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The basic function of the departments is to teach subjects concerning undergraduate and graduate studies in which promoting university extension programs, organizing the professors’ and students’ work, improving research, and extending service to the community are involved.

The administration of the departments is conducted by a Council and the Head of the Department. It is the Council’s responsibility to propose and optionally modify the subject programs offered by the Department; to express an opinion about equivalency of the subjects attended in another School or outside USP for the purpose of exemption; and to ensure the regularity and quality of what is taught. In addition, it is up to the Council to distribute the teaching burdens, to extend services to the community, and to hire, re-allocate, give leaves, and fire professors.

The Head of Department is entitled to convene and preside over the Council’s meetings, and to represent the Department in the Faculty Senate and Faculty Leadership Team of the School. Furthermore, the Head must direct the activities of the teaching, technical, and administrative staff of the Department. At FEA-RP there are three departments today: Business Administration, Accounting, and Economics.