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International Office

International Office

This office is responsible for activities related to dispatch, enrollment, and filing. It enrolls, distribute, and receive documents, processes (lawsuits), and enroll them in FEA-RP Sections, USP Schools, and external entities. It keeps bulletin boards for disclosing events and opportschoolies; makes tax assessment of administrative cases, and provides information about the progress of the cases and respective filings; gives directions concerning rules and procedures of case-upkeeping/proceedings both physically and through Proteos System. It receives, reorganizes, stores, saves, and safekeeps documents and processes (lawsuits) in the School archive observing the time table. When requested of, it opens files for consultations; it feeds control systems of documents sent and received by mail, and writes reports. Services are conducted by guidance of USP Filing System – SAUSP.


José Matheus Precinotto

Mônica Takada

Telephone: +55 (16) 3315-3929

Working Hours: 08am to 6pm

This section supplies upkeeping, repairing, confectioning, assembling, and maintenance of properties, furniture, and installations related to electric, hydraulic, building (brickwork, glassworks, blacksmithing, painting, refrigeration etc.), woodwork, and telephony structures. These activities are carried out as preventive, periodical, and corrective maintenances directly or by means of specification, request, follow up, and validation of outsourced services. Moreover, it backs up events, shifting or moving furniture, and other occasions that give rise to operational support.


Marcelo Gaspardo (Head of Section)

Carlos Alberto Shoner

Oscar Silvio de Oliveira

Reinaldo Nagatane Kikugava

Rogério Vicentim

Telephone: +55 (16) 3315-4511

Fax: (16) 3315-3894

Working hours: 08am to 7pm

Sector for scheduling rooms and equipment: 07am to 11pm

It is responsible for the administrative management (checking out documents, measuring services, supporting lawsuits etc.) and operational management of outsourced services contracts related to cleaning, surveillance and gatehouse, housemaid, gardening, and chartering official vehicles. In addition, it provides administrative support for different activities (mid/end of the school) such as reprography and scanning of documents; arranging for city and intercity transportation to professors, technicians, administrative staff, and visitors; booking common-use rooms (teaching, events, meeting etc.); lost-and-found management; backing up events by supplying flip charts, tables, chalks, erasers, whiteboard pens, permanent markers, clocks etc. Besides, it conducts telephony administrative management, which comprises the requests for new extensions, changing place and class, generating consume and maintenance reports and of telephone directories.

João Moreira da Silva

Marco Aurélio Piva

Paulo Sérgio Faria Castro

Paulo Henrique Martins

Sandro Roberto Alarcon de Morais (Head of Section)


Telephone: +55 (16) 3602-3894 / 3602-3909 / 3602-0293

Fax: +55 (16) 3602-3894

Working hours: 08am to 6pm

Photocopy Sector: 07:30am to 11:30am and 12:30pm to 9pm

It assists the Dean of the School with administrative management, which comprises structure (upkeeping, broadening, and availability), outsourcing companies (administrative and operational management of contracts of outsourced services in general), business hours (additional tax assessment, procedure, and filing of administrative documents and processes), and personnel (managing documents and registrations of occurrences related to the professional life of technical and administrative employees, professors and monitor-students). Responsible for the Office of CTA – Technical-Administrative Council of the School is:


Administrative Assistant

Fabiano Caixeta Duarte


Adriano Alves Apolinario da Silva

Rodrigo Luis Quintam


Telephone: +55 (16) 3315-0298

Fax: +55 (16) 3315-0548

Working Hours: 8am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to 6pm

The International Office is focused on stimulating and coordinating foreign exchange programs for FEA-RP professors and students with high-education institutions in Economics, Business Administration, and Accounting overseas, in the sense of providing the FEA-RP community the possibility of contacting other educational, cultural, and economic realities and disseminating the FEA-RP-produced scientific knowledge.


It is the FEA-RP International Office’s responsibility to integrate the international teaching, research, and extension dimension improving the internationalization process sustainability of FEA-RP and the University of São Paulo, providing for global vision and intercultural competence, international agreement quality, and possibilities of partnerships for joint researches.


It is also the FEA-RP International Office’s responsibility to develop different activities towards the internationalization of the faculty such as signing agreements with foreign institutions for undergraduate, graduate, research, and extension programs; organizing foreign professors’ and representatives’ visits, including lectures that may be given at FEA-RP; designing and organizing Outgoing (Brazilian students going out on exchange programs to some accredited universities), and Incoming Exchange Programs (foreign students coming over to FEA-RP for undergraduate or graduate programs), and Portuguese programs for foreigners, among other activities.



Staff and Contacts

Valeria Degani

Fabiana Abreu

Paulo Torres Jr.


Telephone: +55 (16) 3315-4969

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working hours: 9am to noon and 4pm to 7pm

The Office offers administrative support to FEA-RP Research Activities, whether related to the programs of the Provost for Research (PRP) of USP or related to external fostering agencies. Among the PRP-connected administrative activities, the Office manages the USP Scholarship Programs for scientific initiation and post-doctorate; assist with the registration of CNPq research groups; helps with elaborating proposals to create and provide technical support for the Research Support Nuclei (NAPs); provide secretarial support to the School Research Committee meetings etc. As the relations with external fostering agencies are concerned, the Office captures and divulges new opportschoolies of scholarships and aids; guides the researchers about modalities of aids and how to make requests; offers support on budgeting projects expenses and accountability. Furthermore, it is the Office’s responsibility to forward aids documents to the Dean’s Council for signing, to survey the professors’ productions, and to give support for organizing research events. The Office keeps a site for information and data about the School researches, and it is open to new demands to support the research area development.


Geraldo Vitali Neto

Paulo Marcelo Cristóvão Martins

Marjory Cristina Rovarotto Cardoso de Sales


Telephone: +55 (16) 3315-4961

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working hours: 8am to 5pm

The communication area has the goal to provide domestic communication and the interaction of FEA-RP with the external public, and to project the school towards different means of communication (television, internet, social medias, print medias etc.).

Leonardo Costa Rezende

Telephone: +55 (16) 3315-0505

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working Hours: 9am to 12 noon and 1pm to 6pm

The assistance of strategic management has replaced the assistance of strategic planning, aiming to align the recurrent management guidelines with FEA-RP´s strategic goals. Looking to the future, clarity in the strategic direction and alignment of efforts, during the 2014-2018 management it is pretended to add new reflection elements and systematic and continued actions, intending to evaluate the situation, elaborate strategic changing projects and follow up and manage all the steps of implantation of each project, always focusing on excellence and innovation.


The assistance of strategic management is also responsible for the Process Office, for the assessment and the accompaniment of the activities from the Sustainability Office and accompaniment of the meetings of the Technical Administrative Council.


Staff and contacts

Soraya Brites Loureiro Raspantini

Flavio Pinheiro Martins

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +55 (16) 3315-9021

Leonardo Costa Rezende

Phone: +55 (16) 3315-0505

Flavio Pinheiro Martins
Phone: +55 (16) 3315-4480
Working Hours: From 8am  to 12pm and from 1pm to 5:30pm


The regular undergraduate student can only request equivalence of subjects attended in high-education institutions other than USP in two occasions: when enrolling after having been approved through FUVEST (university entrance exam) on a date fixed into the Applicant’s Guide; or when enrolling after having entered through the External Transfer Process. Except for these two occasions, the applicant is not allowed to request equivalence of subjects attended in high-education institutions other than USP.

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