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The general aim of the Graduate Program in Economics of FEA-RP/USP is to qualify human resources for working in applied economics. Such general objective is unfolded in the following specific goals:

  1. Provide the conceptual base in economics for professionals who want to perform in universities, enterprises, and organisms of public and private administration, and who can benefit from the use of applied economics tooling.
  2. Prepare the student for research practices and economic analyses, particularly within the boundaries of knowledge in Social Economics and Economic Development.
  3. Promote exchange programs of students, professors, and ideas with other teaching and research institutions in Brazil and abroad as well as with productive sector entities.


Started in 2004, the program grants scholarships with the support of fostering agencies such as CAPES (High-Education Personnel Improvement Coordination) and CNPq (National Council for Scientific andTechnological Development). The team of professors follows two research lines:

  • Social Economics

Investigators are involved in issues like income inequality, poverty, and public policies of redistributive and/or compensatory features such as Education, Health, and Social Security, aiming to diagnose the major Brazilian social issues, identify their determinants, and evaluate the public policies designed for upgrading the social picture.

  • Economic development

This line searches for understanding the international, national, and regional development paths, which motivates the formulation of public policies so as to accelerate development. It considers the role of technological innovation, efficiency, and human capital, as well as their determinants: institutions, commercial relations between countries and regions, financing tools, natural resources, climatic changes, and some.


For further information on how to be a Post-Graduate student at FEA-RP, please visit: