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Leonardo Costa Rezende

Leonardo Costa Rezende

Alanus Hochschule Für Kunst Und Gesellschaft
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Binus University
Chonnam National University
Concordia University College of Alberta
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
École Supérieure de Commerce de Chambéry Savoie - ESC Chambery
École Supérieure de Commerce IDRAC
École Supérieure de Commerce Toulouse - ESC Toulouse Business School
École Supérieure des Sciences Comerciales D´Angers - ESSCA (Université Catholique Del Ouest - UCO)
École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur - ESCE
Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena
Escuela Politécnica del Ejército
Euromed Management
Fachhochschule Worms
Faculdad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FAUBA)
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Hochschule Neu-Ulm
Hochschule Ruhr West
Hogeschool Gent - University College Ghent
Hogeschool Inholland
Hogskolan I Halmstad
Høgskolen i Ålesund - AALesund University College
Hohai University
IÉSEG School of Management
Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Keimyung University
Koç Universitesi
Kyung Hee University
Kyungpook National University
Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu - Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Science
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Nanjing Agricultural University
National Taipei University of Technology
Omsk State Pedagogical University
Pôle École Supérieure de Gestion
Providence University
Purdue University
Queen's University Belfast
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - University of Groningen
Roskilde Universitet
Tampereen yliopisto Universitet - University of Tampere
Telecom École de Management
Turun Yliopisto Universitet - University of Turku
Umeå Universitet
Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy
Universidad Austral
Universidad Blas Pascal
Universidad Católica de Colômbia
Universidad de Cantabria
Universidad de Guadalajara
Universidad de La Coruña
Universidad de la República
Universidad de Lima
Universidad del Aconcagua de Mendoza
Universidad Del Norte
Universidad EAFIT
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Universidad Fundepos Alma Máter
Universidad Loyola Andalucia - ETEA
Universidad Nacional Del Sur
Universidad Privada Domingo Savio
Universidade da Madeira
Universidade de Coimbra
Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique
Universitas Debreceniensis - University of Debrecen
Universitat Lucern
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Universitat Zurich
Université de Genève
Université Laval
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Solvay Brussels School
Université Nancy 2
University of Illinois
University of Kent
Univerza v Ljubljani
Univerzita Pardubice
Univerzitet U Sarajevu - University of Sarajevo
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach - University of Economics In Katowice
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster - University of Münster
Yuanpei University
Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften - Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Through its own resources or by programs from the High-Educated Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES), the University of São Paulo (USP) provides some opportunities to foreign professors visit the school with the purpose of strengthening institutional ties, developing teaching and research activities.

Welcoming foreign professors is important and essential for the whole internationalization process. It provides sharing experiences, learning from other realities, and intensifying the academic cooperation. Thus, when welcoming foreign professors, it is interesting not only to involve them in technical visits but in teaching, research, and extension activities as well.

Manual for Visiting Professors

With the purpose of making the visiting professor’s life easy, the International Office has made a Guide with information about Ribeirão Preto City, the University of São Paulo, Campus USP at Ribeirão Preto, FEA-RP, among other interesting information that a foreign professor should know. The Visiting Professor Guide can be found here.

Scholarship Program for Visiting Professors at USP

By Decree #5910, dated of April 7, 2011, the Rectory of USP created a  Scholarship Program for Visiting Professors. Its objective is to promote the international exchange development within academic, scientific, and cultural scope so as to strengthen teaching and research, managed by a Committee composed of Rector (President), Executive Provost for International Relations (Vice-President), Provost for Graduate Studies, Provost for Research, and Provost for Academic Activities (CAA). The Committee responsible for the program holds a meeting every two months to analyze the incoming proposals.

The USP Scholarship Program for Visiting Professors is focused on stimulating professors and investigators (Brazilian or not) connected to Excellence Centers abroad to give programs (with a prospective extension under a local professor’s responsibility), to lecture and/or conduct research activities that involve master’s students or doctoral graduate programs.

The scholarship granted to the visiting professor must be no higher than the monthly salary corresponding to a MS-6 Professor in Full-Time (RDIDP). Scholarships sponsored by foreign resources are not subject to the above mentioned limit. Furthermore, foreign visiting professors can benefit from the infrastructure given by USP to its professors, and will be granted an economy class air ticket and health insurance aids.

The scholarship will last from at least a month to twelve months at the most, continued or not, though, exceptionally, there is the possibility of extending to twenty-four months at the most. At the end of the scholarship period, requesting a scholarship for this program should be formulated by the Department or equivalent, approved by the Faculty Senate or an organ equivalent to the School, and forwarded to the Committee.

Provost for Graduate Studies Of USP

The Provost for Graduate Studies of USP (PRPG) provides foreign professors and researchers with visiting aids for up to three months, and which involve short-term programs (with prospective extension under a local professor’s responsibility), lectures and/or research activities conducted with the participation of students of graduate programs.

The request for financial aid PRPG for Teaching coming or foreign researcher must be made by a USP Professor. First of all, note the Circular 01/2011 CoPGr and the aid website for more information.

We emphasize that is not possible to pay any expense that has already occurred (including passages), it is not allowed reimbursement of expenses made before the funds release.

The financing items will be:

  • Air and ground transportation;
  • Daily amounts (include feeding and lodging) no higher than 15 UFESPs;
  • Health Insurance.

The following documents should be presented at least seventy-five days prior to departure (15 days for approval of the CPG and 60 days for approval of the PRPG) :

  • Request Form duly fulfilled and signed up by the requesting USP professor;
  • Work Plan with the schedule of the activities to be developed (no more than 15 pages);
  • Justification Report made by the requesting USP professor;
  • Prepare a report of the requested aid; Insert title: "Request for assistance coming of Teachers / Researchers Foreigners - Dean of Graduate"; Describe the body: the event title (or description) with dates; detailing the items to be funded (in budget format), noting the maximum daily (15 UFESPs). The total value must match the presented on the application form; third party budget of other expenses (except daily rates);
  • It can not be by internet or email;
  • Cheap: must be travel agency, on letterhead (preferably signed, but not necessarily);
  • Health Insurance;
  • Refusal or non-approval of requests made to other fostering agencies or justifications of non-presentation/request;
  • Create or update the curriculum Lattes (the USP professor’s at least).

After the documents have been received, a CPG Letter (of approval, and forwarded to PRPG) will be written, and, then, Letter and documents will be sent to the Committee Director for approval. After the CPG’s approval, they will be sent to the Provost for Graduate Studies for the final word about the grant of aids. Please, keep in mind that this forwarding must occur within the max period of time stipulated in the Circular; therefore, be sure to forward the documents in time for the CPG Director’s approval!


In the event of an approval, a financing aids process will be open at PRPG, who will forward the process to the Accounting Section, which in turn will be forwarded to the competent sector so that the approval and the necessary procedures can be disclosed.

Agency for International Cooperation of USP (AUCANI)

If a Foreign Professor is interested in coming to USP in order to develop activities involving undergraduate and graduate students, he/she can be offered a financial aid, which is given in daily rates for the specific period of these activities and according to the values defined by the Rectory.

The interested visiting professor must contact a USP professor. The financial aid request must be submitted by a USP professor.

Information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

French Chairs Program in São Paulo

Directed by professors from French universities. The notices are published at this website periodically:

Until 2013 November 22, applications will be received for “Programa de Cátedras Francesas do Estado de São Paulo”, sponsored by the Consulate General of France jointly with the universities of São Paulo State, including Universidade de São Paulo.

Applications are available for professors and researchers from all areas of knowledge from universities in France who are interested in pursuing academic activities at USP, for a period of 45 days up to 10 months.

Those who are selected will receive a monthly amount paid by USP, and the Consulate General of France will finance the airfare costs.

Click here to read the announcement in Portuguese – Modalidades Cátedras 2014 and in French - Modalités Chaires 2014.


CAPES (High-Educated Personnel Improvement Coordination) offers the Foreign Visiting Professor Program (PVE) that provides scholarships, economy class air tickets, and lodging-aid support. The visiting can last from fifteen days to twelve months, and it can be renewable for the same period.

The program has four scholarship modalities:

  • Young Doctor (R$3.997,09): it is the professor or researcher appointed by the institution, and with a less-than-five-year Doctoral degree;
  • Junior Doctor (R$4.889,56): it is the professor and researcher appointed by the institution, and with a more-than-five-year but less-than-eight-year Doctoral degree, academic production relevant and compatible with CNPq-1D researchers;
  • Full Doctor (R$6.931,54): it is the professor or researcher appointed by the institution, and with a more-than-8-year Doctoral degree, academic production relevant and compatible with CNPq-1C researchers;
  • Senior Doctor (R$8.905,42): it is the professor or researcher appointed by the institution, and with a more-than-eight-year Doctoral degree, academic production compatible with CNPq-1A and -1B researchers, academic status in foreign high-education or research institution similar to a full professor in federal Brazilian institutions.

Lodging-aid is up to R$2.000,00 (two thousand reais) for foreign professors who do not live or have not lived in Brazil in the last six months, paid at once in the beginning of the grant, commensurate with the initial period as approved for visiting.


For scholarships granted for up to ninety days, benefits will be paid directly into his banking account overseas, commensurate with and only when the scholarship owner returns to his home country.


The Program of Support to Graduate Studies (PROAP) of CAPES allows for refunding expenses with tickets and daily amounts to foreign professors that take part in academic activities of graduate studies programs lasting up to thirty days, in a row or not, for each period of one year.


For periods over sixteen days in a row, PROAP will pay the professor the value equal to what had been fixed in post-doc scholarships in the country. For activities that take between twelve and fifteen days, the value corresponding to half the scholarship will be paid; moreover, when the activities go up to ten days, daily amounts will be paid.


Published in Institucional

Established a few years ago to make Brazilian students aware of how important is the internationalization, the ITeam is now composed of Ribeirão Preto campus of USP (but mainly FEA-RP) students especially interested in the international area. Thus, they are focused on providing the international student with the best experience in Ribeirão Preto. For such, the ITeam is responsible for choosing through the Buddy Program a tutor that will be able to help at any time with lodging, touring the city and the university or anything.


The ITeam students mean an important part of this process, and welcoming foreign students is their motivating point. At any time FEA-RP/USP is fully available to help the foreign student to discover and experience the most of Brazilian Culture. The ITeam will organize and night activities to discover Ribeirão Preto and enjoy Brazil throughout! FEA-RP/USP wants do its best to make foreign exchange students feel at home in Brazil!


Do not hesitate in contacting us at any time: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"Thanks to my degree I have had the opportunity to visit several countries and Brazil has been my favorite. I just simply love it. And Ribeirão Preto is an amazing city for students from all around the  world to immersed in the Brazilian culture. FEA-RP, USP is an ideal space not only to learned and lived an academic experience, but also to grow internally. You study, party, travel, eat amazing food,  meet people from all around the world, and made long-lasting friendships. You wont  regret it. Go to Brazil, go to Ribeirão, study at FEA-RP”


Susana Uribe, EAFIT University (Colombia)  

“Such a chance to join FEA USP Ribeirao Preto. I’ve studied there one semester (2011), and this was amazing. The university is really huge, with a strong student life and you feel directly like at home. For me USP was a really good university and I learned a lot but also met many local people really nice and interesting to meet foreign people.

About the city, RP is the perfect size for an exchange semester, all the students are living close to each other’s, you can make sport, there are many events and you can discover the culture like nowhere. It’s also easy to travel and to discover others regions.

USP FEA RP is finally a really good atmosphere to deal with Brazilian culture, learn about local people and be beaming. I also loved the rhythm and how people are taking care of us at the International Office, allowing us to be quickly in the mood and to learn Portuguese. As far as I know this experience was grateful and will be perfect for the future, as I plan now to going back to work there.

Well, do not hesitate, you will not regret it, have the best time and learn many things, about a country that worth it! ‘Tudo bem’ como falamos.“

Aurélien Cornubert, Kedge Business School (France)

"Foi simplesmente maravilhoso! Em geral, o intercâmbio pode te ajudar a te conhecer melhor e ter um crescimento pessoal, além disso, morar numa cidade como Ribeirão, tão linda! comunicada com o Brasil tudo, é fantástico. E nem falo da qualidade humana do pessoal da FEA RP e da USP inteira, são inesquecíveis!. Fiquei apaixonada de ter feito meu intercâmbio como fiz...no Brasil! Obrigada!"




Montse Santiago, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico)

"A dream came true when I received the acceptance letter of FEA-RP. I had the opportunity to study one year in Brazil and I fell completely in love with the country and its people. I studied two semesters at FEA-RP and would like to highlight the agribusiness lectures, that gave me many new insights and perspectives. Furthermore, it was very helpful that most professors accepted exam answers in English as I was still a beginner in Portuguese once I arrived. This means you are able to study at the FEA-RP even with very little Portuguese knowledge, if you are willing to invest in your language skills during your studies abroad. Your fellow students will help you a lot to learn the new language; it was easier than I thought.


Ribeirão Preto is not a touristic city at all. However Ribeirão Pretanos are very welcoming and it is an easy task to make local friends and if you would like to spend a year of eternal summer this city is the place to go. Visiting the famous Amazon, Pantanal (my favourite) and of course Rio de Janeiro is no problem at all because you have the option to enrol into morning and night lectures which means you can allocate your lectures in the first part of the week. I was living with two lovely flatmates and this brought me very close to the Brazilian way of life. I can highly recommend FEA-USP as a host university."
Simon Lehmann www.simonlehmann.ch, ZHAW School of Management and Law (Switzerland)

"Mi experiencia en FEA-RP, USP, fue una de las mejores experiencias académicas culturales, ya que conocí muchos amigos de varios países, compartí clases con alumnos brasileros, hice trabajos muy interesantes en idioma portugués e inglés, así como también tuve que estudiar para las pruebas. Siempre senti un ambiente puro y confortable, rodeado de amigos que estuvieron siempre dispuestos a ayudarme en mis inquietudes, las risas en el sofá, los eventos, largas charlas y ricos salgados en el convivio, el compartir la hora de almuerzo y a veces cena en el famoso bandejón, son recuerdos que siempre llevaré en mi mente y en mi corazón. La oficina internacional, nuestro departamento en el cual podemos sentirnos acogidos, siempre dispuesta a ayudarnos y organizarnos de la mejor manera para lograr con éxito nuestros objetivos. Ribeirão Preto, una ciudad muy caliente, pero así mismo existen varias maneras de refrescarse! Un delicioso açaí, un sorvete, un churrasco y piscina, siempre serán buenas opciones. El ônibus a veces un dolor de cabeza! pero solo es cuestión de aprender los horarios establecidos y salir con anticipación a la parada. Un lugar donde puedes conseguir carona, y convertirse en una oportunidad para conocer nuevas amistades. Por esto y muchas cosas más estoy eternamente agradecido con FEA-RP, USP y con esta linda ciudad en el estado de São Paulo! Gracias! Y a los próximos intercambistas les deseo muchos éxitos en este maravilloso lugar!." 

Wilson Noboa, Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (Ecuador)

"Meu nome é David Rodriguez e sou estudante de economia da Colômbia. Inicialmente é necessário dizer que a experiencia de intercambio acadêmico neste pais foi uma das melhores coisas que tenho experimentado até agora na minha vida. Adorei o jeito das pessoas com os estrangeiros, a comida, a universidade, a FEA, os novos amigos - brasileiros e estrangeiros -, as cidades e os lugais tao maravilhosos que o pais tem, etc. Isso foi possível só graças à ajuda de International Office e o ITEAM, pois a orientação que ofereceram pra nos sempre foi a melhor. Agora só posso expressar a eterna felicidade que sinto pela experiencia que a USP deu pra mim. Muito grato com o Brasil :) "


David Rodriguez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colômbia)

"The six month of exchange student in Brazil was the most exciting and exotic moments in my entire life. Every single day was true education for me because when I was in my country I never thought about life. Every single day was so hectic and competitive so I never had a time to think about life. But in here I saw almost every people were enjoying their lives not much worrying about money and competition. That was really shocking moments and the best lesson that I learned in Brazil is not about the agribusiness or politics or economy. The best lesson in here was how to live happy life and I would like to express my deep gratitude for all the people that I met in Brazil. What I learned and listened about Brazil was totally different with what I see and experience. Except transportation, everything in Brazil makes me happy and satisfied. Especially, Brazilians are very nice and generous so I almost felt like I am in my home. If there are some people who want to visit Brazil and they are worrying about traveling because of the crimes then I strongly recommend that everything you see in the TV and newspaper is totally exaggerated. Here is so peaceful and the people is very nice if you don’t do silly thing then you will experience most wonderful time in Brazil. I hope people would come to Brazil and experience nicest thing in this beautiful country."

"교환학생으로 지냈던 6개월 동안의 시간은 내 인생에서 잊을 수 없도록 행복한 순간들이었다. 내가 브라질에서 지냈던 1분 1초의 시간이 흥미롭고 나의 자아를 단단하게 만들어 주는 시간들이었다고 말하고 싶다. 특히, 한국에서 국제관계 학을 공부하고 남아메리카에 많은 관심이 있던 나에게 브라질의 일상을 경험한 것은 아주 유용한 경험이었다. 한국에서 내가 배웠던 것과는 정반대로 브라질은 아주 평온하고 열정적이 나라였다. 이곳에 옴으로써, 나의 미래에 대해 더 많이 생각할 수 있게 되었고 더 많은 확신을 배워간다. 내가 사랑하는 나라가 모두에게 사랑 받는 나라가 될 수 있도록 브라질에 대해 더 공부하고 브라질을 위해 일하고 싶다. 모두가 이 글을 읽고 브라질에서 교환학생을 할 수 있는 기회를 가졌으면 좋겠다."


Inyoung Seo, Keimyung University (South Corea)

"I'm a French student and had the opportunity to spend one year as an exchange student at FEA-RP. I had there maybe the best experience of my life, discovering a new culture, language and atmosphere !

I improved my knowledge too ; first during classes with good and interesting professors, but also during my travels where I learnt a lot about the history, the diversity and the specialities of Brazil.​

I also met many welcoming and generous people who became really good friends. I will never forget this year and hope to come back soon in Brazil to do an internship or to work, as there is a lot of job opportunities for foreign students.​"


Hélène Laherre, IÉSEG School of Management Lille-Paris (France)





  During the summer after finishing my first year at university, I along with three others went to study at the University of Sao Paulo, at the Ribeirao Preto campus. We were on the Brazilian Business and Culture programme, which lasted three weeks. The course was taught in English but we had Portuguese lessons, which were helpful as they taught us how to understand basic Portuguese that is spoken everyday and they appreciated the effort! They were also effective because we could put into practice what we had learnt on the same day.

The range of courses offered expanded my knowledge and gave me an insight into how other countries work; how they have different principle industries which completely changes what they focus on compared to the UK. As an economics student, this year we mainly focused on economic theory and touched on some of the European and British economy, however, on this course we learnt about how Brazil is so different to Europe, with one of their main industries being agribusiness, how they deal with shocks to their economy, which highlighted the vast differences in our countries. This is just a touch on one of the international aspects I learnt about.

The course didn't just consist of classroom lessons; we also attended many technical trips, showing us how many different industries operated in the country. My favorite was the sugar cane plant, where we saw how sugar was made, right from the beginning of the process where the cane had been cut. The size of the factory was unbelievable, it took us over half an hour to walk round and see everything.

We didn't only stay in Ribeirao Preto, one weekend we went up to the capital, Brasilia on an overnight 12-hour coach journey, which showed how diverse the country was and its size compared to the UK. We spent the last day in Sao Paulo, which was great; we saw some historical sights and it was interesting to see how even in the different states, the cities are so different.

My favorite part of the course was that many students who attend the university took part in the course. The Brazilian culture is so open and the people were so warm, I'd definitely say I have made friends for life. Having them on the course helped improve my Portuguese, as they were always there to help. It also meant we had personal guides around the city as they would show us hidden treasures. A lot of the students wanted to improve their English skills so it worked both ways, they'd help our Portuguese whilst we helped with their English.

I would recommend this course to anyone considering applying, even those who weren't should! It doesn't matter if your course is unrelated to business; the cultural knowledge learnt is invaluable. If you're anxious about travelling, as I was because I had never travelled alone, this course is perfect because everything is planned and you're never left to sort yourself out, which is great. If nothing else tempts you, the weather should, its around 28-30 degrees everyday, which is their winter!



Darshni Nagaria, University of Surrey (Reino Unido)




It has now been almost 8 months since I entered Brazil. Being back in Germany for one month, gave me time to reflect about this exchange at the FEA-RP in the sunny Ribeirão Preto.

Because of my academic year preparations for the exchange semester were fairly difficult. Getting done all the different preparations was not that easy with the time pressure. On top of that I never lived away from my parent’s house for more than two months. So it was very exciting but also a big adventure. I have to mention that it was necessary to prepare myself by studying Portuguese well, spending every day time on an app and studying in class between 4 and 8 hours per week. But it was essential, because the amount of people without any academic degree speaking English is literally zero. One day after my last exam in Germany I flew to Sao Paulo, going first to the sea in Guarujá. It was more of an adventure trip right from the start, because of changes in the transport. Another bus had to be taken to the harbour of Santos, crossing the bay by ferry. I am glad that we had the help of a Brazilian, who lived in Guarujá and spoke English fluently. It was great that he showed us the way and showed us the Brazilian hospitality.

The faculty has an outstanding location right inside of the former coffee plant of a German owner. Visiting right on the first day its museum and the giant campus was an amazing experience. I am very thankful that we were taken there by Ana-Laura from I-Team and buddy of Igor, friend and fellow student from Germany. Which makes me think about the first outstanding and well organized feature of studying as an exchange student at FEA: You are all matched with one person being your mentor – the so called buddy – assisting in all kind of difficulties you will face in this very different country. In most other universities it is one person from multiple students. It was a very helpful and pleasant way to start getting to know the city and people. Even before the exchange started they are outstandingly important. During the first days, Igor and I were totally dependent on their guidance, providing first a place to stay, information and helping us getting settled e.g. buying with us a prepaid-card. This didn´t change during the semester. Whenever I needed help I could rely on the help of my buddy Mário and Ana-Laura. This accounts especially for a time when I was really sick. We soon became good friends and it was a pleasure visiting São Paulo with Mário.

But the most influence had for sure my family in Ribeirão Preto. It was great that I could live with Brazilian and international students from France, Belgium and Germany for seven months. Their presence, help and tips were awesome. My República with now more than 20 people is the República SPARTA. Back then we were around 10 guys. The shared house had all the things you could wish for: Pool, snooker table, big TV, a barbecue and a net to chill in on hot days. The second house we lived in had even better accommodation adding a balcony, sauna and a large outdoor living room. The conditions had increased even further shortly before I left with an additional house next door with an additional pool. A paradise! It was always very clean with cleaning service three times a week, which is very unusual for student’s places. Personally I loved most our three palm trees with fresh coconuts and the pool to jump into right after waking up. First I could not at all understand that the monthly rent for this dream house was identical with the costs for a simple 2-room student’s apartment in Germany. Everything from water over electricity was already included. Even the costs for the cleaning lady. From the first moment I visited the República I was enjoying the company of the others so much that it was certain that I wanted to live here. You became not just a temporary member of the house, but a true brother and SPARTAN. This is very obvious by many former residents visiting regularly the house. One of them is Felipe, who even invited me and my friend to his parent’s house in Minas Gerais to spend Christmas with him and his family. We even stayed for New Year’s Eve having a really good time together. The friends I found at SPARTA are some of the best I made during my entire stay.

The student’s life in Ribeirão Preto was very very good. Everywhere you can find small bars and restaurants with very good food and drinks. Prices are well affordable e.g. for the cinema paying with a student’s discount only 7 Reais. The canteen of the university, called Bandejão, was perfect for student being able to have as much food as you wanted for a symbolic price. Twice a day the kitchen cooked for more than 12.000 student. The best was not the cheap price about this place, but the possibility to come together with you friends and fellow students.

Bars with live music and traditional Brazilian dances could be found as well as the clubs of the city. But way better have been the USP-faculty parties and the República parties. I met a lot of really nice people and could listen to popular Brazilian music. Furthermore going to the parties is way more cost-efficient than going to the few good clubs of the city. But it was as well always pleasant to hang out with our friends at home. Waking up not knowing what would happen that day has been every day a big adventure.

Personally I enjoyed the very diverse and open minded conversations a lot. It was very interesting to meet many different cultures. First and foremost the Brazilian, but also Finnish, French, Swiss, Belgian, Chilean, Columbian, Peruvian students and get to know their ideas. Even talking to staff at university or in restaurants always linked to talks with new input. These open minded chats with almost everyone I am already missing here in good old Germany. In the end I returned with an enormous knowledge of Brazil. It was funny to hear more than one that I know the country better than some Brazilians.

In terms of travelling I have to tell that I travelled most of the time on my own due to different interests and difficulties organizing trips in a group. This accounts especially for Brazilian friends, which gave me sometimes a hard time, when it came to this topic. I was sometimes more than frustrated by this behaviour, because of cultural differences. But in the end travelling on my own gave me the freedom to do what I wanted and see way more than I would normally be able with others. Furthermore I was able to get to know a lot of people that I would have never met, if I travelled with friends. Some of them became in the end close friends as well. But I always had to be extra cautious and never trust people too far.

On the other hand trips that I did with friends were really nice as well in terms of being guided and exploring together. These were fairly different though starting by staying normally in one location for more than four days for example in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. When I was on my own I normally stayed a maximum of three days in one city. This made the individual trips always more intense, with sleeping during the night in a bus and waking up the next morning in a new city. Because of that I was able to see the south of the country with the “German cities” Blumenau and Joineville, Porto Alegre, Gramado, Caixas do Sul, Curitiba and Florianopolis. It was great to be on the day of Independence in the capital Brasilia and the cities of Goiania and Caldas Novas in the middle of this gigantic country. So I got a good overview over the diverse Brazil and its people, still missing the beautiful northeast though.

Above I already mentioned something about the Portuguese language. But now I want to mention what I did in Brazil. I kept the tradition of studying every day with the app partly and went to classes organized by the university. It was disappointing not to end the course with a certificate having several different teachers last semester and a lot of skipped classes. I really regret not paying a little more to go to a private language school in the city centre. But anyway I could improve my Portuguese tremendously thanks to friends and the Tandem Program. The last is an awesome possibility for you to learn any language. It works with two native speakers from different countries. One teaches the other about his language and you are free about which topics to study and when. On top it is credited with a certificate when finished, which is great. My partner is now in Germany. It is really nice that she has now the confidence in her German and I am looking forward to seeing her.

It might seem like the university was not the main aspect in my exchange semester, but that is definitively not true. Classes in Brazilian economics and the agricultural marketing course in English have been very interesting and I never felt forced to go to the classes, because of the attendance duty. It was awesome to pick the topics for this semester only by interest and not by plan. Group work was included a lot of times giving you fresh ideas and a lot of knowledge about other societies.

The International Office as well as the I-Team was all the time very helpful and involved in making our stay as pleasant as possible. Whenever we had problems or wishes we got help very fast. Never the less the stay was just like Brazil itself: a chaotic mess. I got used to improvising and adapting frequently, trying to forget about my German nature of having everything more or less scheduled. But I learned to become more flexible while keeping track of tasks and duties. I think it is very important to maintain self-disciplined otherwise you get lost in the jungle of intense talking culture and the joys of Brazil. I think I returned with good hybrid of both.

In terms of sports I enjoyed Brazil a lot. Many people are very active. It was always a joy to run through the city and encounter different places and faces. The same accounts for the beaches I have been to. But also hiking and swimming was always a lot of fun. It feels amazing that I fulfilled one goal of mine in live: running my first marathon! And that despite the hot conditions. Nevertheless the bodyweight workouts on the bars of the firemen department have been for sure the best sporty times!

Coming to Brazil one thing was very important to me: getting to know the people and culture of the country. I am very happy that it was that enjoyable. On top my personality developed greatly in this half year.

But even with this much fun, I was always aware that this country is a dangerous place and everything a big adventure. Especially when I was travelling on my own I was taking risks that I never could perfectly calculate. I have to say that I got lucky in the end with trusting my gut feelings, strategies for preventing dangerous situations and always being extra careful when I met people on the street.

My language skills increased in terms of Portuguese a lot, but now I noticed that it is hard for me to talk formal Portuguese. In terms of English it is sad that my skills deteriorated in parts. The English you speak in Brazil is just not like it is in English countries. But in the end I came to study Portuguese not English. It is funny that I am now using my hands as well as the Brazilians while talking. All shows that this time was way more than an exchange semester, language trip, vacation or seven months in the sun.

I became another person due to this adventure of my exchange semester and I am very grateful for the time I was able to spend with these amazing people at FEA-RP. It will always be an important time of my life and I am very happy that made this choice!

Robin Beyer

Hochschule Ruhr-West 




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