente, para proteger as plantacoes e solos do ataque de pragas. As formulacoes de agrotoxicos devem ser acondicionadas em embalagens seguras e adequadas a cada tipo de produto. Apos o uso da formulacao, as embalagens vazias, contaminadas com residuo de agrotoxicos, devem ser descartadas de maneira correta e segura, sendo a forma recomendada, no Brasil, a triplice lavagem. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a eficiencia da triplice lavagem realizada em embalagens de agrotoxicos enviadas a Central de Recebimento de Embalagens Vazias, em Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, atraves da analise dos quatro ingredientes ativos mais comercializados nesta regiao: glifosato, MSMA, ametrina e tebutiurom. Foram analisadas, 75 embalagens de glifosato, 72 de MSMA, 70 de ametrina e 104 de tebutiurom. Os resultados demonstraram que 34,67 % das embalagens com glifosato, 58,33 % das com MSMA, 75,71 % das com ametrina e 73,07 % das com tebutiurom estavam em nao conformidade com a norma vigente, ou seja, com um residuo remanescente acima de 0,01 %. Concluiu-se que as embalagens analisadas apresentaram elevada percentagem dos principios ativos, indicando que as triplices lavagens foram executadas em desacordo a forma recomendada

  • Avaliacao do potencial de plantas nativas do Brasil no tratamento de esgoto domestico e efluentes industriais em wetlands construidos

    Por: da Costa, Sylvia Maria Souza Pereira
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: Ecologia, Escoamento urbano, tratamento de rejeitos, Tratamento de efluentes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Tres gramineas tropicais, P.purpureum, B. decumbens e P. graucum e uma planta nativa da Inglaterra, P.australis, foram utilizadas em sistemas pilotos de Reed Bed recebendo diferentes tipos de aguas residuarias. Dez sistemas pilotos, formados por dois tanques de PVC ( 30cm x 32cm x 27cm) foram inicialmente alimentados com uma solucao nutriente Long Ashton por aproximadamente uma semana, seguido de esgoto por oito semanas, cromo por mais oito semanas e hidrocarbonetos por quatro semanas. O esgoto adicionado aos sistemas apresentava uma DQO em torno de 400 mg/L. As concentracoes de cromo variaram entre 10-20 ppm dependendo da fase do experimento. Concentracoes de 0,1% de decano, dodecano, hexadecano, octadecano e docosano, foram utilizadas na preparacao do efluente contendo hidrocarbonetos. Analises de pH, DQO, DBO, solidos suspensos, am

  • Lodos ativados sequencial para tratamento de efluente de industria de celulose papel

    Por: de Araujo, Ana Lucia Pereira
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Efluente, Lodos ativados, residuos plasticos, Papel, Residuos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Diretorio dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Nao disponivel

  • Biossorcao de cadmio por leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

    Por: Del Rio, Daniele Toledo
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: cadmio, efluentes, Energia de Biomassa, metal pesado, saccharomyces, toxicidade
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O aumento das atividades industriais intensificou os problemas com poluicao ambiental por metais pesados e principalmente por cadmio, por ser dentre os metais pesados, muito utilizado em varios processos industriais e por ser extremamente toxico em baixas concentracoes, alem de causar serios problemas de saude. Dentre varios processos utilizados na remocao de cadmio de efluentes industriais, um dos mais promissores e a biossorcao que envolve a utilizacao de microrganismos na recuperacao e remocao de metais de efluentes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae e um dos organismos que apresentam grande capacidade de biossorcao de metais pesados, alem de ser um residuo facilmente obtido em grandes quantidades como subproduto de processos industriais. Visando o tratamento de residuos liquidos contaminados com cadmio, foram determinados alguns par

  • Otimizacao de condicoes operacionais de processo visando a minimizacao da emissao de material particulado na incineracao industrial de residuos perigosos

    Por: Dip, Tatiana Maciulis
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: condicoes operacionais, incineracao, Monitoramento, otimizacao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Busca-se a minimizacao da emissao de material particulado em incinerador industrial de residuos perigosos atraves do controle operacional de algumas variaveis de processo. Essas variaveis, que afetam diretamente a qualidade da queima, sao: intervalo de tempo de alimentacao, modo de introducao de pequena quantidade de residuo liquido no forno rotativo e excesso de oxigenio na saida dos gases de combustao. Todos os testes tem a mesma taxa de residuos incinerados (kg/h). Na faixa estudada, o controle operacional mostrou resultados expressivos: em todos os casos, para cada variavel estudada, a emissao de material particulado na melhor condicao foi aproximadamente 2,5 vezes menor o valor da emissao de material particulado, se comparado com a pior condicao de operacao.

  • Ensaios geoeletricos 2D no antigo lixao de Ribeirao Preto-SP: avaliacao de par

    Por: Fachin, Sergio Junior da Silva
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: contaminacao, Eletrorresistividade, Resistividade eletrica, lixao, modelagem direta, par
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Em razao da crescente preocupacao com a protecao ao meio ambiente e preservacao da qualidade das aguas superficiais e subterr

  • Analise quimica de residuos solidos para estudos agroambientais

    Por: Falcao, Audrey de Arruda
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Residuo industrial, Agricultura, Pneus, Meta-analise
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: IN

    A pratica de utilizar residuos org

  • Fosfatos aluminosos do grupo da crandallita como fonte alternativa de fosforo para a cultura do arroz

    Por: Francisco, Eros Artur Bohac
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: arroz de sequeiro, arroz inundado, Tratamento do solo, fosfato de aluminio, tratamento termico
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O fosforo (P) tem sido um dos fatores mais limitantes da producao agricola em solos de exploracao recente, bem como nos solos ha tempo utilizados e cuja fertilidade nao e mantida. Tradicionalmente, o uso de fontes de P de elevada solubilidade tem auxiliado no aumento da fertilidade desses solos proporcionando acrescimos na produtividade das culturas. No entanto, o processo de fabricacao desses fertilizantes requer o uso de rochas fosfaticas com baixa quantidade de impurezas metalicas como ferro e aluminio. Essa exigencia tem levado as industrias a descartarem quantidades elevadas de residuo fosfatico, no qual se encontram os minerais do grupo da crandallita. A busca de fontes alternativas de P para a producao agricola encontra-se dentro do contexto de aproveitamento racional de recursos minerais existentes bem como de avancar no conhecimento de condicoes agron

  • Rhizophora mangle (Mangue vermelho) em areas contaminadas de manguezal na Baixada Santista

    Por: Fruehauf, Sandra Pavan
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: degradacao ambiental, ecossistema de mangue, Lodo, meio ambiente , metais , poluicao ambiental
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Os Manguezais sao ecossistemas de grande import

  • Determinacao da historia deposicional recente do Alto Estuario Santista, com base nos teores de metais e na suscetiblidade magnetica dos sedimentos

    Por: Fukumoto, Marina Midori
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: metais pesados, sedimentacao recente, impacto ambiental , suscetibilidade magnetica
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O Sistema Estuarino de Santos e Sao Vicente, localizado na porcao central do litoral do Estado de Sao Paulo, abriga o mais importante complexo industrial costeiro do Pais, o Complexo Industrial de Cubatao, e o maior porto brasileiro, o Porto de Santos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram o estudo do historico da contaminacao da area por metais pesados e a avaliacao da aplicabilidade da suscetibilidade magnetica na deteccao de anomalias geoquimicas. Foram estudados tres testemunhos proximos a fontes pontuais de poluicao. A taxa de sedimentacao foi determinada pelo metodo do 137Cs, a suscetibilidade magnetica foi medida por um perfilador Bartington MS2C e o teor de metais foi analisado em ICP-OES. Os teores de Pb, Cu, Cr e Zn apresentaram uma tendencia de aumento em direcao ao topo dos testemunhos, mas os maiores teores nao ocorrem na superficie, e sim a alguns centimetros de profundidade. A correlacao entre os teores de Pb, Cu, Cr e Zn e a suscetibilidade magnetica indicou a aplicabilidade desta na avaliacao preliminar da qualidade dos sedimentos. O aporte desses metais pode ser associado a diversas fontes antropicas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento urbano-industrial da regiao, como atividades industriais e portuarias e disposicao irregular de residuos solidos e esgoto.

  • Estudo do Processo de Secagem de Leveduras Residuais da Industria do Alcool por Secador Spray

    Por: Gimenes, Marcelino Luiz
    Ano: 1995-1998
    Palavras-Chave: Efluentes liquidos, Emissao de poluente, Construcao Civil, Tratamento de efuentes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Diretorio dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo do projeto e explorar o potencial proteico de leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae dos residuos industrial ou excedentes de producao de etanol em destilarias. Atraves da secagem spray em escala piloto, pretende-se obter leveduras secas para possivel utilizacao em racao animal. Objetiva-se encontrar os par

  • Reciclagem energetica de pneus automotivos atraves de reator de leito fluidizado : uma proposta para a questao ambiental

    Por: Goulart, Eduardo Antonio
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Residuo como combustivel, Borracha, Agua - Estacoes de tratamento, Gaseificadores, Energia-fontes alternativas, Elastomeros
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O crescimento das grandes cidades, da industrializacao e do consumo, tem forcado a civilizacao a conviver com um processo mais intenso de degradacao do meio ambiente, ameacando os recursos naturais e energeticos, alem da maior producao de residuos solidos, liquidos e gasosos. Isto tem trazido preocupacao com relacao a sustentabilidade do processo de crescimento das economias mundiais e ao futuro dos recursos esgotaveis. Dessa forma, torna-se essencial a utilizacao de combustiveis obtidos a partir de fontes renovaveis, como por exemplo os residuos solidos, liquidos e gasosos, gerados pela atividade industrial e pelas cidades. Uma das metas do planejamento energetico de um pais e minimizar a producao de descartes, e incentivar a reinsercao dos residuos e sub-produtos nos diversos processos produtivos. Alem disso deve-se minimizar os impactos desses residuos no meio ambiente. Como exemplo pode-se citar a producao de polimeros, que nas ultimas decadas, com a evolucao da pesquisa, tem provocado um crescimento na geracao de residuos, que devido a sua composicao, permanecem intactos nos aterros por longos periodos de tempo sem que haja sensivel degradacao. Por outro lado, grande parte destes materiais possuem caracteristicas bastante adequadas ao reaproveitamento ou reciclagem e, que podem apresentar razoavel potencial energetico. Entre os polimeros mais comuns estao as borrachas, principalmente as empregadas nos pneus automotivos, que tem gerado, nos paises com maior frota, grandes problemas ambientais, ainda nao completamente solucionados. Procurando contribuir para a solucao destas questoes, apresenta-se a proposta de um reator que utiliza pneus usados para a obtencao de oleo combustivel atraves de sua gaseificacao. A eficiencia e a viabilidade da utilizacao deste processo foi avaliada atraves do seu balanco energetico e da caracterizacao do oleo obtido como energetico

  • Fabricacao de tijolos modulares de solo-cimento por prensagem manual com e sem adicao de silica ativa

    Por: Grande, Fernando Mazzeo
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: masonry, modular bricks, residuos de construcao, soil-cement
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Neste trabalho, por meio de uma metodologia experimental foram analisados varios aspectos de tijolos modulares compostos por misturas binarias e ternarias de solo-cimento e solo cimento-silica produzidos em prensa manual modelo SAHARA, com a finalidade de se obter par

  • Estudo laboratorial acerca da possibilidade de aproveitamento da cinza pesada de termeletrica em bases e sub-bases de pavimentos flexiveis

    Por: Leandro, Rodrigo Pires
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Cal, Cinza pesada, Pavimentos, Residuo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A cinza pesada e um sub-produto gerado do processo da queima do carvao mineral pulverizado nas caldeiras das termeletricas para a producao de vapor aquecido que atuara na geracao de energia eletrica. Nao ha um destino adequado para esse tipo de cinza, sendo que o volume gerado diariamente e depositado em bacias de sedimentacao, causando, dessa forma, problemas ambientais. Principalmente nos Estados Unidos, muitas pesquisas tem evidenciado o sucesso do emprego deste residuo na construcao de rodovias. Contudo, no Brasil as pesquisas sobre cinza pesada estao mais voltadas para a area de edificacoes. Deste modo, a proposta da pesquisa foi investigar os efeitos da cinza pesada quando incorporada a solos, atraves de ensaios laboratoriais, visando o aproveitamento deste residuo na construcao de bases e sub-bases de pavimentos. Tambem foi avaliado o efeito da adicao de cal as misturas solo-cinza. Os ensaios utilizados na etapa experimental foram os de mini-CBR, resistencia a compressao simples e resistencia a tracao por compressao diametral. Complementarmente, realizaram-se ensaios de CBR e de resistencia a compressao simples na condicao imersa. Os resultados mostraram que as adicoes de cinza pesada aos solos nao melhoram as propriedades mec

  • Desenvolvimento de um sistema com banco de dados para a classificacao e caracterizacao de residuos e gases industriais

    Por: Lima Junior, Ronaldo Mendonca
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais , Residuos-Classificacao, Avaliacao de risco ambiental, Banco de dados, Solidos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    No inicio do desenvolvimento industrial, os subprodutos gerados no processo produtivo eram dispostos sem nenhuma preocupacao com as conseq

  • Analise da viabilidade do uso de cinzas agroindustriais em matrizes cimenticias: estudo de caso da cinza da casca da castanha de caju

    Por: Lima, Sofia Araujo
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Adicoes minerais, Cinza da casca da castanha de caju, Residuos agroindustriais, Viabilidade tecnica
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Atualmente, o aproveitamento de residuos na construcao civil tem sido estimulado devido essa atividade ser um dos maiores consumidores de materiais naturais em seus processos e produtos. As cinzas agroindustriais ocupam lugar de destaque dentre os residuos com possibilidades de aplicacao em materiais cimenticios, pois algumas, como a cinza da casca do arroz, apresentam propriedades pozol

  • Modelagem e simulacao do processo de destilacao molecular e determinacao experimental aplicado a residuos pesados de petroleos

    Por: Li
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: Destilacao molecular, Petrobras-Residuo, reciclagem de residuos solidos, Modelagem de dados, Simulacao por computador
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho teve como finalidade principal formular as equacoes de modelagem e realizar a simulacao do processo de destilacao molecular de residuos pesados de petroleo. Ele se insere no projeto

  • Avaliacao ambiental do processo de reciclagem de chumbo

    Por: Machado, Iraci Pereira
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Aspectos ambientais, Lagoa de Carapicuiba, Chumbo-metalurgia
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    O chumbo e o quinto metal mais utilizado na industria. e empregado principalmente na fabricacao de baterias acidas. Sua reciclagem e feita devido a escassez do mesmo nas jazidas existentes, alem da preocupacao com o meio ambiente. Os residuos contendo chumbo sao classificados segundo a norma brasileira de residuos (NBR-IOO4) como perigosos. O processo de reciclagem e constituido por duas fases: separacao dos componentes da bateria acida de chumbo e fusao do metal em fornos de reducao. Este trabalho realizou uma avaliacao ambiental do processo de reciclagem de chumbo utilizado em tres unidades de reciclagem no Brasil. Para atingi-Io, foram desmontadas baterias e seus componentes analisados com o intuito de caracterizar o material a ser reciclado. Tambem foram feitas visitas a recicladoras para coleta de dados, que proporcionou o levantamento de alguns indices ambientais e de consumo de insumos. Os principais fatores potenciais de contaminacao ambiental identificados foram a emissao de material particulado contendo chumbo e a formacao de escoria tambem contaminada pelo mesmo metal. O resultado da caracterizacao das baterias e a analise dos dados obtidos nas visitas mostram que a reciclagem de chumbo e uma fonte potencial de poluicao ambiental. O controle do processo de reciclagem deve ser rigoroso para se atingir padroes ambientais aceitaveis e a necessidade de muitos equipamentos de controle ambiental contribui de forma significativa para um elevado custo do processo

  • Avaliacao do processo de compostagem utilizando residuos agroindustriais

    Por: Malheiros, Sergio Mauricio Pinheiros
    Ano: 1996
    Palavras-Chave: Biodegradacao , Residuos industriais, Sedimentologia, Fertilizante org
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Nao informado

  • Clinquer Coprocessado: Produto de Tecnologia Integrada para Sustentabilidade e Competitividade da Industria de Cimento

    Por: Maringolo, Vagner
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Cimento, Clinquer, Parametors de processo, Industria de Cimento, Metais Pesados, Mineralogia Aplicada
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Em agosto de 2001 havia, no Brasil, sete fabricas de cimento com licenca para o co-processamento de residuos industriais em seus fornos, em substituicao a matriz energetica, e 14 outras em vias de adquiri-la. Ha mais de cinco anos, a Companhia de Cimento Ribeirao Grande conta com efetiva participacao de uma mistura (blend) de residuos industriais de diferentes correntes no processo. O clinquer co-processado e hoje o componente principal do cimento portland da fabrica, o qual manteve resistencias mec

  • Avaliacao da contaminacao da agua subterr

    Por: Mindrisz, Ana Copat
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: combustiveis fosseis, pocos tubulares, recirculacao de lixiviado, remediacao, Santo Andre
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A contaminacao de aguas subterr

  • ions metalicos (Al, Fe, Mn e Pb) associados a aterros (sanitario e industrial) no municipio de Tremembe/SP

    Por: Moura, Claudia Lucia de
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Aterro sanitario e industrial, Chorume
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RDO, RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE, GE

    Um dos grandes problemas das Metropoles tem sido o descarte de residuos solidos. Em diversas situacoes aterros sao selecionados como solucao de melhor viabilidade para disposicao final desses materiais que, na maioria das vezes, sao agentes poluentes. Condicoes inadequadas de operacao e conservacao desses locais vem acarretando inumeros danos ao meio ambiente, em especial, nas areas de seu entorno que, muitas vezes, possuem aglomerados residenciais. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas condicoes ambientais mais significativas de uma area e de seu entorno onde se encontram instalados quatro Aterros, tres Sanitarios e um Industrial, localizados no Municipio de Tremembe/SP. Provavelmente como conseq

  • Alteracao de caracteristicas do solo para remocao de hexaclorobenzeno de area contaminada.

    Por: Nakagawa, Lia Emi
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: 14C-hexaclorobenzeno, biorecuperacao, gerenciamento de residuos, hexaclorobenzeno, materia-org, solo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A contaminacao ambiental provocada pelo despejo de residuos industriais e pela aplicacao de agrotoxicos pode resultar no desequilibrio dos ecossistemas, alem de causar danos diretos a saude humana. No Brasil, existem varias areas contaminadas com residuos industriais, tais como o hexaclorobenzeno (HCB), um composto organoclorado usado no passado como fungicida, mas que atualmente tem seu uso proibido devido a sua alta persistencia no ambiente e alta capacidade de bioacumulacao. Este estudo verificou a possibilidade de remocao de residuos de HCB do solo contaminado alem da possibilidade de contaminacao do ar e da agua por este composto. Verificou-se: a) o efeito de adicao de materia org

  • Utilizacao de escoria proveniente da reciclagem do aco em concreto de cimento Portland

    Por: Nascimento, Kamila
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Aciaria, Agregado, Minimizacao de Residuos, Escoria, Reciclagem, Residio
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A reducao no volume de residuos produzidos, industriais e agricolas, vem se tornando uma exigencia constante em todos os processos de producao. A falta de espaco fisico para a disposicao destes residuos, a contaminacao ambiental causada por eles, alem da necessidade de preservacao dos recursos naturais nao-renovaveis e da diminuicao do consumo de energia e emissao de poluentes, tornam a reciclagem e a reutilizacao dos residuos uma alternativa bastante atraente. A construcao civil apresenta-se como um setor bastante apto a utilizacao de tecnicas de reaproveitamento de residuos, provenientes das mais diversas industrias. Alem de todos os beneficios ambientais, este reaproveitamento, pela construcao civil, pode gerar recursos financeiros, bem como, possibilita a melhora das caracteristicas de alguns materiais de construcao, e pode diminuir o custo de construcao, fator importante, quando se avalia o deficit de habitacional existente no Brasil. Neste trabalho, desenvolveu-se um estudo baseado no aproveitamento de escoria de aciaria eletrica, residuo gerado a partir da reciclagem do aco, empregada como agregado para concreto de cimento Portland, em substituicao total ou parcial dos materiais convencionais. Os resultados obtidos apontaram para a viabilidade de utilizacao deste residuo como agregado.

  • Metodologia para estimativa da energia associada ao residuo solido industrial : proposta e aplicacao para a Regiao Metropolitana de Campinas

    Por: Novaes, Tereza Rosana Orrico
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Aspectos ambientais, Ensaio de caracterizacao, Reaproveitamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Neste trabalho teve-se como objetivo propor uma metodologia para avaliacao da energia associada ao residuo solido industrial (RSI) e sua aplicacao a Regiao Metropolitana de Campinas (RMC). A metodologia foi baseada numa revisao bibliografica, sobre aspectos ambientais e energeticos relacionados ao residuo solido industrial. No roteiro metodologico propoe-se caracterizar a area de estudo; a producao e gestao do RSI; a classificacao energetica e o estudo quali-quantitativo da energia associada ao RSI; e, avaliacao da aplicabilidade dos mecanismos de aproveitamento energetico propostos para a regiao. A aplicacao da metodologia a RMC mostrou-se valida e resultou numa apresentacao sintetica da realidade socio-ambienta!, do setor industrial e da destinacao de residuo, bem como indicou as potencialidades quanto ao aproveitamento energetico de RSI, na regiao. Com os resultados obtidos constata-se a import

  • Programa de gerenciamento de residuos quimicos do CENA/USP: avaliacao, acoes de aperfeicoamento e de extensao

    Por: Oliveira, Juliana Graciela Giovannini de
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: , Ensino medio, Residuo org
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A geracao de residuos quimicos em industrias ocorre em quantidades expressivas, portanto o lancamento desses efluentes vem sendo monitorado por orgao de fiscalizacao ambiental com maior intensidade, de maneira a evitar contaminacoes no ambiente. Nas Universidades, o volume da geracao e muito pequeno, porem a diversidade de residuos e muito grande, o que dificulta o tratamento dos mesmos. Ainda assim e crescente o numero de universidades preocupadas em estabelecer programas de gerenciamento dos seus residuos. Essas iniciativas surgem por cuidado com o meio ambiente e pela preocupacao em dar bons exemplos aos profissionais por elas formados. Porem outra acao nao menos importante, mas complementar ao tratamento e gerenciamento de residuo e a avaliacao constante desses procedimentos em rotina. O Programa de Gerenciamento de Residuos Quimicos (PGRQ) implementado no CENA/USP a partir de 2001, e permanente e carece de inovacoes e aperfeicoamento, tambem porque a cada ano novos projetos passam a ser executados, resultando na geracao de residuos que ate entao nao eram motivo de preocupacao. No entanto, iniciativas de tratamento de residuos quimicos no Laboratorio de Isotopos Estaveis da Instituicao tiveram inicio em 1999. Neste contexto, objetivou-se com esta dissertacao: 1 quantificar e qualificar as condicoes dos efluentes laboratoriais e o comportamento da populacao responsavel pela geracao de residuos do CENA/USP, apos 10 anos de implantacao do Programa de Gerenciamento de Residuos Quimicos (PGRQ); 2 solucionar problemas do PGRQ ainda nao equacionados para o tratamento de alguns residuos, desenvolvendo metodos de tratamento para cromo, para acetonitrila e propor adequacoes aos problemas levantados a partir da avaliacao do programa; 3 estender os conhecimentos quimicos utilizados em rotina no PGRQ, de maneira pratica e didatica a alunos do ensino medio-publico de Piracicaba-SP, tais como: identificacao de subst

  • Tratabilidade de solos tropicais contaminados por residuos da industria de revestimentos cer

    Por: Oliveira, Luciana Pena de
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Industria da cer, Metais, Erosao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O Polo Cer

  • Superfosfato triplo, lama vermelha e zeolitas para remediacao de metais pesados em solo contaminado

    Por: Oliveira, Mara Lucia Jacinto
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Condicionadores do solo, Crescimento vegetal, fruto, Poluicao do solo.
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Devido a persistencia de metais pesados em solos, a contaminacao por estes elementos e considerada permanente resultando no impacto agravante da degradacao das propriedades quimicas e biologicas do solo. As tecnicas de estabilizacao para remediacao de solos contaminados com metais pesados tem se destacado como uma opcao eficaz, alem de resultar num custo/beneficio mais acessivel quando comparado aos metodos de descontaminacao tradicionais. Quando associada a fitoestabilizacao, constitui uma das tecnicas mais promissoras, pois alem de promover a reabilitacao da area impactada, diminui os riscos ambientais, na medida em que protege o solo da erosao hidrica e reduz a lixiviacao dos contaminantes. O conhecimento da distribuicao dos metais nas fracoes do solo e essencial a predicao do comportamento geoquimico destes no ambiente e, permite ainda avaliar a eficiencia dos procedimentos remediadores e sua longevidade. Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni e Zn sao de grande interesse na regulamentacao por agencias governamentais, visto que em concentracoes elevadas em aguas, solos e ar representam riscos a saude humana. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho avaliou o potencial de imobilizacao de superfosfato triplo, lama vermelha e zeolitas para um solo contaminado com residuo industrial rico em Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni e Zn, por meio de ensaio de incubacao em vasos. Posteriormente, a capacidade de promover o crescimento vegetal em cada tratamento foi avaliada atraves de ensaios com milho (Zea mays), em vasos, e pelo metodo de Neubauer, em placas de Petri, utilizando o arroz (Oryza sativa). O comportamento e distribuicao dos metais foram avaliados pelo metodo de extracao seq

  • Estudo do comportamento mec

    Por: Oliveira, Shirley Minnell Ferreira de
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Fosfogesso, Misturas estabilizadas com cal, Reciclagem
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar, a partir de ensaios de laboratorio, o comportamento mec

  • Estudo da Utilizacao de Magnetita como Material Adsorvedor dos Metais Cu2+ , Pb2+ , Ni2+ e Cd2+ , em Solucao.

    Por: Ortiz, Nilce
    Ano: 2000
    Palavras-Chave: Adsorvedor, efluentes, madeira, metais pesados
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Alguns estudos do emprego de compostos de ferro como material adsorvedor nao- convencional sao citados em literatura. Foram feitos alguns testes da utilizacao de hematita (Fe2O3), o lodo galv

  • Composito cimento-lodo de ETE de industria de papel para aplicacao na construcao civil

    Por: Paiva, Samantha Nazare de
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Efluente , Industria de celulose e papel, Bagaco de cana, Materiais compositos, Materiais de construcao, Residuos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O grande volume de residuos solidos industriais gerado pelo setor de celulose e papel e o alto custo do seu manejo estimulam pesquisas em busca de solucoes mais adequadas para o seu gerenciamento. Uma alternativa que se destaca neste contexto e o aproveitamento destes residuos em materiais de construcao. Este trabalho visa o aproveitamento do lodo de ETE de industria de papel na producao de compositos cimenticios para uso na construcao civil. Foi estudada a influencia de diferentes teores da adicao do lodo de ETE (5%,10%,20% e 30% em massa) em argamassa de cimento e areia, com relacao agua-cimento de 0,65. Determinou-se para o residuo: teor de umidade; massa unitaria; massa especifica; pH; sazonalidade de geracao e teor de solidos fixos e para o composito: massa especifica aparente; absorcao de agua por imersao; absorcao de agua por capilaridade; retratibilidade; isolamento acustico; resistencia a compressao e analise da microestrutura. O residuo foi classificado como Classe II

  • Biossorcao de cadmio por linhagens de Aspergillus sp

    Por: Pallu, Ana Paula de Souza
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Aspergillus, cadmio, Residuos industriais (reciclagem), poluicao do solo , tratamento biologico de aguas residuarias
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Os metais pesados representam o maior residuo industrial contaminante de solos, plantas e animais no ecossistema, causando graves efeitos toxicos ao homem principalmente devido a sua ampla distribuicao no ambiente, que tem sido intensificado pela industrializacao. Um dos metais pesados mais toxicos e o cadmio, elemento bastante utilizado em processos industriais, o que o torna um importante contaminante ambiental. Pesquisadores preocupados com problemas associados a poluicao ambiental por metais pesados iniciaram estudos com tecnicas de biorremediacao utilizando microrganismos explorando a capacidade desses na remocao de ions toxicos do ambiente, dentre eles os fungos. Dentre os varios processos utilizados na remediacao do cadmio dos efluentes industriais, um dos mais promissores e a biossorcao. Essa tecnica tem por base a propriedade dos metais se ligarem a varios materiais biologicos, tais como algas, leveduras, fungos, bacterias e plantas; para retencao, remocao ou recuperacao de metais pesados de um ambiente liquido. Dentro desse contexto o fungo Aspergillus sp. foi estudado quanto a sua capacidade de biossorcao de cadmio. As pesquisas com Aspergillus sp. demonstram que linhagens dessa especie possuem grande resistencia ao cadmio. No presente trabalho foram avaliados par

  • Plasma termico para recuperacao de insumos de valor em escorias e residuos

    Por: Paulo Henrique de Godoy
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Escoria , Residuo, resistividade eletrica, Eletrometalurgica, Plasma de alta temperatura, Reciclagem-Industria
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Este trabalho trata da aplicacao do plasma termico na recuperacao de materiais valiosos ainda presente em escorias e residuos, como e o caso do silicio metalurgico contido em escorias. Esse processo pode ser estendido para outros materiais, como por exemplo o aluminio e o niquel contido em escorias. Para a realizacao dos ensaios praticos de reciclagem de escoria, foi projetado e construido um reator fechado, em escala laboratorial, com uma tocha de plasma de arco transferido operando com plasma de gas inerte como fonte de energia. Alem do aparato de reciclagem, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia analitica para o conhecimento das fases presentes na escoria e principalmente da quantificacao de silicio metalico livre, unindo tecnicas de analise estrutural como a Difracao de Raios-X (DRX), analise quimica por Fluorescencia de Raios-X (FRX) e Microscopia Eletr

  • Reciclagem de poliamida 6 reforcada com fibra de vidro

    Por: Pedroso, Andrea Gaf
    Ano: 1997
    Palavras-Chave: Termoplasticos, Compositos polimericos, Cooperativas, Polimeros
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A reciclagem de materiais polimericos e de fundamental import

  • Viabilidade de utilizacao da serragem de couro para fins de obtencao de um material alternativo de construcao

    Por: Peres, Joao Geraldo Molinari
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Couro -industria, Meio Ambiente, Pisos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Um dos grandes problemas hodiernos e o acentuado aumento populacional e, por conseguinte, a geracao de uma enorme quantidade de materiais descartaveis, isto e, residuos cumulativos da materia-primaja utilizada, o que leva a se pensar em uma proposta de utilizacao destes diferentes residuos para diversos fins. Os residuos domiciliar e industrial na maioria das vezes sao depositados em lixoes a ceu aberto e em aterros sanitarios controlados, ou encaminhadosa usinas ou incineradores, muitas vezes sem qualquer tratamento previo, podendo trazer conseq

  • Gestao da mineracao de areia no municipio de Guarulhos: aproveitamento de residuos finos em cer

    Por: Pissato, Edilson
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: Argilas, Cer, Agregados de materiais de construcao, Mineracao de minerais nao metalicos, Rejeitos de mineracao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O municipio de Guarulhos, localizado na Regiao Metropolitana da Grande Sao Paulo, possui uma area de 341 km

  • ions de metais pesados Ni, Cu e Cr em area impactada por residuo de galvanoplastia na regiao metropolitana de Sao Paulo - SP

    Por: Pugas, Marisa Santiago
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Galvanoplastia, Metais pesados
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Na Regiao Metropolitana de Sao Paulo, em uma area impactada por residuos de galvanoplastia estudaram-se fen

  • Fabricacao e qualificacao de placas compostas de serragem e plastico reciclavel

    Por: Quinhones, Rogerio
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Ensaios de propriedades mec, Madeira (Propriedades fisicas - propriedades mec, Polimeros (Materiais), Residuos, Serragem
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A utilizacao de polimeros ligno-celulosicos combinados com polimeros artificiais na forma de materiais compostos e fruto do desenvolvimento de uma linha de pesquisa que tinha como objetivo inicial a utilizacao dos primeiros como enchimento de uma matriz termofixa ou termoplastica aglutinante. Com o advento da necessidade do reaproveitamento de residuos de processos industriais, as pesquisas e a utilizacao de residuos fibrosos e particulas de madeira cresceram em import

  • Procedimentos de fracionamento comparados a modelo de atenuacao para a avaliacao de mobilidade de metais pesados em sedimentos da Baia de Sepetiba, Rio de Janeiro

    Por: Ribeiro, Andreza Portella
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: AAN, contaminacao, ICP OES, metais pesados, modelo de atenuacao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A baia de Sepetiba, localizada a 60 km na direcao Oeste da regiao metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, vem sendo submetida, nas ultimas decadas, a um consideravel desenvolvimento populacional e industrial, contando hoje com aproximadamente 400 industrias (em sua maioria metalurgicas) instaladas nas bacias de drenagem da baia, as quais lancam seus residuos diretamente na baia ou nos corpos d'agua da regiao. Alem disso, o Porto de Sepetiba trouxe muitos investimentos industriais para a area. Toda esta expansao industrial e urbana resultou em uma serie de impactos ambientais, devido ao lancamento de efluentes domesticos e industriais, os quais sao ricos em metais pesados e outras subst

  • Avaliacao ambiental econ

    Por: Ribeiro, Jorge
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Amaz, Cadeia Produtiva da Madeira, Exploracao de Florestas Nativas, Parque Industrial, Plano de Manejo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A exploracao das florestas nativas e das plantacoes florestais no Brasil tem um imenso potencial. No entanto, na Amaz

  • Estudo da processabilidade e das propriedades de PVC reforcado com residuos de Pinus.

    Por: Rodolfo Junior, Antonio
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: composito PVC/madeira, policloreto de vinila, reciclagem, residuo de madeira
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho avalia a viabilidade tecnica da obtencao de compositos lignocelulosicos de PVC, utilizando-se residuo de Pinus elliottii e Pinus taeda como fibra de reforco. Foi desenvolvido um processo simples e economicamente viavel de tratamento de residuos industriais desta madeira, processo este baseado na secagem e revestimento das particulas com lubrificantes funcionais e agentes de acoplamento utilizados como aditivos na industria do PVC, bem como no uso de equipamentos tradicionais da industria de processamento deste termoplastico. Foram avaliados os efeitos da incorporacao do residuo de madeira em concentracoes variaveis e do tipo de agente de tratamento superficial utilizado na processabilidade do composto de PVC, bem como em propriedades finais do composito. Verificou-se que a incorporacao de fracoes massicas crescentes de fibra lignocelulosica a matriz de PVC afeta de maneira significativa diversas propriedades do composito, notadamente processabilidade e desempenho mec

  • Caracteristicas de aderencia de revestimentos asfalticos aeroportuarios. Estudo de caso do aeroporto internacional de Sao Paulo/Congonhas.

    Por: Rodrigues Filho, Oswaldo Sansone
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Aderencia pneu-pavimento, Aeroportos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Existe uma preocupacao geral quanto a aderencia que se pode obter entre os pneus de uma aeronave e as superficies das pistas de aeroportos, principalmente naqueles em que operam aeronaves a jato, em altas velocidades, tornando a aderencia um fator importante relacionado a seguranca de v

  • Co-incineracao e co-processamento de residuos industriais perigosos em fornos de clinquer : investigacao no maior polo produtor de cimento do pais, regiao metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, MG, sobre os riscos ambientais, e propostas para seguranca quimica

    Por: Santi, Auxiliadora Maria Moura
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Incineracao, Regiao metropolitana MG
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Esta tese apresenta os resultados da investigacao realizada nos anos de 1998 a 2002 sobre os principais aspectos tecnologicos, energeticos, territoriais e ambientais do processamento de residuos industriais perigosos em fornos rotativos de clinquer de fabricas de cimento. A analise realizada considerou esta atividade como um sistema complexo contendo riscos e incertezas, pois ocorrem e podem ocorrer outros prejuizos para os trabalhadores, para a populacao e para o meio ambiente, alem daqueles associados a producao de cimento com emprego de insumos energeticos tradicionais. Sao comentados definicoes, conceitos e normas relativos a destinacao de residuos industriais para fins de tratamento termico, co-incineracao e co-processamento nas plantas cimenteiras. Com base nos cadastros e series de estatisticas obtidas sobre o transporte e as licencas ambientais de fabricas de cimento instaladas na Regiao do Calcario, ao norte da area metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, foram qualificadas as principais fontes de residuos - a maior parte gerada nas atividades industriais petroliferas, petroquimicas e metal-mec

  • Prevencao a poluicao industrial: identificacao de oportunidades, analise dos beneficios e barreiras

    Por: Santos, Carmenlucia
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Eco-eficiencia, Gestao ambiental, Producao mais limpa, Residuos industriais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A prevencao a poluicao e uma abordagem de gerenciamento ambiental que prioriza a reducao dos residuos na fonte como forma de preservar os recursos naturais e reduzir o desperdicio de materiais, agua e energia, em contraposicao a abordagem tradicional, que se apoia nas tecnologias de controle e tratamento de residuos. Apesar de resultar em beneficios ambientais e econ

  • Avaliacao da atividade clastogenica do residuo catalitico industrial, por meio do bioensaio de micronucleos com Tradescantia pallida cv. Purpurea

    Por: Santos, Iara Terezinha Queiroz Pereira dos
    Ano: 2004
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo deste estudo foi aumentar o banco de dados em relacao a residuos (cake) e efluentes (licor) industriais e o seu nivel de clastogenicidade. Este estudo contribuiu para mostrar: a) que o bioensaio com Tradescantia pallida foi sensivel para a avaliacao da clastogenicidade em mistura complexa de residuos cataliticos industriais, nunca testados anteriormente. b) a tendencia de uma dose resposta para ambos os residuos cataliticos c)a pasta (cake) apresenta maior clastogenicidade que o licor nas concentracoes estudadas. Provavelmente isto se deve a menor concentracao de Ti e Al no licor do que no cake.

  • Estudo da absorcao de gases acidos em solucao aquosa de fenolato de sodio em processo semicontinuo

    Por: Shibata, Cintia Tiemi
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Absorcao, Dioxido de carbono, Fenolato de sodio, Processo semicontinuo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O aumento das preocupacoes ambientais tem proporcionado a busca crescente por alternativas para reduzir os impactos decorrentes de residuos perigosos oriundos de processos industriais. Dentre estes residuos, pode-se destacar o fenol, por sua alta toxicidade e dificuldade de tratamento. O fenol e um dos principais poluentes encontrado em efluentes de industrias de resinas fenolicas, automotivas, farmaceuticas e refinarias de petroleo. Compostos fenolicos sao absorvidos facilmente por animais e seres humanos atraves da pele e sao extremamente toxicos para a vida aquatica. Nesta busca por formas de tratamento de residuos, a absorcao e considerada uma das mais importantes tecnicas de uso industrial utilizada na purificacao de emissoes gasosas, alem de diversas aplicacoes em processos industriais. O principio desta operacao baseia-se no transporte de massa de pelo menos um componente de uma mistura gasosa para uma fase liquida, atraves da interface entre ambas. Este trabalho e parte integrante de um projeto global intitulado Estudo da Recuperacao de Poluentes Prioritarios de Solucoes Aquosas por Extracao Liquido-Liquido com Tratamento Simult

  • Obtencao de extrato proveniente do aproveitamento de residuo da industria sucroalcooleira, utilizando CO2 supercritico : parametros de processo e estimativa do custo de manufatura.

    Por: Shintaku, Alberto
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Custo e manufatura, Extracao supercritica, Industria acucareira, Residuos industriais, Alcool-industria
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    Neste trabalho estimou-se o custo de obtencao de extratos de cera, por extracao supercritica, a partir do residuo da industria de acucar e alcool, a torta de filtro. Foram realizados ensaios para determinacao das isotermas de rendimento global, as curvas globais de extracao (cineticas de extracao) e a identificacao da composicao quimica dos extratos obtidos. Na determinacao da isoterma de rendimento global foram estudadas as pressoes no intervalo de 100 a 350 bar com variacoes de 50 bar para as temperaturas de 30 e 50

  • Vidros e vitrocer

    Por: Silva, Antonio Carlos da
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Desenvolvimento sustentavel, Meio ambiente, Residuos industriais, Vidros, Vitrocer
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    e consenso que o reaproveitamento de materiais descartados pela industria constitui uma importante fonte de materias-primas para novos produtos. Entretanto a atuacao dos mesmos deve ser analisada com criterio para assegurar a funcionalidade e qualidade dos produtos acabados. Este trabalho estuda a viabilidade de se obter materiais vitreos utilizando-se residuos solidos galv

  • Cinetica e modelagem do craqueamento termico de fracoes residuais de petroleo

    Por: Sugaya, Marcos de Freitas
    Ano: 1994
    Palavras-Chave: craqueamento, Petroleo-Residuos, Petroleo-Refinacao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A partir do processamento dos residuos da destilacao a vacuo de petroleos diferentes em unidades-piloto de craqueamento termico, foram obtidas correlacoes para determinar a qualidade e o rendimento dos produtos (gases, nafta, diesel, gasoleos e residuo) em funcao das caracteristicas da carga e da conversao. As serpentinas das unidades piloto foram simuladas usando estas correlacoes, e constantes cineticas foram ajustadas aos dados experimentais. A reacao na fase vapor foi desprezada, e a integracao das equacoes diferenciais que representam os balancos de massa e momento foi feita com o algoritmo Runge-Kutta de Fehlberg. A cada passo da integracao, eram calculadas a distribuicao de fases (com uma equacao tipo SRK), as propriedades de transporte, o holdup e a perda de carga. O modelo adaptado para estimar a conversao e de primeira ordem, irreversivel, e os seus par

  • Ensaios de tratabiblidade de residuo solido industrial-areia fenolica : isolamento, identificacao e selecao de fungos filamentosos

    Por: Teixeira, Claudia Enchevenga
    Ano: 1994
    Palavras-Chave: Areia de fundicao, Residuo industrial
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: IN

    O residuo solido industrial areia de fundicao e gerado na etapa de desmoldagem de pecas metalicas fundicao. Em particular, as areias fenolicas requerem cuidados especiais, em funcao da presenca de resina fenolica na composicao, que pode conferir a este residuo uma potencial periculosidade em relacao a toxicidade. A metodologia desenvolvida neste trabalho compreendeu inventario do residuo areia de fundicao do polo metal-mec

  • Investigacao sobre as caracteristicas geotecnicas de um residuo de papel.

    Por: Teixeira, Paula Fernanda
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Aterro sanitario, Curva retencao, Propriedades geotecnica, Residuo de papel, Sistema de cobertura
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A utilizacao de residuos industriais gerados pela industria de papel como material geotecnico, tem se tornado uma pratica comum nestes ultimos anos. Esta pratica se da devido a dois aspectos importantes: a economia e a aspectos ambientais. As industrias de papel geram uma quantidade significativa de residuos, e com o aumento dos custos de disposicao e as dificuldades de armazenamento destes materiais esta havendo uma preocupacao crescente no reaproveitamento destes residuos. O objetivo deste trabalho e apresentar as propriedades geotecnicas do residuo de papel gerado pela industria de papel Rigesa de Valinhos, Sao Paulo. O estudo deste tipo de residuo pretende contribuir para reducao do custo na disposicao final do residuo para as industrias de papel e por outro lado oferecer uma alternativa econ

  • A utilizacao da cinza da casca de arroz de termoeletrica como componente do aglomerante de compositos a base de cimento Portland

    Por: Tiboni, Rafaelle
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Adicoes minerais, Cinza da casca de arroz, Pozolanas, Residuos industriais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A incorporacao de residuos industriais ao concreto, tais como as pozolanas, e uma das solucoes para o aproveitamento de subprodutos poluentes estando em acordo com os principios da sustentabilidade. e objetivo do trabalho discutir e analisar a viabilidade da aplicacao de um residuo das termoeletricas da industria de beneficiamento do arroz, a cinza da casca de arroz (CCA), como adicao mineral em concretos duraveis. Com 88% de silica em sua composicao, a CCA tem grande potencial de utilizacao em concretos porque possibilita o aumento da resistencia a compressao pelas suas caracteristicas de alta pozolanicidade e grande finura. Misturas de argamassas padrao contendo 0, 5, 10 e 15% de CCA moidas apenas industrialmente e com moagem adicional de 1 hora, foram confeccionadas a fim de se avaliar o comportamento do aglomerante (CPV - ARI PLUS + CCA) em relacao a resistencia mec

  • Diagnostico da geracao de residuos na producao de moveis: subsidios para a gestao empresarial

    Por: Uliana, Lis Rodrigues
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Administracao de empresa, certificacao florestal, mobiliario, processo de fabricacao, programacao linear
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este estudo tratou do diagnostico da geracao de residuos na producao de moveis de madeira certificada e nao certificada, visando a disponibilizacao de subsidios para tomada de decisao quanto a gestao ambiental e econ

  • Incorporacao de residuos agroindustriais e seus efeitos sobre as caracteristicas fisico-mecanicas de tijolos de solo melhorado com cimento

    Por: Valenciano, Martha del Carmen Mesa
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Residuo agricola, Tijolo, Cana-de-acucar
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Nao informado

  • Reciclagem de vidro laminado: utilizacao na fabricacao de isolantes e vernizes com alta resistencia a abrasao para pisos de madeira.

    Por: Vargas, Isabella Marini
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Abrasao, Materiais isolantes, Resistencia dos materiais, Vernizes e lacas
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma alternativa para utilizacao de vidros laminados provenientes de rejeitos industriais ou pos-consumo. Reciclando o vidro laminado, por meio de uma serie de moagens, pode-se obter dois tipos de rejeitos: vidros de particulas pequenas (200 e 325 mesh), que nao conseguem ser reaproveitados pela industria vidreira, e filme de poli(vinil butiral) - PVB - impregnado com uma pequena quantidade de carga, que tem como destino os aterros. No presente estudo, esses dois residuos foram aproveitados na fabricacao de vernizes curados por radiacao ultravioleta empregados para protecao de pisos de madeira. O filme de PVB foi utilizado na formulacao de um isolante, em razao de sua alta flexibilidade e boa aderencia a madeira, e o vidro de baixa granulometria foi empregado como carga nos vernizes chamados de alto trafego para o aumento da resistencia a abrasao dos mesmos (propriedade fundamental de vernizes para pisos de madeira). Pelos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que o isolante preparado com o filme de PVB em solucao alcoolica e misturado a um mon

  • Avaliacao exergetica e exergo-ambiental da producao de biocombustiveis.

    Por: Velasquez Arredondo, Hector Ivan
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: Biocombustiveis, Entropia (termodin, Sustentabilidade
    Tipo de Trabalho: Tese
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A revolucao industrial levou a sociedade ao incremento do uso de fontes de energia e, no seculo XX, ao uso intensivo de derivados de petroleo, pelo desenvolvimento dos automoveis como meio de transporte. Ou seja, nos ultimos seculos a sociedade tem usado como base de seu crescimento os combustiveis de origem fossil, que na atualidade, alem de seu esgotamento tem originado problemas ambientais derivados de seu uso. Dada esta situacao, surge a necessidade de pesquisar sobre fontes alternativas de energia que tenham um menor impacto ambiental, como por exemplo, os chamados biocombustiveis, os quais sao, na realidade, combustiveis de origem biomassica. Neste trabalho, fazendo-se uso da analise exergetica e exergo-ambiental, sao avaliadas diferentes rotas de producao de biocombustiveis: hidrolise acida do amido da polpa da banana ou da banana, e hidrolise enzimatica do material lignocelulosico de residuo do cultivo da banana para obter acucares que depois sao fermentados e destilados para obtencao de etanol; producao combinada de acucar e etanol mediante a moagem da cana de acucar, concentracao, cozimento e refino do acucar e fermentacao e destilacao dos acucares da cana-de-acucar para produzir etanol; assim como a extracao e transesterificacao do oleo da palmeira-do-dende para a producao de biodiesel. Para a analise da producao combinada de acucar e etanol usando a cana de acucar, e a extracao do oleo da palmeira do dende, foram usados dados tecnicos obtidos de plantas de producao localizadas na Col

  • Aproveitamneto energetico de subproduto rurais e agroindustriais a partir da biodisgestao anaerobica.

    Por: Vieira, Melissa Gurgel Adeodato
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Reaproveitamento Energetico, Residuo Rural
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Diretorio dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este projeto avalia a utilizacao de residuos rurais e agroindustriais para producao de energia, na forma de biogas, e de biofertilizante. Para tanto, sao utilizados diferentes substratos, individualmente ou conjugados, com relacao a capacidade de producao de biogas a partir do processo de biodigestao anaerobica. Analises de caracterizacao do substrato antes e apos a digestao sao efetuadas a fim de se verificar a reducao da carga org

  • Caracterizacao de fracoes ultra pesadas de petroleo nacional por meio do processo de destilacao molecular

    Por: Winter, Alessandra
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Petroleo-residuo, Destilacao molecular
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital Unicamp
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    No Brasil, grandes reservas de petroleo encontradas sao de oleos pesados. As altas viscosidades destes oleos dificultam a exploracao, escoamento, transferencia, processamento primario e refino. Se por um lado, a realidade brasileira de oleos pesados e grande, por outro, a necessidade por produtos mais leves na industria petrolifera vem aumentando e isto exige novos desenvolvimentos, de forma a agregar valor a estes produtos. Dentro deste contexto, a presente dissertacao de mestrado tem como objetivo geral o desenvolvimento de metodologia para caracterizacao de fracoes ultra pesadas de petroleo nacional atraves da tecnologia de destilacao molecular. Para atingir este objetivo, foram realizadas as seguintes etapas: familiarizacao com o processo de destilacao molecular, incluindo experimentos com oleos lubrificantes, a fim de se estabelecer metodologia robusta para o funcionamento do equipamento; conducao dos experimentos com dois tipos de residuos de petroleo utilizando o destilador molecular de filme descendente, obtendo-se as fracoes ultra pesadas; caracterizacao dos destilados e residuos (fracoes ultra pesadas) do processo de destilacao molecular por diferentes metodos analiticos e determinacao da curva de destilacao (porcentagem em massa da corrente de destilado em funcao da temperatura) a partir dos dados experimentais. Desta forma, a caracterizacao das fracoes ultra pesadas do petroleo geradas no destilador molecular representara um consideravel avanco no sistema de analise destas fracoes que, como conseq

  • A convencao de Basileia e o destino dos residuos industriais no Brasil

    Por: Ziglio, Luciana Aparecida Iotti
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Brasil, comercio, residuos industriais, transporte de residuos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Dissertacao
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes - Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    A Convencao de Basileia sobre o Controle de Movimentos Transfronteiricos de Residuos Perigosos e seu Deposito trata-se de um acordo que define mecanismos de organizacao dos movimentos transfronteiricos de residuos solidos e liquidos perigosos e sua disposicao final. Os residuos perigosos sao materiais descartados que podem colocar em risco a seguranca da vida.A Convencao para atingir seu proposito de existencia permite a concessao previa e explicita de importacao e exportacao dos residuos autorizados entre os paises que dela participam, de modo a evitar o trafico ilicito. O Brasil atraves do Decreto numero 875 de 1993 confirmou sua permanencia como integrante da convencao, internalizando assim o documento no pais. A partir de entao, todo o comercio internacional de residuos perigosos entre o Brasil e o exterior passou a ser regulamentado. Os residuos industriais, considerados perigosos constituem, no Brasil, motivo de preocupacao das autoridades e orgaos ambientais, seja devido as quantidades que vem sendo geradas, principalmente como resultado da elevada concentracao industrial em algumas regioes do pais, seja pela carencia de instalacoes e locais adequados para o tratamento e destino final. Descrever e discutir as dimensoes deste documento e ao mesmo tempo demonstrar sua repercussao na realidade brasileira sera o proposito desta dissertacao.

  • Gestao de residuos em industria de processamento mec

    Por: Adriana Maria Nolasco
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Residuo industrial, Processo mec, Melhoria sustentavel da producao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Os objetivos deste projeto sao caracterizar e quantificar os residuos do processamento mec

  • Avaliacao das caracteristicas de residuos agroindustriais para fins de obtencao de materiais para a construcao

    Por: Antonio Ludovico Beraldo
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos agroindustriais, Construcao Civil, Reuso
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Avaliacao das caracteristicas de residuos agroindustriais para fins de obtencao de materiais de construcao. Estudo da compatibilidade quimica biomassa-cimento e das formas para melhora-la. Avaliacao nao destrutiva dos materiais por meio de ensaios de ultra-som. Caracterizacao dos materiais por meio de ensaios adaptados das normas brasileiras..

  • Estudo de indicadores de sustentabilidade para industrias do setor textil

    Por: Arlindo Plilippi Junior
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Setor textil, Sustentabilidade, Problemas socio-ambientais, Indicadores, Nivelamento do setor
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    O presente projeto propoem-se estudar os indicadores de sustentabilidade para o setor textil. Metodo. A partir do Sinditextil, como estudo de caso, estudam-se os indicadores nas dimensoes econ

  • Biorremediacao de solo tropical contaminado com residuos da producao de plastificantes

    Por: Dione Mari Morita
    Ano: 2006-2009
    Palavras-Chave: Contaminacao , Solo, Residuos industriais, Plasticos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A presente pesquisa compreendeu a biorremediacao ex-situ do solo contaminado com residuos de uma unidade industrial de plastificantes, utilizando reatores aerobios, com microrganismos indigenas e exogenos adaptados atraves da adicao de inoculo retirado da Estacao de Tratamento de Efluentes por Lodos Ativados desta industria. Foram avaliados os plastificantes: DIBP (Di-isobutilftalato), DBP (Dibutilftalato), DEHP (Bis- 2-etilhexilftalato), DIDP (Di-isodecilftalato), DIAP (Di-isoamilftalato) e DOA (dioctiladipato). Foram realizados ensaios preliminares e confirmatorios em escala de laboratorio. Estes ensaios demonstraram a viabilidade da biodegradacao aerobia dos plastificantes, mesmo com altos teores de co-substratos (alcoois), em valores de pH entre 5,5 a 7,81, temperatura de 17 a 30oC, umidade de 35 a 71%, adicao de 5 a 11 gSSV/kg de solo, relacoes carbono: nitrogenio e carbono:fosforo de 60:1 e 300:1, respectivamente. Apos a caracterizacao geotecnica do solo da area de plastificantes em 10 diferentes pontos, foram retiradas as quantidades para a biorremediacao em 8 diferentes pontos (100kg solo/ponto) com os teores de plastificantes compreendidos entre 1 mg/kg solo e 2371 mg/kg solo. Analises mineralogicas, fisicas e quimicas foram realizadas conforme as recomendacoes da EMBRAPA, CETESB e Environmental Protection Agency. No ensaio piloto de biorremediacao, os teores iniciais de plastificantes no solo variaram de 1 a 723mg/kg e apos 120 dias de biodegradacao em reatores aerobios, as eficiencias de remocao foram acima de 50%. Conforme as analises de fingerprint da comunidade bacteriana, ao final do processo, as bacterias presentes no solo eram originarias do lodo e do solo inicial e as analises de CGMS identificaram o metabolito Monoetilhexilftalato (MEHP), alem de outros sub-produtos finais da biodegradacao.

  • Tratabilidade de Solos Tropicais Contaminados por Residuos da Industria de Revestimentos Cer

    Por: Dione Mari Morita
    Ano: 2003-2006
    Palavras-Chave: Contaminacao , Residuos industriais, Remediacao, Lixiviacao de metais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    O Polo Cer

  • Desenvolvimento de Motor Termomagnetico de Tesla Acionado por Energia Solar ou por Rejeitos Termicos Industriais

    Por: Douglas Alves Cassiano
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Reuso, Fontes renovaveis, Motor termomagnetico, Energia
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Motores termomagneticos utilizam-se do efeito magnetocalorico para promover movimento a partir de troca termica entre duas fontes de calor (quente e fria). Neste projeto utilizam-se materiais que possuam efeito magnetocalorico colossal (transicao de primeira ordem) para promover movimento a partir de fontes renovaveis de energia (i.e. coletor solar) ou por rejeitos termicos industriais. Todo o projeto de equipamentos esta sendo efetuado por CAE (computer aided engineering) e fluidodin

  • Metodologia para Estimativa da Energia Associada ao Residuo solido industrial (RSI) e sua aplicacao a Regiao Metropolitana de Campinas

    Por: Egle Novaes Teixeira
    Ano: 2001-2004
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Energia, Campinas, Aproveitmamento energetico
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Neste trabalho teve-se como objetivo propor uma metodologia para avaliacao da energia associada ao residuo solido industrial (RSI) e sua aplicacao a Regiao Metropolitana de Campinas (RMC). A metodologia foi baseada numa revisao bibliografica, sobre aspectos ambientais e energeticos relacionados ao residuo solido industrial. No roteiro metodologico propoe-se caracterizar a area de estudo; a producao e gestao do RSI; a classificacao energetica e o estudo quali-quantitativo da energia associada ao RSI; e, avaliacao da aplicabilidade dos mecanismos de aproveitamento energetico propostos para a regiao.

  • Aproveitamento de cinzas da queima de residuos agroindustriais na producao de compositos fibrosos para construcao rural

    Por: Holmer Savastano Junior
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos agroindustriais, Reutilizacao dos residuos, Reciclagem, Fiborcimento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo do presente trabalho sera a reciclagem das cinzas provenientes da queima de residuos agroindustriais na fabricacao de fibrocimento sem amianto, para uso em placas planas de interesse a construcao rural. Sera dada atencao especial ao emprego da cinza da queima da cama de frango. 2) Objetivos Especificos - Comparar e caracterizar materiais residuais, com enfase em camas de frango provenientes de diferentes locais, por meio de analises bromatologicas. - Comparar e caracterizar as cinzas obtidas da incineracao dos materiais residuais coletados, por meio de ensaios de caracterizacao quimica e fisica. - Produzir e caracterizar compositos de cimento celulose, com adicao de cinzas de residuos agroindustriais, e fibras vegetais como alternativa para producao de componentes construtivos aplicados a instalacoes rurais. - Produzir, a partir de processos de adensamento, prensagem e autoclavagem, em escala laboratorial, placas para uso como pisos em instalacoes de pequenos animais

  • Aproveitamento de residuos da industria sisaleira do Nordeste

    Por: Holmer Savastano Junior
    Ano: 2004-2005
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Aproveitamento dos residuos, Industria sisaleira, Contribuicao economica, Melhoria social, Nordeste, Sustentabilidade
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A proposta tem como principal objetivo viabilizar o aproveitamento de residuos agricolas provenientes da industria sisaleira do Nordeste do Brasil. O aproveitamento destes residuos vem de encontro a necessidade de se aumentar a renda nessa regiao do pais, contribuindo assim para a sustentacao das familias. Alem da necessidade de gerar maior riqueza para a regiao Nordeste, existe tambem a preocupacao com o meio ambiente, no que diz respeito a sua preservacao. Neste sentido, a utilizacao de biomassa vegetal como fonte de materia-prima desperta grande interesse de estudo por ser um material de fonte facilmente renovavel, principalmente quando se consideram rejeitos agricolas que ainda nao encontram utilizacao sistematica. O presente projeto propoe a utilizacao de biomassa vegetal, no presente caso proveniente da industria sisaleira, como materia-prima para utilizacao em diversos segmentos. Entre os campos de aplicacao, merecem destaque a industria de papel e celulose, os componentes para o setor automobilistico, os plasticos reforcados e as embalagens, e especialmente a industria da construcao civil. A materia prima fibrosa advem da bucha verde de sisal, que representa aproximadamente o triplo da producao da fibra comercial (longa, penteada), mas que nao serve para a cordoaria e, por conseguinte, permanece no campo. Para producao de polpa celulosica, serao empregados processos nao convencionais, como organosolve e explosao a vapor (EV). As polpas tratadas serao utilizadas para reforco de matrizes polimericas para uso como componentes (paineis, fechamentos internos) da industria automobilistica. Outra aplicacao de impacto social e econ

  • Sistemas de cobertura para construcao de baixo custo: uso de fibras vegetais e de outros residuos agroindustriais

    Por: Holmer Savastano Junior
    Ano: 1996-2002
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos agroindustriais, Reciclagem, Valorizacao dos residuos, Minimizacao dos custos, Construcao Civil, Reutilizacao de residuos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo geral deste projeto e o desenvolvimento de sistema alternativo de cobertura de baixo custo, em carater industrial, a base de residuos agropecuarios e industriais. Como conseq

  • Utilizacao do Biodigestor Instalado na FEAGRI/UNICAMP - estudo com residuos agro-industriais

    Por: Luis Augusto Barbosa Cortez
    Ano: 1988-2003
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos agroindustriais, Unicamp, Biodigestor
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    uso de um biodigestor instalado no Campo Experimental da FEAGRI/UNICAMP.


    Por: Maria Jose Brollo
    Ano: 1998-1999
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Residuo dominiciliar urbano, Disposicao final
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Neste estudo houve o desenvolvimento metodologico e a definicao de criterios especificos para selecao de areas potenciais para disposicao de residuos. Considerou-se uma abordagem em carater regional (escala 1:100.000), baseada na analise e interpretacao de imagens de satelite, e que permitisse a otimizacao de tempo, de recursos humanos e financeiros. A metodologia desenvolvida foi aplicada a Regiao Metropolitana de Campinas, a qual inclui dezoito municipios e uma superficie de 3.345 km . A elaboracao da metodologia proposta considerou as caracteristicas geoambientais que possam interferir tanto nas condicoes de seguranca de um empreendimento de recebimento de residuos, como tambem na manutencao da qualidade ambiental da regiao circunvizinha a ele. Assim, foram estudados quatro aspectos fundamentais envolvidos na gestao de residuos: socio-politicos, fisiograficos, hidrogeologicos, e climaticos. Apos o levantamento e analise dos elementos de interesse para o estudo, foram definidas classes de caracteristicas e de propriedades consideradas: eliminatorias (determinam areas que devam ser descartadas para o uso pretendido) e restritivas (possibilitam a hierarquizacao de areas potenciais com maior ou menor restricao ao uso pretendido). Assim, e possivel priorizar ou planejar estudos de detalhe que subsidiem a definicao do tipo de obra mais adequado e de levantamentos e investigacoes necessarios para viabilizar a implantacao de um informacoes produzidas e levantadas estao associados sete mapas: de aspectos socio-politicos; geologico; de compartimentacao fisiografica; de suscetibilidade a processos de erosao, escorregamentos e inundacoes; de vulnerabilidade natural dos aq

  • Processos de remocao de metais pesados presentes no residuo industrial.

    Por: Meuris Gurgel Carlos da Silva
    Ano: 1999-2002
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Metais pesados, Contaminacao, Descontaminacao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Este projeto tem como objetivo o estudo da remocao, por adsorcao, de metais pesados de efluentes contaminados, mais especificamente o zinco, niquel e chumbo, utilizando-se um processo de leito fluidizado e tendo como solido adsorvente, uma zeolita sintetica. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho serao realizados as seguintes etapas: - Determinacao das condicoes fluidodin

  • Materiais de Construcao nao-convencionais atraves de residuos agroindustriais- Constribuicao para habitacoes e infraestrutura sustentavel(Pro africa)

    Por: Normando Perazzo Barbosa
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos agroindustriais, Construcao Civil, Reutilizacao de residuos, Sustentabilidade
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Nao disponivel

  • Blendas de PVC com EVA Proveniente de Residuos da Industria Calcadista

    Por: Sandro Donnini Mancini
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos da industria calcadista, EVA , Reutilizacao, PVC
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este projeto tem como objetivo a despolimerizacao de EVA proveniente de residuos da industria calcadista e sua posterior utilizacao na obtencao de blendas com PVC virgem.

  • Educacao ambiental em empresas atraves da minimizacao de residuos

    Por: Wanda Maria Risso Gunther
    Ano: 1995-1996
    Palavras-Chave: Educacao ambiental, Residuos, Minimizacao, Empresas, Desenvolvimento sustentavel, Motivacao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    O Projeto Eletropaulo/USP, desenvolvido em conjunto com essa empresa do setor energetico do Estado de Sao Paulo, foi aplicado nas Usinas Pedreira e Piratininga, duas unidades operacionais da empresa localizadas em Pedreira, na zona sul do muni

  • Contaminacao Ambiental por Disposicao Inadequada de Residuos Industriais

    Por: Wanda Maria Risso Gunther
    Ano: 1993-1997
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos industriais, Contaminacao, Disposicao, Impacto ambiental, Deposito inadequado, Populacao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Pesquisa que embasou a Tese de Doutoramento, realizada em area contaminada por residuos industriais de processo galvanoplastico (Municipio de Guararema-SP), onde foram afetados os elementos: - a agua de mananciais superficiais (pocos de abastecimento domiciliar) e do aq

  • Use of industrial grits in forest road pavements: Influence of curing times on the mechanical strength and swelling of compacted soil-grits mixtures

    Por: Pereira R.S., Machado C.C., De Lima D.C., De Carvalho C.A.B., Pires D.G.M.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Industrial grits, Soil stabilization
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Revista Arvore
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    This paper addresses the influence of stabilizer content, compaction effort and curing time on the mechanical strength and swelling of two soils from the Zona da Mata Norte region, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Two residual gneiss soils from the municipality of Vi?

  • Effects of replacing corn with dry cassava by-product on production of feedlot crossbred heifers

    Por: Dos Santos Abrahao J.J., Do Prado I.N., Marques J.D.A., Perotto D., Bernardo Lugao S.M.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Cassava by-product, Feeding
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    The objective of this trial was to evaluate the total replacement of corn with a dry residue extracted from cassava starch on production of crossbred heifers in feedlot. Thirty crossbred heifers averaging 21 months of age and 325 kg of body weight were distributed in two experimental groups and then housed in two stalls. Both groups were submitted to a pretrial period of 49 days, in which animals received ad libitum sorghum silage and 1.05% of body weight as concentrate (19.67% CP) composed of soybean meal, corn, and urea. In this period, daily weigh gain (DWG) averaged 1.08 kg for both groups. The experimental period lasted 57 days with animals averaging 378 kg of body weight. At the beginning of the experimental period, one group remained receiving the pre-trial diet while the other was fed ad libitum sorghum silage and 1.18% of body weight as concentrate (18.12% CP) containing dry cassava byproduct rather than corn. Daily weight gain was significantly higher for heifers fed corn-based concentrate (0.97 kg) compared to those receiving dry cassava byproduct-based concentrate (0.78 kg). In addition, dry matter intake and feed conversion were both lower on heifers fed the diet containing dry cassava byproduct.

  • Use of dehydrated pineapple by-product in diets for growing goats: Digestibility and performance

    Por: Correia M.X.D.C., Costa R.G., Da Silva J.H.V., De Carvalho F.F.R., De Medeiros A.N.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Feeding, Intake, Weight gain
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of replacing coastcross (Cynodon dactylon) hay with a dehydrated pineapple by-product (DPB) on performance, apparent digestibility, and intake of digestible nutrients in growing goats. Twenty-four crossbred Saanen x Criola female goats averaging 19.2 kg of body weight (BW) at the beginning of the trial were used in a completely randomized design. Animals were assigned to one of the following four treatments: 0, 33, 66, or 100% of DPB in the diet. Replacing coastcross hay with DPB did not significantly affect the apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). However, the apparent digestibility of both organic matter (OM) and cellulose (CEL) increased linearly while that of acid detergent fiber (ADF) showed a quadratic effect with the increasing levels of DPB in the diet. The average intake of digestible nutrients, expressed in g/kg BW0.75, for treatments with 0, 33, 66, or 100% of dietary DPB were in this order: 62.35, 63.58, 59.53 and 54.47 for DM

  • The influence of particle size on the kinetics of methane production from pig effluent

    Por: Rodriguez Andara A., Lomas Esteban J., Rodriguez Mora F., Ferrara de Giner G.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Biogas, Efficiency, Kinetics model, Particle size, Slurry
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Tecnologia del Agua
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    Transformation of particle size along anaerobic digestion of wastewater is considered in relation to the methane production kinetics model describing the process. Substratum utilized is the solid constituent of the slurry from a pig farm, after screening through a hydraulic filter with 1 mm mesh. Particle size characterization, following membrane separation of wastewater samples and quantification of Chemical Oxygen Demand was considered, in order to analyze particulate contaminants in wastewater related to size distribution and biological degradation process. The present study utilizes kinetics under Strayer and Tiedje model (1978). Thus, series of membrane separation technique was applied in order to classify particulate contaminants in settleable, supracolloidal, colloidal and dissolved particles. Two types of pilot-plant scale reactors were considered: stratified or no mixed, and completely-mixed digester, to determine their effects on the particle size modification. Experiments were carried out in mesophilic range, around 35 Celsius degrees, and organic load was treated along 56 days as hydraulic detention time. Results presented significant differences for both reactors, although proposed kinetic model seems to be fairly adequate for the completely mixed reactor, but it is not suitable for the no mixed one.

  • Adsorption of As, CU, Pb and Cr for the assessment of metal retention by two different residues from iron ore mines

    Por: Basilio M.S., Friese K., De Lena J.C., Nalini Jr. H.A., Roeser H.M.P.
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Iron rich sediments, Sequential extraction
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Quimica Nova
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    Two samples of residues from iron mining plants have been investigated for their retention capacity of As, Cu, Cr, and Pb. The sample with the higher content of iron oxides showed the highest capacity to retain metals. The adsorption affinity series changes from Pb>Cu>Cr

  • Evolution of mechanical properties of a residue from the secondary aluminum remelting industry stabilized with gypsum

    Por: Tayibi H., Perez C., Lopez F.A., Lopez-Delgado A.
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Hazardous waste, Mechanical properties, Reactivity, Stabilisation/Solidification
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid)
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Aluminium dust from aluminium remelting industry is a hazardous residue because of its high reactivity in the presence of water (production of ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulphide ...), potential aluminothermy and its content in leaching heavy metals. In order to apply the new European Directive about landfill of waste, a Stabilization/Solidification (S/S) process was developed in the CENIM with the aim of decreasing its reactivity and to assure an easy transport and storage of the residue. Gypsum was used as a binder material. This work summarizes the study of the mechanical properties of the stabilized residue en comparison with the gypsum ones. The reactivity of the dust, before and after the S/S process was investigated by analysing the ammonia and metallic aluminium.

  • Los residuo de la idustria del mueble de madera (y II)

    Por: Marquez P.J., Matamoros J.B., Mirasol J.R., Cordero T.
    Ano: 2004
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ingenieria Quimica
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    [No abstract available

  • The use of EVA waste in nitrile rubber compositions

    Por: Gomes A.C.O., Scares B.G., Oliveira M.G., Moreira V.X.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Recycling, Rubber compositions
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: 58th Congresso Anual da ABM (ASSociacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Normally used in rubber formulations, fillers can be classified as reinforcing or non-reinforcing fillers, according to their mechanical performance. The EVA waste (EVAR) is a crosslinked material, which can be used as filler in rubber compositions. In this work, mechanical and rheological properties of nitrile rubber (NBR) compositions with EVAR were investigated before, during and after vulcanization with the help of a rubber processing analyzer (RPA). The filler content varied from 0 to 70 phr. The set of results showed that EVAR acts as a median reinforcing filler and also makes the cure faster.

  • Incorporation of metallurgical waste in a clay masses used in red ceramic

    Por: De Oliveira G.E., De Holanda J.N.F., De Souza Jr. F.G.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Metallurgical waste, Red ceramic
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: 58th Congresso Anual da ABM (ASSociacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The discard of waste is a problem that worries the whole society. The metallurgical solid waste is obtained in the process of cooking of the mineral coal, together with other liquid and gaseous wastes reused for the own metallurgical industry. In the present work is done an evaluation on the metallurgical solid waste addition in masses used for red ceramics fabrication. The clay used in this work was given up by the Ceramic Industry of the Baixada Campista, Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ. Ceramic masses containing up to 3,0 wt% of waste were prepared. Ceramic bodies were produced by the extrusion and fired in electric furnace in the temperatures of 950 degrees C, 1000 degrees C and 1050 degrees C. The following properties were determined: flexure rupture tension (3 points), linear skinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity and apparent specific mass. The results obtained shown that the metallurgical waste addition influences a little in the properties of ceramic bodies. However, burning temperature has strong influence on the same ones.

  • Effect of the addition of granite dust residue in the technological properties of structural ceramics

    Por: De Souza Moreira J.M., De Holanda J.N.F.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Properties, Structural ceramics
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: 58th Congresso Anual da ABM (ASSociacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The main objective of this work is to evaluate the possibility of incorporation of granite dust residue, proceeding from the industry of ornamental rocks of the State of the Esp??rito Santo, for manufacture of structural ceramics products the clay base. Special emphasis is given to the effect of the addition of granite dust residue in the technological structural ceramics properties. The raw materials used in this work are red clay and granite dust (residue), proceeding from the region of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES. These materials had been characterized how much its chemical composition, so great of particle and analysis for difra?

  • Mutagenic activity of sweepings from a sock and lingerie factory assayed with Salmonella typhimurium

    Por: Varella S.D., Varanda E.A., Pozetti G.L., Vilegas W.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Industrial garbage, Mutagenicity, Occupational exposure
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Ciencias Farmaceuticas
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    Cancer is one of the most hazardous effects to human health caused by the exposition to chemical agents. The search for new technological solutions in the industrial field led to a rapid increase in the productive sector, causing the workers to be exposed to millions of potentially toxic agents, substances potentially harmful to health. This study presents the mutagenic activity of sweepings from a sock and lingerie factory in Araraquara-Brazil, assayed with Salmonella typhimurium. All the extracts from the factory had mutagenic on activity the YG1024 strain, which is extremely sensitive to detect the mutagenic activity of the arilhydroxilamines, nitroarenes and aromatic amines. The extracts were non-mutagenics for the strains TA100 and TA98. The analysis of the mutagenicity of industrial residues is highly important because employees that participate in the production are directly exposed to those agents, as well as to the environment where the garbage is deposited.

  • Clay-waste system, a fundamental analysis of ceramic matrix composites

    Por: De Souza E.T.A., Vieira C.M.F., Monteiro S.N.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Composite Model, Wastes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: 58th Congresso Anual da ABM (ASSociacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Clay ceramic materials incorporated with solid wastes can form complex multiphase structures, which need analytical procedures for a previous evaluation of their properties. In the present work a simplified model for waste added clay ceramics considered as a composite material, is proposed. The model takes into account the reactions and transformations that the incorporated body could suffer at high temperatures in order to consolidate the multiphase ceramic structure. It is suggested that the waste added clay ceramics properties be evaluated by means of the Rule of Mixtures characteristic equations, which apply for particle composites.

  • Feathers as agro industrial waste: Their biotechnological utilization to develop new added value products

    Por: Coello N., Bernal C., Bertsch A., Estrada O., Mocco Y., Hasegawa M.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Carotenoids, Feather meal, Fermentation, Kocuria rosea, Poultry feathers, Proteases
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RAG, RIN
    Fonte: Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Feathers are a poultry by-product rich in protein (mainly keratin), generated in very large amounts as a waste product from the poultry-processing industry. For many years, feathers have been subject to nutritional studies in order to incorporate them as protein supplement in animal feedstock. This allows the poultry industry to take advantage of their usefulness and eliminate the environmental problem of their accumulation, Industrially, a great part of the feather waste is cooked under high pressure and temperature, producing a feather meal. However, this product has two important nutritional limitations: an amino acid imbalance and poor digestibility. In spite of this, the meal is used in nutrition of chicken poultry (5%), rainbow trout (15%), shrimp (33%) and salmon (40%) but needs amino acids supplementation, especially feed-grade L-lysine. Their nutritional value might be improved by microbial action by modification of the structure of keratin and increasing the amino acid content. Thus, there is a growing interest in alternative methods for the treatment of feathers to improve the nutritional quality of the feather meal and to develop new added value products (enzymes, pigments, etc). This research has been conducted on LPB-3 bacterial strain of Kocuria rosea isolated from soil, to determine their potential use to produce fermented feather meal, enzymes and carotenoid pigments in feathers submerged fermentation. Under these conditions: 1) K. rosea excretes at least two proteolytic activities, able to degrade keratin, collagen and elastin. 2) The feather meal enriched with cells of K. rosea mainly contains protein (67%), with an in vitro digestibility (88%) similar to the value of the commercial non fermented feather meal. The bacterial cells incorporated into the final product improve the content of essential amino acids lysine, histidine and methionine. Additionally, by spectrometric data it was detected that this bacterium synthesizes an orange-pink carotenoid pigment astaxanthin, that may useful in alimentary industry for increase colour of some foods and salmonids feed in aquaculture operations.

  • Copper slag and granite saw- waste as mineral admixture for concrete production

    Por: Moura W.A., Goncalves J.P., Leite M.B.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Copper slag, Granite saw-waste, Mineral admixture
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Tecbahia Revista Baiana De Tecnologia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    In civil engineering, sustainable development comprises the use and production of materials, the characteristics of which are a longer, more useful life with the lowest environmental impact possible. The use of industrial solid waste in concrete production may aid in decreasing negative environmental impact by reducing the consumption of natural resources, the pollution generated by and the power consumed in concrete production. This text contains the results of a study on the use of copper slag and granite saw-waste as mineral admixture for concrete production. The findings state the technical viability of the proposed waste.

  • Bulls performance in feedlot with levels of substituting corn silage by pineapple by-products silage

    Por: Do Prado I.N., Lallo F.H., Zeoula L.M., Neto S.F.C., Do Nascimento W.G., Marques J.D.A.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Corn silage, Feedlot, Pineapple by-products silage
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The objective of this work was evaluate the effect of gradative substitution of corn silage (0, 20, 40 and 60%, of dry matter) by pineapple by-products silage on average daily gain, feed intake and feed conversion, carcass yield, fat thickness and loin eye area of bulls, finished in feedlot. Twenty eight bulls were used with approximately 20 months and initial body weight of 328 kg. The animals were divided in a completely randomized design, with four treatments (levels of pineapple by-products silage) and seven repetitions. Besides the corn silage and/or pineapple by-products silage, the animals received a concentrate formed by soybean meal, corn, mineral salt, urea and monensin. The animals were kept in a individually stable, fed ad libitum during 96 days. At the end of the period, the animals were slaughtered and the carcass characteristics were measured. There was no treatment effect on final body weight, average daily gain, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber ingestion, dry matter feed conversion, hot carcass weight and yield, loin eye area and fat thickness. Dry matter, organic matter, metabolizable energy ingestion for 100 kg body weight reduced linearly.

  • Caracterization and classification of solid waste po do balao, produced by merchant pig iron industry which use charcoal as energy source in Brasil: Case study of Sete Lagoas region, state of Minas Gerais

    Por: Cardoso De Oliveira M.R., Martins J.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: Pig iron, Solid waste
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Quimica Nova
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: IN

    This research was developed by considering that the solid waste produced in the process of pig iron production represents the loss of raw materials and the increase in environmental problem. The charcoal based mini blast-furnace off gases dust named CHARCOK was collected from SIDERPA - Siderurgica Paulino Ltda, located in Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais. The Charcok was characterized and classified according to ABNT (Associa?

  • Gold recovery by cyanidation of a sulfuric acid leaching tailing containing copper

    Por: Mendes F.D., Martins A.H., De Souza Costa R.
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Cyanidation, Gold
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Anais - 10th Semiario de Metals nao Ferrosos
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    New occurrences of complex gold copper ores have been found recently in which gold is associated with high grades of copper minerals. The conventional cyanidation process becomes unfeasible due to copper dissolution in sodium cyanide solutions, which increases the leach reagent consumption. This fact justifies efforts in researching on innovative technological routes for developing a feasible and economical process, able to maximize the metals and cyanide recovery. One of the alternatives involves a pre-treatment stage to extract copper minerals prior to the cyanidation stage. Sulfuric acid leaching was studied, throughout the application of a statistical approach, to determine the optimum experimental conditions to achieve the maximum copper dissolution for lgarape Bahia gold copper ore (Mendes, 1999). The sulfuric acid residue presented 1.76g/t of gold and 0.52% of copper. This experimental work aimed at studying the feasibility of alkaline cyanide leaching of this sulfuric acid residue for gold recovery. The copper remaining in the sulfuric acid leach tailings was extracted in a large extent (67%) in the cyanidation stage, and gold was 94% extracted under these conditions. Copper in the metallic form (0.30%) was completely dissolved and iron cyanide complexes, as well as cyanate and thiocyanate composites, were formed contributing to the high cyanide consumption.

  • Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process for converting the cellulosic fraction of olive oil extraction residue into ethanol

    Por: Ballesteros I., Oliva J.M., Negro M.J., Manzanares P., Ballesteros M.
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Olive off extraction residue, Pretreatment, Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RAG, RIN
    Fonte: Grasas y Aceites
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    In this work, the residue generated in the new two-step centrifugation process for olive oil extraction is assessed for the production of bioethanol. Both olive pulp and fragmented stones fractions comprised in such residue are analyzed and tested at laboratory scale for bioconversion to ethanol by a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process. Firstly, optima conditions for the enzymatic hydrolysis step of steam-exploded pretreated sustrates were determined. Then, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process was assayed using the thermotolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus in different assay conditions. For the selected conditions, 9 kg of unpretreated pulp or 6 kg of pretreated fragmented stones (both based on dry matter) would be necessary to obtain 1 liter of ethanol.

  • Use of residue of paper industry as vehicle of microorganisms in bioremediation

    Por: Ilyina A., Villarreal-Sanchez J.A., Rodriguez-Martinez J.
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Soil inoculation, Vehicle of microorganisms
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    This research demonstrated the possibility to use a secondary product of paper industry (BIODAC 12/20) as carrier of microorganisms. The BIODAC granules showed high porosity (65.19%) and buffer properties in acid and basic medium. The mentioned characteristics are important to incorporate the microorganisms and to keep them viable during storage and proliferation on soil. Six different genres of microorganisms (bacteria and fungus) were used as study models, isolated from petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils from Southern Mexico. CFU/ mL values 10 to 1000 times above those observed in control samples were obtained in culture tests in liquid with BIODAC. The inhibition of microbial growth was not observed in the assays on petri dishes with agars containing granules that occupied 10, 50 and 100% of the surface. It is possible to recover live microorganisms after 42 days of storage on desiccating state in BIODAC. The number of living microorganisms was maintained on a considerable level, above 109 (CFU/g). The experiments to define the effects of BIODAC 12/20 on plant growth were carried out using the granule quantity (equivalent to 1% of soil volume) that saturated the surface of the container It was demonstrated that the product did not inhibit the emergence time and biomass production. It was observe that after 40 days in the open air, previously inoculated model microporganisms on artifically soil (6% hydrocarbons), the CFU with BIODAC was up to 100% times greater than without BIODAC.

  • Obtention of anisotropic barium hexaferrite from siderurgical waste

    Por: Aragon B., Ares O., Montesino O., Dufour J., Hart C., Balmaseda J., Formoso A., Cores A.
    Ano: 2002
    Palavras-Chave: Barium hexaferrite, Rolling scale
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid)
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: TE, SE

    We report the production of anisotropic permanent magnets of barium hexaferrite using rolling scale (siderurgical waste) as starting material. A facility was designed and constructed and further tested for the industrial production of the anisotropic permanent magnets. The characteristics of both the ferrite powder and the compacts resulting of pressuring and sintering processes are described. In different stages parameters as grinding time and temperature were controlled. The samples were structurally and magnetically characterized. X-ray diffraction and M??ssbauer spectroscopy were used for phase identification, while scanning electron microscopy allowed the determination of the average grain size. The magnetic behavior was also measured. This work proves that the ferric oxide produced from rolling scale of the national siderurgical industry can be used to obtain anisotropic material. Initial technological parameters of the process are proposed.

  • Evaluation of the In vitro/Gas Digestibility of Several Mixtures of Roughages by Digestion Residue of Dry Matter and Gas Production

    Por: De Campos F.P., Sampaio A.A.M., De Vieira P.F., Bose M.L.V.
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Corn silage, Elephantgrass, NDF, Sugar cane
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    The in vitro/gas dry matter (DM) digestibility of four roughages, mixed or not, in proportion of 50% in the DM were evaluated. Samples of 100 mg by treatment, in triplicate, in 48 h of digestion were incubated. The DM digestibilities and gas production were: sugar cane = 60.6%, 17.3 mL

  • Effects of Corn Replacement by Bakery Waste on Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Holstein Steers

    Por: Passini R., Spers A., De Souza Lucci C.
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Carcass, Meat quality, Steers
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The effects of the addition of bakery waste (BW) replacing corn in the diet of Holstein steers was studied on carcass dressing and meat quality. Four treatments were applied, respectively, 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of bakery waste replacing corn in the concentrated mixture. The animals were fed with complete pelleted mixtures, with 30% of Coast-cross hay (Cynodon dactylon L.) as roughage. A randomized block design with four treatments and five repetitions, total of 20 animals, was used. The experiment began when the calves reached 90 kg of live weight and lasted for 120 days. At the end of experiment, the animals were slaughtered and carcass dressing, commercial cuts and meat composition and quality were evaluated. The meat quality was evaluated by color, tenderness and chemistry composition (moisture, fat, protein and minerals). The results showed no differences among treatments concerning parameters studied (P>0,05). Therefore, bakery waste can be considered an alternative source for feeding growing steers, when compared with corn.

  • Utilization of a pulp and paper mill solid waste as aggregate in construction materials

    Por: Alvarado L.A., Jimenez M.A., Martinez H.A., Vallejo C.N.
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Lime mud, Pulp and paper industry, Waste recycling
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Informacion Tecnologica
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    This work analyzes the feasibility of using

  • Effects of partial replacement of corn by bakery waste in the diet on performance of Holstein steers

    Por: Passini R., Spers A., De Sousa Lucci C.
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Feed intake, Production costs, Ruminants, Weight gain
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The effects of addition of bakery waste (BW) replacing corn in the diet of Holstein steers were studied. Four treatments, respectively to the addition of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of bakery waste were applied in the concentrated mixture for corn replacement. Animals were fed with complete mixtures pelleted ration, with 30% of Coast-cross hay (Cynodon dactylon L.) as roughage. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four treatments and five repetitions, totalizing 20 animals. The performance was evaluated by intake and feed conversion, weight gain, heart-girth and size. Diarrhea incidence was evaluated through daily observation of faeces. The experiment began when calves reached 90 kg of life weight, and lasted for 120 days. The results did not show statistically significant differences among treatments concerning weight gain, dry matter intake, feed conversion, heart-girth, height at whiter and diarrhea incidence. The addition of bakery waste caused feed costs reduction of 3.74%, 7.44% and 10.90% respectively for 10%, 20% and 30% of bakery waste, in comparison to the control diet (0%). So, bakery waste is an alternative source for feeding and for reduction of costs of growing steers, in comparison to corn.

  • Residuo calcico para la descontaminacion de un efluente de curticion - Aprovechamiento de un residuo de la produccion de acetileno

    Por: Pulgarin J.F., Sierra L., Palacio L.A., Saldarriaga C.
    Ano: 2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Ingenieria Quimica
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    [No abstract available

  • Thermoeletric central moved by Pinus sp. wood waste in a ?

    Por: De Lima C.R., Reinaux M. Jr., Souza R.C.R.
    Ano: 2000
    Palavras-Chave: Economic viability, Electric energy, Energetic planning, Pinus sp. waste
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Tecbahia Revista Baiana De Tecnologia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE, RE

    This work shows a preliminary study of the technical-economic viability of the Pinas sp. wood waste utilization, for the electric energy production. Approximately 30 sawmills in ?

  • Comparison of the in Vitro Digestion Computerized Monitoring System with in Vivo and in Situ Methods. 2. Use of the Dry Matter Residue of the Forages

    Por: De Campos F.P., Bose M.L.V., Boin C., Lanna D.P.D., De Morais J.P.G.
    Ano: 2000
    Palavras-Chave: Gas production, In situ digestion, In vitro digestion, In vivo digestion
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The objective of this work was to compare the computerized monitoring of the in vitro gas production system with the in vivo and in situ methods. On the comparisons, corn silage with high/low dry matter contents, with/without inoculation, were used. The digestibility of silage with high dry matter (DM) content, with/without inoculation, did not present differences among the analyzed methods. When evaluated apart from the inoculation effect, that silage differed in vitro/gas and in situ methods

  • Carbon residue from fuel oils : Remarks on the behaviour of some trace elements

    Por: Zerlia T., Pinelli G.
    Ano: 2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Rivista dei Combustibili
    Idioma: Italiano
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    The qualitative trend of some trace elements (Ni, V, Zn, Pb, Cr) in the carbon residue (CCR) formation process (according to ASTM D189), starting from commercial fuel oils, is discussed. The experimental findings show that the metals enrichment in CCR matches with metals concentration and with the compound type in the parent oil. Moreover, a deep dependence of the metals enrichment on the oil aromaticity has been evidenced. In particular, the metals enrichment scales with the aromaticity except for Ni which shows an opposite trend. In other words, when the heating conditions are particulary favorable to coke formation, the Ni enrichment in carbon residue decreases with the parent oil aromaticity. Thus, as the oil aromaticity increases, an enhanced tendency of nickel to volatilize (and to concentrate in fine particle fractions more difficult to remove) is absented. Thus, from an emission control point of view, it is possible to postulate that, owing to the general temperature reduction, in low-NOx burners the volatilization process of the volatile elements (i.e. nickel), will be depressed. In the light of the above considerations, the relative reduction of nickel emissions will be enhanced too, especially for highly aromatic oils.

  • Utilization of soymilk residue in preparing pa

    Por: Wang S.-H., Cabral L.C., Borges G.G.
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Peanut, Soybean
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The objective of the present study was to utilize the soymilk residue (SR), wheat flour and peanuts to formulate pa?

  • Fibra dietetica en el residuo industrial del tomate y su efecto sobre la respuesta glicemica y el colesterol serico en ratas

    Por: Alvarado M., Pacheco-Delahaye E., Schnell M., Hevia P.
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Dietary fibre, Glycemia, Tomato industrial byproduct
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: SE, RE

    Dietary fiber in industrial tomato residue and its effect on glycaemic response and seric cholesterol in rats. The left over after ketchup sauce is obtained is a tomato residue (RIT) that contains skin and seeds. Proximal analysis of the flour of this industrial product reveals that it has 50% dietary fiber, 18% protein and 10% fat. Due to the high dietary fiber content the effect on glucose absorption and seric cholesterol was studied. Sprague-Dawley rats were given an intragastric meal after a 12 hours fast containing 263 g tomato residue flour (RIT)/diet or a control meal (0% RIT) and glucose plasma levels were determined. Results show that the presence of RIT in the test meal flattened glucose response curves. Ad lib administration of four diets differing in RIT content to four groups of rats for 18 days showed that although animals on a high RIT diet ate increased amounts of cholesterol the plasma lipid levels remained constant which suggest that the presence of RIT fibre on the diet is responsible for this effect. The results reported in this paper suggest that the dietary fiber of RIT diminishes glucose absorption and reduces seric cholesterol levels, which in turn could be useful in the treatment of NIDD and hipercholesterolaemic patients.

  • Levels of cassava residue in diets for growing and finishing pigs

    Por: Bertol T.M., De Lima G.J.M.M.
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Pig performance
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Two experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the inclusion of cassava residue (RIFM) in diets for growing and finishing pigs. In the first experiment, four levels (0,6.67,13.33 and 20%) of RIFM in growing diets were studied. The inclusion of RIFM in the diets caused a cubic effect on average daily gain (GPMD, P<

  • Utilization of the waste of sisal industry in the control of mosquito larvae

    Por: Pizarro A.P.B., Oliveira Filho A.M., Parente J.P., Melo M.T.V., Dos Santos C.E., Lima P.R.
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: Agave sisalana, Culex quinquefasciatus, Sisa, Vector control
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The aim of this research was to utilize the waste residues of sisal fiber separation from Agave sisalana leaves to develop a larvicide for the combat of mosquito transmitting tropical diseases. Larvae of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus were exposed to different concentrations of the Agave extract for 24 hours to determine lethal concentrations. The LC50 for A. aegypti was 322 ppm and the LC50 for C. quinquefasciatus was 183 ppm. To detect the active substances, saponins were investigated. It was found that the various components of the extract were effective in eliminating the larvae. Under field conditions, this formulation can probably be used at 100 ppm, which causes 100% mortality of C. quinquefasciatus larvae after 3-4 days. The product is not recommended for use against A. aegypti due to the necessity for high concentrations and to the fact that the larvae of this species live frequently on drinking water. To avoid fermentation, Agave extract should be used in a dehydrated form which also represent a good formulation for practical use.

  • Sulfur removal kinetics in the hydroconversion of Marlim oil vacuum residue

    Por: De Almeida R.M., Guirardello R., De Souza G.L.M.
    Ano: 1999
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Boletim Tecnico da PETROBRAS
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Several Marlim vacuum residue (VR) hydroconversion experiments were conducted in a batch reactor with changing temperature, time and catalyst mass (NiMo/

  • Utilization of residual liquid orange from juice processing as cultivation medium of Penicillium citrinum: Biological depuration of the residue and enzyme production

    Por: Tavares V.B., Sivieri K., Ceron C.R., Da Silva R., Trabuco E., Lombardi F.R., Gomes E.
    Ano: 1998
    Palavras-Chave: Fungal grown, Wastes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Quimica Nova
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Penicillium citrinum grown in orange juice processing wastes medium under continuous agitation was studied in order to establish optimal conditions (incubation period, incubation temperature, initial pH and nitrogen addition) for biomass and ribonuclease production, as well as, biological depuration of the wastes. Nitrogen addition to wastes medium increased the biomass and ribonuclease production and provides COD reduction. The soy meal shows to be the best nitrogen source. The conditions for a more favorable enzyme and biomass production and COD reduction were initial pH 6.0 and temperature of 27 degrees C. The maximum value obtained for these parameters on optimal conditions of cultivation was 11 U/mL of enzyme, 4 mg/mL of biomass (dry matter) and 55% of COD reduction, in 96 hours of incubation.

  • Antioxidant activity of isolated compounds in non-volatile residue from orange essential oil

    Por: Vargas-Arispuro I., Sanz B.I., Martinez-Tellez M.A., Primo-Yufera E.
    Ano: 1998
    Palavras-Chave: Essential orange oil, Flavonoid, Natural antioxidant
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Grasas y Aceites
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    There has been a growing interest in the food industry and in preventive medicine to search for

  • Controle ecotoxicologico e manejo de residuo solido (lodo) de uma industria de papel e celulose

    Por: Gallardo V.R.B., Lima N.R., Maltz R.
    Ano: 1998
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: O Papel (Brazil)
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    [No abstract available

  • Preliminar evaluation of the applicability of a residue of manioc (Manihot esculenta Granz) as a direct excipient in tablets: Physical and compression characteristics

    Por: De Castro A.D., Hamilton Ferreira Bueno J., Rajsfeld Fiszman C.
    Ano: 1998
    Palavras-Chave: Disintegrant, Excipients for tablets, Manioc bran, Microcrystalline cellulose
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Farmacia e Bioquimica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The applicability of a residue of manioc (Manihot esculenta Granz) from industrial processing as a direct compression excipient was investigated in comparison with microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel

  • Structural characterization of high iron oxide content glasses obtained from zinc hydrometallurgy wastes

    Por: Romero M., Rincon J.Ma., Musik S., Kozhukharov W.
    Ano: 1997
    Palavras-Chave: Goethite, High iron content glasses, M??ssbauer spectroscopy, Radial distribution function
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista de Metalurgia (Madrid)
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    It has been carried out the structural characterization of high oxide content glasses obtained by melting of a goethite industrial waste from the zinc hydrometallurgy with other raw materials as dolomite and glass cullet. The structural characterization has been carried out by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Diffraction by Amorphous Dispersion (RDF) and M??ssbauer spectroscopy. It has been determined the interatomic distance, the oxidation state and the coordination of iron atoms in these glasses.

  • Tratamiento E/S de un residuo siderurgico con cenizas volantes

    Por: Vale J., Pereira C.F., Rodriguez-Pinero M., Ruiz De Elvira C., Troyano J.O.D., Salvador L.
    Ano: 1996
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ingenieria Quimica
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    No abstract available

  • Effects of the usage of diatomite and waste marble powder as partial replacement of cement on the mechanical properties of concrete,

    Por: Ergun A.
    Palavras-Chave: Compressive strength, Diatomite, Flexural strength, Marble powder
    Tipo de Trabalho: Construction and Building Mate
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Diatomite is a pozzolanic material containing amorphous silica, cristabolite and minor amounts of residual minerals. Waste marble powder (WMP) is an inert material which is obtained as an industrial by product during sawing, shaping, and polishing of marble and causes a serious environmental problem. This paper describes the procedures and results of a laboratory investigation of mechanical properties carried out on the concrete specimens containing diatomite and WMP as partial replacement of cement in concrete. The laboratory work essentially consists of characterization of the raw and waste materials, preparation of concrete specimens with diatomite and WPM in different ratios by weight as replacement for cement and a superplasticizing admixture to reduce water demand and compression and flexural tests of the specimens. Test results indicated that the concrete specimens containing 10% diatomite, 5% WPM and 5% WPM +10% diatomite replacement by weight for cement had the best compressive and flexural strength and the replacement of cement with diatomite and WMP separately and together using a superplasticizing admixture could be utilized to improve the mechanical properties of the conventional concrete mixtures. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Effective utilization and management of coir industrial waste for the production of poly- ß- hydroxybutyrate (phb) using the bacterium azotobacter beijerinickii,

    Por: Sathesh Prabu C., Murugesan A.G.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Bioplastic, Biopolymer, Coir waste, PHB
    Tipo de Trabalho: International Journal of Envir
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Coir pith, a byproduct of coconut fibers and waste material from the coir industry, is stable and not easily degradable due to its high lignin content. Coir pith takes a decade to decompose thereby posing environmental hazard and disposal problem. Pollution by plastics creates an alternative solution to reduce problems. Hence the potential use of coir industrial wastes for production of bioplastics (Poly-ß-hydroxybutyrate - PHB) as an alternative to plastics was studied. Commercial production of this polymer is limited, however, due to higher cost and longer fermentation process as compared to petrochemical plastics. These concerned make it necessary to use the cheapest and readily available raw materials. Azotobacter beijerinickii used coir industrial waste as a substrate and produced PHB. Production of PHB was maximized at pH 6.5 with 3% coir hydrolysate. The amount of PHB produced by A. beijerinickii was 2.4 ± 0.2 g/L. The yield was 48.19%. Production of PHB was confirmed by Sudan black B staining under a light microscope, acridine orange staining under a fluorescent microscope and by an infrared spectrometer. This investigation showed that coir industrial waste could be effectively used for the production of PHB.

  • Impact of industrial effluents in seed invigouration: A Estudo,

    Por: Kalaiselvi P., Mahimairaja S., Srimathi P., Senthil Kumar G.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Horticultural crops, Waste water
    Tipo de Trabalho: Asian Journal of Plant Science
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Use of industrial effluents for irrigation purposes is a highly warranted utility of water pollutants proposition. The objective of using waste water for irrigating crop plants is of two fold. The first and foremost of this is the safe disposal of the effluents, which may otherwise have adverse effects on the environment and human health. The other objective is to recycle it as irrigation water, as compost for its possible fertilizer value. The literatures relating the influence of industrial waste water on seed and seedling quality characters irrespective of crops are Estudoed hereunder. © 2010 Asian Network for Scientific Information.

  • Phytotoxicity and naphthenic acid dissipation from oil sands fine tailings treatments planted with the emergent macrophyte Phragmites australis.,

    Por: Armstrong S.A., Headley J.V., Peru K.M., Mikula R.J., Germida J.J.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of environmental scien
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    During reclamation the water associated with the runoff or groundwater flushing from dry stackable tailings technologies may become available to the reclaimed environment within an oil sands lease. Here we evaluate the performance of the emergent macrophyte, common reed (Phragmites australis), grown in chemically amended mature fine tailings (MFT) and simulated runoff/seepage water from different MFT drying treatments. The present study also investigated the phytotoxicity of the concentration of oil sands naphthenic acids (NAs) in different MFT drying chemical treatments, in both planted and unplanted systems. We demonstrate that although growth was reduced, the emergent macrophyte common reed was capable of growing in diluted unamended MFT runoff, as well as in diluted runoff from MFT amended with either 0.25% lime and gypsum or 0.5% gypsum. Common reed can thus assist in the dewatering process of oil sands MFT. However, simulated runoff or seepage waters from chemically amended and dried MFT were phytotoxic, due to combined levels of salts, naphthenic acids and pH. Phytoremediation of runoff water/ground water seepage from dry-land applied MFT will thus require pre-treatment in order to make conditions more favorable for plant growth.

  • Wastewater screening method for evaluating applicability of zero-valent iron to industrial wastewater.,

    Por: Lee J.W., Cha D.K., Oh Y.K., Ko K.B., Jin S.H.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of hazardous materials
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    This study presents a screening protocol to evaluate the applicability of the ZVI pretreatment to various industrial wastewaters of which major constituents are not identified. The screening protocol consisted of a sequential analysis of UV-vis spectrophotometry, high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC), and bioassay. The UV-vis and HPLC analyses represented the potential reductive transformation of unknown constituents in wastewater by the ZVI. The UV-vis and HPLC results were quantified using principal component analysis (PCA) and Euclidian distance (ED). The short-term bioassay was used to assess the increased biodegradability of wastewater constituents after ZVI treatment. The screening protocol was applied to seven different types of real industrial wastewaters. After identifying one wastewater as the best candidate for the ZVI treatment, the benefit of ZVI pretreatment was verified through continuous operation of an integrated iron-sequencing batch reactor (SBR) resulting in the increased organic removal efficiency compared to the control. The iron pretreatment was suggested as an economical option to modify some costly physico-chemical processes in the existing wastewater treatment facility. The screening protocol could be used as a robust strategy to estimate the applicability of ZVI pretreatment to a certain wastewater with unknown composition. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Electrolytic recovery of dilute copper from a mixed industrial effluent of high strength COD.,

    Por: Chellammal S., Raghu S., Kalaiselvi P., Subramanian G.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of hazardous materials
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    In this study, the electrochemical treatment has been investigated in the real acidic effluent of copper-phthalocyanine dye manufacturing plant. Galvanostatic batch electrolyses have been carried out in an undivided cell using stainless steel as cathode, dimensionally stable anode (DSA) and graphite as anodes at different current densities and temperatures. The influence of these variables on current efficiency, cell voltage, energy consumption and deposit quality was reported. Under optimized conditions, the maximum copper recovery of 98% and COD removal efficiency of 87.3% with the energy consumption of about 11.23 kWh/kg of Cu and 6.08 kWh/kg of COD, respectively at 30 degrees C were achieved in the acidic raw effluent using 2D parallel-plate cathode. While in 3D stainless steel turning cathode reactor, 99.5% of copper can efficiently be recovered from dilute solution with an acceptable current efficiency of about 56.8% with minimum energy consumption of 2.37 kWh/kg of Cu. The experimental results suggested that the efficiency of copper removal is hindered by the presence of organic species in the mixed industrial effluent. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Treatment of leather industry wastewater by aerobic biological and Fenton oxidation process.,

    Por: Mandal T., Dasgupta D., Mandal S., Datta S.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of hazardous materials
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Degradation of leather industry wastewater by sole aerobic treatment incorporating Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, Fenton's reagents, and combined treatment was investigated in this study. The sole treatment by Fenton's oxidation involving the introduction of 6g FeSO(4) and 266 g H(2)O(2) in a liter of wastewater at pH of 3.5 and 30 degrees C for 30 min at batch conditions reduced COD, BOD(5), sulfide, total chromium and color up to 69%, 72%, 88%, 5%, 100% and T. ferrooxidans alone showed maximum reduction to an extent of 77, 80, 85, 52, 89, respectively, in 21 d treatment at pH 2.5, FeSO(4) 16 g/L and temperature of 30 degrees C. The combined treatment at batch conditions involving 30 min chemical treatment by Fenton's oxidation followed by 72 h biochemical treatment by T. ferrooxidans at batch conditions gave rise up to 93%, 98%, 72%, 62% and 100% removal efficiencies of COD, BOD, sulfide, chromium and color at pH of 2.5 and 30 degrees C. Decrease in photo absorption of the Fenton's reagent treated samples, as compared to the banks, at 280, 350 and 470 nm wave lengths was observed. This may be the key factor for stimulating the biodegradation by T. ferrooxidans. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Contamination from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the soil of a botanic garden localized next to a former manufacturing gas plant in Palermo (Italy),

    Por: Orecchio S.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: GCMS, Monitoring, Organic contaminants
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Hazardous Materials
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The Botanical Garden lies within the city of Palermo, a few meters away from one of the largest unused Manufacturing Gas Plant in Sicily. The total concentrations of PAHs (23 compounds) in the soil of Botanical Garden ranged from 947 to 18,072 µg/kg. The wide range of PAH concentrations (RSD = 84%) found in the soil samples indicates heterogeneous levels of contamination in the area and this can be explained by considering the different tree distributions which prevents the homogeneous deposition of pollutants on the soil. Soils collected in the Botanical Garden generally showed the highest PAH concentrations, being almost 2-3 times higher than the concentration samples obtained in the urban reference sites and about 20 times higher than those in the rural stations. The total PAH concentrations, in the Botanical Garden soil, resulted higher than the maximum concentrations allowed by the Italian legislation for the green areas. Perylene, was found in all the stations. From a careful study of the isomeric ratios, we can hypothesize that the soils of the Botanical Garden are mainly affected by localized MGP particulate deposition, suggesting that the partitioning between organic matter and PAHs is not the dominant process in the soils with higher organic matter content. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Recycling of the product of thermal inertization of cement-asbestos for various industrial applications,

    Por: Gualtieri A.F., Giacobbe C., Sardisco L., Saraceno M., Lassinantti Gualtieri M., Lusvardi G., Cavenati C., Zanatto I.
    Tipo de Trabalho: Waste Management
    Natureza ou Origem: RCC, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, RE

    Recycling of secondary raw materials is a priority of waste handling in the countries of the European community. A potentially important secondary raw material is the product of the thermal transformation of cement-asbestos, produced by prolonged annealing at 1200-1300 °C. The product is chemically comparable to a Mg-rich clinker. Previous work has assured the reliability of the transformation process. The current challenge is to find potential applications as secondary raw material. Recycling of thermally treated asbestos-containing material (named KRY·AS) in traditional ceramics has already been studied with successful results. The results presented here are the outcome of a long termed project started in 2005 and devoted to the recycling of this secondary raw materials in various industrial applications. KRY·AS can be added in medium-high percentages (10-40 wt%) to commercial mixtures for the production of clay bricks, rock-wool glasses for insulation as well as Ca-based frits and glass-ceramics for the production of ceramic tiles. The secondary raw material was also used for the synthesis of two ceramic pigments

  • Utilisation of phosphorus nutrient content in industrial scale plasmid DNA production: A waste minimisation study,

    Por: Cliffe F.E., Walsh G., O'Dwyer T.F.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Phosphorus, Plasmid DNA, Waste minimisation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Cleaner Production
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    Human gene therapy is currently seeing an increase in the use of plasmid (pDNA)-based vectors as a preferred choice of vehicle for delivery of the therapeutic gene into the body. In this regard, the environmental impacts of the waste streams from the possible industrial scale manufacture of pDNA require more detailed assessment. In this study, an initial assessment was made of the nutrient phosphorus (P) inputs to four fermentation processes recommended for the industrial scale production of pDNA for the purposes of gene therapy. Phosphorus inputs to each of the four selected fermentation processes ranged from approximately 60 mg l-1 up to 3000 mg l-1 in the fresh media. However, the spent media waste from each of the processes exhibited only a minor reduction in the phosphorus concentrations indicating minimal uptake of P by the microorganisms. This unutilised excess level of phosphorus nutrient within the waste streams poses a strong potential for environmental impact. Waste minimisation studies were undertaken on one model fermentation process with the aim of reducing unnecessary phosphorus input. An optimised media containing a 98% reduction in added P to the media was developed. This phosphorus-minimised media had little quantitative effect upon cell biomass produced and no effect upon the quantity or quality of pDNA produced, relative to the control media. The reduction in P requirement results in an overall cost savings of 12% per fermentation batch, would simplify subsequent wastewater treatment and would contribute to slowing the depletion rate of a valuable, finite natural resource. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Sequestration of heavy metals in soils from two polluted industrial sites: Implications for remediation,

    Por: Reddy K.R., Danda S., Yukselen-Aksoy Y., Al-Hamdan A.Z.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Distribution, EDTA, Heavy metals, Remediation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Land Contamination and Reclama
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    This study was conducted to determine the distribution of heavy metals in two different contaminated field soils, and to assess its influence on remedial performance. The two field soils were obtained from two different polluted industrial sites in the Metropolitan Chicago area and were characterized for physical and chemical properties. The soils were referred to as silty sand and silty clay, based on their pArtigo-size distribution. A five-step sequential liquid-solid extraction procedure was used to speciate the heavy metals into: (1) easily exchangeable

  • Alternatives for adding value for the fish processing wastes [Alternativas para a agregaa

    Por: Feltes M.M.C., Correia J.F.G., Beirao L.H., Block J.M., Ninow J.L., Spiller V.R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Fishery, Green technologies
    Tipo de Trabalho: Revista Brasileira de Engenhar
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE, TE

    The fish farming industry, especially the marine extractive fishery, is an activity of great economic importance in many parts of Brazil. Industrial fish processing operations generate a significant amount of wastes, which are rich in proteins and longchain fatty acids, among which the unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are prominent. The aim of this study is to make a Estudo about the technological alternatives available for the utilization of fish wastes, such as a way for adding value to this material, focusing on green technologies. This material can be processed to obtain oil, meal or silage, that may be applied in livestock feeding. The obtained oil can further be stabilized by means of interesterification reactions, considering that the structured triglycerides thus obtained can be used in animal feeding, with nutritional advantages over original oils. The fish wastes can be applied as a substrate for the production of texturized proteins, protein concentrate, mechanically deboned meat, surimi, reestructured products or even oil, used for human feeding. The conversion of the extracted oil into biodiesel is another proposal of particular interest in the field of alternative fuels.

  • Industrial ecology network optimization with life cycle metrics,

    Por: Fiksel J., Bakshi B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Industrial ecology, Life cycle assessment, Network optimization, Sustainable materials management
    Tipo de Trabalho: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE I
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo de Congresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Industrial ecology suggests innovative pathways for re-use and recovery of waste streams, but efforts to establish ecoindustrial networks have encountered both technical and institutional barriers. To help overcome these challenges, an Industrial Ecosystem Toolkit has been developed to quantify how such collaborative networks can reduce costs, employ assets more efficiently, increase revenue, reduce risks, and conserve natural resources. The tools draw upon methods from network flow optimization modeling and environmental life cycle assessment, and enable real-time, interactive use by decision makers. Working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Business Council for Sustainable Development, and other regional organizations, the Center for Resilience has applied these innovative tools to promote a systems approach based on sound science and informed decision-making. Future work will develop network models that represent synergies among industrial and ecological processes.

  • Use of cement kiln dust in blended cement concretes,

    Por: Maslehuddin M., Al-Amoudi O.S.B., Rahman M.K., Shameem M., Ibrahim M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: environment, recycling & reuse of materials
    Tipo de Trabalho: Proceedings of Institution of
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    This paper reports results of a study conducted to evaluate certain mechanical properties and durability characteristics of blended cement concretes, such as silica fume, fly ash and blastfurnace slag, incorporating up to 15% cement kiln dust. The results indicate that the compressive strength of silica fume and fly ash cement concretes with up to 10% kiln dust was marginally less than that of type I cement concrete. The compressive strength of slag cement concrete incorporating kiln dust was lower than that of other blended and type I cement concretes. A significant increase in the drying shrinkage was noted in the blended cement concretes. The electrical resistivity of blended cement concretes was, however, generally more than that of type I cement concrete. It is recommended to use 5% silica fume plus 10% kiln dust or 10% fly ash plus 10% kiln dust as a replacement of type I cement. Such usage would lead to technical, economic, and environmental benefits in terms of a reduction in the quantity of cement and utilisation of waste industrial by-products. As the electrical resistivity of blended cement concretes incorporating kiln dust is more than that of type I cement without kiln dust, it is expected that the useful service-life of the former would be more than that of the latter. As the compressive strength of slag cement concretes, incorporating up to 10% kiln dust, is low, it may be used in low- strength applications. It should, however, be noted that blended cement concretes require good curing to minimise drying shrinkage cracks.

  • Hydrometallurgical Processes Development for Zinc Oxide Production from Waelz Oxide,

    Por: Herrero D., Arias P.L., Cambra J.F., Antunano N.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Lixiviation, Waelz oxide, Zinc oxide
    Tipo de Trabalho: Waste and Biomass Valorization
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    This study is focused on the development of a hydrometallurgical process which allows the zinc recovery from Waelz oxide (WO). This process is aimed to zinc oxide production. So, it must allow the production of a widely used compound, mainly in tyre and ceramics production processes, from industrial residues such as EAF dusts considered as Toxic and Hazardous Wastes (THWs), from which the WO is generated [1]. Although some studies have been previously published describing zinc oxide hydrometallurgical production processes, none of them used a raw material with similar characteristics to the WO ones. The developed process consists of a series of initial stages in which an appropriate liquor is prepared through lixiviation and purifying steps, and some final stages where the zinc ion present in the liquor is precipitated as zinc hydroxide and calcined to obtain zinc oxide. Two different acids were studied as lixiviation agents, hydrochloric and sulphuric acid liquors, obtaining in both cases zinc lixiviation yields higher than 85%. After the purifying stages, the metallic zinc impurities concentration in the liquor was lower than 85 ppm in the case of hydrochloric acid liquors and lower than 47 ppm in the case of sulphuric acid liquors. The zinc hydroxide precipitated from the purified liquor was calcined obtaining a zinc oxide whose purity was higher than 99.99% in the case of hydrochloric liquors and lower than 20% when sulphuric liquors were used. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

  • Closed circuit for a sustainable industry, cement sector contribution [Circuito cerrado para una industria sostenible, aportaciones del sector cementero],

    Por: Zaragoza A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Recycling, Sustainability, Valorisation, Waste
    Tipo de Trabalho: Informes de la Construccion
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    The search of a sustainable development for the industry can only be understood from a global approach which takes account of both the industrial activity and the product. Industrial activity needs adding new systems to the production process that minimize its impact reducing the consumption of resources and atmospheric emissions. The product must incorporate sustainable features such as the capacity to be recycled and/or valorised throuhgout its life cycle and, so, being reintroduced again in the industrial activity. This way, product turns into the cornerstone of a closed circuit production system that involves all industrial sectors in recycling products and waste and minimizes the frootprint of the process. Cement sector must continue insisting on the development of recycling of cementicious maerials and also on the recycling of materials during its production, and, especially, we must continue studying in depth the relationship between Life Cycle and recycling, which will provide the sector with a methodology and with useful tools to reduce the environmental impact. Therefore, the sector is making efforts for achieving an industry in closed circuit, in which materials and energy are re-used, minimizing to the maximum its affection to the environment. At the same time, we are working on the conceptualizing of this production model that involves all the industrial sectors in material recycling. As a reuslt of this commitment, cement industry has signed aggrement of colaboration with FER and Sigrauto to use vehicles out of use and with UNESID to valorise steel waste and also the project Pressure for a global management of industrial waste.

  • Research regarding using the wastes with carbon content in siderurgical industry,

    Por: Socalici A., Heput T., Ardelean E., Ardelean M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Milling, Scalp, Steel plant, Wastes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Environmental Prote
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    CARBON FER is a mechanical mixture obtained out of various powder or ground to powder ferrous or non-ferrous wastes. The ferrous powder wastes that can be used are steel dust, soot, agglomeration and blast furnace dust as well as non-ferrous coke dust

  • Use of Byproducts of Food Industry for Production of Antimicrobial Activity by Bacillus sp. P11,

    Por: Leaes F.L., Vanin N.G., Sant'Anna V., Brandelli A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Bacillus, Bacteriocin, Response surface methodology, Soybean meal
    Tipo de Trabalho: Food and Bioprocess Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Production of antimicrobial activity by Bacillus sp. P11 was tested on different byproducts of food industry, like fish meal, grape waste, an industrial fibrous soybean residue, soybean meal, and cheese whey. Bacillus sp. P11 produced the higher amount of antimicrobial activity on soybean meal, followed by fish meal and fibrous soybean residue. Soybean meal was the selected medium to determine the effect of three variables (temperature, initial pH, and substrate concentration) on bacteriocin activity by response surface methodology, using a 23 factorial design. Statistical analysis showed good adequacy to the model (R2 of 0.8268). In the range studied, temperature and initial pH of the medium have a significant effect on bacteriocin production, and substrate concentration has no significant effect. Response surface data showed maximum bacteriocin production at initial pH between 7.0 and 8.5 and temperature between 39 and 42 °C. In the optimum conditions (initial pH 7.0 and 42 °C), production of bacteriocin activity by Bacillus sp. P11 was compared using a commercial medium (BHI broth) and soybean meal. Maximum activity achieved with the soybean meal-based medium was similar to that obtained with BHI, indicating that soybean meal may be a cost-effective substrate for production of antimicrobial activity by Bacillus sp. P11. © 2010 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.

  • Recycling of slag from the aluminium industry to steel refining,

    Por: Ardelean E., Ardelean M., Socalici A., Heput T.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Secondary treatment, Steel, Synthetic slag, Wastes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Environmental Prote
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    One of the most important steps taken towards ecological recovery and the improvement of environment conditions was the harmonisation of environment laws to the EU legislation, as an important part of the adheration process. At present, priority is being given to the strict fulfillment of the commitments made by Romania during the negotiation process related to the environment chapter, both institutionally and financially, in order to lead to the creation of an environment infrastructure meeting European requirements and to ensure a clean and healthy environment. Under these conditions, the recovery of the numerous wastes resulted from various industrial processes and their re-introduction into the economical circuit ranges within the above-mentioned requirements. We particularly mean the wastes that can be components of some synthetic slags used in steel secondary treatment, inside the ladle (lime wastes, the aluminum industry slag, etc.). Thus, costs can be cut down by 70%, which means an average decrease of costs of 88 $/t of slag. At the same time, the use of wastes in slag formation has a positive ecological impact upon the environment, as pollution is reduced in the areas neighbouring the aluminum, construction material or steel-making plants.

  • Effect of some process parameters on the separation of the dispersed ferrous impurities using cycled electromagnetic filter,

    Por: Yildiz Z., Abbasov T., Sarimeseli A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Electromagnetisma, Filtration
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Dispersion Science
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Electromagnetic filters (EMFs) can be effectively used for the cleaning of both industrial and domestic disposals such as waste water having low concentration and micron size of dispersed pArtigos that show magnetic characteristics. In this work, we investigated the effect of some parameters of the filtration process, external magnetic field density, size of the filter matrix elements, filter length, filtration velocity, viscosity of the suspension, and number of the cycle on the separation efficiency of micron-sized pArtigos that can be magnetized in an external magnetic field. It has been found that filtration efficiency decreased with increasing filtration velocity and suspension viscosity. Furthermore, the filter matrix elements geometry, pH value of the medium, and number of the cycling processes affected the cleaning efficiency. Recycling the suspension to the filter body allowed the cleaning process to be made in a smaller filter size with a high quality factor. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

  • Resistance of industrial mango peel waste to pectin degradation prior to by-product drying,

    Por: Sirisakulwat S., Sruamsiri P., Carle R., Neidhart S.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Enzymatic degradation, Fruit processing, Intermediate storage, Mango (Mangifera indica L.)
    Tipo de Trabalho: International Journal of Food
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Susceptibility of industrial mango peel waste to pectin degradation during storage at ambient conditions (25 °C, 63% relative humidity) for up to 5 h before by-product stabilisation by drying was explored. Depending on the interim storage period in the wet state, pectins were recovered from the dried peels by hot-acid extraction. Most important, pectin degradation during the temporary storage of the wet peels was insignificant, as revealed by yields, composition, average molecular properties, and techno-functional quality. Hardly acetylated (DAc 2.5-4.5%), rapid-set high-methoxyl pectins were obtained at starch-corrected net yields of 14.1-15.6 g hg-1. Irrelevant de-esterification during peel storage in the wet state was confirmed by overall uniform setting temperatures. Arabinogalactans, uniformly indicated by high molar galactose/rhamnose ratios of 13.8-16.9 mol/mol and an arabinose percentage of 9.5-14.4 mol hmol-1 of galactose residues, affected the galacturonide contents, intrinsic viscosities, and gel strengths throughout. The wet peels, derived from widespread manual peeling in mango canning, tolerated intermediate storage for 5 h, thus facilitating by-product stabilisation on smaller scales. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Institute of Food Science and Technology.

  • Agro-industrial residues as low-price feedstock for diesel-like fuel production by thermal cracking,

    Por: Santos A.L.F., Martins D.U., Iha O.K., Ribeiro R.A.M., Quirino R.L., Suarez P.A.Z.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Fatty waste feedstock, Pyrolysis
    Tipo de Trabalho: Bioresource Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, RE

    Pyrolysis of industrial fatty wastes (soybean soapstock, beef tallow, and poultry industry waste) was carried out in the absence of catalysts. In all cases, organic mixtures of hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds were obtained. These mixtures were distilled and diesel-like fractions were isolated and characterized by GC-FID, GC-MS and FT-IR, showing the formation of olefins, paraffins, and some oxygenated compounds such as carboxylic acids and esters. The main physical-chemical properties of those isolated diesel-like fuels (density, viscosity, distillation curve, carbon residue, copper corrosion test, cetane index, cold finger plugging point, acid index and heating value) were determined using ASTM standard methods and matched the Brazilian specification for diesel fuel. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and spectrophotometric detection to the rapid determination of rhodamine 6G in industrial effluents,

    Por: Biparva P., Ranjbari E., Hadjmohammadi M.R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Rhodamine 6G, Spectrophotometry, Waste water samples
    Tipo de Trabalho: Analytica Chimica Acta
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A rapid and effective preconcentration method for extraction of rhodamine 6G was developed by using a dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) prior to UV-vis spectrophotometry. In this extraction method, a suitable mixture of acetone (disperser solvent) and chloroform (extractant solvent) was injected rapidly into a conical test tube containing aqueous solution of rhodamine 6G. Therefore, a cloudy solution was formed. After centrifugation of the cloudy solution, sedimented phase was evaporated, reconstituted with methanol and measured by UV-vis spectrophotometry. Different operating variables such as type and volume of extractant solvent, type and volume of disperser solvent, pH of the sample solution, salt concentration and extraction time were investigated. The optimized conditions (extractant solvent: 300µL of chloroform, disperser solvent: 3mL of acetone, pH: 8 and without salt addition) resulted in a linear calibration graph in the range of 5-900ngmL-1 of rhodamine 6G in initial solution with R2=0.9988 (n=5). The Limits of detection and quantification were 2.39 and 7.97ngmL-1, respectively. The relative standard deviation for 50 and 250ngmL-1 of rhodamine 6G in water were 2.88% and 1.47% (n=5), respectively. Finally, the DLLME method was applied for determination of rhodamine 6G in different industrial waste waters. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Characteristics of organic matter in PM2.5 from an e-waste dismantling area in Taizhou, China,

    Por: Gu Z., Feng J., Han W., Wu M., Fu J., Sheng G.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: E-Waste, PAHs, PM2.5, SEOC
    Tipo de Trabalho: Chemosphere
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Solvent extractable organic compounds in PM2.5 samples collected in Taizhou, a city famous for its electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) recycling industry in Zhejiang province of China, were analyzed to identify the main emission sources based on molecular markers. Two types of plastics which were most frequently contained in the e-wastes, wires/cables and plastic blocks, were burned in the lab and the pArtigos emitted analyzed. The concentrations of PAHs and phthalate esters at the e-waste dismantling area during our sampling periods were about two times of that at the reference urban site, indicating the high pollution level there. The high concentrations of quaterphenyl found at the dismantling area indicated that burning of plastics or polymers was an important emission source of the PAHs in the fine pArtigos. The diagnostic analysis based on the compositions of alkanes, hopanes and other molecular markers showed that engine exhaust, biomass burning and kitchen emissions were also important emission sources at the e-waste dismantling area. Our results suggested that more effort should be paid to control the correlative emission sources such as transportation and kitchen to achieve better air quality at the e-waste dismantling area besides regulating the recycling activities. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Implementing separate waste collection and mechanical biological waste treatment in South Africa: A comparison with Austria and England,

    Por: Trois C., Simelane O.T.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Waste Management
    Natureza ou Origem: RGE, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, SE

    The degradation of organic compounds found in municipal solid waste (MSW) under the anaerobic landfill conditions produces gas and liquid emissions that can protract well into the landfill after-care period. The European Landfill Directives regulate the amount and nature of the organic compounds disposed into landfills. In South Africa and other developing countries, MSW is still landfilled without any kind of pre-treatment. This paper presents a pilot project of mechanical biological waste treatment (MBWT) in South Africa implemented at municipal level in the city of Durban using passively aerated open windrows. Based on case studies from Austria, England and South Africa, a waste minimisation model which can facilitate full-scale implementation of MBWT in developing countries is presented. MSW was treated in open windrows for 8weeks. Composting temperature reached a maximum of 65°C in less than 10days. The results of eluate tests on waste samples from the windrows at the end of composting show a reduction of BOD5 and BOD5/COD ratios equal to 35.7% and 16.7%, respectively. The percent waste composition of the treated MSW was 28.3% putrescibles, 17.4% garden refuse, 13.3% plastic, 12.4% fabrics, 12% paper and other elements. The waste composition shows that more than 40% of un-treated organic material and also more than 40% non-biodegradable and recyclable materials are still landfilled without any form of biological treatment or resource recovery. A simple wet and dry waste collection model can promote recycling, treatment of biological waste before landfilling, resource recovery, labour intensive jobs and hence sustainable landfilling in the South African scenario as well as in similar developing countries. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Brominated flame retardants in house dust from e-waste recycling and urban areas in South China: Implications on human exposure,

    Por: Wang J., Ma Y.-J., Chen S.-J., Tian M., Luo X.-J., Mai B.-X.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: E-Waste, House dust, Human exposure, South China
    Tipo de Trabalho: Environment International
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, SE

    Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) were examined in house dust from the electronic waste (e-waste) recycling and urban areas of South China. The concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were in the range of 227-160,000. ng/g in the e-waste recycling area and 530-44,000. ng/g in the urban area. These values were much higher than other BFRs, except for novel decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) whose value of 100-47,000. ng/g was dominant in approximately 1/4 of the samples from the urban area. Urban dust PBDE levels were generally higher than those in many European and Asian countries and comparable to the values found in North America. Urban dust DBDPE levels were higher than those of other areas in the world. The distinct dust BFR profiles observed in the two studied areas were reflective of activities in these areas (electronics industry vs. e-waste recycling). The presence of BDE202, as well as the BDE197 to BDE201 and the nona-BDEs to deca-BDE ratios in the dust samples from the studied areas were probably indicative of environmental degradation of deca-BDE. The estimated daily intakes (EDIs) of average adult and toddler via house dust ranged from 37.0 to 304. ng/day for PBDEs and from 3.01 to 87.6. ng/day for all other BFRs in the studied areas. The EDIs via house dust were much higher than those via other indoor pathways (air, fish, human milk, and toys). Despite the potentially low deleterious risk of PBDE exposure via house dust as suggested by the hazard quotients, this exposure pathway should be of great concern because of the higher BFR exposures for children and the presence of other BFRs (such as DBDPE) which have not yet been fully investigated. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Small wooden objects using eucalypt sawmill wood waste,

    Por: da Silva Vieira R., Lima J.T., da Silva J.R.M., Gherardi Hein P.R., Bailleres H., Pereira Barauna E.E.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Eucalyptus, Handicraft, Sawmilling waste, Small wooden objects
    Tipo de Trabalho: BioResources
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Forest industries look for multiple utilizations for their timber production. In Brazil, the genus Eucalyptus has a great potential for solid wood products

  • Characterization of waste clay from the Sardes (Salihli) placer gold mine and its utilization in floor-tile manufacture,

    Por: Ozkan I., Colak M., Oyman R.E.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Sardes placer gold mine, Waste clay
    Tipo de Trabalho: Applied Clay Science
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of Sardes waste clay (SC) from the Pomza Export placer gold mine at Sardes (Salihli), Turkey, as secondary raw materials in ceramic floor tiles. To obtain consistent quality, we monitored the physical and chemical properties of SC and fabrication conditions. Once SC was demonstrated to be acceptable as a secondary raw material, laboratory and industrial tests were conducted to understand the reaction mechanisms during firing and to determine the chemical, mineralogical, and technical properties of the reagents and products. The mineralogical composition of SC is dominated by quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, hematite, calcite, and clay minerals (muscovite-illite, chlorite, kaolinite, and smectite). Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) analyses of SC from Aksay (Aksay, E.K., 2005. Determination of the technological properties of the Izmir-Menderes Pumice Ores as an industrial mineral. Ph.D. Thesis, Dokuz Eyla

  • Methylene blue adsorption by the waste of Abu-Tartour phosphate rock,

    Por: Malash G.F., El-Khaiary M.I.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Isotherm, Kinetic, Methylene blue, Phosphate rock
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Colloid and Interfa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    Phosphate rock (PR) is an abundant ore and represents the basic raw material for the phosphatic fertilizer industry. Prior to industrial processing, PR is concentrated by grinding-and-screening to separate a fine fraction that is very poor in P2O5. This fine fraction is a solid waste and represents a disposal problem. The present study shows that the fine fraction of ground-and-screened Abu-Tartour PR can be used as an adsorbent for the removal of methylene blue dye from aqueous solutions. The amount of dye adsorbed was found to vary with initial methylene blue concentration and contact time. Raising the temperature enhances the rate of adsorption but has no effect on the adsorption capacity at equilibrium. The adsorption equilibrium data were found to fit the Langmuir isotherm, indicating monolayer adsorption on a homogeneous surface. The Elovich model can be used to predict the adsorption kinetics at ambient temperatures especially when the initial concentration of MB is relatively high, while Ho's model deviates from the data as the initial concentration increases. However, as the temperature increases and MB concentration decreases, Ho's model fits the data better than the Elovich model. On studying the mechanism of adsorption, the results showed that the overall rate of dye uptake is controlled by intrapArtigo diffusion. The multilinear plots of intrapArtigo diffusion were modeled by piecewise linear regression and related to pore-size distribution of the adsorbent. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.

  • A full-scale biological treatment system application in the treated wastewater of pharmaceutical industrial park,

    Por: Lei G., Ren H., Ding L., Wang F., Zhang X.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Hydrolysis/acidification, MBBR, Oxidation ditch, Pharmaceutical industrial park (PIP)
    Tipo de Trabalho: Bioresource Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A full-scale combined biological system is used for the treatment of treated wastewater discharged from a pharmaceutical industrial park. This treated water is rich in NH4+ s(-) N (average in 86.4 mg/L), low in COD / NH4+ s(-) N (average in 3.4) and low in BOD5/COD ratio (average in 0.24) with pH varying from 7.16 to 7.78. The final effluent of the combined treatment process was stably below 100 mg/L COD and 20 mg/L NH4+ s(-) N, separately, with organic loading rate of 4954 kg COD/d and 92.5 kg NH4+ s(-) N / d. It is found that the BOD5/COD ratio could be raised from 0.24 to 0.35, and the production of total VFAs account for 9.57% of the total COD via the treatment of hydrolysis/acidification. MBBR and oxidation ditch represent 35.4% and 60.7% of NH4+ s(-) N removal, 30.2% and 61.5% of COD removal, separately, of the total treatment process. PCR-DGGE is used for microbial community analysis of MBBR and oxidation ditch. Crown Copyright © 2010.

  • Evaluation of genotoxicity from Nilufer Stream (Bursa/Turkey) water using piscine micronucleus test,

    Por: Summak S., Aydemir N.C., Vatan O., Yilmaz D., Zorlu T., Bilaloglu R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Genotoxicity, Nilufer Stream, Nuclear abnormalities, Oreochromis niloticus (nile tilapia)
    Tipo de Trabalho: Food and Chemical Toxicology
    Natureza ou Origem: RDO, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    In the present study, the in vivo micronucleus (MN) test in fish erythrocytes was used to evaluate the genotoxic potentials of water samples collected from four different sites along the Nilufer Stream which empties into the Marmara Sea on the north-west of Turkey. Nilufer Stream receives discharges of industrial and domestic wastes resulting from industrialization and urbanization activities in Bursa city. Nile tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus) were exposed to collected water samples under laboratory conditions for 3 and 6. days. Micronuclei analyses were carried out in peripheral blood erythrocytes. In addition to micronuclei, other nuclear abnormalities (NAs) such as bi-nucleated cells and binuclei with nucleoplasmic bridge and cells with blebbed, notched and lobbed nuclei, were assessed in the erythrocytes. Chemical analyses were also carried out in the water samples to assess the presence of major pollutants. MN and NA frequencies were significantly elevated in fishes exposed to water from polluted areas compared to those exposed to clean water sample. The results of this study indicate that Nilufer Stream is contaminated with potential genotoxic chemicals and the genotoxicity is possibly related with the industrial, agricultural and domestic activities. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Effect of PA6 content on the mechanical and tribological properties of blending PA6 with PP,

    Por: Li J.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Friction and wear, Wear mechanisms.
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Reinforced Plastics
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Blending polypropylene (PP) with recycled polyamide-6 (PA6) industrial wastes at different compositions was produced in a corotating twin-screw extruder, where PP acts as the polymer matrix and polyamide as the dispersed phase. The mechanical and tribological properties of these blends were investigated. Results show that with the increasing filler content, the flexural strength and compressive strength of composites increase to the maximum and then decreases. When the filler mass fraction reaches 15%, the flexural strength and compressive strength of samples reach the maximum. The wear rate and the friction coefficient of PP decreased with the addition of PA6. The friction coefficients of PA6/PP composites are lower than those of PP. The main wear mechanisms are the plastic deformation and mechanical microploughing. © The Author(s), 2010.

  • Why EPA's proposed rule on coal wastes could affect industrial painting work,

    Por: Kaelin A.B.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Protective Coatings
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: IN, SE

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its 'Proposed Rule for Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals (CCRs) from Electric Utilities' in the June 21, 2010, Federal Register (FR). The proposed rule is driven by several failures of surface impoundments for fly ash, increasing petitions from citizen and environmental groups requesting that EPA develop rules related to CCR management, and new information on human and ecological risks and health effects related to CCRs. The EPA is proposing to specifically regulate CCRs under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) for the first time. EPA also determined that beneficial uses of these CCRs posed no significant risk. The proposed rule calls for public comment on two approaches available under RCRA for addressing the perceived risks of CCRs. Under this proposal, CCRs from electric utilities and destined for disposal would be managed as a special waste and would be subject to existing Subtitle C regulations under 40 CFR 260-268, 270-272.

  • Ecological assessment of various technologies for reduction of PFOS content in industrial effluents [a

    Por: Fath A.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Galvanotechnik
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Perfluorinated surfactants are highly effective additives to electroplating solutions to modify wetting properties. However, where these are discharged, they are ecologically undesirable and are thus subject to very strict monitoring by the Authorities. In a research project, it was shown that by filtration using activated charcoal and electrochemical treatment, these species could be totally destroyed. Using evaporation, the concentration of these harmful species can be significantly reduced. Using a combination of vacuum evaporation and active charcoal treatment, residues remain which can, in certain circumstances, be released during waste disposal treatment.

  • Supercritical extraction of grape seed oil at industrial-scale: Plant and process design, modeling, economic feasibility,

    Por: Fiori L.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Distillery-waste reuse, Extraction modeling, Feasibility analysis, Grape seed oil
    Tipo de Trabalho: Chemical Engineering and Proce
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    The aim of this paper is to present the results of a study on the possible use of exhausted grape marc for obtaining grape seed oil by means of the supercritical technology. An industrial-scale supercritical extraction plant (three extractors in series working in the counter-current mode) has been designed based on the availability of grape seeds of a region in the north of Italy, namely 3000ton/year (3a

  • Facilitating substance phase-out through material information systems and improving environmental impacts in the recycling stage of a product,

    Por: Paska D.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: E-waste, Environment, Material declarations, Product content knowledge
    Tipo de Trabalho: Natural Resources Forum
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    The amount of electrical and electronic products is increasing rapidly, and this inevitably leads to the generation of large quantities of waste from these goods. Some of the generated e-waste ends up in regions with sub-standard recycling systems and may be processed under poor conditions. During uncontrolled incineration, halogenated dioxins and furans can be generated from brominated and chlorinated compounds in the products. In order to reduce the health and environmental risks involved in the recycling stage of the life cycle of electronics, an effective design-for-environment process must be established during the product development phase. Knowledge of the chemical substances in the product is crucial to being able to make informed decisions. Through full knowledge of the material content of procured components, phase-outs of unwanted substances, such as halogenated substances, can be performed in an effective manner. Therefore, information is the key to success in phasing-out substances

  • Activated sludge model (ASM) based modelling of membrane bioreactor (MBR) processes: A critical Estudo with special regard to MBR specificities,

    Por: Fenu A., Guglielmi G., Jimenez J., Sperandio M., Saroj D., Lesjean B., Brepols C., Thoeye C.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Water Research
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Estudo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) have been increasingly employed for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment in the last decade. The efforts for modelling of such wastewater treatment systems have always targeted either the biological processes (treatment quality target) as well as the various aspects of engineering (cost effective design and operation). The development of Activated Sludge Models (ASM) was an important evolution in the modelling of Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) processes and their use is now very well established. However, although they were initially developed to describe CAS processes, they have simply been transferred and applied to MBR processes. Recent studies on MBR biological processes have reported several crucial specificities: medium to very high sludge retention times, high mixed liquor concentration, accumulation of soluble microbial products (SMP) rejected by the membrane filtration step, and high aeration rates for scouring purposes. These aspects raise the question as to what extent the ASM framework is applicable to MBR processes. Several studies highlighting some of the aforementioned issues are scattered through the literature. Hence, through a concise and structured overview of the past developments and current state-of-the-art in biological modelling of MBR, this Estudo explores ASM-based modelling applied to MBR processes. The work aims to synthesize previous studies and differentiates between unmodified and modified applications of ASM to MBR. Particular emphasis is placed on influent fractionation, biokinetics, and soluble microbial products (SMPs)/exo-polymeric substances (EPS) modelling, and suggestions are put forward as to good modelling practice with regard to MBR modelling both for end-users and academia. A last section highlights shortcomings and future needs for improved biological modelling of MBR processes. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Biodegradation of chlorimuron-ethyl by the bacterium Klebsiella jilinsis 2N3,

    Por: Zhang H., Zhang X., Mu W., Wang J., Pan H., Li Y.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Biodegradation, Chlorimuron-ethyl, Klebsiella, Phylogenetic analysis
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Environmental Scien
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Enrichment culturing of sludge taken from an industrial wastewater treatment pond led to the identification of a bacterium (Klebsiella jilinsis H. Zhang) that degrades chlorimuron-ethyl with high efficiency. Klebsiella jilinsis strain 2N3 grows with chlorimuron-ethyl as the sole nitrogen source at the optimal temperature range of 30-35°C and pH values between 6.0-7.0. In liquid medium, the degradation activity was further induced by chlorimuron-ethyl. Degradation rates followed the pesticide degradation kinetic equation at concentrations between 20 and 200 mg L-1. Using initial concentrations of 20 and 100 mg L-1, the degradation rates of chlorimuron-ethyl were 83.5% and 92.5% in 12 hours, respectively. At an initial concentration higher than 200 mg L-1, the degradation rate decreased slightly as the concentration increased. The 2N3 strain also degraded the sulfonylurea herbicides ethametsulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl, nicosulfuron, rimsulfuron, and tribenuron-methyl. This study provides scientific evidence and support for the application of K. jilinsis in bioremediation to reduce environmental pollution. © Taylor &

  • Correlation of mechanical and tribological properties of organosilane modified cenosphere filled high density polyethylene,

    Por: Chand N., Sharma P., Fahim M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Flyash cenospehere, High density polyethylene, Lancaster-Ratner correlation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Materials Science and Engineer
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    Flyash cenosphere obtained as industrial waste from thermal power plants is an effective cost and weight reducing filler for developing lightweight polymer composites. Cenospheres as fillers also help in improving the mechanical properties of base polymer matrices. However, the desired enhancement depends on homogeneous dispersion of cenospheres and excellent compatibility between cenospheres and polymer matrix. In the present work, this was achieved by modifying the surface of cenospheres using silane treatment and incorporating them in a versatile thermoplastic high density polyethylene. The silane treatment resulted in considerable improvement in the impact strength and density of the composites which ultimately translated into better wear performance of composites even in severe abrasive conditions. Lancaster-Ratner correlation between mechanical properties and wear resistance was found to be almost linear for the silane treated cenospheres filled composites unlike the untreated cenospheres filled composites. Scanning electron microscopy was used to understand the wear modes and mechanisms and supported using X-ray diffractograms. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Decolorization of water soluble azo dyes by bacterial cultures, isolated from dye house effluent.,

    Por: Modi H.A., Rajput G., Ambasana C.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Bioresource technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    The aim of this work is to isolate and characterize bacterial isolates form dye house effluent, and to check their ability of decolorizing sulfonated azo dyes, and also to study influence of various environmental parameters on same process. Among seven Gram positive bacterial isolates obtained form dye house effluent, M1 (Bacillus cereus) and M6 were proved to be more potent for decolorizing sulfonated azo dyes under aerobic conditions. Maltose as carbon source and peptone as nitrogen source enhanced decolorization efficiency of M1 (B. cereus). HPTLC studies proved that more than 97% of the dye (Reactive Red 195) was degraded by bacteria after 72 h of incubation. These results along with spectrophotometric data prove the efficiency of bacteria suggesting their possible use in treating dye containing effluents. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Biological treatment of anaerobically digested palm oil mill effluent (POME) using a Lab-Scale Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR),

    Por: Chan Y.J., Chong M.F., Law C.L.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Anaerobic, Palm oil mill effluent (POME), Sequencing batch reactor (SBR), Wastewater
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Environmental Manag
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The production of highly polluting palm oil mill effluent (POME) has resulted in serious environmental hazards. While anaerobic digestion is widely accepted as an effective method for the treatment of POME, anaerobic treatment of POME alone has difficulty meeting discharge limits due to the high organic strength of POME. Hence, subsequent post-treatment following aerobic treatment is vital to meet the discharge limits. The objective of the present study is to investigate the aerobic treatment of anaerobically digested POME by using a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The SBR performance was assessed by measuring Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal as well as Sludge Volume Index (SVI). The operating pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations were found to be 8.25-9.14 and 1.5-6.4mg/L, respectively, throughout the experiment. The experimental results demonstrate that MLVSS, OLR and sludge loading rate (SLR) play a significant role in the organic removal efficiency of SBR systems and therefore, further investigation on these parameters was conducted to attain optimum SBR performance. Maximum COD (95-96%), BOD (97-98%) and TSS (98-99%) removal efficiencies were achieved at optimum OLR, SLR and MLVSS concentration ranges of 1.8-4.2kgCOD/m3day, 2.5-4.6kgTSS/m3day and 22,000-25,000mg/L, respectively. The effluent quality remained stable and complied with the discharge limit. At the same time, the sludge showed good settling properties with average SVI of 65. It is envisaged that the SBR process could complement the anaerobic treatment to produce final treated effluent which meets the discharge limit. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Development of granular sludge for textile wastewater treatment,

    Por: Muda K., Aris A., Salim M.R., Ibrahim Z., Yahya A., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Ahmad A., Nawahwi M.Z.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Granulation, Granule characterization, Sequencing batch reactor, Textile wastewater
    Tipo de Trabalho: Water Research
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    Microbial granular sludge that is capable to treat textile wastewater in a single reactor under intermittent anaerobic and aerobic conditions was developed in this study. The granules were cultivated using mixed sewage and textile mill sludge in combination with anaerobic granules collected from an anaerobic sludge blanket reactor as seed. The granules were developed in a single sequential batch reactor (SBR) system under alternating anaerobic and aerobic condition fed with synthetic textile wastewater. The characteristics of the microbial granular sludge were monitored throughout the study period. During this period, the average size of the granules increased from 0.02 ± 0.01 mm to 2.3 ± 1.0 mm and the average settling velocity increased from 9.9 ± 0.7 m h-1 to 80 ± 8 m h-1. This resulted in an increased biomass concentration (from 2.9 ± 0.8 g L-1 to 7.3 ± 0.9 g L-1) and mean cell residence time (from 1.4 days to 8.3 days). The strength of the granules, expressed as the integrity coefficient also improved. The sequential batch reactor system demonstrated good removal of COD and ammonia of 94% and 95%, respectively, at the end of the study. However, only 62% of color removal was observed. The findings of this study show that granular sludge could be developed in a single reactor with an intermittent anaerobic-aerobic reaction phase and is capable in treating the textile wastewater. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • The recycling of standard quality wrought aluminum alloys from low-grade contaminated scrap,

    Por: Kevorkjjan V.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: JOM
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Estudo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    In recent decades an increasingly large fraction of the world's wrought aluminum alloys supply has come from the aluminum scrap recovered from industrial waste and discarded post-consumer items. However, replacing even a minor part of primary aluminum in wrought alloys with recycled counterpart originated from lower grades of scrap (typically scrap contaminated with various non-metallic impurities) without influencing the quality of the allay is very demanding from a metallurgical point of view. This Artigo discusses the two approaches for achieving the requested chemical composition of wrought alloys made from recycled aluminum: (i) before melting, by combining the appropriate qualities and quantities of scrap, primary aluminum, and the alloying elements and (ii) during melting, by diluting impurity content with primary aluminum to the needed level and adding, at the same time, the necessary amount of alloying elements for achieving their standard concentration in diluted melts. © 2010 TMS.

  • Anaerobic acidogenic digestion of olive mill wastewaters in biofilm reactors packed with ceramic filters or granular activated carbon,

    Por: Bertin L., Lampis S., Todaro D., Scoma A., Vallini G., Marchetti L., Majone M., Fava F.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Microbial speciation, Olive mill wastewaters, Packed bed biofilm reactors, Polyhydroxyalkanoates
    Tipo de Trabalho: Water Research
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    Four identically configured anaerobic packed bed biofilm reactors were developed and employed in the continuous acidogenic digestion of olive mill wastewaters to produce volatile fatty acids (VFAs), which can be exploited in the biotechnological production of polyhydroxyalkanoates. Ceramic porous cubes or granular activated carbon were used as biofilm supports. Aside packing material, the role of temperature and organic loading rate (OLR) on VFA production yield and mixture composition were also studied. The process was monitored through a chemical, microbiological and molecular biology integrated procedure. The highest wastewater acidification yield was achieved with the ceramic-based technology at 25 °C, with an inlet COD and an OLR of about 17 g/L and 13 g/L/day, respectively. Under these conditions, about the 66% of the influent COD (not including its VFA content) was converted into VFAs, whose final amount represented more than 82% of the influent COD. In particular, acetic, propionic and butyric acids were the main VFAs by composing the 55.7, 21.5 and 14.4%, respectively, of the whole VFA mixture. Importantly, the relative concentrations of acetate and propionate were affected by the OLR parameter. The nature of the packing material remarkable influenced the process performances, by greatly affecting the biofilm bacterial community structure. In particular, ceramic cubes favoured the immobilization of Firmicutes of the genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus and Clostridium, which were probably involved in the VFA producing process. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • The application and development of phase change materials,

    Por: Ma S.-D., Song G.-L., Fan P.-F., Li Y.-K., Tang G.-Y.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Development, Energy storage, Phase change materials
    Tipo de Trabalho: Gaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gong
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Estudo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    A short Estudo of phase change materials (PCMs) was given regarding the relevant applications and the latest development on various fiels including solar energy, industrial waste heat recovery, building materials, cold storage of air conditioning, electronic devices, heat dissipation of batteries, cosmetics, and temperature-adaptable fibers. The basic theory of PCMs' application is utilizing the heat (energy) being absorbed or released as the phase changing processes occur. It has been demonstrated that the research of PCMs is becoming one of the most popular topic in the world. It should be emphasized here that researchers of materials, technics and structure design et al. ought to cooperate intensively in order to promote the development of PCMs more efficently in the future.

  • Vermicomposting of olive oil mill wastewaters,

    Por: MacCi C., Masciandaro G., Ceccanti B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: extracellular enzymes, humic substances, Olive-oil mill wastewaters, vermicomposting
    Tipo de Trabalho: Waste Management and Research
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The disposal of olive oil mill wastewaters (OMW) represents a substantial environmental problem in Italy. A vermicompost process could be an alternative and valid method for the management of OMW. In a laboratory experiment, the OMW were absorbed onto a ligno-cellulosic solid matrix and 30 adult earthworms of Eisenia fetida specie were added. The experiment was carried out for 13 weeks. The number of earthworms increased throughout the experimental period and after 2 weeks about 90% of the earthworms had become sexually mature. The decrease in total organic carbon (about 35%), C : N ratio (from 31.2 to 12.3) and biochemical parameters (hydrolytic enzymes averagely 40% and dehydrogenase 23%), and the increase in humification rate (pyrophosphate extractable carbon (PEC) from 17.6 to 33.3 mg g-1, and PEC : water-soluble carbon from 1.76 to 2.97) indicated the mineralization and the stabilization of organic matter at the end of the vermicomposting process. At the end of the experiment, the extracellular ß-glucosidase, phosphatase, urease and protease activities, measured in the pyrophosphate extract of the vermicompost, were found to be always higher or equal to that measured at the beginning of the vermicomposting process, suggesting that the enzymes bound to humic matter resisted biological attack and environmental stress. Moreover, the results obtained from the phyto-test showed that the OMW lose their toxicity and stimulate plant germination and growth. © The Author(s), 2010.

  • Separation of Curcuminoids Enriched Fraction from Spent Turmeric Oleoresin and Its Antioxidant Potential,

    Por: Nagarajan S., Kubra I.R., Rao L.J.M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Curcuma longa, Curcuminoids, Oleoresin, Reducing power
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Food Science
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    The rhizomes of turmeric are processed to obtain oleoresin and subsequently curcuminoids are isolated. The mother liquor, after partial isolation of curcuminoids, known as spent turmeric oleoresin (STO), is considered as industrial waste. Curcuminoids enriched spent turmeric oleoresin (CSTO) is prepared by removal of nonantioxidant constituents, and investigated for its antioxidant potential using in vitro methods, and also the total curcuminoids and phenolic contents were determined. CSTO has a total phenolic content of 267.27 ± 5.75 mg GAE/g that is almost double the amount present in STO (118.3 ± 3.0 mg GAE/g). The total amount of curcuminoids in CSTO is found to be 39 ± 1.2%, whereas STO had 15 ± 2.0%. CSTO possessed radical scavenging activity of 84% at 50 µg/mL, antioxidant activity of 74% at 25 µg/mL, high antioxidant capacity, and moderate total reducing power. These results provide scope for utilization of CSTO/STO as natural antioxidant/preservative as well as colorant in various foods. © 2010 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  • A techno-economic evaluation of the effects of centralized cellulosic ethanol and co-products refinery options with sugarcane mill clustering,

    Por: Seabra J.E.A., Tao L., Chum H.L., Macedo I.C.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Brazil, CHP, Gasification, Hydrolysis
    Tipo de Trabalho: Biomass and Bioenergy
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, RE

    This work compares the calculated techno-economic performance for thermochemical and biochemical conversion of sugarcane residues, considering future conversion plants adjacent to sugarcane mills in Brazil. Process models developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory were adapted to reflect the Brazilian feedstock composition and used to estimate the cost and performance of these two conversion technologies. Models assumed that surplus bagasse from the mill would be used as the feedstock for conversion, while cane trash collected from the field would be used as supplementary fuel at the mill. The integration of the conversion technology to the mill enabled an additional ethanol production of 0.033m3 per tonne of cane for the biochemical process and 0.025m3t-1 of cane plus 0.004m3t-1 of cane of higher alcohols for the thermochemical process. For both cases, electricity is an important co-product for the biorefinery, but especially for biochemical conversion, with surpluses of about 50kWht-1 of cane. The economic performance of the two technologies is quite similar in terms of the minimum ethanol selling price (MESP), at 318$m-3 (United States 2007 dollars) for biochemical conversion and 329$m-3 for thermochemical conversion. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Rinsed and thermally treated red mud sorbents for aqueous Ni2+ ions,

    Por: Smiljanic S., Smiciklas I., Peric-Grujic A., Loncar B., Mitric M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Ni2+, Red mud, Sorption, Temperature treatment
    Tipo de Trabalho: Chemical Engineering Journal
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    Red mud, an abundant industrial waste from alumina industry, represents a rich source of various metal oxides, mainly of Fe2O3, Al2O3 and SiO2. In this study, the rinsed Bosnian red mud (RBRM) was evaluated as an economical, composite sorbent for aqueous Ni2+ ions. The process was investigated as a function of pH, contact time and initial metal concentration. The investigated mineral mixture exhibited a high acid neutralising capacity, and its most important role in cation immobilization was observed in the initial pH range 2-8. The initial metal ion concentration strongly influenced the sorption kinetics and equilibrium times. Addition of 5g/L of RBRM caused 100% removal from the solutions of 10-4 to 5a

  • Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater by electrochemical methods,

    Por: Yavuz Y., Koparal A.S., Ogutveren U.B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Electrocoagulation, Electrofenton, Petroleum refinery wastewater, Phenol
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desalination
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Direct and indirect electrochemical oxidation by using boron doped diamond anode (BDD), direct electrochemical oxidation by using ruthenium mixed metal oxide (Ru-MMO) electrode, and electrofenton and electrocoagulation by using iron electrode were investigated for the treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater (PRW). The results have been given at the best operational conditions which were obtained for each electrochemical method. The results obtained from electrochemical methods were compared to each other. Complete phenol and COD removal can be achieved in almost all electrochemical methods, except electrocoagulation, provided that electrolysis time is prolonged. The most efficient method was the electrofenton process followed by the electrochemical oxidation using BDD anode. Phenol removal of 98.74% was achieved in 6min of electrolysis and COD removal of 75.71% was reached after 9min of electrolysis in electrofenton. Additionally, 99.53% phenol and 96.04% COD removal were obtained in direct electrochemical oxidation at the current density of 5mA/cm2. Initial phenol concentration was reduced to final phenol concentration of 0.91mg/L after 40min of electrolysis, and initial COD decreased to 36.7mg/L and 23.3mg/L after 60min and 75min of electrolysis, respectively. Electrocoagulation was found to be ineffective for the treatment of PRW. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Synthesis of silver nanopArtigos by glycolipid biosurfactant produced from marine Brevibacterium casei MSA19,

    Por: Kiran G.S., Sabu A., Selvin J.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Biosurfactant, Glycolipid, NanopArtigos synthesis, Silver nanopArtigos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Biotechnology
    Natureza ou Origem: RAG, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, RE

    The surfactants are emerging as potential nanopArtigo stabilizing agents, however, the synthetic surfactants are not economically viable as well as they are not environmentally friendly. Therefore, the biosurfactants are emerging as a green alternate for the synthesis and stabilization of nanopArtigos. In this report, a glycolipid biosurfactant was produced from sponge-associated marine Brevibacterium casei MSA19 under solid state fermentation using the agro-industrial and industrial waste as substrate. The production was optimized with factors such as oil seed cake as substrate, glucose as carbon source, beef extract as nitrogen source, FeSO4·7H2O as metal, 2% NaCl, pH 7.0 and 30°C. Based on the biochemical composition, TLC chromatogram, FT-IR and GC-MS analysis, the surface active compound produced by the strain MSA19 was elucidated as a glycolipid derivative. The emulsification index of the biosurfactant produced by B. casei MSA19 was invariably high over the synthetic surfactants such as SDS, Tween20 and Tween80. The purified surfactant concentration in the extract was 18g/L. It was found that the nano-scale silver can be synthesized in reverse micelles using the glycolipid as stabilizer. The silver nanopArtigos synthesized in this study were uniform and stable for 2 months. Therefore, the biosurfactant-mediated nanopArtigos synthesis can be considered as green stabilizer of nanopArtigos. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Determination of heavy metals in fresh water fish species of the River Ravi, Pakistan compared to farmed fish varieties,

    Por: Nawaz S., Nagra S.A., Saleem Y., Priydarshi A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Heavy metals, Pakistani fish, River Ravi
    Tipo de Trabalho: Environmental Monitoring and A
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    The untreated industrial and sewage wastes arising from industries and metropolitan activities make their passage to the River Ravi, Pakistan, where Balloki Headworks is one of the major sites of effluent concentration. This study was designed to evaluate the concentration of various toxic elements in fishes of that area compared to a nearby fish farm. The concentrations of heavy metals, such as As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, and Zn, and electrolytes Ca, K, and Na were determined in different edible and non-edible fresh water fish varieties. Fish samples were collected from two selected sites and were analyzed for aforementioned elements. Higher levels of As (35.74-45.33 ppm), Cd (0.35-0.45 ppm), Pb (2.1-3.0 ppm), Hg (83.03-92.35 ppm) while normal levels of Zn (37.85-40.74 ppm) and Cu (1.39-2.93 ppm) were bserved. Mercury, higher levels of which trigger cough, impairment of pulmonary function, and psychotic reactions, was significantly higher in all studied categories. At the sites under study, there has been observed alarming levels of toxic metals which are needed to be monitored regularly. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010.

  • Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) contaminants in sediments from Karachi harbour, Pakistan,

    Por: Khan N., Muller J., Khan S.H., Amjad S., Nizamani S., Bhanger M.I.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of the Chemical Societ
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Mangrove swamps, intertidal mudflats and creeks of backwaters represent main feature of Karachi harbour area. Karachi harbour sediment is under continuous influence of untreated industrial effluents and domestic waste discharged into the Harbour area vra Lyari River Sediment samples from sixteen locations were collected to evaluate the levels of contamination of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in Karachi harbour and adjoining areas. It has been observed that residual concentrations of various organochlorine pesticides were considerably higher in the semienclosed area of the upper Harbour in the vicinity of the discharge point of Lyari River. The residue of DDT mainly its metabolites (DDE and DDD) were widely distributed and have been detected in most of the sediment samples in relatively higher concentrations as compared to other OCPs. The higher levels of the DDTs would attribute to low tidal flushing of the area The high proportion of pp'-DDE in the most sediment sampled (41-95%) suggested old inputs of DDTs in the environment. Ratio of SDDT and DDT was in the range of 0,04 -0 24 at all locations which also reflects that the discharges of DDT were negligible in the Harbour area. This may be due to the restrictions being implemented on the use of DDTs and Pakistan has also switched over to natural pest control or using safer formulas. The data obtained during the study showed that concentration levels of other pesticides such as HCHs, HCB and Cyclodienes in the sediment were generally lower than the threshold levels known to harm wildlife by OCPs. The results clearly indicate that elevated concentration of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the marine sediment of Karachi harbour and adjoining area was localized and much lower than the concentrations reported from neighbouring and regional countries which suggests/confirms that the present use of pesticide in Pakistan is environmentally safe.

  • Surface water quality assessment by the use of combination of multivariate statistical classification and expert information,

    Por: Tobiszewski M., Tsakovski S., Simeonov V., Namiesnik J.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: PAHs, Pollution tracers, Self-organizing maps
    Tipo de Trabalho: Chemosphere
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The present study deals with the assessment of surface water quality from an industrial-urban region located in northern Poland near to the city of Gdansk. Concentrations of thirteen chemicals including total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) and major ions in the samples collected at five sampling points during six campaigns were used as variables throughout the study. The originality in the monitoring data treatment and interpretation was the combination of a traditional classification approach (self-organizing maps of Kohonen) with PAH diagnostic ratios expertise to achieve a reliable pollution source identification. Thus, sampling points affected by pollution from traffic (petroleum combustion products), from crude oil processing (petroleum release related compounds), and from phosphogypsum disposal site were properly discriminated. Additionally, it is shown that this original assessment approach can be useful in finding specific pollution source tracers. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Trace analysis of isothiazolinones in water samples by large-volume direct injection liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry,

    Por: Speksnijder P., van Ravestijn J., de Voogt P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Isothiazolinones, Large-volume injection, LC-MS/MS, Water analysis
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Chromatography A
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Isothiazolinones are used as preservatives, biocides and disinfectants in a variety of industrial and domestic applications. Some of the isothiazolinones are difficult to isolate from water due their high polarity. A sensitive and selective analytical method was developed and optimized for the determination of sub-µg/L levels of three isothiazolinones in water samples. Three isothiazolinones are described in this paper: 2-methyl-3-isothiazolinone, 5-chloro-2-methyl-3-isothiazolinone and 4,5-dichloro-2-methyl-3-isothiazolinone. The analytical method involves a robust large-volume direct on-column loop injection of 2mL on an Aqua ODS HPLC column and tandem MS detection (HPLC-MS/MS). After filtration, samples are directly injected without further pretreatment. Detection limits of the individual target compounds were between 0.03 and 0.1µg/L employing Multi-Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mass spectrometry. Based on the constant ratio of two selected product-ions together with the retention time, the identification is very selective and quantification is reliable. The method was successfully applied to real samples of membrane flushings, drinking water, surface waters and waste water. Additional investigations showed the instability of the isothiazolinones in river- and waste water. Preservation of river water and waste water samples with sodium azide (NaN3) promotes the stability of the isothiazolines in solution. In membrane flushings, waste water, surface waters and drinking water, levels of the three isothiazolinones were all below the limit of detection. In effluents of households containing washings from normal shampoo use, isothiazolinones could be detected. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Inventory of aquatic contaminant flux arising from historical metal mining in England and Wales,

    Por: Mayes W.M., Potter H.A.B., Jarvis A.P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Inventory, Metal mine, Mine water, Pollution
    Tipo de Trabalho: Science of the Total Environme
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    The impact of discharges from abandoned metal and ironstone mines has been a much studied form of aquatic pollution in recent decades. Few attempts however, have been made to accurately determine the overall contaminant mass flux arising from abandoned mine sites at scales above catchment level. Such assessments are critical to determine the significance of former mining to national, regional and ultimately global trace metal flux. This paper presents the most comprehensive national survey to date across England and Wales of the total pollution burden discharged at source from abandoned non-coal mine sites. 338 discharges have been identified (from 4923 known abandoned metal mines) and while concurrent flow and contaminant concentration records are only available for around 30% of these, significant quantities of metals (and As) have been quantified to be discharged. A minimum of 193. tonnes of Zn, 18.5. tonnes of Pb, 0.64. tonnes Cd, 19.1. tonnes of Cu, 551. tonnes Fe, 72. tonnes Mn and 5.1. tonnes As are released in water discharges from abandoned non-coal mines to the surface water environment of England and Wales each year. Precautionary extrapolation of mass fluxes based on the frequency distribution of measured concentration and flow data, for discharges with absent data, suggests that the actual total mass flux for these contaminants could be up to 41% higher. The mass flux of Pb released from mines exceeds that of all currently permitted discharges (e.g. active industrial sites and wastewater treatment works) to surface waters across England and Wales, while those of As, Cd and Zn are of a similar magnitude. These data put into context the enduring legacy of historic mining on the water environment, highlighting its significance relative to more highly regulated polluting sites. Comparison of the figures with estimates of global trace metal flux suggests that the national total identified here is significant on a global scale. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Effect of C/N ratio and physicochemical conditions on the production of rhamnolipids by pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI,

    Por: Lovaglio R.B., Costa S.G.V.A.O., Lima C.J.B., Cortezi M., Jonas C.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: C/n ratio, Rhamnolipids, Soapstock
    Tipo de Trabalho: Research Journal of Biotechnol
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    Waste utilization for biosurfactant production is an important approach contributing to the reduction of waste treatment costs, while increasing the economic value of residues and reducing biosurfactant production costs. In an attempt to optimize rhamnolipid production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI, the effects of the oil refinery waste as carbon source, C/N ratio, agitation Speed, aeration rate, pH control and fed-batch culture conditions on the production of this biosurfactant were assessed in a bioreactor. Maximum production (16.9 g L ) was attained at a C/N ratio of 23, agitation at 800 rpm and aeration at 2.0 vvm. The rhamnolipid solution (0.1%, w/v) exhibited surface and interface tensions of 25 mN/m and 0.63 mN/m respectively. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) wds 73,9 mg L-1. The optimal parameters used in this study promoted the formation of a useful biosurfactant with potential for many industrial applications.

  • Emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from both of point and area sources of an electric-arc furnace-dust treatment plant and their impacts to the vicinity environments,

    Por: Yu K.-M., Lee W.-J., Tsai P.-J., Fang K., Lin M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Electric-arc furnace-dust treatment plant, Emission factor, Emission rate, PCDD/Fs
    Tipo de Trabalho: Chemosphere
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    This study was set out to investigate emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from both the stack (i.e., point source) and plant fugitives (i.e., area source) of an electric-arc furnace-dust treatment plant (EAFDTP) and their impact to the vicinity environments. The emission rate of the point source (2360ng I-TEQh-1) was determined directly by measuring PCDD/F concentrations of the stack flue gas. The emission rate of the area source (1080ng I-TEQm-2h-1) was estimated by using the Industrial Sources Complex Short-Term (ISCST3) model based on concentrations measured at the downwind side of the plant. The mean emission factors of 785 and 893ngI-TEQton-1 ZnO were found for the point and area source, respectively. The above results suggest that the area source accounted for more than 50% of total PCDD/F emissions for the selected EAFDTP. The contribution of the point source to the atmospheric PCDD/F concentrations of the upwind site and downwind site of the EAFDTP were 0 and 0.27fgI-TEQNm-3, respectively. The contributions of the area source were 0.020 and 3.3fgI-TEQNm-3, respectively. The total contribution of the selected EAFDTP (including both the point and area sources) to the concentrations in both upwind and downwind side vicinities were all less than 10%. Finally, the impact of PCDD/F emissions from the selected EAFDTP to the vicinity atmospheric environments was discussed in the present study. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  • Reverse logistics information system of e-waste based on internet,

    Por: Tao J.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Internet, RLIS(Reverse logistics information system)
    Tipo de Trabalho: International Conference on Ch
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo de Congresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, IN

    The current state of RLIS (Reverse Logistics Information System) for e-waste (Electronic Waste) reverse logistics is no integrated and effective reverse logistics information system for disposing e-waste information of management. When Social needs, the time is a system to produce. We draw up an information system model for e-waste reverse logistics based on internet to solve the lack of RLIS. Next, it introduces the main technique in detail and puts forward design scheme of e-waste reverse logistics RLIS based on internet. Especially it used the GIS technique. It is a multifactor model to analyze e-waste material flow. It has great significance for the visualization of e-waste logistics, management dynamically real time and assistance decision analysis. © 2010 IEEE.

  • Managing sustainability for the development of sustainable recycling technologies,

    Por: Yang Q.Z., Shen Z.Q.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Nickel recovery, Sustainability management, Sustainable development
    Tipo de Trabalho: 5th IEEE International Confere
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo de Congresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Brought into focus by sustainable development along with related issues of resource efficiency and health hazard reduction, sustainability in industrial waste recycling is becoming an emerging area with potentials to contribute to environmental protection, economic development and social benefit. This paper examines a sustainability management approach to the development of sustainable recycling technologies. It focuses on characterizing, modeling and assessing the critical sustainability factors of a closed-loop recycling technology for recovery of nickel from waste catalysts. The sustainability factors are identified from the nickel recovery process and modeled in metrics to evaluate economic and environmental impacts. The results suggest that the economic profitability of nickel recovery from wastes strongly depends on nickel market values and it also increases over production batch size. Its environmental impact is highly sensitive to changes in energy consumption. However, energy intensity indicates that there exist improvement rooms in energy efficiency for the current process. © 2010 IEEE.

  • Performance study of a HUASB reactor for treating tapioca-based starch industrial waste stream,

    Por: Govindaradjane S., Sundararajan T., Sivasankaran M.A., Kumar V.N.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Cod removal (%), Performance evaluation, Tapioca-based starch industrial waste stream, Uasb and huasb reactor
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pollution Research
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    In this paper, performance of a HUASB reactor for treating a tapioca-based starch industrial waste stream has been studied and compared with that of a UASB reactor under identical conditions of operation. Six influent COD concentrations ranging from about 1700-5800 mg/L and five HRTs (8 to 24 hrs) were considered and performance of the reactors evaluated based on pre-set criteria i.e., on COD removal (%) and bio-gas yield. From an overall assessment, the HUASB reactor has performed better than the UASB reactor for treating the above waste stream. Copyright © EM International.

  • Biodiversity of microbes in paper mill effluent,

    Por: Senthilkumar G., Panneerselvam A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Biodiversity, Fungi and pollution, Paper mill effluent
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pollution Research
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    An investigation was carried out to assess the impact of paper mill effluent on the microbial diversity viz., bacteria and fungi. Results of one year ecological study revealed that altogether 7 species of bacteria and 12 species of fungi were isolated from the paper mill effluent stream. Among bacteria, Streptococcus with two species and others with single species each were recorded. Aspergillus was dominant among fungi with 9 species followed by Penicillium, Rhizopus and Trichoderma. Higher amounts of phosphates and nitrates, with sufficient amount of oxidizable organic matter limited dissolved oxygen content and slightly alkaline pH were probably the factors favouring the growth of microbes especially fungi. The utilization of dominant species of fungi to monitor pollution in paper mill effluent has also been discussed. Copyright © EM International.

  • Impact of the alternative fuels use on the composition and on the structural characteristics of the clinkers [Impactul utilizarii combustibililor alternativi asupra caracteristicilor compozitionale si structurale ale clincherelor],

    Por: Georgescu M., Niculae G.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Rietveld method, SEM, Waste-derived alternative fuels
    Tipo de Trabalho: Revista Romana de Materiale/ R
    Natureza ou Origem: RCC, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Waste derived from different industries coprocessing represents a priority for cement industry in its efforts towards the sustainable development. In this ' respect, it becomes highly important identifying the impact of the alternative fuels use on the composition and structure of the clinker and on the cement properties. The paper presents some investigations on some industrial clinkers produced by using a complex alternative fuel mix and a relatively high substitution rate of the traditional fuel with alternative fuels - 34 % - 60 %, in comparison with a reference clinker burnt using coal. The investigations of the mineralogical composition by Rietveld method and of the structural and textural characteristics by electronic microscopy SEM, showed no significant difference in terms of main mineralogical compounds content and of the structure and textural appearance, between the clinker burnt with traditional fuels and the clinkers produced in the same installation, but using various types of alternative fuels and thermal substitution up to 60 %.

  • Model of complex energy and environmental analysis of processes from glass industry [Model de analiza complexa: energetica si ecologica, a proceselor tehnologice din industria sticlei],

    Por: Patrascu R., Darie G., Volceanov A., Sava B.A., Elisa M., Stanculea A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Environment, Equipment, Glass technology
    Tipo de Trabalho: Revista Romana de Materiale/ R
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    The present Artigo is an integrated approach of energetic efficiency in the field of glass manufacturing industry as well as the reduction of its environment impact. In the same time, this Artigo is targeting an improvement of energetic and economic efficiency, a reduction of the environment impact (CO2, NOx, SO2 and dust emissions) and new equipment implementation in the field of glass manufacturing industry in Romania. This Artigo takes also in consideration the consequences of the glass waste recycling. As a result of the present model, complex appraisal methodologies of energetic efficiency, environmental impact and economic efficiency as well as new clean technologies will be available for the Romanian glass manufacturing domain. In this way, Romanian glass industry will be able to reach European efficiency and environment standards. Emissions reduction, especially CO2, will create appropriate conditions to implement the main Kyoto Agreement measures. New methodologies techniques and technologies (solutions, equipments, etc) and also the new developed evaluation models might have a replication potential for other industrial branches.

  • Stabilization of lime-cement flyash layer at subbase level of flexible pavement,

    Por: Kumar M.A., Prasad D.S.V., Raju G.V.R.P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Flyash, Lime-cement
    Tipo de Trabalho: Asian Journal of Microbiology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Estudo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    When geotechnical Engineers are faced with problematic soils (such as clayey or expansive soils), the engineering properties of those soils may need to be improved to make them suitable for construction. Waste materials such as flyash or pozzolanic materials have been used for soil improvement. Flyash is a waste material of burring coal at electric power plants and one of the most useful and versatile industrial by products. Many highway agencies, private organizations and researchers are doing extensive studies on waste materials and research projects concerning the viability and environmental suitability. Effective utilization of waste materials with technical development in each field is indeed necessary. Attempts are made to investigate the stabilization process with model test tracks over expansive/sand subgrades. Loading-unloading tests are carriedout on the tracks with chemicals like lime and cement introduced in flyash subbase laid on expansive/sand subgrades. Test results show that maximum load carrying capacity is obtained for stabilized flyash subbase compared to untreated flyash subbase. © Global Science Publications.

  • Drinking water quality assessment in Southern Sindh (Pakistan),

    Por: Memon M., Soomro M.S., Akhtar M.S., Memon K.S.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Chemical, Coliform, Dug wells, Pakistan
    Tipo de Trabalho: Environmental Monitoring and A
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    The southern Sindh province of Pakistan adjoins the Arabian Sea coast where drinking water quality is deteriorating due to dumping of industrial and urban waste and use of agrochemicals and yet has limited fresh water resources. The study assessed the drinking water quality of canal, shallow pumps, dug wells, and water supply schemes from the administrative districts of Thatta, Badin, and Thar by measuring physical, chemical, and biological (total coliform) quality parameters. All four water bodies (dug wells, shallow pumps canal water, and water supply schemes) exceeded WHO MPL for turbidity (24%, 28%, 96%, 69%), coliform (96%, 77%, 92%, 81%), and electrical conductivity (100%, 99%, 44%, 63%), respectively. However, the turbidity was lower in underground water, i.e., 24% and 28% in dug wells and shallow pumps as compared to open water, i.e., 96% and 69% in canal and water supply schemes, respectively. In dug wells and shallow pumps, limits for TDS, alkalinity, hardness, and sodium exceeded, respectively, by 63% and 33%

  • Soy flour adhesive modified with urea, citric acid and boric acid,

    Por: Li F., Li X.P., Wang W.H.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Bonding, Shear strength, Soya
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pigment and Resin Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate an adhesive prepared from soy flour (SF) modified with urea, citric acid and boric acid as an environmentally friendly product for the wood industry. Design/methodology/ approach - Urea solution was prepared at 30°C and then SF was added and stirred at 30°C for 2 hours. Citric acid solution was added and stirred for another 0.5 hours and then boric acid solution was added and heated at 30°C for a further 0.5 hours. The resulting adhesive was used to bond poplar veneers. Shear strength was measured to evaluate the bonding property of the adhesive. Viscometry and FT-IR spectrometry were used to test the viscosity and chemical changes, respectively. Findings - Soy protein has potential value in the preparation of adhesives because of its unique functional characteristics. The optimum formulation was 100 g of soy powder treated with 9 g of citric acid at 30°C for 0.5 hours in the presence of sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH 2PO4). After addition of 6 g of boric acid the resulting adhesive exhibited a shear strength of 0.82 MPa when bonded samples were treated with water, indicating that boric acid improved the water resistance via the formation of a chelating polymer. Research limitations/implications - Compared to synthetic resin such as urea formaldehyde, the SF adhesive exhibited lower water resistance. Further modification methods and optimum chemical reagents still need to be investigated. Originality/value - A new formulation for an environmentally friendly adhesive prepared from SF is identified for the panel industry. The bonding potential of soy protein was developed without any synthetic resin, which will promote industrial utilisation of an agricultural by-product. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

  • Evaluation of bacterial strains for biosurfactant production from agro-industrial wastes,

    Por: Panesar R., Panesar P.S., Kumar N., Bera M.B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Biosurfactants, Emulsification activity, Molasses, Whey
    Tipo de Trabalho: Asian Journal of Microbiology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Biosurfactants are amphiphilic compounds, which have the advantages over synthetic counterparts such as lower toxicity, biodegradability, selectivity, specific activity at extreme temperatures, pH, salinity, and the possibility of their production through fermentation. These have wide range of potential applications in areas of environmental protection and management, crude oil recovery, as antimicrobial agents in health care and food processing industries. The advantages of biosurfactants over their synthetic derivatives and wide range of applications have attracted the strong interest of scientific community. In the present investigation, the food industry waste namely molasses and whey have been tested for their suitability for biosurfactant production. Five bacterial strains have been evaluated for their ability to use these raw materials and compared their performance on the conventional media. Among the bacterial strains tested, Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 2297 displayed the maximum emulsification activity (65%) on molasses medium after 120 hrs of incubation period. © Global Science Publications.

  • Catalytic wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation of a petrochemical wastewater,

    Por: Pariente M.I., Melero J.A., Martinez F., Botas J.A., Gallego A.I.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Petrochemical wastewater, Pilot plant scale, SBA-15, Wet peroxide oxidation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Water Science and Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Continuous Catalytic Wet Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation (CWHPO) for the treatment of a petrochemical industry wastewater has been studied on a pilot plant scale process. The installation, based on a catalytic fixed bed reactor (FBR) coupled with a stirred tank reactor (STR), shows an interesting alternative for the intensification of a continuous CWHPO treatment. Agglomerated SBA-15 silica-supported iron oxide (Fe2O 3/SBA-15) was used as Fenton-like catalyst. Several variables such as the temperature and hydrogen peroxide concentration, as well as the capacity of the pilot plant for the treatment of inlet polluted streams with different dilution degrees were studied. Remarkable results in terms of TOC reduction and increased biodegradability were achieved using 160°C and moderate hydrogen peroxide initial concentration. Additionally, a good stability of the catalyst was evidenced for 8 hours of treatment with low iron leaching (less than 1 mg/L) under the best operating conditions. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Effect of the Recycling and Annealing on the Mechanical and Fracture Properties of Poly(Lactic Acid),

    Por: Nascimento L., Gamez-Perez J., Santana O.O., Velasco J.I., Maspoch M.Ll., Franco-Urquiza E.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Crystallinity, Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), Reprocessing
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Polymers and the En
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    The aim of this work is to evaluate the use of Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) industrial waste as a source of raw material for certain applications, as well as to understand the effects of the annealing on the fracture behavior of PLA. PLA waste has been simulated by an initial step of extrusion in a single screw extruder and pelletizing. Specimens of virgin and reprocessed PLA were obtained by injection molding. An annealing treatment capable of increasing the percentage of crystallinity (determined by differential scanning calorimetry) was also analyzed in reprocessed and non reprocessed specimens. The fracture behavior was studied at slow and high testing speed, applying the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) on single edge notched bend (SENB) specimens. This study revealed that the fracture toughness of the reprocessed PLA was basically the same that the virgin PLA and also that the increase in the crystalline fraction produced an improvement on the fracture toughness, at slow loading rate. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

  • Cleaner production alternatives for saponin industry by recycling starch,

    Por: Li H., Ni J., Liu W., Zhu Y.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Material flow analysis, Saponin industry, Simulation experiments, Starch recycling
    Tipo de Trabalho: Resources, Conservation and Re
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    Conventional process in saponin industry resulted in severe environmental problems in China. Millions of tons of high strength wastewater discharged to the ambient rivers and threatened the safety of local drinking water and the major function as drinking water source of the ambitious South-to-North Water Transfer Project. In this paper, cleaner production alternatives for saponin industry were investigated with material flow analysis (MFA) with particular attention to pollutants reduction through starch transformation. Simulation experiments were conducted to evaluate the two proposed schemes primarily in terms of recycling principle characterized by reduce, reuse and recycle. Quantitative evaluation was carried out from four aspects including resource conservation, pollution reduction, starch recycling efficiency and diosgenin yield. The experimental results showed that starch recycle was an effective measure for the cleaner production of saponin industry, and especially the starch recycle before acid hydrolysis (scheme I) would greatly alleviate the load to acid hydrolysis and reduce pollution at the source. By recycling starch, both schemes could reduce 45-50% of pollutants and 32-35% of wastewater comparingwith the conventional process, besides, about 64% (scheme I) and 75% (scheme II) of starch could be utilized and thus extra profit which was more than 20,000 RMB yuan/t diosgenin could be achieved. Starch recycle before acid hydrolysis (in scheme I) would result in a saving of 40% sulfuric acid and a lowering of 50% material intensity, while the starch recycle after acid hydrolysis (in scheme II) would have much less contribution to the reduction of both material intensity and pollutants. Therefore, starch recycling should be implemented with priority at the earlier stage of the whole processing system. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Hexavalent chromium removal by a paecilomyces sp. fungal strain isolated from environment,

    Por: Acosta-Rodriguez I., Cardenas-Gonzalez J.F.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Bioinorganic Chemistry and App
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    A resistant and capable fungal strain in removing hexavalent chromium was isolated from an environment near of Chemical Science Faculty, located in the city of San Luis Potosa

  • Utilization of coal combustion by-products in sustainable construction materials,

    Por: Siddique R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Bottom ash, Clean coal ash, Fly ash, Leachate methods
    Tipo de Trabalho: Resources, Conservation and Re
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RGE
    Fonte: Estudo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, GE

    Solid waste management is gaining significant importance with the ever-increasing quantities of industrial by-products and wastes. With the environmental awareness and scarcity of space for landfilling, wastes/by-product utilization has become an attractive alternative to disposal. Several industrial by-products are produced from manufacturing processes, service industries and municipal solid wastes. Some of these industrial by-products/waste materials could possibility be used in cement-based materials. Coal combustion by-products (CCBs) represent incombustible materials left after combustion of coal in conventional and/or advanced clean-coal technology combustors. These include fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) by-products from advanced clean-coal technology combustors. This paper briefly describes various coal combustion products produced, as well as current best recycling use options for these materials. Materials, productions, properties, potential applications in manufacture of emerging materials for sustainable construction, as well as environmental impact are also briefly discussed. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Identification of a-ß unsaturated aldehydes as sources of toxicity to activated sludge biomass in polyester manufacturing wastewater,

    Por: Caffaro-Filho R.A., Wagner R., Umbuzeiro G.A., Grossman M.J., Durrant L.R.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: 2-butenal, 2-propenal, Acrolein congeners, Aldol condensation
    Tipo de Trabalho: Water Science and Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Wastewater generated in industrial production processes are often contaminated by hazardous chemicals. Characterization by means of toxicity-directed analysis is useful for identifying which fractions of a waste stream possess the most toxicity. We applied this approach to evaluate toxic components of a polyester manufacturing wastewater. Using the reduction in oxygen uptake rate of activated sludge as an indicator of toxicity, it was determined that increasing the pH from 3 to 11 followed by air stripping significantly reduced the toxicity of the wastewater. Comparative headspace GC/MS analysis of wastewater at different pHs selected a group of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) associated with the observed effect of air stripping at pH 11. Ten of these compounds were identified as a,b unsaturated aldehydes (acrolein (2-propenal) congeners)

  • Using a constructed wetland for non-point source pollution control and river water quality purification: A case study in Taiwan,

    Por: Wu C.Y., Kao C.M., Lin C.E., Chen C.W., Lai Y.C.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Non-point source pollution, River pollution
    Tipo de Trabalho: Water Science and Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RDO
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    The Kaoping River Rail Bridge Constructed Wetland, which was commissioned in 2004, is one of the largest constructed wetlands in Taiwan. This multi-function wetland has been designed for the purposes of non-point source (NPS) pollutant removal, wastewater treatment, wildlife habitat, recreation, and education. The major influents of this wetland came from the local drainage trench containing domestic, agricultural, and industrial wastewaters, and effluents from the wastewater treatment plant of a paper mill. Based on the quarterly investigation results from 2007 to 2009, more than 96% of total coliforms (TC), 48% of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and 40% of nutrients (e.g. total nitrogen, total phosphorus) were removed via the constructed wetland system. Thus, the wetland system has a significant effect on water quality improvement and is capable of removing most of the pollutants from the local drainage system before they are discharged into the downgradient water body. Other accomplishments of this constructed wetland system include the following: providing more green areas along the riversides, offering more water assessable eco-ponds and eco-gardens for the public, and rehabilitating the natural ecosystem. The Kaoping River Rail Bridge Constructed Wetland has become one of the most successful multi-function constructed wetlands in Taiwan. The experience obtained from this study will be helpful in designing similar natural treatment systems for river water quality improvement and wastewater treatment. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Organic matter and heavy metal removals from complexed metal plating effluent by the combined electrocoagulation/Fenton process,

    Por: Kabdasli I., Arslan T., Arslan-Alaton I., Olmez-Hanci T., Tunay O.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Complexing agent removal, Electrocoagulation/Fenton, Metal plating effluent, Organic matter removal
    Tipo de Trabalho: Water Science and Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    In the present study, the treatment of metal plating wastewater containing complexed metals originating from the nickel and zinc plating process by electrocoagulation (EC) using stainless steel electrodes was explored. In order to improve the organic matter removal efficiency, the effect of H 2O2 addition to the electrocoagulation (the combined EC/Fenton process) application was investigated. For this purpose, a wide range of H2O2 concentrations varying between 15 and 230 mM was tested. All EC and EC/Fenton processes were performed at an initial pH of 2.6 and at an optimized current density of 22 mA/cm2. Although up to 30 mM H2O2 addition improved the EC process performance in terms of organic matter abatement, the highest COD and TOC removal efficiencies were obtained for the combined EC/Fenton process in the presence of 20 mM H 2O2. Nickel and zinc were completely removed for all runs tested in the present study after pH adjustments. At the optimized operation conditions, the combined EC/Fenton process proved to be an alternative treatment method for the improvement of organic matter reduction as well as complexed metal removal from metal plating industry wastewater. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Preparation of solid composite polyferric sulfate and its flocculation behavior for wastewater containing high concentration organic compounds,

    Por: Wang R.M., Wang Y., He Y.F., Li F.Y., Zhou Y., He N.P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Na-Bentonite, Polyferric sulfate, Solid composite flocculant, Starch industry wastewater
    Tipo de Trabalho: Water Science and Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    A new kind of inorganic polymer flocculant, the solid composite polyferric sulfate (SPFS) was prepared using ferrous sulfate and Na-Bentonite. The obtained SPFS was characterized by FT-IR spectra, thermogravimetric analysis (TG), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). It showed that SPFS was a kind of composite inorganic polymer, which was the complex of PFS and Na-Bent, not only a simple mixture of raw materials. The synthetic mechanism and surface structure of SPFS were also discussed. Acting as a kind of environmentfriendly flocculating agent, the solid composite polyferric sulfate (SPFS) was applied in pretreatment of potato starch industry wastewater, a typical wastewater containing high concentration organic compounds, which COD was above 6,000 mg/L. The results showed that the COD removal value reached 4,070 mg/L with COD removal rates being 46.6%. Based on these results, it is suggested that the SPFS can be attractive pretreatment agent for the starch industry wastewater. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Real time control for reduced aeration and chemical consumption: A full scale study,

    Por: Thornton A., Sunner N., Haeck M.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Aeration control, Methanol, Nutrient removal, Real time control
    Tipo de Trabalho: Water Science and Technology
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    The use of the activated sludge process (ASP) for the nitrification/ denitrification of wastewaters is commonplace throughout the UK and many other parts of the industrial world. Associated with this process are significant costs arising from aeration requirements and for selected sites, the need to provide an external carbon source. These costs can constitute up to of 50% of the total running cost of the whole plant and as such, any effort to reduce them could realise significant benefits. This paper investigates the use of real time control (RTC) using online sensors and control algorithms to optimise the operation of the ASP, leading to greater efficiency and sustainability. Trials were undertaken at full scale to assess the benefit of such a system at a 250,000 population equivalent (PE) works on the south coast of the UK, using Activated sludge model No.1 (ASM 1) as a basis for the control system. Initial results indicate that it is possible to significantly reduce both aeration and chemical consumption costs whilst still delivering the required effluent quality. Over the trial period the aeration requirements were consistently reduced by 20% whereas, a reduction in methanol consumption of in excess of 50% was observed. © IWA Publishing 2010.

  • Purification and characterization of thermostable organic solvent-stable protease from Aeromonas veronii PG01,

    Por: Divakar K., Priya J.D.A., Gautam P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Purification, Solvent-stable, Thermostable, Zinc metalloprotease
    Tipo de Trabalho: Journal of Molecular Catalysis
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    A mesophilic bacterium, Aeromonas veronii PG01, isolated from industrial wastes produced an extracellular thermostable organic solvent tolerant protease. The optimum condition for cell growth and protease production waspH7.0and 30°C. The protease produced was purified 53-fold to homogeneity with overall yield of 32%, through ammonium sulphate precipitation, ion-exchange and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The molecular weight, as determined by GPC-HPLC, was found to be about 67kDa. SDS-PAGE revealed that the enzyme consisted of two subunits, with molecular weight of 33kDa. The protease was active in broad range of pH from 6.0 to 10.0 with optimum activity at pH 7.5. The optimum temperature for this protease was 607deg

  • A game-theoretic analysis of implementation of cleaner production policies in the Chinese electroplating industry,

    Por: Dong X., Li C., Li J., Wang J., Huang W.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Electroplating industry, Game theory, Policy
    Tipo de Trabalho: Resources, Conservation and Re
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: IN, SE

    Cleaner production plays an important role in minimizing the consumption of water, raw materials, energy, and the generation of waste during industrial processes. Tax breaks, equipment subsidies and penalties are often considered the main policy tools for promoting enterprises to adopt cleaner production technologies, especially in Chinese electroplating industry. However, the results of these policies implementation are confronting with some uncertainty because of the conflicts of the interest between players involved. This paper presents a framework for analyzing the conflicts between a local government and a potentially polluting firm by using game theory. We enriched the model by adding policy variables, such as psychological costs (m), environmental benefit evaluation (E), and reward local government for its implementation (R), to change the payoffs, which can improve the current policies. Using theoretical and numerical analysis, the effects of subsidies, penalties and other policy variables on implementation of cleaner production were obtained. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Environment hazard mitigation of waste gypsum and chalk: Use in construction materials,

    Por: Garg M., Minocha A.K., Jain N.
    Palavras-Chave: Compressive strength, Masonry cement, Phosphogypsum, Tiles
    Tipo de Trabalho: Construction and Building Mate
    Natureza ou Origem: RGE, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    The rapid urbanization and industrialization have resulted in the production of various types of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes which pose serious problems to the environment. The disposal and use of solid industrial wastes like phosphogypsum, fluorogypsum, fly ash, slag, and lime sludge, is significant in view of their availability and potential applications. The paper deals with studies on select wastes like phosphogypsum and chalk for use in value-added building materials. The engineering properties and techno-economics of materials like gypsum plasters, cementitious binders, boards/blocks, masonry cement and flooring tiles produced from phosphogypsum and lime have been detailed. The production and use of building materials from such wastes will protect the environment from degradation. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Levels and isomer profiles of Dechlorane Plus in the surface soils from e-waste recycling areas and industrial areas in South China,

    Por: Yu Z., Lu S., Gao S., Wang J., Li H., Zeng X., Sheng G., Fu J.
    Palavras-Chave: Dechlorane Plus, Guiyu, Qingyuan, Spatial distribution
    Tipo de Trabalho: Environmental Pollution
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    Dechlorane Plus (DP) is a highly chlorinated flame retardant. Levels of DP were measured in surface soils from e-waste recycling areas and industrial areas in South China. Higher DP levels were found in e-waste recycling areas (undetectable-47.4 ng/g) than those in industrial areas (0.0336-4.65 ng/g) in South China. The highest DP concentration (3327 ng/g) was found at the e-waste recycling site in Qingyuan, while DP levels fell dramatically with increasing distance away from the recycling site, suggesting that the e-waste recycling activities are an important source of DP emissions. The mean ratios of anti-DP to total DP (fanti ) for different sampling areas ranged from 0.58 to 0.76 and showed no significant difference from the ratio for the technical DP products (t-test, p >

  • Evaluation and selection of regeneration of waste lubricating oil technology,

    Por: Hsu Y.-L., Liu C.-C.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Re-refining, Recycling, Regeneration, Waste oil
    Tipo de Trabalho: Environmental Monitoring and A
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Lubricant is one of the important resources that cannot be disposed of randomly due to the presence of pollutants. In response to economic efficiency and environmental protection, there is a growing trend of regeneration and reuse of waste lubricant. However, the technologies shall be compared to provide a useful reference for the use of waste lubricant. The major aim of this paper is to use analytic hierarchy process to select, analyze, and compare the regenerative technologies, thus laying a basis for the governmental bodies in policy making of lubricant recovery as well as for industrial operators in deciding the recovery methods. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

  • Industrial hygiene and toxicity studies in unorganized bone-based industrial units,

    Por: Siddiqui H., Ashquin M., Prasad R., Arif J.M., Patil T.N., Ahmad I.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Hemolytic activity, Occupational hazards, PM10, PM2.5 cytotoxicity
    Tipo de Trabalho: Environmental Monitoring and A
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RRA
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    A large variety of ornamental and decorative items are manufactured from bone waste by various unorganized sectors in India. An initial survey indicated that workers were exposed at various phases of final product. The subjects (12 industrial units) were tested for total suspended particulate matter (TSPM), particulate matter <

  • Mandatory reporting of greenhouse gases from magnesium production, underground coal mines, industrial wastewater treatment, and industrial waste landfills,

    Por: [No author name available]
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Federal Register
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Note
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    EPA is promulgating a regulation to require monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions from magnesium production, underground coal mines, industrial wastewater treatment, and industrial waste landfills. This action adds these four source categories to the list of source categories already required to report greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the affected entities by category include pulp mills, paper mills, ethanol manufacturing facilities, and petroleum refineries. This action requires monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gases for these source categories only for sources with CO2 equivalent emissions above certain threshold levels as described in this regulation. This action does not require control of greenhouse gases. The final rule is effective on 9/10/2010. The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of 9/10/2010.

  • Tracking the devil's metal: Historical global and contemporary U.S. tin cycles,

    Por: Izard C.F., Muller D.B.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Recycling, Resource management, Substitution, Tin
    Tipo de Trabalho: Resources
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE, SE

    Tin is an essential industrial metal with many applications from plastics to electronics. In contrast to other metals, tin reserves are very small with a static lifetime of 22 years. Mining is heavily concentrated in a few countries. Together, these characteristics render primary tin supply potentially vulnerable to short and long-term disruptions. An increased use of secondary tin resources (e.g., scrap from retiring products) could replace primary tin and thereby mitigate both challenges. In order to identify the potential for secondary resource use, it is necessary to know both where tin is accumulating in the anthroposphere and where tin could be recovered most effectively.Wefirst analyzed the global, historical tin metabolism on a highly aggregated level to identify areas of stock accumulation. Subsequently, we studied the contemporary (2005) U.S. tin cycle in more detail to detect flows rich in tin for potential recycling. Most of the tin mined globally in the 20th century has been accumulating in landfills due to a relatively short lifetime and low recovery rates. The global tin reservoir in landfills has reached about double the size of current reserves, while products in use constitute about half the amount in reserves. In addition, substantial amounts of tin have accumulated in steel (where it forms a tramp element and is virtually lost for future recovery). Landfills might become important tin mines in the future, however, currently more attractive is a focus on in-use stocks, where tin is available in higher concentrations. Today, the U.S. has a post-consumer recycling rate of about 28%, exclusively in alloy form. The most important current source of post-consumer recycled material is lead acid batteries. Products that are good candidates for improved end of life recycling include containers and electronics, although this potential is not currently being harvested in the U.S. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

  • Effect of copper slag as a fine aggregate on the properties of cement mortars and concrete,

    Por: Al-Jabri K.S., Al-Saidy A.H., Taha R.
    Palavras-Chave: Concrete, Copper slag, Durability, Industrial by-products
    Tipo de Trabalho: Construction and Building Mate
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo impresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: RE

    An experimental investigation was conducted to study the effect of using copper slag as a fine aggregate on the properties of cement mortars and concrete. Various mortar and concrete mixtures were prepared with different proportions of copper slag ranging from 0% (for the control mixture) to 100% as fine aggregates replacement. Cement mortar mixtures were evaluated for compressive strength, whereas concrete mixtures were evaluated for workability, density, compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and durability. The results obtained for cement mortars revealed that all mixtures with different copper slag proportions yielded comparable or higher compressive strength than that of the control mixture. Also, there was more than 70% improvement in the compressive strength of mortars with 50% copper slag substitution in comparison with the control mixture. The results obtained for concrete indicated that there is a slight increase in density of nearly 5% as copper slag content increases, whereas the workability increased significantly as copper slag percentage increased compared with the control mixture. A substitution of up to 40-50% copper slag as a sand replacement yielded comparable strength to that of the control mixture. However, addition of more copper slag resulted in strength reduction due to the increase in the free water content in the mix. Also, the results demonstrated that surface water absorption decreased as copper slag content increases up to 50% replacement. Beyond that, the absorption rate increased rapidly and the percentage volume of the permeable voids was comparable to the control mixture. Therefore, it is recommended that up to 40-50% (by weight of sand) of copper slag can be used as a replacement for fine aggregates in order to obtain a concrete with good strength and durability requirements. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Using wasted basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag for decolorization of diazo dye acid black 24 wastewater,

    Por: Chang M.-C., Shu H.-Y., Chang C.-C., Chen W.-H.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Basic oxygen furnace slag, BOF, Color, Slag
    Tipo de Trabalho: Fresenius Environmental Bullet
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Effluents from the textile dyeing industry with high color and organic constituents frequently cannot comply with environmental standards. Without suitable treatment before discharging into natural water-bodies, these effluents may threaten the ecological environment and human health. The objective of this study was to utilize wasted basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag for decolorization of recalcitrant diazo dye C.I. Acid Black 24 wastewater, considering time, slag dose and initial dye concentration. From the results, BOF slag was efficiently capable of reducing dye color, obtaining the best color removal of 99.7 %, as well as a total organic carbon (TOC) of 57.4% with an initial dye concentration of 25.0 mg/L and slag dose of 10 g/L at 60 min. The color removal efficiency was dependent on slag dose and initial dye concentrations. Color and TOC removal efficiencies linearly increased with increased slag dose, reaching a maximum at 10 g/L. Moreover, the removal of the American Dye Manufactures Institute color unit (ADMI) followed a first-order equation with respect to slag dose. The leachate from the toxic test was identified to contain non-detectable toxic metals such as Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr, Cd and Pb. Therefore, the metal release with this BOF slag addition was proven to be non-harmful in the view of environmental aspects.

  • Energy utilization from the low-calorific technological gases [Wykorzystanie energetyczne niskokalorycznych gaza

    Por: Rusinowski H., Pluta L., Milejski A.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Gas turbine, Low-calorific gas, Reciprocating engine, Waste-heat
    Tipo de Trabalho: Rynek Energii
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo
    Idioma: Polones
    Classificação CITAR: RE, TE

    Gases with a low-heating value of 1.2 a

  • Revaluation of mine rock waste as a substrate for carbon sequestration,

    Por: Hitch M., Ballantyne S.M., Hindle S.R.
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo de Congresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    Many mining wastes, especially those from the metal mining industry, have traditionally been treated as a matter of little or no value and in practice a cost burden. Some wastes, due to their reactivity characteristics, have emergent values that go beyond purely economic and into the environmentally beneficial realm. This paper discusses the changing paradigm of mine waste management. Such fundamental parameters such as cut off grade, and strip ratio, are positively impacted by the revaluation of waste rock material. Mine rock waste can now be seen as a commodity of value, similar to the underlying ore being mined and influences the economic performance of suitable projects. This valuable material can be used for industrial purposes including acid neutralization as well as the capture and long-term disposal of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. The Turnagain Nickel project, located in northern British Columbia serves as an example of how waste rock material can become an important matrix for carbon capture and sequestration and can benefit economically from it. By producing material that has emergent economic value as well as carbon capture and sequestration capabilities, the sequestration matrix producer is a beneficiary of new carbon credits that have a market value and is looked upon favourably by regulatory authorities and affected stakeholders.

  • Study of thermal conductivity of materials made of sludges water depuration of the brewing industry,

    Por: Martinez-Garcia C., Palomino C.T., Iglesias F.A.C., Cartas L.M., Cruz N.P.
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Sludge, Thermal conductivity
    Tipo de Trabalho: Advanced Materials Research
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Artigo de Congresso
    Idioma: Ingles
    Classificação CITAR: GE, RE

    Industrial wastes contribute significantly to environmental pollution following the directives of European environmental policies, we must look for alternatives for minimization, treatment and / or recovery of wastes [1]. Several studies have found that basic materials such as polymers, cements and ceramics are better suited to inerting and neutralization of the waste by encapsulation in your matrix [2]. They are also increasingly used more insulating bricks. One way to increase this capacity is introduce additives organics into the matrix [3]. This is the case presented below, where they have used sludge from water purification of the brewing industry for the manufacture of ceramics. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

  • Compositos e Ceramicos a partir de Rejeitos da Industria do Marmore e do Granito

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 2000 - 2006
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Reciclagem do Copolimero de EVA e Pneus

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 1996 - 2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Resinas Fenolicas obtidas do Liquido da Casca de castanha de Caju

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 1996 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE


  • Analise Termica de Materiais

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 1992 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Analise termica e um conjunto de tecnicas que permitem medir as mudancas de propriedades de uma substancia ou material em funcao da temperatura ou tempo. Essas tecnicas podem auxiliar nos seguintes estudos: Decomposicao termica; determinacao de umidade, volateis e teor de cinzas; oxidacao termica; cinetica de reacao e cristalizacao; diagramas de fase; efeitos da radiacao; atividade catalitica; calor de adsorcao; calor de reacao e de polimerizacao; calor de cristalizacao, fusao e sublimacao; determinacao de transicao vitrea. Nessa linha de pesquisa estao sendo estudados materiais polimericos, aditivos e residuos industriais.

  • Biodegradacao de Plasticos

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 1990 - 2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Desenvolvimento de plasticos biodegradaveis e enzimas a partir de residuos da producao de oleos vegetais e biodiesel

    Por: Denise Maria Guimaraes Freire
    Ano: 2005 - 2007
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Desenvolvimento de plasticos biodegradaveis e enzimas a partir de residuos da producao de oleos vegetais e biodiesel - Edital CT-Agro - CNPq 2005.

  • Aproveitamento de residuos industriais, minerarios e agricolas na construcao civil

    Por: Francisco Jose Casanova de Oliveira e Castro
    Ano: 2000 - 2004
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Formulacao de ligantes hidraulicos baseados em residuos. Foram estudadas diversas combinac

  • Processamento de Residuos Contendo Metais

    Por: Julio Carlos Afonso
    Ano: 2001 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Estudo e determinacao de rotas que visem a recuperacao de elementos de interesse de seus residuos ou o preparo desses residuos para o descarte final com minimo impacto ambiental..

  • Processamento de Catalisadores Usados

    Por: Julio Carlos Afonso
    Ano: 1994 - 1996
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Estudos de recuperacao de metais presentes em catalisadores de hidrotratamento (NiMo e CoMo) suportados em silica-alumina; emprego de agentes complexantes (acido oxalico) e acidos inorganicos; estudo da etapa previa de oxidacao do coque e controle de residuos finais..

  • Regeneracao de Catalisadores Industriais

    Por: Julio Carlos Afonso
    Ano: 1991 - 1992
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Desenvolvimento de estudos aprofundados sobre a deposicao de coque em catalisadores a base de platina, e sua caracterizacao quimica, com vistas a planejar a etapa de regeneracao desses mesmos catalisadores por meio do controle das diversas variaveis operacionais..

  • Otimizacao da producao de celulases por Penicillium funiculosum em fermentacao submersa

    Por: Nei Pereira Jr.
    Ano: 2005 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Nas ultimas decadas, recursos renovaveis tem sido empregados significativamente em diversos processos industriais, aumentando com isso a quantidade de residuos industriais derivados da biomassa. Portanto, encontrar um destino apropriado para estes residuos tem se tornado prioritario para economias em desenvolvimento e, dentre uma variedade de alternativas propostas ate o momento, muita atencao tem sido dada ao aproveitamento de hidrolisados de biomassa (celulose) para producao de etanol. Nesse caso, estudos sao realizados para investigar a viabilidade da via hidrolise enzimatica, utilizando os complexos celulasicos produzidos por fungos filamentosos. A hidrolise enzimatica da celulose em glicose envolve uma acao sinergica entre tres diferentes enzimas: endoglucanases, exoglucanases e beta-glucosidases. Atualmente, a maior dificuldade do uso de enzimas em processos industriais esta relacionada ao alto custo desses biocatalisadores. Apesar do seu alto custo, suas vantagens fazem com que uma variada gama de industrias as utilizem em seus processos. Os maiores consumidores deste mercado sao as industrias de alimentos e rac


    Por: Romildo Dias Toledo Filho
    Ano: 2010 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Projeto para criacao de Nucleo de Excelencia em Materiais e Processos Construtivos de Baixo Impacto Ambiental envolvendo o Programa de Engenharia Civil da Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PEC-COPPE/UFRJ), o Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia Civil da Universidade Estadual Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (PPGEC/UENF) e Grupo de Professores da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (FAU/UFRJ). O presente projeto visa, atraves de pesquisa conjunta entre os diferentes grupos de pesquisa envolvidos, desenvolver materiais e processos construtivos de baixo impacto ambiental, a partir do aproveitamento de residuos de diferentes origens na producao de elementos construtivos. Prioritariamente, pretende-se desenvolver e possibilitar a viabilidade tecnica da utilizacao de pozolanas, produzidas a partir da cinza do bagaco de cana-de-acucar e de residuos da industria ceramica, oriundos da Regiao Norte Fluminense, em processos construtivos racionalizados. Tais pozolanas deverao ser utilizadas no desenvolvimento de concretos com substituicao parcial de cimento Portland e em misturas estabilizadas solo-cal para producao de blocos para alvenarias de fechamento e estrutural. Tal utilizacao de residuos pozolanicos reduz as emiss

  • Analise Micromecanica, Numerica e Experimental de Materiais Cimenticeos Baseados em Pozolanas Obtidas de Residuos Agroindustriais e Fibras Naturais

    Por: Romildo Dias Toledo Filho
    Ano: 2008 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    O presente projeto trata do desenvolvimento de um quadro teorico-experimental-numerico para a analise e caracterizacao de materiais cimenticeos sustentaveis. O termo sustentavel aplica-se ao presente caso tendo em vista que os materiais a serem estudados utilizam cinzas agro-industriais como substitutos do cimento e, eventualmente, fibras naturais para reforcar a matriz. As cinzas agro-industriais podem ser, por exemplo, cinzas de bagaco de cana e casca de arroz e residuos de ceramica vermelha. Ja as fibras naturais podem ser fibras de sisal. Os materiais que substituem o cimento tem, geralmente, potencial para reduzir emiss

  • FINEP/CTPETRO: Desenvolvimento de concretos convencionais e refratarios, duraveis e resistentes para utilizacao estrutural e protecao passiva na industria do petroleo atraves do uso de residuos ceramicos e vermiculita.

    Por: Romildo Dias Toledo Filho
    Ano: 2001 - 2003
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Dar inicio ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas na area de concretos utilizados pela industria do petroleo estreitando as relac

  • Desenvolvimento de extratores eletroliticos automaticos de metais pesados em efluentes

    Por: Abrao, Alcidio
    Ano: 2003-2008
    Palavras-Chave: Extrator, Metais Pesados, Efluentes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Avaliacao dos teores de metais pesados em solos

    Por: Alleoni, Luis Reynaldo Ferracciu
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: Metais Pesados, Adsorcao, Toxicidade, Solo, Plantas
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Objetivos: (i) avaliar a fitotoxicidade de metais pesados em plantas indicadoras de toxicidade e a correlacao da concentracao destes elementos na planta com os teores totais e disponiveis no solo;(ii) efetuar a extracao sequencial e realizar a especiacao de metais pesados na solucao do solo; (iii) estudar a adsorcao competitiva de metais pesados em solos tropicais..

  • Efeito da adicao de mat

    Por: Andr
    Ano: 1999-2003
    Palavras-Chave: Hexaclorobenzeno, Solo, Baixada Santista, Residuos Industriais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Na Baixada Santista existe um solo que foi utilizado como area de despejo de residuos indutriais contendo grandes quantidades de hexaclorobenzeno e que esta a espera de medidas recuperadoras. O projeto trata de diferentes medidas de manejo das condicoes fisico-quimicas do solo como tentativa de estimular condicoes de biorrecuperacao..

  • Estudo de Concretos Compactados com Rolo empregando agregados alternativos (borracha, RCD, escoria e fresados asfalticos)

    Por: Balbo, Jos
    Ano: 2006-2009
    Palavras-Chave: Rolo, Borracha, Escoria, Asfalto
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Analise de resistencias e modulos de elasticidade de CCR resultantes da substituicao parcial dos agregados virgens por agregados resultantes de trituracao de borracha de pneus inserviveis, entulhos de construcao e de demolicao, agregados fresados de misturas asfalticas e escoria granulada de alto fornos de industrias siderurgicas..

  • Solo-cimento: analise de estabilizacao de solos nao lateriticos com britas e cimento

    Por: Balbo, Jos
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: Cimento, Sao Paulo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Estabilizacao de solos residuais finos de micaxisto na cidade de Sao Paulo com baixo teor de cimento e brita descontinua em proporcao de 50%. Analise de compactacao, resistencia (CBR e tracao indireta), modulos de resiliencia..

  • Estudo de Reciclagem a quente de Misturas Asfalticas em Usinas Moveis Drum-mixer de Pequeno Porte

    Por: Balbo, Jos
    Ano: 2004-2005
    Palavras-Chave: Drum-mixer, Asfalto, Reciclagem
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Analise de propeiedades fisicas de amostras Marshall de misturas asfalticas recicladas a quente com incorporacao e sem incorporacao de agentes de reciclagem..

  • Gerenciamento de residuos quimicos e aguas servidas nos laboratorios de ensino e pesquisa

    Por: Bendassolli, Jose Albertino
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos Quimicos, Residuos Perigosos, CENA, Reciclagem, Laboratorio
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento.
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    As Universidades e Centros de Pesquisa de forma geral nao podem ficar alheias

  • Potencial de utilizacao do rolo-resto da laminacao de toras como materia-prima para a producao de pain

    Por: Bortoletto Junior, Geraldo
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: Laminas de madeira, Pinus taeda
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O Projeto de Pesquisa encontra-se em desenvolvimento com recursos financiados pela FAPESP - Processo 07/03156-0 (R$ 156.929,99 incluindo reserva t

  • Compositos e Ceramicos a partir de Rejeitos da Industria do Marmore e do Granito

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 2000 - 2006
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Reciclagem do Copolimero de EVA e Pneus

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 1996 - 2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Resinas Fenolicas obtidas do Liquido da Casca de castanha de Caju

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 1996 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE


  • Analise Termica de Materiais

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 1992 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Analise termica e um conjunto de tecnicas que permitem medir as mudancas de propriedades de uma substancia ou material em funcao da temperatura ou tempo. Essas tecnicas podem auxiliar nos seguintes estudos: Decomposicao termica; determinacao de umidade, volateis e teor de cinzas; oxidacao termica; cinetica de reacao e cristalizacao; diagramas de fase; efeitos da radiacao; atividade catalitica; calor de adsorcao; calor de reacao e de polimerizacao; calor de cristalizacao, fusao e sublimacao; determinacao de transicao vitrea. Nessa linha de pesquisa estao sendo estudados materiais polimericos, aditivos e residuos industriais.

  • Biodegradacao de Plasticos

    Por: Cheila Goncalves Mothe
    Ano: 1990 - 2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Desenvolvimento de plasticos biodegradaveis e enzimas a partir de residuos da producao de oleos vegetais e biodiesel

    Por: Denise Maria Guimaraes Freire
    Ano: 2005 - 2007
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Desenvolvimento de plasticos biodegradaveis e enzimas a partir de residuos da producao de oleos vegetais e biodiesel - Edital CT-Agro - CNPq 2005.

  • Aproveitamento de residuos industriais, minerarios e agricolas na construcao civil

    Por: Francisco Jose Casanova de Oliveira e Castro
    Ano: 2000 - 2004
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Formulacao de ligantes hidraulicos baseados em residuos. Foram estudadas diversas combinac

  • Processamento de Residuos Contendo Metais

    Por: Julio Carlos Afonso
    Ano: 2001 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Estudo e determinacao de rotas que visem a recuperacao de elementos de interesse de seus residuos ou o preparo desses residuos para o descarte final com minimo impacto ambiental..

  • Processamento de Catalisadores Usados

    Por: Julio Carlos Afonso
    Ano: 1994 - 1996
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Estudos de recuperacao de metais presentes em catalisadores de hidrotratamento (NiMo e CoMo) suportados em silica-alumina; emprego de agentes complexantes (acido oxalico) e acidos inorganicos; estudo da etapa previa de oxidacao do coque e controle de residuos finais..

  • Regeneracao de Catalisadores Industriais

    Por: Julio Carlos Afonso
    Ano: 1991 - 1992
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Desenvolvimento de estudos aprofundados sobre a deposicao de coque em catalisadores a base de platina, e sua caracterizacao quimica, com vistas a planejar a etapa de regeneracao desses mesmos catalisadores por meio do controle das diversas variaveis operacionais..

  • Otimizacao da producao de celulases por Penicillium funiculosum em fermentacao submersa

    Por: Nei Pereira Jr.
    Ano: 2005 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Nas ultimas decadas, recursos renovaveis tem sido empregados significativamente em diversos processos industriais, aumentando com isso a quantidade de residuos industriais derivados da biomassa. Portanto, encontrar um destino apropriado para estes residuos tem se tornado prioritario para economias em desenvolvimento e, dentre uma variedade de alternativas propostas ate o momento, muita atencao tem sido dada ao aproveitamento de hidrolisados de biomassa (celulose) para producao de etanol. Nesse caso, estudos sao realizados para investigar a viabilidade da via hidrolise enzimatica, utilizando os complexos celulasicos produzidos por fungos filamentosos. A hidrolise enzimatica da celulose em glicose envolve uma acao sinergica entre tres diferentes enzimas: endoglucanases, exoglucanases e beta-glucosidases. Atualmente, a maior dificuldade do uso de enzimas em processos industriais esta relacionada ao alto custo desses biocatalisadores. Apesar do seu alto custo, suas vantagens fazem com que uma variada gama de industrias as utilizem em seus processos. Os maiores consumidores deste mercado sao as industrias de alimentos e rac


    Por: Romildo Dias Toledo Filho
    Ano: 2010 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Projeto para criacao de Nucleo de Excelencia em Materiais e Processos Construtivos de Baixo Impacto Ambiental envolvendo o Programa de Engenharia Civil da Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PEC-COPPE/UFRJ), o Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia Civil da Universidade Estadual Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (PPGEC/UENF) e Grupo de Professores da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (FAU/UFRJ). O presente projeto visa, atraves de pesquisa conjunta entre os diferentes grupos de pesquisa envolvidos, desenvolver materiais e processos construtivos de baixo impacto ambiental, a partir do aproveitamento de residuos de diferentes origens na producao de elementos construtivos. Prioritariamente, pretende-se desenvolver e possibilitar a viabilidade tecnica da utilizacao de pozolanas, produzidas a partir da cinza do bagaco de cana-de-acucar e de residuos da industria ceramica, oriundos da Regiao Norte Fluminense, em processos construtivos racionalizados. Tais pozolanas deverao ser utilizadas no desenvolvimento de concretos com substituicao parcial de cimento Portland e em misturas estabilizadas solo-cal para producao de blocos para alvenarias de fechamento e estrutural. Tal utilizacao de residuos pozolanicos reduz as emiss

  • Analise Micromecanica, Numerica e Experimental de Materiais Cimenticeos Baseados em Pozolanas Obtidas de Residuos Agroindustriais e Fibras Naturais

    Por: Romildo Dias Toledo Filho
    Ano: 2008 -
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    O presente projeto trata do desenvolvimento de um quadro teorico-experimental-numerico para a analise e caracterizacao de materiais cimenticeos sustentaveis. O termo sustentavel aplica-se ao presente caso tendo em vista que os materiais a serem estudados utilizam cinzas agro-industriais como substitutos do cimento e, eventualmente, fibras naturais para reforcar a matriz. As cinzas agro-industriais podem ser, por exemplo, cinzas de bagaco de cana e casca de arroz e residuos de ceramica vermelha. Ja as fibras naturais podem ser fibras de sisal. Os materiais que substituem o cimento tem, geralmente, potencial para reduzir emiss

  • FINEP/CTPETRO: Desenvolvimento de concretos convencionais e refratarios, duraveis e resistentes para utilizacao estrutural e protecao passiva na industria do petroleo atraves do uso de residuos ceramicos e vermiculita.

    Por: Romildo Dias Toledo Filho
    Ano: 2001 - 2003
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Dar inicio ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas na area de concretos utilizados pela industria do petroleo estreitando as relac

  • Desenvolvimento de extratores eletroliticos automaticos de metais pesados em efluentes

    Por: Abrao, Alcidio
    Ano: 2003-2008
    Palavras-Chave: Extrator, Metais Pesados, Efluentes
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Avaliacao dos teores de metais pesados em solos

    Por: Alleoni, Luis Reynaldo Ferracciu
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: Metais Pesados, Adsorcao, Toxicidade, Solo, Plantas
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Objetivos: (i) avaliar a fitotoxicidade de metais pesados em plantas indicadoras de toxicidade e a correlacao da concentracao destes elementos na planta com os teores totais e disponiveis no solo;(ii) efetuar a extracao sequencial e realizar a especiacao de metais pesados na solucao do solo; (iii) estudar a adsorcao competitiva de metais pesados em solos tropicais..

  • Efeito da adicao de mat

    Por: Andr
    Ano: 1999-2003
    Palavras-Chave: Hexaclorobenzeno, Solo, Baixada Santista, Residuos Industriais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Na Baixada Santista existe um solo que foi utilizado como area de despejo de residuos indutriais contendo grandes quantidades de hexaclorobenzeno e que esta a espera de medidas recuperadoras. O projeto trata de diferentes medidas de manejo das condicoes fisico-quimicas do solo como tentativa de estimular condicoes de biorrecuperacao..

  • Estudo de Concretos Compactados com Rolo empregando agregados alternativos (borracha, RCD, escoria e fresados asfalticos)

    Por: Balbo, Jos
    Ano: 2006-2009
    Palavras-Chave: Rolo, Borracha, Escoria, Asfalto
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Analise de resistencias e modulos de elasticidade de CCR resultantes da substituicao parcial dos agregados virgens por agregados resultantes de trituracao de borracha de pneus inserviveis, entulhos de construcao e de demolicao, agregados fresados de misturas asfalticas e escoria granulada de alto fornos de industrias siderurgicas..

  • Solo-cimento: analise de estabilizacao de solos nao lateriticos com britas e cimento

    Por: Balbo, Jos
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: Cimento, Sao Paulo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Estabilizacao de solos residuais finos de micaxisto na cidade de Sao Paulo com baixo teor de cimento e brita descontinua em proporcao de 50%. Analise de compactacao, resistencia (CBR e tracao indireta), modulos de resiliencia..

  • Estudo de Reciclagem a quente de Misturas Asfalticas em Usinas Moveis Drum-mixer de Pequeno Porte

    Por: Balbo, Jos
    Ano: 2004-2005
    Palavras-Chave: Drum-mixer, Asfalto, Reciclagem
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Analise de propeiedades fisicas de amostras Marshall de misturas asfalticas recicladas a quente com incorporacao e sem incorporacao de agentes de reciclagem..

  • Gerenciamento de residuos quimicos e aguas servidas nos laboratorios de ensino e pesquisa

    Por: Bendassolli, Jose Albertino
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos Quimicos, Residuos Perigosos, CENA, Reciclagem, Laboratorio
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento.
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    As Universidades e Centros de Pesquisa de forma geral nao podem ficar alheias

  • Potencial de utilizacao do rolo-resto da laminacao de toras como materia-prima para a producao de pain

    Por: Bortoletto Junior, Geraldo
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: Laminas de madeira, Pinus taeda
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O Projeto de Pesquisa encontra-se em desenvolvimento com recursos financiados pela FAPESP - Processo 07/03156-0 (R$ 156.929,99 incluindo reserva t

  • Valorizacao de Residuos e Sub-produtos Industriais no Desenvolvimento de Materiais

    Por: Castanho, Sonia Regina Homem de Mello
    Ano: 2005-2007
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos Industriais, Ambiente
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, GE

    O desenvolvimento economico, ambientalmente sustentavel tem-se revelado um tema da maior relevancia e atualidade, dada a arriscada convivencia da sociedade com os crescentes problemas de contaminacao ambiental. A busca pelas certificacoes ISO 9000 e 14000, visa uma politica mais transparente, aplicada

  • Obtencao de Materiais Ceramicos Incorporados com Rejeitos Solidos Industriais. Responsavel. FAPESP/SP.

    Por: Castanho, Sonia Regina Homem de Mello
    Ano: 1999-2001
    Palavras-Chave: Materiais Ceramicos, Residuos Industriais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Estudo da incorporacao e inertizacao de residuos solidos galvanicos em matrizaes vitreas

  • Reaproveitamento de rejeitos industriais em obras de pavimentacao

    Por: Fabbri, Glauco Tulio Pessa
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: Reaproveitamento, Residuos Industriais, Pavimentacao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A pesquisa tem a finalidade de estudar possiveis utilizacoes, em obras de pavimentacao, de rejeitos gerados por industrias, exploracao mineral, etc. Tem sido estudadas as possibilidades de incorporacao de residuos

  • Quantificacao e comparacao de residuos no reprocessamento e na re-esterilizacao em oxido de etileno de materiais de PVC previamente gama-irradiados

    Por: Graziano, Kazuko Uchikawa
    Ano: Em andamento
    Palavras-Chave: oxido de Etileno (ETO), Cloreto de Polivinil (PVC) , Toxico, Esterilizacao
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O projeto propoe dirimir a duvida do risco da re-esterilizacao em oxido de Etileno (ETO) produtos cuja mat

  • Gerenciamento de residuos industriais

    Por: Gomes, Luciana Paulo
    Ano: Em andamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A industria brasileira, em particular, a metalurgica vinha focando a alguns anos a questao ambiental dentro de uma perspectiva de solucionar seus problemas ambientais apos a geracao de seus residuos solidos, efluentes liquidos e emissoes atmosf

  • Avaliacao da qualidade das aguas e contaminacao por metais pesados do Arroio Peao, Sao Leopoldo, RS

    Por: Gomes, Luciana Paulo
    Ano: 2001-2003
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    O Rio dos Sinos, situado na regiao metropolitana de Porto Alegre, densamente habitada e com forte industrializacao, tem sido objeto de diversos estudos regionais sobre a qualidade de suas aguas e contaminacao dos sedimentos recentes. No atual estagio do conhecimento, faz-se necessaria a avaliacao detalhada de alguns de seus afluentes, incluindo variaveis fisicas e quimicas da agua e sedimentos. O objetivo geral desta proposta

  • Diagnostico dos Impactos causados pelo Aterro de Residuos Solidos Industriais no Sindicato das Industrias de Calcados de Igrejinha

    Por: Gomes, Luciana Paulo
    Ano: 2001-2003
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Esta dissertacao sera desenvolvida na area de tratamento e disposicao final de residuos solidos do Sindicato das Industrias de Calcados de Igrejinha, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. De acordo com a NBR 10004, parte dos residuos industriais gerados pelas industrias conveniadas sao classificados como classe I, ou seja, perigosos, devido a presenca do cromo, elemento este prejudicial

  • Aquisicao remota, transmissao, geoprocessamento e analise de dados: uma abordagem multidisciplinar para o controle e modelamento de processos ambientais

    Por: Gomes, Luciana Paulo
    Ano: 2000-2001
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Resultados alcancados Modulo SensorFoi montado e calibrado prototipo sensor de pressao e temperatura da agua, o qual foi instalado no lago adjacente ao estacionamento do pr

  • Estudo do fluxo de metais pesados na bacia hidrografica do Rio dos Sinos

    Por: Gomes, Luciana Paulo
    Ano: 1998-1999
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Mecanismos de mobilidade de metais pesados e de alguns compostos organicos objetivando recuperacao de aera de descarte de sub-produto industrial, Cubatao-SP

    Por: Hypolito, Raphael
    Ano: 2006-2009
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Em um municipio proximo da Capital de Sao Paulo, numa area de aproximadamente de 41 500 m2, nos fins de 1950, uma empresa iniciou suas atividades no ramo de producao materiais sint


    Por: Hypolito, Raphael
    Ano: 2004-2007
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, GE

    O destino final de residuos solidos gerados pelo tratamento de efluentes oriundos de processos industriais


    Por: Hypolito, Raphael
    Ano: 1998-2001
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Estudo dos mecanismos de sorcao e dessorcao das diferentes esp


    Por: Hypolito, Raphael
    Ano: 1997-2001
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, GE

    Estudo do comportamento hidrogeoquimico de ions de metais pesados (principalmente chumbo, cadmio, cromio, bario etc.), arsenio e boro desde a fonte de contaminacao e disposicao no solo, at

  • Gerenciamento Ambiental de Residuos Industriais Poluidores pelo Co-processamento em Fornos de Cimento.

    Por: Kihara, Yushiro
    Ano: Em andamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE


  • Fitorremediacao em solo contaminado com sucata automobilistica

    Por: Lavorenti, Arquimedes
    Ano: Em andamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, GE


  • Biorremediacao de solo tropical contaminado com residuos da producao de plastificantes

    Por: Morita, Dione Mari
    Ano: 2006-2009
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A presente pesquisa compreendeu a biorremediacao ex-situ do solo contaminado com residuos de uma unidade industrial de plastificantes, utilizando reatores aerobios, com microrganismos indigenas e exogenos adaptados atrav

  • O sistema de licenciamento ambiental e o desafio economico: o Estado controlador versus o Estado regulador. Analise critica do sistema no Estado de Sao Paulo

    Por: Morita, Dione Mari
    Ano: Em andamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: IN, SE

    Esta pesquisa esta sendo desenvolvida com os seguintes objetivos: Avaliar o Sistema de Licenciamento Ambiental no Estado de Sao Paulo; Discutir as implicacoes economicas e ambientais que ele oferece; Propor alternativas. .

  • Eco-eficiencia na industria de papel e celulose - estudo de caso

    Por: Morita, Dione Mari
    Ano: 2001-2003
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, SE

    O presente trabalho apresenta, discute e avalia as principais ferramentas viabilizadoras da eco-eficiencia no segmento industrial, com destaque para o setor de celulose e papel. No estudo de caso,

  • Projeto Corumbatai Ceramicas

    Por: Morita, Dione Mari
    Ano: 2001-2003
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, TE

    Ha mais de 30 anos, a extracao de argila por parte das ceramicas de piso esmaltado de Santa Gertrudes, na microbacia do corrego da Fazenda Itaqui, um afluente do Ribeirao Claro, subafluente do rio Corumbatai, provocou a formacao de cavas, originando o que se convencionou chamar de Regiao dos Lagos, que veio a ser contaminada pelo lancamento de residuos da linha de esmaltacao das ceramicas (raspas), contendo metais pesados, entre eles chumbo, cadmio, zinco. O Projeto Corumbatai Ceramicas se propoe a recuperar a area contaminada, melhorar a qualidade ambiental da regiao e restaurar a paisagem natural. Um fundo ambiental foi criado pelas 41 industrias ceramicas. O sistema de drenagem foi objeto de projeto especifico contratado pela prefeitura de Santa Gertrudes, a partir de termo de referencia elaborado pela CETESB/Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente (SMA). Uma equipe formada por profissionais da SMA esta recuperando as margens das nascentes, atrav

  • Tratamento de aguas residuarias de industrias quimicas por processos oxidativos avancados - POA : estudo de caso

    Por: Morita, Dione Mari
    Ano: 1998-2003
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, GE
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RIN, TE

    Neste trabalho estudou-se a aplicacao de processo Foto-Fenton precedido de acidificacao/precipitacao, como pr

  • Avaliacao do impacto de efluente de industria de borracha ao sistema de lodos ativados pelo m

    Por: Morita, Dione Mari
    Ano: 1997-2001
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, GE
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: RIN, TE

    O presente estudo foi realizado com os objetivos de caracterizar a agua residuaria proveniente do processo de dipagem de uma industria produtora de artefatos de borracha e avaliar o tratamento biologico conjunto da mesma com o esgoto sanitario. A pesquisa foi dividida em tres fase: caracterizacao da agua residuaria industrial, realizacao de ensaios utilizando o m

  • Gestao de residuos em industria de processamento mecanico da madeira: Estudo de caso na ECOLOG

    Por: Nolasco, Adriana Maria
    Ano: Em andamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Os objetivos deste projeto sao caracterizar e quantificar os residuos do processamento mecanico da madeira em uma industria florestal da regiao norte do Brasil visando a elaboracao de sistema de gestao baseado na producao mais limpa..

  • Aproveitamento de pallets de madeira na fabricacao de esquadrias para habitacao de interesse social

    Por: Nolasco, Adriana Maria
    Ano: 2006-2006
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, GE

    O aproveitamento de residuos

  • Aproveitamento de residuos da industria do papel na producao de materiais para a construcao civil

    Por: Nolasco, Adriana Maria
    Ano: Desativado
    Tipo de Trabalho: Outra
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Utilizacao de residuos da producao de papel em blocos ceramicos para a construcao civil

    Por: Nolasco, Adriana Maria
    Ano: Desativado
    Tipo de Trabalho: Outra
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Alternativas de Aproveitamento de Rejeitos de Quartzito da Regiao de Pirenopolis - GO

    Por: Pfeiffer, Simone Costa
    Ano: Em andamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, SE

    O obetivo principal deste projeto

  • Modernizacao da infra-estrutura para o Gerenciametno de Residuos Quimicos dos Laboratorios do Centro de Quimica e Meio Ambiente

    Por: Pires, Maria Aparecida Faustino
    Ano: 2002-2004
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Foi implantado no labortorio do Centro de Quimica e Meio Ammbiente o programa de gerenciamtno de residuos de laboratorio, sendo elaborado um guia de procedimentos adequados paran o descarte bem como implantado o Laboratorio de Tratamento de Residuos.

  • Novos Materiais a Partir de residuos Solidos Industriais: desenvolvimento Sustentavel

    Por: Riella, Humberto Gracher
    Ano: Em andamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, GE

    O objetivo geral do presente projeto de pesquisa sera identificar, quantificar e classificar residuos solidos industrias de Santa Catarina visando reaproveita-los na obtencao de novos produtos. Esta pesquisa cooperativa Universidade e setor industrial,permite minimizar os impactos ambientais, com a possivel reducao do passivo ambiental e possibilitar o aperfeicoamento dos recursos humanos na formacao de estudantes em nivel de mestrado, doutorado e iniciacao cientifica. Outro fator relevante consiste em consolidar o grupo de pesquisa do Laboratorio de Materiais e Corrosao- LabMac/UFSC na area de reaproveitamento/reciclagem dos residuos solidos industriais, fundamentando desta maneira a pesquisa cooperativa Universidade/Setor produtivo, a capacitacao de recursos humanos e a aplicacao dos resultados no setor produtivo por meio do desenvolvimento de novos produtos com mat

  • Desenvolvimento de Produtos Ceramicos com a Utilizacao de cinzas Pesadas de Carvao mineral provenientes de Usinas Termel

    Por: Riella, Humberto Gracher
    Ano: Em andamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Desenvolvimento
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O presente projeto de pesquisa proposto tem como objetivos gerais a pesquisa cooperativa e a aplicacao dos conhecimentos na area de ceramica,visando o desenvolvimento de formulacoes,processamento e caracterizacao de produtos ceramicos,obtidos com a adicao de cinzas peasdas de carvao mineral,contribuindo assim com o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentavel. O presente projeto singulariza-se, por possibilitar a diminuicao das areas de disposicao de residuos solidos do Ciclo Produtivo do Carvao Mineral, tais como, R1- residuo piritoso, R2- residuo xistoso (beneficiamento) e residuo cinza pesada ( termel

  • Analise de viabilidade do uso de cinzas agroindustriaisem matrizes cimenticias

    Por: Rossignolo, Joao Adriano
    Ano: 2006-2009
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RAG
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE

    Essa pesquisa tem por objetivo a caracterizacao, a analise da viabilidade e o gerenciamento de residuos agroindustriais, especialmentes as cinzas geradas pela queimas de cascas, visando o seu aproveitamento na formulacao de concretos e argamassas para a execucao de componentes e elementos construtivos..

  • Projeto de Mestrado - Diagnostico do gerenciamento de residuos gerados em laboratorio de analises clinicas na cidade de Ribeirao Preto-SP: um estudo de caso

    Por: Takayanagui, Angela Maria Magosso
    Ano: 2006-2008
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RSS, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Visou elaborar um diagnostico do gerenciamento de residuos gerados em laboratorios de analises clinicas de Ribeirao Preto-SP, quanto

  • Projeto IC Fapesp (06/50602-3) - Estudo comparativo entre a realidade de exposicao ocupacional ao xilol em laboratorios de analises clinicas e patologicas com laboratorios de ensino e pesquisa

    Por: Takayanagui, Angela Maria Magosso
    Ano: 2006-2007
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RSS, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Pesquisa FAPESP IC 06/50602-3: Visou diagnosticar e comparar a realidade do gerenciamento de residuos de xilol, em laboratorios de analises clinicas e patologicas, publicos e privados,assim como levantar a morbidade referida pelos trabalhadores expostos ao xilol..

  • Projeto IC CNPq/PIBIC - Exposicao Ocupacional ao Xilol em Laboratorios de Ensino e Pesquisa - 2004

    Por: Takayanagui, Angela Maria Magosso
    Ano: 2004-2005
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RSS
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Dentre os inumeros produtos quimicos produzidos e manipulados pelo homem, destaca-se o xilol, tamb

  • Projeto IC - CNPq/PIBIC - Manuseio e Descarte de Xilol em Laboratorios de Ensino e Pesquisa de Instituicao Publica Universitaria - 2003.

    Por: Takayanagui, Angela Maria Magosso
    Ano: 2003-2004
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RSS, RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, GE

    Inventario sobre o uso e descarte de xilol nos laboratorios de ensino e pesquisa do Campus da USP de Ribeirao Preto-SP.

  • Residuos Siderurgicos: Reducao Carbot

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: 2005-2007
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Residuos Siderurgicos: Injecao de residuos provenientes da fabricacao de aco inoxidavel em aco liquido visando a reciclagem

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: 2004-2006
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Combustao de Pneus

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: 2001-2003
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Residuos Siderurgicos: Reciclagem de poeiras provenientes da fabricacao de aco Inoxidavel

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: 2001-2003
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Baterias: Processamento hidrometalurgico para recuperacao de metais de pilhas usadas

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: 1998-2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Baterias: Baterias de Niquel-Cadmio - tratamento hidrometalurgico da pasta preta

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: 1998-2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Baterias: Processamento minero e pirometalurgico de pilhas de Ni-Cd

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: 1998-2000
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Residuos Siderurgicos: Estudo da Producao de Ligas Fe-C com alto teor de Mn pelo processo de Fusao Reducao

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: 1997-2001
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Residuos Siderurgicos: Estudo das reacoes de reducao de oxido de Mn em liga de ferro liquida saturada em carbono

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: 1994-1995
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Reciclagem de Aluminio

    Por: Tenorio, Jorge Alberto Soares
    Ano: Em andamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Avaliacao do Impacto Ambiental da Borracha de Pneus no Ambiente Marinho : subsidio para a implantacao de recifes artificiais

    Por: Zanta, Viviana Maria
    Ano: 2005-2008
    Tipo de Trabalho: Pesquisa
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Curriculo Lattes
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    aliacao da toxicidade produzida pela borracha dos pneus descartados na biota marinha sera realizada por meio de ensaios de lixiviaccao atrelados a ensaios ecotoxicidade utillizando tres especies marinhas, paralelamente serao realizados ensaios fisico quimicos com o objetivo de analisar o conjunto dos dados obtidos.


    Por: Silva, Neumara Luci Conceicao
    Ano: 2010
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A grande dependencia de fontes de energia nao renovaveis e altamente poluentes, como o petroleo e seus derivados, tem levado a sociedade a buscar alternativas para a utilizacao de combustiveis renovaveis. As pesquisas atuais sinalizam como tecnologia emergente a producao de etanol combustivel a partir de biomassas residuais de composicao lignocelulosica. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho objetivou produzir bioetanol carburante empregando uma concepcao de processo denominado SSF (Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation) a partir da celulose contida no residuo oriundo do sistema de decantacao da industria de celulose, utilizando linhagens da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae e visando estabelecer condicoes que aumentassem a produtividade e eficiencia do processo. Como resultados desta dissertacao, foram obtidas as melhores condicoes da pre-hidrolise enzimatica (relacao solido:liquido 1:4 e 17,5 FPU/g de carga enzimatica) e determinadas as condicoes que conferiram o maior valor para a produtividade volumetrica (16 h de pre-hidrolise enzimatica, 8 g/L para concentracao celular e 36 h de fermentacao). A maxima concentracao de etanol obtida quando o processo SSF foi conduzido em frascos agitados, foi de 77,6 g/L em 64 h, empregando Saccharomyces cerevisiae de panificacao. O melhor resultado obtido quando a fermentacao foi conduzida em biorreator, foi de 74,6 g/L em 64 h, utilizando celulases comerciais (Multifect) e suplementando o hidrolisado enzimatico com fontes de fosfato e nitrogenio e solucoes de sais minerais e acido citrico, que foi fermentado por uma cepa industrial de S. cerevisiae codificada como JP1. Os resultados mostraram-se bastante promissores e apontam para maiores desdobramentos.


    Por: Costa, Luciangela Mattos Galletti da
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: Reciclagem, Pneu, Deposito Reembolsavel, Desenvolvimento Sustentavel
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Tese
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    O Objetivo desta pesquisa, primeiramente, e apresentar os problemas ambientais oriundos da falta da destinacao adequada dos residuos solidos em especial os pneus. Na sequencia, sao apresentados os instrumentos economicos utilizados para incentivar a destinacao adequada dos residuos solidos, tendo como enfase o sistema deposito reembolsavel. Os aspectos das regulamentacoes ambientais de alguns paises, inclusive o Brasil, sao apresentados, alem de informacoes sobre os ganhos que se pode obter atraves da recuperacao do lixo. Alguns modelos que visam reduzir a quantidade de lixo gerada e a viabilidade de implantacao do deposito reembolsavel sao descritos. Por fim, foi desenvolvido um modelo economico


    Por: Nascimento, Teresa Cristina Ferreira do Nascimento
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Residuos Solidos, Industria de Galvanizacao, Gerenciamento, Estudo deCaso
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE, SE

    Os residuos industriais constituem um problema ambiental e o seu gerenciamento deve ser conduzido de forma adequada, seja pela sua disposicao final ou pela reciclagem. Os residuos solidos gerados no tratamento de efluentes da industria de galvanizacao a fogo sao classificados como Residuo Nao Inerte-Classe II A, segundo a classificacao NBR-10.004 da ABNT. Este trabalho mostra os principais tipos de residuos gerados no processo de Galvanizacao a Fogo, que sao borra e cinza de zinco, alem de lamas de fundo dos tanques de pre-tratamento e residuo solido proveniente da Estacao de Tratamento de Efluentes Industriais (ETDI). O enfoque desta investigacao e mostrar formas de gerenciamento segundo as normas de qualidade ambiental principalmente normas ISO 14000; e tambem procurar dar um valor agregado ao lodo da ETDI viabilizando a sua aplicacao em massa ceramica vermelha, como mostra o Estudo de uma empresa - Caso da Empresa A.


    Por: Valverde Junior, Ivan Macedo
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Catalisadores gastos, Hidrotratamento, Recuperacao de metais, Extracao por solvente, Lixo tecnologico, Hidrorrefino
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho descreve uma rota hidrometalurgica de processamento de catalisadores comerciais desativados (CoMo e NiMo/Al2O3), com vistas


    Por: Busnardo, Roberto Giovanini
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Catalisadores gastos, Hidrotratamento, Recuperacao de metais, Fusao com KHSO4, Lixo tecnologico
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho apresenta uma rota de processamento de catalisadores desativados de hidrotratamento (CoMo e NiMo/Al2O3), contendo aditivos ao suporte, com vistas


    Por: Mendonca, Luciano Aragao de
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Recuperacao de Metais, Minimizacao de Impacto Ambiental
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma rota de processamento de zeolitas comerciais desativadas (catalisadores de hidrocraqueamento e de craqueamento) visando a viabilidade tecnica de recuperacao de metais da serie lantanidea e, eventualmente, outros elementos. As amostras foram empregadas em unidades piloto, mantidas em suas formas originais, e nao sofreram desgastes mecanicos nem picos de temperatura durante as suas vidas uteis. O processo baseia-se na fusao da amostra com KHSO4, metodo escolhido por sua aplicabilidade comprovada em trabalhos exploratorios anteriormente realizados a diversos tipos de catalisadores zeoliticos. Para este trabalho foram otimizados dois parametros operacionais: tempo de reacao e razao massica catalisador/fundente. Apos a fusao, o solido foi dissolvido em agua (100

  • Estudo das condicoes de cultivo para a producao de PHB por Cupriavidus necator em fermentacao no estado solido

    Por: Rocha Junior, Paulo Roberto de Souza
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: PHB, Cupriavidus necator, FES, Residuos Agroindustriais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RAG, RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE, TE



    Por: Guilhermino, Renata Lopes
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Reaproveitamento de residuos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Com o desenvolvimento da sociedade e com as inovacoes tecnologicas ocorridas nos ultimos seculos, houve um consideravel aumento da geracao de residuos, o que acelera o processo de degradacao ambiental e interfere negativamente na qualidade de vida do homem. Aliado a isso se tem o crescente e exagerado consumo de energia, cujo custo economico e ambiental esta cada vez mais alto. Outra questao que preocupa a sociedade ha tempos e o deficit habitacional, que com o acelerado crescimento populacional tornou-se urgente. Baseado principalmente nesses tres problemas, o presente trabalho pretende mostrar a importancia do reaproveitamento dos residuos industriais atraves da reutilizacao de um material proveniente da industria do petroleo, denominado Catalisador de Equilibrio (Ecat), produzido em grande quantidade nos pais. Foi avaliada a atividade pozolanica do Ecat moido, objetivando a confeccao de elementos construtivos estruturais. Para isso, foram analisadas suas caracteristica fisicas, quimicas e principalmente mecanicas (Resistencia a Compressao Simples). Os melhores resultados mostraram que misturas com 25,5% de Ecat, areia (47,7%), caolinita (9,5%), cal (11%), CaSO4 (1,5%) e cimento (4,5%) apresentaram resistencias de 8,3 MPa aos 7 dias e atingiram 17,7 Mpa aos 28 dias, confirmando a viabilidade tecnica da fabricacao de tijolos com o residuo estudado em substituicao parcial ao cimento.


    Por: Maia, Jefferson Leite
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Metodo Fisico-Quimico, Elementos Construtivos, Etringita, Sulfato de Calcio, Residuos industriais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Tese
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O Metodo Fisico Quimico foi usado para avaliar a atividade pozolanica do residuo industrial petroquimico Ecat aditivado com Ca(OH)2, bem como a influencia de ions sulfato, carbonato, cloreto e silicato. O principal objetivo do estudo aponta para a otimizacao de formulacoes baseadas nos aditivos citados. Na presenca do ion sulfato etringita foi formada como uma substancia suplementar que marcadamente aumentou a resistencia de sistemas. Esta substancia e altamente expansiva e quando nao adequadamente usada provoca serios danos aos sistemas. A quimica da formacao da etringita e sua contribuicao para a resistencia mecanica de sistemas pozolanicos [Ecat


    Por: Cedrola, Sabrina Martins Lage
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: Farinha de Penas, Extrusao, Plasticos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    As penas sao um importante subproduto da industria avicola, gerando problemas na distribuicao deste residuo, uma vez que as penas representam cerca de 7% do peso total do frango. A pena de frango e constituida por aproximadamente 90% de queratina, responsavel por sua rigidez e resistencia. Esta proteina pode ser utilizada na obtencao de materiais biodegradaveis como uma alternativa para diminuir a poluicao ambiental causada pelos plasticos convencionais, alem de constituir uma fonte sustentavel na producao destes materiais. Filmes obtidos a partir de proteinas podem ter inumeras aplicacoes, como por exemplo, polimeros para embalagens de alimentos, sacos descartaveis e filmes utilizados na agricultura. O uso do amido como material termoplastico e promissor devido principalmente

  • Biodegradacao de residuo proveniente da industria do biodiesel por Pichia guilliermondii MPO2

    Por: Lima, Jamille Ribeiro Coelho de
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: Biodegradacao, Glicerol, Picchia guilliermondii
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    A busca por combustiveis alternativos foi motivada pelas previsoes de reservas de petroleo no mundo, bem como seu alto valor comercial. Como resultado deste prognostico, diversas pesquisas desenvolveram novos combustiveis, comercialmente atrativos, entre eles, o biodiesel. Compostos nao derivados de petroleo devem ser considerados alternativas em potencial quando exibem algumas caracteristicas , tais como, competitividade, compatibilidade com motores e serem ambientalmente corretos. A partir de materias-primas simples como oleos come simples como oleos comestiveis e nao-comestiveis, o biodiesel e produzido atraves do processo de transesterificacao, gerando glicerol como principal residuo de valor agregado. Dada sua natureza biodegradavel, o glicerol pode ser assimilado por diversos microrganismos, sendo a Pichia guilliermondii uma levedura capaz de usar o glicerol proveniente da industria do biodiesel como substrato no seu metabolismo. Foi realizado um estudo de biodegradacao do glicerol a partir de um planejamento experimental 3


    Por: Silva, Leonardo Jordao da
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: Landfarming, Biorremediacao, Residuos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    As diversas atividades da industria do petroleo (perfuracao, producao, transporte, processamento e distribuicao) geram consideraveis quantidades de residuos solidos, contendo diversas classes de hidrocarbonetos. A disposicao desses residuos no meio ambiente pode acarretar serios problemas ambientais. Segundo a Resolucao n.

  • Desenvolvimento e Caracterizacao de Concretos de Baixo Impacto Ambiental Contendo Argila Calcinada e Areia Artificial

    Por: Goncalves, Jardel Pereira
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: Concreto, Argila Calcinada , Areia artificial
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Tese
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    No presente estudo foram desenvolvidos e caracterizados materiais cimenticeos de baixo impacto ambiental contendo metacaolinita, residuo da industria ceramica e areia artificial. As argilas calcinadas foram utilizadas como substitutas parciais do cimento Portland em teores que variaram de 10 a 40% (em massa) enquanto que a areia natural foi totalmente substituida pela areia artificial. As argilas calcinadas foram caracterizadas fisico, quimica e mineralogicamente e sua eficiencia na formacao de produtos hidratados foi avaliada atraves de analises termicas. O teor otimo de substituicao de cimento Portland pelas argilas calcinadas foi avaliado a partir de ensaios fisicos, mecanicos e de durabilidade realizados em argamassas com relacoes agua/aglomerante de 0,4 e 0,5. A partir dos ensaios mecanicos foi determinado o fator de eficiencia da metacaolinita e do residuo ceramico e uma correlacao com o teor de agua quimicamente combinada foi estabelecida. Areias artificiais produzidas por moagem autogena foram selecionadas e classificadas visando maxima trabalhabilidade. A viabilidade da substituicao total da areia natural por areia artificial foi avaliada a partir da realizacao de ensaios fisicos e mecanicos em argamassas e concretos. Misturas produzidas utilizando-se a areia padrao do IPT foram tambem ensaiadas para servir de referencia. Por fim foram produzidos e caracterizados os concretos de resistencia normal e de alto desempenho contendo areia artificial e os teores otimos de metacaolinita e de residuo ceramico. A reducao na emissao de CO2 e no consumo de energia dos concretos de baixo impacto ambiental contendo residuo ceramico foi tambem determinada.


    Por: Meyer, Clarisse Rinaldi
    Ano: 2001
    Palavras-Chave: Impactos Ambientais e Energeticos, Sucateamento de Automoveis, Poluicao Atmosferica
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: GE

    Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as principais implicacoes energeticas e ambientais de esquemas de sucateamento e renovacao da frota de automoveis no Brasil. Quantifica-se o consumo de energia nas fases de producao e uso de um automovel, assim como as emissoes de poluentes associadas a essas fases. Estima-se a vida util otima para o sucateamento de um automovel no Brasil. Por fim, estimam-se o consumo de combustivel e as emissoes de poluentes evitados atraves da implementacao de um esquema de sucateamento e renovacao de frota no Brasil.


    Por: Miguez, Eduardo Correia
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Logistica Reversa, Produtos Eletronicos, Meio Ambiente, Beneficios Financeiros
    Tipo de Trabalho: Base Minerva
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN, RIN
    Fonte: Dissertacao
    Idioma: Portugues
    Classificação CITAR: SE, RE

    Procura-se mostrar neste trabalho os beneficios ambientais e financeiros provenientes da utilizacao das atividades da logistica reversa na industria de equipamentos eletronicos, com enfase na industria de computadores e televisores. O maior desafio e mostrar para os empresarios nao so a grande contribuicao ao meio ambiente, mas tambem a viabilidade financeira do uso da logistica reversa. A logistica reversa de produtos eletronicos vem recebendo muita atencao dos governantes e empresarios. Os governantes buscam reduzir o impacto do lixo gerado pelos produtos eletronicos no meio ambiente e, os empresarios, alem da preocupacao ambiental, visam tambem agregar valor aos equipamentos eletronicos usados, aumentando a competitividade de suas empresas. O trabalho apresenta uma revisao bibliografica e tres estudos de caso, visando cumprir seu objetivo de detalhar os beneficios ambientais e financeiros da logistica reversa de produtos eletronicos.

  • Potential use of a chemical leaching reject from a kaolin industry as agricultural fertilizer

    Por: Ribeiro, Fabiana Rodrigues , Egreja Filho, Fernando Barboza , Fabris, Jos, Mussel, Wagner da Nova, Novais, Roberto Ferreira
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: res, fertilizante agr, beneficiamento do caulim
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Ci
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    The industrial refining of kaolin involves the removal of iron oxides and hydroxides along with other impurities that cause discoloration of the final product and depreciate its commercial value, particularly undesirable if destined to the paper industry. The chemical leaching in the industrial processing requires treatments with sodium hyposulfite, metallic zinc, or sulfuric and phosphoric acids, in order to reduce, dissolve and remove ferruginous compounds. To mitigate the environmental impact, the acidic effluent from the leaching process must be neutralized, usually with calcium oxide. The resulting solid residue contains phosphorous, zinc, and calcium, among other essential nutrients for plant growth, suggesting its use as a macro and micronutrient source. Samples of such a solid industrial residue were used here to evaluate their potential as soil fertilizer in an incubation greenhouse experiment with two soil samples (clayey and medium-textured). The small pH shift generated by applying the residue to the soil was not a limiting factor for its use in agriculture. The evolution of the concentrations of exchangeable calcium, and phosphorous and zinc extractability by Mehlich-1 extractant during the incubation period confirms the potential use of this industrial residue as agricultural fertilizer.

  • Produ

    Por: Sampaio, Regynaldo A., Ramos, S, Guilerme, Den, Costa, C, Fernandes, Luiz Arnaldo
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: Lycopersicon esculentum, res, reciclagem
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Horticultura Brasileira v.26 n.4 Bras
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Com o objetivo de avaliar propor

  • Fibra de coco e res

    Por: Costa, C, Ramos, S, Sampaio, Regynaldo A., Guilerme, Den, Fernandes, Luiz Arnaldo
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Lycopersicon esculentum, composto org, hortali
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Horticultura Brasileira v.25 n.3 Bras
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O efeito da mistura de fibra de coco (FC) e res

  • Avalia

    Por: Castro, Ana Luisa A. de, Paiva, Paulo C. de A., Banys, Vera L., Dias, Eust, Santos, Juliana dos
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: Bioconvers, cogumelo comest, degrada, efici, produtividade, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Realizou-se um ensaio objetivando investigar a viabilidade da produ

  • Controle de verrugose, melanose e leprose em laranja pera, com fungicidas e acaricida em mistura com adubo foliar

    Por: Bettiol, W., Moraes, G. J. de, Steulla Jr., C. S., Nicolino, C., Galv
    Ano: 1994
    Palavras-Chave: controle qu, Elsinoe fawcetti, Diaporthe citri, Brevipalpus phoenicis, controle integrado, citrus
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Scientia agricola (Piracicaba, Braz.) v.51 n.3 Piracicaba set./dez. 1994
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Farinha do baga

    Por: Gadelha, Ruth G. de F., Prado, Jo, Cavaleiro, Jos
    Ano: 2010
    Palavras-Chave: Litopenaeus vannamei, rendimento, composi, crescimento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade do res

  • Produ

    Por: Limberger, Val, Comarela, Carine G., Patias, Luciana D., Brum, Fabr, Emanuelli, Tatiana, Silva, Leila P.
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: quirera de arroz, extrus, salgadinho, aceitabilidade
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O Brasil

  • Uso do res

    Por: Garcia, L. P., Cruz, R. T. da, Bragan
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: refrat, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho objetivou o desenvolvimento de metodologia para o aproveitamento do res

  • Biodegradation of remazol brilliant blue R by ligninolytic enzymatic complex produced by Pleurotus ostreatus

    Por: Machado, K, Matheus, D
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: peroxidases, lacase, fermenta, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Brazilian Journal os Microbiology v.37 n.4 S
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Pleurotus ostreatus (shimeji) is produced in Brazil on a commercial scale using various lignocellulosic residues. Efforts have been made to reuse the culture residue to obtain products of greater aggregate value such as enzymes or in processes of bioremediation. We evaluated the Remazol brilliant blue R (RBBR) degradation potential of extracts from solid substrate colonized by P. ostreatus and extracts from residue of the shimeji mushroom yield. Colonized substrates and residue were provided by Toyobo do Brasil Ltda. Extraction was performed with sodium acetate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.6). RBBR decolorization was monitored at 592 nm and peroxidase and laccase activities were measured by monitoring the oxidation of ABTS. Horseradish peroxidase was used as reference. The time of growth of P. ostreatus influenced RBBR degradation and peroxidase and laccase activities. Concentration of 1 mM H2O2 and pH 4.0 were the best for RBBR decolorization. Complete RBBR decolorization was obtained with the addition of only one aliquot of 50

  • Production of yellow-green fluorescent pigment by Pseudomonas fluorescens

    Por: Silva, Gildo A. da, Almeida, Erik A. de
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: pseudomas fluorescens, siderophore, yeast extract, yellow-green fluorescent pigment
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology v.49 n.3 Curitiba maio 2006
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Diversos microrganismos secretam subst

  • Propriedades de comp

    Por: Monteiro, Sergio N., Terrones, Luiz A. H., Camerini, Amanda L., Petrucci, L, dAlmeida, Jos
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: comp, tecido de juta, matriz de polietileno, propiedades mec
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Mat
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Planejamento de programas de reciclagem de res

    Por: Costa, N, Costa Jr, Newton da, Luna, M, Selig, Paulo, Rocha, Jana
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: respiduo de constru, reciclagem, an
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental v.12 n.4 Rio de Janeiro out./dez. 2007
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho desenvolve um modelo, baseado em t

  • The use of submerged-arc welding flux slag as raw material for the fabrication of multiple-use mortars and bricks

    Por: Viana, Caroline E., Dias, Dylmar P., Holanda, Jos, Paranhos, Ronaldo P. da R.
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: constru, res, argamassas do m, reciclagem, esc
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Soldagem & Inspe
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar poss

  • Zinc availability for corn grown on an oxisol amended with flue dust

    Por: Santos, Gl, Berton, Ronaldo S., Camargo, Ot, Abreu, M
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: DTPA, metal pesado, res, especia, pH do solo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Scientia Agricola v.63 n.6 Piracicaba nov./dez. 2006
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Os custos com a constru

  • An

    Por: Machado, Carlos C., Pereira, Reginaldo S., Trindade, Tiago P. da, Lima, Dario C. de, Carvalho, Carlos A. B. de, Santos, S
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: estrada florestal, lama de cal, estabiliza, trecho esperimental
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Trechos rodovi

  • Durabilidade de solos estabilizados quimicamente com vistas

    Por: Machado, Carlos C., Sant, Lima, Dario C. de, Carvalho, Carlos A. B. de, Almeida, Ant, Oliveira, Tales
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: estabiliza, res, estradas florestais, durabilidade
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este artigo

  • Potencial da cinza do baga

    Por: Paula, Marcos O. de, Tin, Rodrigues, Conrado de S., Silva, Elizabeth N. da, Souza, Cec
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: manejo de res, materiais de constru, desenvolvimento sustent
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agr
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho, voltado para a avalia

  • Argamassas mistas para alvenaria utilizando res

    Por: Rocha, Aretuza K. A. da, Menezes, Romualdo R., Neves, Gelmirez de A., Ferreira, Heber C., Melo, Weyne A. de
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: reciclagem, res, argamassa
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Rem: Revista Escola de Minasv.61 n.4 Ouro Preto out./dez. 2008
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O caulim

  • Desenvolvimento de PVC refor

    Por: Rodolfo Jr., Antonio, John, Vancerley M.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: PVC, poli (cloreto de vinila), farinha de madeira, refor, comp
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pol
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho avalia a viabilidade t

  • Concretos produzidos com res

    Por: Betat, E. F., Pereira, F. M., Verney, J. C. K. de
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: agregado reciclagem , concreto, consumo de cimento, resist
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Mat
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    No Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, os processos produtivos de beneficiamento de pedras semi-preciosas, como a

  • Reciclagem de esc

    Por: Ribeiro, V. A. S., Silva, A. L. da, Silva, M. R. da, Dias, J. C.
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: esc, granito, argamassa, resist
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Mat
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Todos os res

  • Influ

    Por: Santos, F. I. G., Rocha, J. C., Cheriaf, M.
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: argamassas, cinzas pesadas, durabilidade, transfer, incorporador de ar
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Mat
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O estudo da transfer

  • Caracteriza

    Por: Polese, Marina de O., Carreiro, Gisele L., Silva, Maristela G., Silva, Moema R.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: esc, esc, microestrutura
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Mat
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    No Brasil, cerca de 3 milh

  • Reaproveitamento de res

    Por: Oliveira, G. E., Holanda, J. N. F.
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: res, reciclagem, cer
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho mostra os resultados de um estudo sobre a incorpora

  • Utiliza

    Por: Moreira, J. M. S., Freire, M. N., Holanda, J. N. F.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: reciclagem, res, cer, massas cer
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar um res

  • A Utiliza

    Por: Ripoli Filho, Francisco
    Ano: 1997
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho descreve pesquisa desenvolvida sobre a fabrica

  • A vermicompostagem do lodo de lagoas de tratamento de efluentes industriais consorciada com composto de lixo urbano

    Por: Veras, Luciana R. V., Povinelli, Jurandyr
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: vermicompostagem, compostagem, lixo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental v.9 n.3 Rio de Janeiro jul./set. 2004
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A destina

  • Comportamento geot

    Por: Machado, Carlos C., Santanna, Giovani L., Lima, Dario C. de, Carvalho, Carlos A. B. de, Pereira, Reginaldo S., Fernandes, Dalila C. de M.
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: estabiliza, res, granulometria
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Neste artigo, analisa-se a influ

  • Influ

    Por: Pereira, Reginaldo S., Machado, Carlos C., Lima, Dario C. de, Carvalho, Carlos A. B. de, Pires, Danuse M.
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: estabiliza, estradas florestais, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Avaliou-se o efeito da imers

  • Aplica

    Por: Pereira, Reginaldo S., Machado, Carlos C., Carvalho, Carlos A. B. de
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: solos, estabiliza, res, estradas florestais
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Analisaram-se as potencialidades de emprego do res

  • Uso de res

    Por: Pereira, Reginaldo S., Machado, Carlos C., Carvalho, Carlos A. B. de
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: estabiliza, res, caracteriza
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este artigo aborda uma etapa preliminar de um estudo direcionado

  • Industrial solid waste (whitewash mud) use in forest road pavements

    Por: Machado, Carlos C., Pereira, Reginaldo S., Lima, Dario C. de, Portugal, Carla R. M. e, Pires, Jos, Vieira, Gersonito da S.
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: estrada florestal, res, lama-de-cal, estabiliza
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do res

  • Environmental behavior of soils and mixtures of soil-whitewash mud

    Por: Machado, Carlos C., Pires, Jos, Fontes, Maur, Pereira, Reginaldo S., Portugal, Carla R. M. e
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: solos, res, lama-de-cal, comportamento ambiental
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O presente estudo buscou observar o comportamento de solos em seu estado natural e em misturas, em diferentes teores, com o res

  • Influ

    Por: Machado, Carlos C., Pereira, Reginaldo S., Pires, Jos
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: estabiliza, res, estrada florestal, tratamento t
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Em estudos que envolvem o tratamento de solos com aditivos qu

  • Potencial poluidor de res

    Por: Pires, Jos, Lena, Jorge C. de, Machado, Carlos C., Pereira, Reginaldo S.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: testes de lixivia, solubilidade, classifica, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Foram estudadas amostras de res

  • Efeitos da aplica

    Por: Prado, Renato de M., Natale, William
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: res, calagem, Passiflora edilus, maracuj
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura v.26 n.1 Jaboticabal abr. 2004
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A esc

  • Desenvolvimento do milho e fertilidade do solo ap

    Por: Ara, Tiritan, Carlos S., Pereira, Helder M., Caetano Jr, Osvaldir
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: res, reciclagem, compostagem, nutri
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agr
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Avaliar as altera

  • Lixivia

    Por: Luchase, Augusto V., Costa, Antonio C. S. da, Souza Jr, Ivan G.
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: colunas de solo, bioss, lodo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agr
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Melhoria da fertilidade do solo decorrentes da adi

    Por: Cavallet, Luiz E., Lucchesi, Luiz A. C., Moraes, An, Schimidt, Edson, Perondi, Miguel A., Fonseca, Ricardo A. da
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: nitrog, milho, uso agr, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agr
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Em experimento a campo avaliou-se o valor fertilizante de

  • Altera

    Por: Chaves, Lucia H. G., Vasconcelos, Ana C. F.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: sil, res, corre
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agr
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho foi o ponto-chave para se avaliar os efeitos de res

  • Efeito da aplica

    Por: Prado, Renato de M., Natale, William
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: calagem, acidez, Passiflora edilus
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agr
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar os efeitos da aplica

  • Influ

    Por: Almeida, Henrique C., Ernani, Paulo Roberto, Alburquerque, Jackson A., Mecab, Almeida, Denice
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: lixivia, s, res, calc
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Os subprodutos alcalinos gerados nas ind

  • Efeito da adi

    Por: Oliveira, Tales M. de, Sant, Machado, Carlos C.
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: res, misturas solo-grits, cal, ensaios de estabilidade, resist
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Rem: Revista Escola de Minas vol.62 no.1 Ouro Preto jan./mar. 2009
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Esse artigo

  • Utiliza

    Por: Rezende, Maria L. de S., Menezes, Romualdo R., Neves, Gelmirez de A., Nascimento, Jos, Leal, Antonio F.
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: reciclagem, res, blocos de veda
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Rem: Revista Escola de Minas v.61 n.3 Ouro Preto jul./set. 2008
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O caulim

  • Caracteriza

    Por: Cunha, Adriano F. da, Mol, Marcos P. G., Martins, M, Assis, Paulo S.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: res, carepa, beneficiamento, briquetagem, reciclagem
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Rem: Revista Escola de Minas v.59 n.1 Ouro Preto jan./mar. 2006
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A necessidade de aplicarmos as diretrizes ambientais no contexto produtivo de qualquer empresa

  • Composi

    Por: Almeida, Henrique C., Silveira, Cristian B. da, Ernani, Paulo R., Campos, Mari L., Almeida, Denice
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: industrial residue, soil acidity amendment, heavy metals
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Qu
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Dregs is an alkaline solid by-product generated in the cellulose manufacturing industry that could be used to correct soil acidity. The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of this product and some of its properties. The dregs presented 354 g kg-1 of calcium, neutralization capacity of 80.3%, and pH 10.7, besides low concentration of sodium (10.2 g kg-1), lead (62.9 mg kg-1) and cadmium (5.6 mg kg-1). Thus, it is a product that can safely be used to increase the soil pH.

  • Propriedades reom

    Por: Zanchet, Aline, DalAcqua, Nicolle, Weber, Tatiana, Crespo, Janaina S., Brandalise, Rosmary N., Nunes, Regina C. R.
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: res, res, comp, propriedades mec, reometria
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pol
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Uma alternativa para as empresas geradoras de res

  • Desenvolvimento de processo de reciclagem de res

    Por: Rosa, Derval S., Guedes, Cristina G. F.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: reciclagem mec, res, poliuretano, propriedades mec
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pol
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A busca pela qualidade oriunda do processo de globaliza

  • Composto de lodo t

    Por: Ara, Monteiro, Regina T. R., Cardoso, Patr
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: fitotoxidade, res, peroxiadase, clorofila
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecu
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do composto de lodo t

  • Avalia

    Por: Trannin, Isabel C. de B., Siqueira, Jos, Moreira, F
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: lodo de esgoto, res, reciclagem agr, fertilidade do solo, nutri, valora
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecu
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade agron

  • Atributos qu

    Por: Carvalho-Pupatto, Juliana G., B, Crusciol, Carlos A. C.
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: Oryza sativa, res, comprimento radicular, acidez, sil
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecu
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • Efeito de esc

    Por: Carvalho-Pupatto, Juliana G., B, Crusciol, Carlos A. C., Mauad, Munir, Silva, Rosemeire H. da
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: solo, nutriente, res, sil
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecu
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A utiliza

  • Reciclaje de escoria granulada de fundici

    Por: Ceccato, D. M., Masuero, A. B., Moraes, C. A. M., Vilela, A. C. F.
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: reciclage, escoria, fundici, hormig
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Mat
    Idioma: Espanhol
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    El reciclaje de residuos s

  • Porcelana el

    Por: Vieira, C. M. F., Teixeira, S. S., Toledo, R., Souza, S. D. C. de, Monteiro, S. N.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: Gnaisse fino, microestrutura, porcelana el, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Mat
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho tem como objetivo utilizar res

  • Azo dye degradation by recycled waste zero-valent iron powder

    Por: Pereira, Wellington S., Freire, Renato S.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: reductive degradation process, dye degradation, effluent treatment, Fenton
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society v.17 n.5 S
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Neste trabalho

  • Avalia

    Por: Brito, Andr, Soares, Sebasti
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: res, protocolo de avalia, metal pesado, estabiliza
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental vol.14 no.1 Rio de Janeiro jan./mar. 2009
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A quantidade de res

  • An

    Por: Rojas, Jos, Consoli, Nilo C., Heineck, Karla S.
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: encapsulamento, borra oleosa , cimento Portland, solo contaminado
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental v.13 n.2 Rio de Janeiro abr./jun. 2008
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar a t

  • Alternativas de utiliza

    Por: Pereira, Wilma de C., Silva, Dalton M. e, Carvalho, Juremi de O., Amaral Sobrinho, Nelson M. B. do, Ravelli Neto, Alexandre, Villas B
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: res, disposi, ambiente
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental v.13 n.2 Rio de Janeiro abr./jun. 2008
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo dos elementos potencialmente contaminantes presentes nos rejeitos industriais que s

  • Disponibilidade de metais pesados em aterro de ind

    Por: Nascimento, Silvia C., Hypolito, Raphael, Ribeiro, Andr
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: aterro industrial, res, metais pesados
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental v.11 n.3 Rio de Janeiro jul./set. 2006
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O estudo efetuou o levantamento detalhado da fonte poluidora com coletas de amostras de

  • A utiliza

    Por: Giffoni, Patr, Lange, Lis
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: res, borra de fosfato, reutiliza, blocos cer, tijolos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental v.10 n.2 Rio de Janeiro abr./jun. 2005
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O res

  • Compostagem de res

    Por: Costa, M, Costa, Luiz A. de M., Sestak, Marcelo, Olibone, D, Sestak, Diego, Kaufmann, Anderson V., Rotta, Sandra
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: aera, in, vermicompostagem
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Engenharia Agr
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O processo de compostagem foi avaliado por meio do monitoramento di

  • Propriedades emulsificantes e estabilidade do biossurfactante produzido por Bacillus subtilis em manipueira

    Por: Barros, Francisco F. C., Quadros, Cedemir P. de, Pastore, Gl
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: biossurfectante, manipueira, Bacillus subtilis
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Devido ao elevado poder tensoativo, baixa toxidez e biodegradabilidade, os lipopept

  • Aproveitamento do res

    Por: Alexandrino, Ana M., Faria, Haroldo G. de, Souza, Cristina G. M. de, Peralta, Rosane M.
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: res, enzimas ligninol, enzimas celulol, lacase
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Neste trabalho propomos o aproveitamento dos res

  • Caracteriza

    Por: Mendon, Concei, Piedade, Juliana, Carvalho, V, Theodoro, Vanessa C. de A.
    Ano: 2006
    Palavras-Chave: citrus, composi, fibras diet, aproveitamento
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A ind

  • Aproveitamento de subproduto industrial de

    Por: Pessoa, Maria de L. A., Andrade, Samara A. C., Salgueiro, Alexandra A., Stamford, T
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: vitamina B2, levedura, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A produ

  • Extra

    Por: Leonel, Magali, Cereda, Marney P.
    Ano: 2000
    Palavras-Chave: amido, extra, mandioca, rendimento industrial
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A melhoria do processo de extra

  • Aproveitamento da

    Por: Venturini Filho, Waldemar G., Nojimoto, T.
    Ano: 1999
    Palavras-Chave: mostura, rendimento, subproduto, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE


  • F

    Por: Bertolini, Andr, Cereda, Marney P., Chuzel, Gerard
    Ano: 1998
    Palavras-Chave: ciclodextrinas, mandioca, amido, f, enzima
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Ciclodextrinas (CDs) s

  • Aproveitamento de baga

    Por: Paganini, C, Nogueira, Alessandro, Silva, Nelci C., Wosiacki, Gilvan
    Ano: 2005
    Palavras-Chave: baga, extrato do baga, fibras, fermenta, Malus domestica
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A produ

  • Uso de res

    Por: Daudt, Rafael H. S., Gruszynski, Cirilo, K
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: aproveitamento de res, condicionador de substrato, produ, salinidade
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Ci
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O res

  • Influ

    Por: Varela, M. L., Formiga, F. L., Dutra, R. P. S., Nascimento, R. M. do, Paskocimas, C. A.
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: res, porcelanato, cer
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Atualmente existe uma grande preocupa

  • Incorpora

    Por: Galatto, S. L., Peterson, M., Alexandre, N. Z., Costa, J. A. D. da, Izidoro, G., Sorato, L., Levati, M.
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: drenagem , res, resist, argila cer
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Neste trabalho, apresenta-se o estudo experimental em escala laboratorial e industrial da incorpora

  • Utiliza

    Por: Bahiense, A. V., Manh, Alexandre, J., Xavier, G. C., Monteiro, S. N., Vieira, C. M. F.
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: argamassa, res, planejameno experimental, rede simplex
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O munic

  • Substitui

    Por: Vieira, C. M. F., Monteiro, S. N., Barreto, C. G. W., Carvalho, E. A. de, Peiter, C. C.
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: areia, cer, reformula, gnaisse, res
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Foi avaliado o efeito da substitui

  • Avalia

    Por: Souza, V. P., Toledo, R., Vieira, C. M. F., Intorne, S. C., Vargas, H., Faria Jr, R. T.
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: gases, cer, esc, t
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Nos dias atuais a conscientiza

  • Planejamento experimental no estudo da maximiza

    Por: Campos, L. F. A., Menezes, R. R., Lisboa, D., Santana, L. N. L., Neves, Gelmirez de A., Ferreira, H. C.
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: res, reciclagem, planejameno experimental, blocos, revestimentos
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A utiliza

  • Assessment of industrial wastes in mortar layers deposited on stainless steel sheets of sinks

    Por: Gemelli, E., Lourenci, S., Folgueras, M. V., Camargo, N. H. A.
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: argamassa, res, pia, a
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar as propriedades de argamassas alternativas usadas para refor

  • Estudo da viabilidade de obten

    Por: Souza, F. J. P., Neves, W. F. das, Alarcon, O. E.
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: reaproveitamento, res, res, isoladores el
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    A gest

  • An

    Por: Oliveira, G. E. de, Holanda, J. N. F. de
    Ano: 2004
    Palavras-Chave: an, res, reciclagem, cer
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cer
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo principal deste trabalho

  • Disposi

    Por: Sisinno, Cristina L.
    Ano: 2003
    Palavras-Chave: res, classifica, aterro sanit
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Cadernos de Sa
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: SE

    Para que um res

  • Utilization of agroindustrial residues for lipase production by solid-state fermentation

    Por: Damaso, M, Passionoto, Mois, Freitas, Sidin, Freire, Denise M. G., Lago, Regina C. A., Couri, Sonia
    Ano: 2008
    Palavras-Chave: lipase, Aspergillus niger, fermenta, res, subprodutos do
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Brazilian Journal of Microbiology v.39 n.4 S
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir lipases por fermenta

  • Isolation and screening of d-limonene-resistant microorganisms

    Por: Bicas, Juliano L., Pastore, Gl
    Ano: 2007
    Palavras-Chave: limoneno, subprodutos industriais, aroma, biotecnologia
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Brazilian Journal of Microbiology v.38 n.3 S
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    Este estudo relata o isolamento de microrganismos resistentes a ambientes contendo limoneno, o mais importante res

  • Radionuclides and heavy metal contents in phosphogypsum samples in comparison to cerrado soils

    Por: Jacamino, Vanusa M. F., Oliveira, Kerley A. P. de, Taddei, Maria H. T., Siqueira, Maria C., Carneiro, Maria E. D. P., Nascimento, Marcos R. L., Silva, David F. da, Mello, Jaime W. V. de
    Ano: 2009
    Palavras-Chave: fosfogesso, fertilidade do solo, radionucl, metais, contamina
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Revista Brasileira de Ci
    Idioma: Ingl
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O fosfogesso ou gesso agr

  • P

    Por: Accioly, Adriana M. de A., Furtini Neto, A. E., Muniz, Joel A., Faquin, Valdemar, Guedes, Geraldo A. de A.
    Ano: 2000
    Palavras-Chave: res, oligoelementos, metais pesados, nutrientes minerais, solo
    Tipo de Trabalho: Artigo
    Natureza ou Origem: RIN
    Fonte: Pesquisa Agropecu
    Idioma: Portugu
    Classificação CITAR: TE

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o p