Organizational Studies

Description: The development of research in organizational studies is relevant to advance the knowledge on issues that influence the ability of organizations to develop. In this sense, the systemic view, Negotiation, Culture, Climate and Management of Public and Private Organizations are important for building the human resources or professional skills.

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Innovation and Sustainability Management

Description: This involves the study and research of the theories of innovation and sustainability in organizations in a context of economic uncertainty. It requires adaptability and alignment of Technological Innovation, Research institutions and business models for innovation and sustainability in organizations.

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The Market and The Creation of Value

Description: This involves the study and research of theories in order to understand the new dynamics of the market and the creation of value in organizations. In this way, the dimension “market” includes marketing activities, market segmentation and consumer behavior, and the dimension “creation of value” is composed of the alignment between marketological mix and efficient operations management in organizations in order to generate wealth and sustainability.

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