In April 1992, the FEA of Ribeirão Preto was created as an extension of the School of the São Paulo Campus.
Ten years later, on May 14, 2002, the University Council (Co) of the USP approved the emancipation proposal of the Ribeirão Preto School and it has been some time since the school met the conditions to become a new Research and Education Department of the USP. Integrated fully with the Ribeirão Preto Campus and engaged in teaching, research and extension activities, the FEA-RP is increasingly expanding its operations and excellence profile.
At the start of the second semester of 1999, the Postgraduate Commission of the FEA/USP, in São Paulo, approved the offering of subjects in Ribeirão Preto, which would be the “embryo” for the creation of the stricto sensu Postgraduate programs. In February 2002, the first classes of the Postgraduate Program in Administration of the FEA/USP, Master’s and Doctorate programs, began at the Ribeirão Preto Campus.
During 2003, the Postgraduate Program in Administration of the FEA-RP was approved by the competent authorities together with the USP and CAPES. At the beginning of 2004, the Master’s course in Business Administration began.
So, the first Master´s program began with 16 students at FEA RP Campus in February 2004. In 2005, there were two selection processes, the first admission in February with 11 students and the second entry in May with 10 students, giving a total of 21 students in 2005. In 2006, 30 students were enrolled in March, maintaining this average in 2007 with the admission of 29 students. In the first two years the numbers of students were low, because the program was beginning and it required an initial experience with a lower number of students than the orientation capacity. Since 2006, there has been an adequate amount of entrants and the tendency is to keep the number of entrants at a level of 35 students per year. In 2011 the number of students enrolled was 144.
The Master’s and Doctorate courses in Business Administration aim to promote the development of high-level professors, researchers and professionals to meet the academic and higher education demands in the area of Business Administration.
The Postgraduate Program in Business Administration encourages free thought and all forms of revitalization of this area of knowledge and, therefore, to contribute to the scientific and technological development of Administration.
The detailed aims related to the Master’s and Doctorate in Business Administration are:
- To become a recognized research center, first nationally, then internationally;
- To develop quality work that allows the maintenance of a high number of faculty publications spread among the faculty members of the program; to focus on publishing in international journals with evaluation by the Journal Citation Reports; to increase the publications of the Master’s and doctoral students in national and international journals;
- To keep up the high numbers of undergraduate students involvement in research activities;
- To institutionalize the research groups linked to the Department of Administration;
- To seek internationalization for the program and for the studies conducted within its sphere;
- To create a structure to mediate and adjudicate ethical issues related to the research in Administration;
- To encourage research and cooperation with other centers in less developed regions;
- To relate the community activities with the research projects aiming to increase the results of the program for the Brazilian society;
- To increase the dissemination of the research results to the academic society, especially to the São Paulo society that funds the school;
- To place Postgraduate students in both cultural and community activities.
Computing and Technology Support and Laboratories:
1. Specific infrastructure for Postgraduate Students:
Postgraduate Studies Room - FEA-RP
- There are five computers, with the following software installed on them:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Office suites: Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 and 2.0
Browsers: Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox
Specific Software: EViews, S-PLUS, SPSS, Skype, Adobe Reader, PDFCreator, Economatica and Stata 9.
- There are 15 terminals (thin clients), with the following software installed on the server of the terminals:
Operating System: Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Server 2003, Standard Edition
Office suites: Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003
Browsers: Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox
Specific Software: Inspiration 8 IE, OxEdit 4.10, OxMetrics, S-PLUS 6.1 PROFESSIONAL, S-PLUS FinMetrics, Stat/Transfer, Adobe Reader, PDFCreator, Stat/Transfer, Stata 9 and Economatica.
2. Common infrastructure for Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students
2.1 Laboratories:
(a) Information Centre
Among the specialized software and databases, the following are available for the users:
AVG Free Edition
Ad-Aware 2007
Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.06
Adobe Flash Player Plugin
Adobe Reader 8.1.1
Adobe Shockwave Player
Atlas.ti 2.0 2.0.9073
CMA Series 4 1.07
DirectX 9c
EViews 3.1
Filzip 3.06 3.0.6
Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13
Java(TM) 6 Update 5
Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 Update 3
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 6 Update 1
Lernout & Hauspie TruVoice American English TTS Engine
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Names Mitigation APIs
Microsoft Office XP Professional com FrontPage 10.0.6626.0
Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600
Mozilla Firefox ( (pt-BR)
MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 3.51.12
NetBeans IDE 5.5.1
PDFCreator 0.9.3
Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system 12.0.6215.1000
S-PLUS 6.1
S-PLUS 6.1 PROFESSIONAL Edition Release 1 6.1
S-PLUS FinMetrics Module in 'C:\Arquivos de programas\Insightful\splus61'
SPSS 8.0 for Windows Student Version
SPSS for Windows 10.0
Also available are the following modeling and decision support software and others of varied uses: Mapinfo, SGT - micro, OX, PC Give Professional, PC Gets e Stamp, Decision Tools, Knowledge Excelerator, ILOG e Neuralist.
The availability of micro-databases is highlighted, among which are, IBGE data: BIM, Agricultural Census, Demographic Census, Population Count, ENCINF, PIA, PINTEC, PME, PNAD, POF and PPV; Ministry of Labor data: Rais, CAGED; Ministry of Education data: Enade, PNERA, Higher Education Census, School Census, Enem, Saeb; SEADE data: PEAP, PED; CD’s of congresses such as ANPEC, ENANPAD and the Brazilian Congress of Costs, as well as information by subscription such as Investnews and IOB.
(b) Laboratory of Applied Computer Science Education, for practical and training classes. Two laboratories (LEIA 1 and LEIA 2) are available, each with 20 personal computers and the respective software:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Office suites: Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 and 2.0
Specific Software: PDFCreator, Crystalball, EViews, Lindo, Lingo, R for Windows, S-Plus, XTD-C and CMA.
(c) Research Laboratory (LAPE) - 20 Terminals (thin clients) with the following software installed on the server of the terminals:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
Office suites: Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003
Browsers: Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox
Specific Software: Inspiration 8 IE, OxEdit 4.10, OxMetrics, S-PLUS 6.1 Professional, S-PLUS FinMetrics, Stat/Transfer, Adobe Reader, PDFCreator, Stat/Transfer, Stata 9 and Economatica.
2.2. Library
General Archives of the Ribeirão Preto Campus Central Library
- 100,379 Books;
- 1,003 Current journal titles;
- 4,020 Non-current journal titles;
- 5,023 Journal titles;
- 606 Subscription (current) Journal titles with online access;
- 15,808 Theses;
- 65,311 Scientific papers published by the faculty members of the Ribeirão Preto Campus.
Collection of the Library of the FEA/USP:
- 115,058 bibliographic items (books, theses, pamphlets, videos, etc.)
- 104,408 Books;
- 6,885 Thesis / Dissertations;
- 600 Journals on paper = issues: 42,787 and 978 multimedia items - digital media such as videos, DVDs, CDs etc.
- 3,000 Journals with full text.
The FEA-RP/USP also has access, through the University of São Paulo, to the databases of the important on-line journals, some of them having non-payment arrangements with CAPES. The databases include premium ranked international journals, as is the case of the JSTOR, as well as an extensive list of quality journals specialized by subject, being international (for example, PROBE and SCIENCE DIRECT) or national (such as SCIELO). The following is a complete list of links to the available journal databases:
- Elsevier Publishers
- Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Taylor and Francis Publishers
- Springer Publishers
There is an agreement between the libraries of the FEA-RP/USP and the FEA/USP, one of the most complete libraries in Latin America, where students and professors can have access to the collection of both schools, including virtual access to ProQuest.
The physical collection of the library can be consulted through the Dedalus system, which integrates the USP libraries. It is a bibliographic database, which provides access to the entire collection of the 39 USP libraries. The search can be performed globally (in all 39 libraries) or specifically (in the desired library). The search strategy uses Boolean logic and its platform is the Aleph software from the company Ex-libris;
In addition to the physical collection, the library also provides access to materials from other schools, from other countries and virtual access databases.
The databases to which it has access to are:
1) ProQuest: a database for the FEA community (via the network and accessed by password) with free access for the community in general if the consultation is performed using the local network, at no cost for the search (with payment only for printed pages). ProQuest is one of the most widely used databases in the world, offering access to the full texts of worldwide scientific publications.
2) Dissertation Abstracts: This database is provided by SIBI - the USP Integrated Library System and contains dissertations and theses from around the world, since the year 1997, with the search in the database allowing access to the first 24 pages in full text. If interested, the user can acquire the text in different formats: single sheet, hardcover, booklet, etc., the cost varying according to the choice. On average, each dissertation costs US$ 40. This database also uses Boolean logic as its search strategy
3) CAPES database of Electronic journals: contains collections of journals in full text, available to higher education institutions. Access is restricted to the limits of the campiuses of these universities.
4) COMUT - Bibliographic Commutation: request for journal articles, theses and papers of events existing in other national and foreign libraries, requiring payment, the amount of which is set by the IBICT. This system allows the consultation and loan of materials from other libraries, including the libraries of the USP, of the FGV and international libraries. The library of the FEA USP serves, significantly, as a supplier of materials loaned to other libraries.
5) Reuters
6) Digital library of theses of the USP
2.3. Computer Science Resources
The FEA-RP computer science resources are managed centrally, with a team of two analysts, three technicians and one intern, who provide support and carry out the necessary upgrades for the laboratories, classrooms and offices of the professors.
The general support resources for the activities of the school are described below:
1 Network server with Windows Server;
3 Network Servers with Linux
2 Network servers with FreeBSD
250 personal computers running on the Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 platforms with Office XP Professional and Office 2003
2 Video projectors with screens;
21 Multimedia Projectors of the FEA-RP;
15 Overhead projector of the FEA-RP;
5 Televisions of the FEA-RP;
3 Video cassette recorders of the FEA-RP;
4 DVD players.
The USP concentrates the acquisition of institutional software licenses for various scientific applications that are distributed to all interested parties in the University. The applications currently employed are:
Program Licenses
Gaussview 2 unlimited
Gauissian 03 unlimited
Maple unlimited
Matlab 1300
SAS 300
S-PluS unlimited
Statistica unlimited
In order to obtain these applications, interested parties must submit a request by email, provide their information and wait for a reply with the specific instructions for the software of interest, which is free of charge.
3. Other Information:
The FEA-RP consists of fourthree buildings, a central building, with Staff, Faculty and laboratories; a block exclusively for professors and twoa third buildings for teaching activities.
The FEA-RP has 17[m2] classrooms, all with projectors, personal computers and air conditioning, as follows:
1 classroom for 36 people;
9 classrooms for 45 people;
1 classroom for 50 people;
4 classrooms for 65 people;
1 classroom for 70 people;
1 classroom for 90 people[m3] ;
1 auditorium with a 120 people capacity.
The Ribeirão Preto Campus of the University of São Paulo (USP – Ribeirão Preto) offers two housing dormitories for Postgraduate students. The first option is the Postgraduate Student Housing, which has 40 places, with students selected by socio-economic criteria, and the second option, the Guest House, located on the Campus and offering lodging at affordable prices, with two houses totaling 23 beds